Accepting volunteer applications, post itt for consideration. Practice opsec...

Accepting volunteer applications, post itt for consideration. Practice opsec. Rizon routinely leaked IPs to unsavory elements, so disposable e-mails will be requested instead.

Attached: tme.png (547x603, 19.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

sticky the pa threads plox

Hi kampfy, can help mod your dead space while you're all sleeping.

What e-mail services do you trust, Heil? Not all disposables are equal, after all.

Few anons use Protonmail. All internet traffic is poz so..

Two requests have been sent out already, but have not replied within the 24hr time limit.

Gonna repost my application from the last thread.

As I mentioned before, I'm one of the two Zig Forums BOs on, or When I gained Board Ownership of Zig Forums on vichan, my intention was always to use it as a backup bunker board in case something negative happened on, and not to try and divide the userbase. You can go to and look through the pinned meta thread as well as the rules to get an idea on my moderation style and philosophy. My goal is and always has been to ensure that the quality of posts on Zig Forums remain high so that we can further the interests of the white race and attack the power of the jew any way we can. anyone who tried to spam in the past was most definitely a shill or goon attempting to divide the userbase.

I recall from the last thread that you brought up concern about my name and how it has a supposed connection to discordianism. I can't do anything but state again that I literally had no idea about discordiniasm or even that the name "greyface" had anything to do with it until someone attempted to accuse me of being a shill about a year ago. As I mentioned, it became a nickname for me in some small Zig Forums-related facebook raid group because I used a greyed-out profile picture and a fake name (for obvious reasons). "greyface" isn't a particularly unique name anyway. After searching it up, it appears to also be some retarded twitch meme, which I didn't realise when I started using the name either. All I can say is that it seems idiotic of someone with a plan to infiltrate to openly incriminate themselves with a username. I can't really do anything else but keep repeating myself, but this is the truth that I've been repeating for over a year at this point.

I'd like to think that the rules and moderation on are decent proof of what I stand for and how I would conduct myself going forward. Besides, if nothing I have said or shown so far absolutely convinces you, you can still delete my vol account after the fact if you think I'm not acting appropriately. I've been on 8/pol/ since the first exodus and would like to contribute some of my time back for all the redpills Zig Forums has given me.

If you have chosen to reconsider me, you can contact me at:

[email protected]

if not, then it would be nice to at least know why.

Attached: pols knot.png (2560x2560, 167.38K)



Upon second consideration, seeing all the shill asshurt I've caused, being in the business of shutting down hopenothate, shareblue ctr, commieaidscrews,
I'm in for the lulz. I'm banhappy. Present in cet. Shoot me that fucking vol
[email protected]

Attached: attack_vectors_2 (1)

There will be severe reprecautions from this. A new era

Shills will be removed from this site in 30 days I get vol. I am dead fucking serious

Are anyone actually buying this little pr stunt?

why you should hire me:
>have I mentioned I hate kikes

pls send vol
[email protected]

Attached: azuka.jpg (1280x720 62.77 KB, 1.89M)

I've seriously considered applying, but you probably only take neets. During the week l can only watch for maybe 3 hours a day. Weekends are another story, l can spare 10 -12 hours then.

However l can watch at odd hours and my schedule doesn't change. I can watch during 6-9 a.m. est, or 1-3 p.m. gmt during the week. On weekends I can start at about 10 - 11p.m. est. If you want a weekend night mod l can do that. I just can't spare much time over the week is all.

If you make me a mod then l won't rock the boat. Your board your rules. I will try to keep anti White D/C to a minimum. And l won't favor any one country. Memes and bantz are fine, but there are some seriously bad posters at night.

I don't have a throwaway ready now and l have to go, but if you ban me for a day l can have one ready and send it to you via appeal before you wake up probably.

Hey ayanami poster, it’s the /trs/ BO.

This guy would also be a great pick. I endorse 100%.

