Morgan Roof (Dylann Roof's sister) arrested for racist and threatening message on snapchat

So apparently she made a snapchat post and was apprehended soon after and was found to have drugs, a knife and pepper spray on her at school.

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Oh yes and here's the article

Dumb fucking family.

I honestly wonder if she's popular or if she gets bullied.

Sounds like a standard teenager everyone wants to fuck up for being family of someone they dislike.

Probably the latter because people are fucking faggots and niggers. But goddamn, it sucks this happened to her. I'm sure what her brother did, didn't help her mental stability.

The ovens beckon, kike.

"…do your thang, ooga booga."

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Has anyone doxxed her? I want to contact and marry her. Imagine how cool it would be to marry Dylan Roof's sister. Every christmas, instead of engaging in jewish consumerism, you'd take a roadtrip to Terre Haute and give Dylan a care package.

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She knows da wae. She is da queen!

This twisting bullshit has to stop.

Thanks, white Knight.

Too bad there wasn't a Californian official involved to warn her of impending criminal search habbenig like all nig and spic students.

That reminds me, what ever happened to that qt on the bus who nonchalantly called a coon, nigger?

solidarity squads assemble!

These bigoted sexist shitlords must be stopped

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ONE of you young single Zig Forumsacks need to find her and have ten kids in his memory.

< nothing

< tfwdisappointedinpol.png

Name them all Dylan.

She's as much of a fucking idiot as those Zig Forums retards who shot those rioting niggers. Where the fuck is her father?

If you're white, user, then do marry her. She obviously needs structure and a dominant male figure in her life.

Steve Jobs is dead, get off his dick.

Alright you're not wrong, your post just had a hebe vibe to it. You didn't deny being a jew, which means you're likely not.

has 8pol declined to the point where we have to ask this?

Good women should be armed because niggers.
Gassing jews tbh.
I don't believe it (((they))) made that part up.

Zig Forums can be respectful. She's not waifu material that you drool over in passing on an internet forum, more like wife whom you marry, spend the rest of your life with and have a litter of children with and tell them stories about their uncle. To be honest though your children would probably ask their uncle, "Why didn't you go to a Synagogue?".


I had no idea Roof had a sister but I immediately want to have 10 children with her.

Attached: Can't Win.mp4 (640x360, 3.71M)

Exactly this.
Imagine if he had capped a dozen heebs instead. A few rabbis and a (((congressman))). Killing a nigger is like killing a rabbit, there are always more. There are not so many kikes that the loss of a few would go unnoticed.

He wasnt redpilled on Jews; a man of action, he sprung to the defense of whites immediately upon seeing 100 white women a day were being raped by niggers in the US. His pill was only partially digested.

Into the oven it goes.

This is why I'll always love dylann and honor his memory

Attached: 13c.jpg (750x1000, 82.86K)

Checked for telling the truth but do not stick your dick in crazy.

Also, I know I'm on a list but at least I'm not that into a list.

Idk man, this seems like a special case

I imagine it a good deal of pushing to that edge after discovering crime stats, knowing his sister went to school with niggers.

They have like 1/10th of America on the list, they dont actually watch all those people. Most of their surveillance is to monitor mass trends, only people who pose a serious and imminent threat are closely watched. Im surprised shes being given so much attention, its probably just niggers watching her and reporting her in large numbers.

Why isn't she married to one of us and making White babies?

she seems romantic in an old fashioned way

I don’t blame her for carrying pepper spray and a knife. And tbh I can’t fault her for having weed on her because, well, she is Dylan roofs sister. I’d imagine she has a lot of stress. She’s cute. Someone go bail her out.

go back to reddit

It should just be assumed she needs protection from possible nig nogging and retribution attacks, especially rape. Its no wonder she has pepper spray etc. The real crime is punishing her for being able to defend herself.

She's legal lads

I guess it’s the fact she had all 3. Someone needs to find this chick seriously.

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snapchatted her with a burner account telling her her brother is a hero. She hasn't accepted my friend request yet.

Id think you were a fed if you did that to me, dont be offended if she never replies.


He got dubs. Listen to him!

