EXCLUSIVE: George Soros Masterminded Voter Suppression in Pennsylvania and Met with Gov. Tom Wolf
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EXCLUSIVE: George Soros Masterminded Voter Suppression in Pennsylvania and Met with Gov. Tom Wolf
Scribd embeds if the meeting files etc and more inside:
enjoy kike free first post
What exactly does Soros have to do with this?
You don't deserve to get paid
Trump really needs to get on the voter ID thing already. If he doesn't (((Soros))) and the like will have no real trouble undoing all his work.
Isn't the goldwater Jim's pet project? If there's evidence of fraud then great, but I'm not going to just take some random guy's word for it.
Seeing yet another election stolen after the nigger rigging of Alabama is a horse pill of a black pill. What the fuck is this shit? Looks like every single election is going to be fraudulently presented as a "50/50 split" with the kikes winning by less than 4 digits from now on. This is bullshit.
Kikes own both parties, not just the democrats.
And they always will, right Moishe?
Everybody here understood it a year and half ago, as did American National Socialists in the 1930s (pic related).
We aren't going to stop these kikes by voting for the "good" jew party.
>thegold water.com/news/20610-George-Soros-Masterminded-Voter-Suppression-in-Pennsylvania-and-Met-with-Gov-Tom-Wolf
Don't link the goldwater, or the site the goldwater links, big league politics, link the site both of them use as a source:
fox news.com/politics/2018/03/13/pa-voters-cast-ballots-for-lamb-saccone-in-house-district-ready-to-be-dismantled.html
Those sites are full of clickb8 spam.
You should know better then this OP
Nothing verifiable, the (((goldwater))) just pulls shit out of their ass and doesn't provide any source.
Now a quick web search for soros voting machines will lead ya to reports about Smartmatic voting machines, owned and run by a Soros shell company.
the epochtimes.com/voting-machines-in-16-states-tied-to-george-soros-ally_2176907.html
This was so helpful, instead of pointing the newfag the right direction, you just made the rest of us look stupid.
How many threads do you need moshe? Fuck your pisswater shekels.
Yes, he copy/paste articles, adds his opinion, slaps on a bunch of advertisements, at least includes a source to the real article, and uses the sheckles to pay server bills..
Maybe Jim made the thread..
That kikebush site does the same.
Thread related:
More useful thread here:
Mods plz anchor this one.
All politicians are controlled by the kikes.
There are more Democrat kikes, then Republican kikes.
Most importantly, voting for a democrat is guaranteed white genocide..
At least we have a better chance with the republicans.
tl;dr: For Trump to get anything done, we need as many republicans in office as we can get…
Do you even hear how you sound right now redditfag?
are they going to do a recount or no? everyone knows what's going on and nothing is ever done.
They need to find three irregularities in the election in order to get a court ordered recount. It seems like they'll get it, considering there was a lot of fuckery with the redistricting, and people supposedly being turned away. But never underestimate the jewdiciary's ability to screw the goyim over.
They had better not drop the ball on this one. The race in Alabama was completely pozzed by (((absentee ballots))) and (((bussed voters))), but nobody did jack shit about it.
There's only so much bullshit voters can take before they start to realize they want to move past the ballot box to the ammo box.
so far I've heard of illegals being bussed in, Republican voters being turned away, and (((malfunctioning))) voting machines. there was also something about GOP lawmakers being kicked out of certain offices when the votes were being counted.
this article is far better than what i expected from thegoldwater, good job.
The ones I remember GOP officials talking about were the fact that republican attorneys weren't present during absentee counting, and the fact that the PA SecState updated their website to include the (((new court issued districts))) which confused a lot of people who did/didn't know if they were in the old district, and thus able to vote. They definitely should get a recount, but it's perfectly possible that a kike judge blocks them; and eventually it gets close to November, so republicucks just stop litigating the case, and focus their effort on winning the mid-term.
just roman saluted my computer monitor
thank the big H man in the sky for that get, user
Is this why the shills are so thick around here today?
You know, if we can find a fucking flag with nothing but a live camera feed of the sky, then, we should have zero trouble coordinating to film/photograph busing in action.
Just saying.
Go down the hall and ask him.
The redistricting hasn't gone into effect yet, the special election used the original map. That being said, I did see Lamb highlighted on the touch screen even though I hit Saccone, but it did change when I tried again. Looking back I should have immediately raised a stink about machine discrepancies but I assumed that I just fat fingered it at first.
The issue is that this election used the old districts, but the secretary of state's website had a map of districts and it was the new districts the supreme court drew. That means people weren't able to go onto the secretary of state's website to find out if they were even able to vote in that election, since most people don't remember what particular house district they're in.
Also there are quite a few reports of the same thing happening from other people. Some say it's just you miss-pressing the button, or the machine is badly calibrated. But whenever you hear people report it, it's always the democrat that appears first. Also the (((election officials))) won't be as hasty to fix the problem if it's biased in favor of the democrat. And of course many states have laws against recording yourself voting, so there's no chance of collecting any evidence even if wide scale voter fraud were happening.
>not downloading or screencaping that (((Scribd))) document in full for yourself
There are no ads on The Goldwater
Fuck you I wrote this and I write EVERYTHING I post
Kill yourself kike
Fuck off back to Plebbit
Going to call BS on this thread. Lamb won by only 666 or so votes and spent 3x as much. Nothing unusual here.
Just remember: Trump did nothing to protect you, AGAIN.
Just wait for Hitler, goys
Last I was aware it was those asian girls doing the writing as evidenced by their poor English, still got a nice chuckle out of your response.
It's not three irregularities, it's three voters from the district have to demand a recount.
We need to raise awareness of the irregularities to voters in the district and inform them on how to demand a recount.
hooked nose
How do you demand a recount?
Blaming Soros is the same as claiming its the globalists instead of jews.
Been waiting at the ammo box since 9/11, i know of some Vietnam vets who've been waiting since that time rich capitalist kikes in new york funded the soviet union who was arming and funding Vietnam while our guys were dieing over there. Then USS liberty, many guys got redpilled about the kikes.
As long as MSM is controlled by disgusting hooknoses, we will continue to be a minority who is done with this trolled and controlled system.
See all that Wahhabi scum US sponsored in Syria who ae loyal to the US, they are the same groups who committed 9/11, just a different brand.
I'd like more information about this.
Oh fuck off kike.
How are we going to do it then?
All of these are part of the strategy.
start a WH petition demanding the outlaw of dual-citizens in congress for starts.