So how long till this one is shitted

I'll make WT Snacks look like a fucking joke if you make me a mod. Hit me up fam.

thought I posted email, here it is
[email protected]

You know what i will do? I will make this site fucking stellar. No more no less. Shills you peay to Brock I don't get vol

My uptime is maybe 14hrs. Long enough for burger to wake up from m.dew+pockets induced stupor.

Be advised though I am not fucking around. Things will not be like they are. cancer will get purged on sight

This is not fucking /b/. Sb.ctr.lp. soros 18b
I can promise immediate purge of all elements against us. You have been slacking. I can't blame you too much you're undermanned. Time to purge has indeed.
If you don't give me.vol give it to redpill. I kind of have a good feeling about the boy

Just pick a new mod or too soon. Shit's getting really bad while you're asleep

Attached: ad40e3df67b06cfc996575f71b732cc8.jpg (900x540, 45.09K)


why dont you guys run your own irc channel

I hope the new mods stop the foot spammer, blackpill guy, and how can I get a girlfriend autist

I'm always around, all the spammers come out when you're asleep, Heil. That and the usual shills.
That being said I am all for newfag essentials sticky being updated on with info/opsec basics, Redpill threads and self improvement threads.
The 'I need a girlfriend' autist will be ban-on-sight and IP posted publicly every time.
Zognald threads and other shit that pops up when Heil goes to sleep. I wouldn't mind spending 10-12 online at a time.
I forgot to mention that I have years worth of /i/ experience and I was the user who posted the toolkit way back in first TRS raid threads (I plan to update the kit by the way).

Mods don't actually see IP, they just see the hash. They also use VPNs so harsh bans don't mean shit, as they will just pick another IP.

To BO and future vols, please lighten up on the ironic shitposting bans, especially when its a fucking obvious joke and a funny one at that. I mean shit, rachposter comes along and puts real effort into shitting up a thread and fucks off till next time while an user that makes a quick quip catches the hammer. I don't know, it can put the bitter in ones mouth.

I was aiming at the pajeet spamming, he lives in Calcutta India and is too poor to afford a VPN. I doubt handing 4 week bans to each of his dynamic IP hops hurt Zig Forums's traffic. Banning the fuck on sight will save time and demotivate the retard.

Zognald and (((usual suspects))) are deterred with the usual treatment and the pathetic one man thread spammers will get removed. I've seen their low energy memes (Avian magic, Flatulence threads, etc, etc).
I'm lucky enough to catch those threads when they still are at 0 posts. I am online pretty much all the time, I'm asleep when Heil is wide awake. I do everything with Zig Forums in mind.

No monetary compensation even if small i assume?

Moderation to up Zig Forums's overall quality.
Besides vol job is a fun job.

He never was

Lurk two more years


Just filter & report

Sure whatever you say, chaim. Back to your bluepills, chop chop!

How ironic coming from a /v/ goer. Bluepill central ran by a fucking kike.
Bottom line if you do not like harsh reality and politics make you anxious, you might as well fuck off.

I'm this user I'm back and have an account set up. I'm sure you have more qualified recruits then me at this point, but I'll be browsing Zig Forums anyway so l might as well volunteer.

Okay serious discussions time. Can you tell me why I am not getting banned anymore? Is there some sort of thing among the mods to keep a hands off approach and savor the 'tis? Because to be honest it isn't fun when I don't get a reaction.