Maybe, though I doubt she's a cynical Zig Forums poster who would think something like that.

if she did, all the more reason to marry her


kek'd & heiled


(what did kek mean by this?)

Its not harmless but its a mild degeneracy, it is used as a coping mechanism to deal with the stresses of Jewish society. Ideally, no, people wouldnt be smoking it. Its not like fucking niggers or something, or being a faggot.

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No it's not, it's extremely degenerate and makes you more retarded and submissive to brainwashing.

Dylann was a beautiful kid. I wonder what kind of euro he is? I'm thinking either Scottish, German or perhaps even pure Scandinavian.

tbqf cut out caffeine, nicotine. I'm aware there can be special times where they are needed, but cut them out, and you will be improved considerably. Also cut out chocolate. I say this not recommending some kind of retarded lifestyle. For example, I do recommend a glass of wine per day. Reduce your sugar intake considerably as well.

Attached: Too-Cute-To-Be-Jewish.PNG (346x338, 51.3K)

Done your 23andme yet? Mine's in the mail. The only question I have is will I fly a pure blue flag or have an Amerindian stripe on it.

Some user was going to marry her an I want a SITREP!

Here's another pic I found from her tumblr.

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It makes you lethargic but it doesnt make you stupid. It harms your memory which is obviously a bad thing.. but it also paradoxically may increase the ability to learn with its effects on the hippocampus. It doesnt make you submissive to brainwashing.

Aaaaaaand you've already been brainwashed. Fuck off junkike.

Guess why she's walking around with a knife and pepperspray. This is the kind of women i would impregnate without question then move to 99+% white county with extreme self defence laws.

Were here for facts not bombastic emotional garbage. Its a mild degeneracy, a degeneracy still but as I said nowhere near as close to something like fucking niggers or being a faggot.

Go kill yourself you degenerate junkike.

"apprehended" what the fuck for?

nothing she said is illegal. "I hope it's a trap and you all get shot" is not a threat. If she didn't have drugs or weapons on her this would be a lawsuit.


cheeki breeki

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You're the one larping as a nigger.

why is it raining inside my house?

my red pilled cutie

he shot up a church of unarmed old people, thats pretty fucking low hanging fruit to go after.

< people

He sacrificed his life in a fight against white genocide in the form of mass rape, killing a black state senator along with several important and *valued* members of the black community which is what each and every individual one of those white women who ends up raped (and murdered) are to white people. A bunch of random niggers are not equal to innocent white women. The niggers name was Clementa Pinckney, but Im sure you knew that since youre posting instead of lurking.

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kill yourself kike

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Also some little girl was killed just a few days prior in Charleston from some armed robbery by niggers IIRC

Morgan if ur reading this text me back k bb

Two lunatics doesn't make a right. Why didn't Dylan go after that murderous nigger instead of church going fogeys?

XD ebin! response, T_Ders. Care to explain what roofs actions solved besides storm up more leftist propaganda about gun control? he was a sick kid off his meds and nothing more.

What right has the rat to be in the home of the human?

:^) you're free to go remove the rats and follow dylans steps anytime you want, cletus.

Knife and pepper spray are understandable, but the drugs are a problem. Get in and wife this qt, burgers, before she's lost to degeneracy.

Unless she was a dealer. Then it shows she's industrious.

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this. low IQ white trash aren't escaping the rope, roof was a class-A trailer child. Only redpilled, working and /fit/ white men will breed and construct our society.

^ Kike identified KEEEEEK

Ebin funnier, they think that people believe dubs, so they have scripts to steal dubs. It's completely hilarious.

Go back, faggot

^ kike. D&C.

< dubs scripts are broken
gas yourself, kike

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What exactly was she saying, though? Someone who is black acts like a nigger? lol what?


be tarded

< kill white people
gas yourself, kike

Commie scum.

Attached: get em out.webm (360x180, 3.72M)

I believe she's saying something along the line of "[We know?] he's black and he makes himself look like a fucking nigger." "I dun tryta act like one"(nig across aisle) "…Wow…"(cameranig)

They record rapes, murders,and pedoshit on Snapchat and no one does a thing. This girl says words, and a girl gets arrested.