Attached: i'm_retarded.webm (480x360, 725.83K)

Reposting my post from the last thread. I got a fairly good reaction to my post last time. Here's the archive of the last thread:

Alright I'm back. Here we go. I'll try to organize things as best I can.
I've been an imageboard denizen for a long time. Not that it really matters, but I started when I was fourteen during the whole Habbo hotel raids. I didn't really get to participate because my internet was dogshit back then, but that's when I first started going on /b/ and getting exposed to the craziness of imageboard culture. After I got tired of seeing dicks and experiencing YLYL threads with nothing but reposts, I changed course towards /v/ for a while. From there, I eventually matriculated into Zig Forums but I can't really remember when I made the switch.
I came to Zig Forums during the second exodus. Watching moot get cucked was hilarious but also hard to watch. I've been posting here since then. I remember when it would take thirty or fourty tries to post an 8MB webm, and, truthfully, the site was never better than it was back then in my opinion. I remember pretending to be Josh Moon on this board just to gin up more hatred toward the site goblin. Bashing his head in with a hammer over on >>>/next/ was always a good time.
As for Zig Forums itself, I've seen the board go through its death throes lately. I think the board died shortly after the election, but I viewed that as a natural reaction to the extremely caustic and exhausting campaign. I was here virtually every night and I put my best efforts into fighting off retards of every stripe and developing various rhetorical methods of shutting down shills. I contributed by learning how to use ffmpeg and youtube-dl to archive a shit load of content, and also made threads occasionally teaching others how to do that. I learned how to use GIMP in an amateurish way so that I could mock up various memes that might catch on. One thing I did was update all the dancing green anons to properly colored red anons to fit the Zig Forums theme.
I was the /trs/ BO as well. Yes that whole shit storm, as annoying as it was, was necessary given that the sodomites are probably the most annoying group of faggots on the planet. It's just a shame that being a sort-of fringe movement of ideologues attracts societal dregs, but at some point the trash needed to be taken out.
Moderation Style
As for moderation, I think the moderation style we had was never really too consistent other than there was a very few unspoken rules. As for exactly what these rules are, I feel enumerating them would defeat the point of "LURK MORE FAG" so I won't. I think most of what those rules were should stay, but I have to say that this board has become completely fucking gay lately. I think since the election, I have been banned for most of the spicy posts I've made here. I made a mediterranean supremacy joke a week ago, calling some guy a snowchimp, and I got a 4 week ban. Light ribbing like that has always been a staple of this site. inb4 some autist screeches about internicine racial D&C. Listen fag, it's just a joke. No, this is nothing like how Zig Forums would shitpost and just go 'LE BANTER XDDD'. Zig Forums would say dumb shit like 'I hope all Germans are killed' and then pretend like they didn't mean it because they were just ebin trollmasters. That's wholly different.
That said, I think I would come down like a fucking hammer on all the reddit fags that are here now. I see people post about how they cross post with reddit and even saying that they are 'pedes'. I don't care if you are, but you will learn OUR customs and OUR way of life enough so that I won't be able to tell where you're from or you are a fucking goner. There's a reason Brits don't like actual Poles on their island, and it's because they dilute the Britishness of their country. Similarly, every reddit faggot who comes here thinking they don't have to adapt dilutes the solute of Zig Forums down until there is nothing left. It takes a certain concentration of anons to produce the magic. This needs to be defended, like a torch handed to you by your predecessor.

Attached: 1.jpg (1169x1654, 547.31K)

I'm sure the BO has his own rules and what not, but I think that criticism of Trump would be welcome TO A CERTAIN DEGREE. Being here throughout the election and after, I have to say the most annoying group of people on the planet are the endchan kikes who strafe threads with 25 images of Trump sucking a cock, which resembles the perverse cartoons I've seen from many on the left, and pretend like that doesn't deserve to be deleted. That shit is stupid, like Trump or not, doesn't mean we can't continue to pressure him to cave to our will. No not everything he does is good, yes he is compromised by jews. But it's also true he does a lot that makes kikes tear their reptile scales off, and that's great. Trump could be fill SCOTUS seats and end TPP (like he's done already) and nothing else and voting for him would have been worth it, so in essence we are just pursuing bonus points here. So yeah, criticizing Trump and thoughtfully critiquing his style was what we used to do, instead of screeching like braindead chimp niggers everytime different news cycles tend to lead us astray.

Improving Board Culture

First thing I'd like to do is to extend olive branches to the diaspora boards and let them know that they are welcome if they are able to abide by reasonable standards of behavior. We really are more powerful under one roof, let's make it ours. Next, I'd like that we allow a fucking SELF IMPROVEMENT THREAD. There has never been a cogent reason for not having at least one, apart from 'muh books'. Make it an all encompassing self improvement threads, books, let's bring /zundel/ and the other people who preferred a higher brow Zig Forums in so that we can facilitate good discussions about things like we used to. It's sad when I yearn for the days of religious threads because at least there was something being talked about instead of braindead "75757575" tier posts clogging up the catalog like plaque in an artery.

Well, feel free to ask any questions. I'll adopt a trip for the purposes of this thread.

Fucked up formatting again kek. It's early.

Yeah but this has been an entire week without a month long ban and it's not just on this board. It's kind of unsettling. I shitpost on a lot of boards, but for some reason the bans have just stopped recently. BO even replied to me several times in the earlier recruitment thread and just sort of played along with my shitposting.

/* How to deal with tripfags */ .trip { font-size: 0; } .trip::after { content: ' IS A FAGGOT'; color: #FFD700; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13pt; -webkit-animation-name: tripfags; -webkit-animation-duration: 3s; -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear; -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; -webkit-animation-play-state: running; /* Standard syntax */ animation-name: tripfags; animation-duration: 3s; animation-timing-function: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; animation-timing-function: ease-in-out; animation-play-state: running; } /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */ @-webkit-keyframes tripfags { 0% {color:#FF0000; left:0px; top:0px;} 20% {color:#FFA500; left:0px; top:0px;} 40% {color:#FFFF00; left:0px; top:0px;} 60% {color:#008000; left:0px; top:0px;} 80% {color:#0000FF; left:0px; top:0px;} 100% {color:#4B0082; left:0px; top:0px;} } /* Standard syntax */ @keyframes tripfags { 0% {color:#FF0000; left:0px; top:0px;} 20% {color:#FFA500; left:0px; top:0px;} 40% {color:#FFFF00; left:0px; top:0px;} 60% {color:#008000; left:0px; top:0px;} 80% {color:#0000FF; left:0px; top:0px;} 100% {color:#4B0082; left:0px; top:0px;}
Add that to your custom CSS and see how I see you. If I was board owner it would be in the board CSS.

Attached: Jewhu.png (563x319 77.02 KB, 32.69K)

0/10 for trying too hard

No, the point is to ensure everyone knows you are a faggot. IDs exist you autistic chucklefuck.

Attached: Shinku_gascan.jpg (640x480, 34.69K)

No if he needs to have an identity he can have one, as a faggot. Every time I read his post I can think
When he makes a point I can go

IDs are based on salted hashes of IP addresses. If someone uses a VPN those IP changes occasionally, as I do, then my ID might change, hence the purpose of a trip.


You're cancer even by /v/ standards.

It's hilarious is what it is

Okay, but you are a faggot so disregarded.

You should take me. I'll get rid of shitskins by banning them when they post 'tbh'.

[email protected]

jej this gonna be good. A faggot that is even more of a sensetive faggot than the Zig Forums mods, AND a tranny!

Attached: Sakura Sooks.png (590x554 754.13 KB, 234.83K)

That's where you are wrong, kiddo

I like you tbh


Shill bingo is the dumbest meme ever spammed.

Tell me more about how totally not butthurt you are

Reported for being an obvious shill and filtered for being a tripfag

do it
fucking this.

also that LOTR scene reminds me of this epic from The Cid

I'd do it but I got a feeling I would get bored with it rather quickly

We need more basic info security threads. If anyone cares, here are some resources that might be of some use in case Heil decides to adhere something to the sticky.

General info

Would i need to provide any kind of IRL information before/when accepted?

gimme your ssn, DOB and ASL


The absolute minimum requirement should be a zeal to delete the "hi intl reported" spammer at every turn along with enough experience to recognize all of his other catchphrases.

just your credit card number and cvv
I'm gonna need that biometrics too, though

Attached: Pepe Frog Meme.jpg (300x300 55.63 KB, 1.2M)

That goes to the mods position application in cuck-chan

Reminder allowing cancerous anti-natsocs and muh violence against non-whites is ebil faggotposters isnt going to increase the quality of the board, its effectively like saying rapefugees help our economy.

BO of /polarchive/ again. I can be available from roughly 2 PM to 6 AM GMT. From my position, it stands that I have intimate knowledge of what Zig Forums really is, and the thing about which I care most is quality information and presentation. Zig Forums is a board of peace, but that doesn't mean discussion about action can't begin here. We need to be running for offices, because that's a legal platform on which to speak our truths. There are obvious things to be done. Elegant in their simplicity because they directly reach the hearts and minds of the unawakened American. Easy because they go with the flow that already has begun. Effective because they work. Efficient because they don't involve a lot of wasted motion. That's what gave Zig Forums its past momentum. We're winning not just because we're right, but because we've figured out how to make the truth palatable. I won't be heavy-handed in moderation. The redpill can take any shape it needs to take, it just needs the pointy bits shaved off before anyone would take it. Meaning… spam accounts and paid shills. That's basically it.

Reach me at [email protected]

hire someone thats making a good and moderate point like , , and a few guys in the last thread, not some autists that just wanna ban what they dont like, like


Fucking hell; do you have any evidence that this has ever happened?

I agree; we need mods who are zealous about the content of the board, not about the ACT of moderation.

The Zig Forums community?

Pls no ban me i have been outed.
Your muffled oy veys bout the extended shill bingo scream volumes

You are fucking afraid of a systematic proactive approach to shilling.
You should be. If I get vol you're going to get purged into a shithole you will never crawl out

Attached: A-sinkhole-in-Guatemala-C-010.jpg (600x450 40.47 KB, 88.39K)

Agreed. Hopefully as a vol you wouldn’t have to ban too much but it’s unavoidable. I’ve noticed that since kampfy’s defrocking there’s been a marked uptick of senseless thematic spamming that is his style. We’ve all seen the dramatic resurgence of Rach, the persistent Memankle spammer, the shareblue nígger spammer, I need gf spammer, among the various other blights we have. As a board, these posts only detract. Not every post needs to be a Dostoevsky novel, nor should it. But these idiots actively spread noise when we should be boosting signal instead. I used to come here because at least a few times a night I would read a post so insightful I found myself in awe at the insight that was just bestowed upon me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been close to feeling that. Posts have been getting shorter and more inane, and in that environment we have seen a hollowing out of the old guard of Zig Forums. If that’s the direction you wish to continue, then do not give me vol. I never wanted this place to turn into the Donald or cuckchan, and actively fought against it until I started to get banned for saying that people who admitted were from reddit and were degrading the board with their uncritical stance on Trump. Pic related, look at how anodyne a post I’ve been banned over. These types could never reconcile using Trump as a stepping stone to the ultimate goal and instead worship the man. I do not. I have been to his rallies four times and voted for him twice, but that does not mean my support is without qualification. I burn up the WH switchboard every time I feel there’s some bull shit going on. That’s what defending your interests looks like.

I am in shape, am from Europe, am not a tranny, and work a full time job. That I have a full time job and a full schedule would probably be the best argument against my being a vol. I probably care more about this project than most, maybe too much, as I find that I have been changed by being a Zig Forumsack. This place gives purpose and clarity in a way most other pursuits do not. I think that should be defended.

Either way, I would be happy to not be picked as a vol as long as some of these tenets bleed into the next generation of hotpockets. I don’t think this board can survive much more neglect. Ridding this board of reddit faggots might slow it down a bit, but the quality uptick would bring people back.

Attached: 0852135E-5432-43A8-AF75-49072521AB0E.jpeg (750x1222, 449.16K)

To be fair you are a daft fuck who got baited for committing internet seppuku and getting mad over Internet.
How's life doing absolutely nothing?

Based mods.

Should I get vol I will rain hellfire upon shills you can't even begin to imagine.

Zig Forums is about truth.
Those who are paid to distort it, I hate with burning passion

I've been banned a couple times for false reasons like ban evasion which I didn't do until I was banned for it but I'm a staunch advocate for the white race and I've been on the chans and Zig Forums or /new/ since middle school. I encourage less blackpill bullshit and more real life action, even just education like posting fliers with information about rapes and pictures of victims. Get to me at [email protected]. Not my real name of course. Also I can read and write Russian at a basic level, if that helps. I'm American, full blooded white but a Euromutt to be sure.

My vision is a unified white race until we take care of the kikes and shitskins, then we can get back to fighting amongst ourselves which is a big part of why we're so great in the first place.

Attached: a0e7c302cba9c626265473edb455e5483817c5279da6e9d850dcb7cba48ccb80.jpeg (736x1239 9.52 KB, 1.21M)

extended shill bingo fucked the shills up completely. I can understand their panic but I can't help but laugh



Fucking kek I hadn’t seen that. Is there an archive somewhere? For some ungodly reason that image has the URL of the thread which is likely gone now.(ban evading tripfag)

Like you're going to get purged
I love your tears keep them flowing
(btw my address is Goni Se v Pičku ulica 11 2000 MB)

It's active bro. Go and check the delicious salt yourself

You can't even imagine how purged this board will be if I get vol.
I killed hopenothate+shareblue. aidsleftyfags next
I'm dead serious

Zig Forums is not a free speech board, that's for >>>/b/. We can only hope our chosen mods are friends of our race, with a mind for the future of white children.

stop IP jumping and shitposting you dumbfuck. a third of this thread is just your shitposting

Attached: 2e25cb6a1027f0e4ef2411f3232596d075d0ebb87146b1678a4b04ef7a33b282.jpg (600x443, 35.35K)

How's your first day treating you so far?


Does it come with a uniform?

Attached: hitler donald.jpg (387x258, 14.03K)

Applying for volunteer. I don't have any big agenda, but I would like to cut down on the tar baby threads (space elevator, esoteric kekism, etc.) and blameshifting to niggers that has been prevalent lately. Should probably also mention that I am in my 40s.

[email protected]

gib me position and I will turn this place into reddit 2.0

[email protected]

Heil, can you share the IP of the Indian/Bengali "I need hot sexy gf" poster?

Well you're sure a winner


Attached: Praise-Kek-Clap.webm (250x166 1.08 MB, 2.36M)

Reposting from last thread. I will generally not ban or delete threads made with good intent, but may bumplock threads which are only producing low-quality content. Spam will be deleted and their posters banned.

based mods
(You know when you are actually doing your job, you're doing stellar)

Sure I think you get criticized alot, but not enough people say thank you for the work you do.
Thank you, for what you do. And thanks 4 the lulz

Attached: videoplayback (7)

He doesn't get to see poster IPs. Hotpockets aren't that powerful.

shitting up epic thread

Attached: d609fd20194160540f2bf4bcd8df58f1b35bc32621e49d8e699b6af77985.mp4 (1280x720, 5.68M)

It's clear from this thread that Heil doesn't really exist and it's just a sockpuppet for kampfy to give himself the vol spot back after much pomp and circumstance. His shift to HotpocketX was too obvious, now he is trying to fake passing the reigns with a little more distance so that he can pretend that he isn't who he is. The bans ITT are clear examples that kampfy's diseased turkroach brain still runs the show here.

RIP 8/pol/, you had a shot but it's done now.(imkampfy derangement syndrome, sad! Many such cases!)