Oh vey, CNN is kvetching

I wonder when they will start circulating stories that Trump Tower is furnished with soap made from Mexican babies ripped from incubators?

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Other urls found in this thread:



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All I know is that these Jewish saviors are going to be making a lot more brisket than usual. Also, how will they afford the sheer number of Mary logo candles?

Oh wow. Just shoop in that picture that shows the amount of jews who work there. Would be a nice juxtaposition for some printing.

The only reply should be: #OpenBordersForIsrael

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Did CNN just admit the holohoax was actually all about deporting jews, not killing them?

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there better be a follow up when (((she))) gets bit by the vicious snake

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The opposite; it's implying that illegals in the US are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany.

So…set to be deported?

She should ask Netenyahu if Israel would grant her asylum

The hoops lel..

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>butchering 6 million people in a concentration camp, performing illegal experimentation, gassing people 5+ timesall according to a made up Jewish fairytale of course

Aren't they admitting the holocaust was totally legal then?

This should be memed
CNN believe jews were illegal invaders

It's time for Israel as a whole to be driven by thoughts of the Holocaust and take in as many migrants as possible.

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There are a lot of people trying draw a picture of similarity between deportations and the holohoax. Go look at the comics in newspapers, like Baldo for example. All pushing for some underground railroad level shit for illegals to remain in the country. Fucking despicable!


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We have to confront them with it, their notion that deportation is the equivalent to genocide (even a hoaxed one).
We have to put pressure on that disconnection from reasoning.

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The bitch in OP is just a dumb kike, but whoever she is with holding a nasty sand nigger or something, hopefully she gets murdered or raped.

I guess that is a big deal from a kikess

More like only ever seeing any sort of adversary after 50+ years of special treatment and legal protection.

They'll do it in any order, too.

OP is a dirty sodomite for he failed to post a link.

tl:dr; ICE deports father, mother and 2 daughters go to Baptist priest, priest arranges that they hide in Jewish woman's home


"Thoughs on the holocaust"

By holocaust, she means her desire for white genocide, no the 6 million.

Brown immigrants are the engine of the new (((Bolshevik))) rape and pillage machine. Should we, somehow, repel these shitskin swarms the kikes will invite the bugmen to finish the job. This is a historical certainty.

When will Hollywood turn this story into The Diary of Anna Fernandez?


Spics don't give a shit about kikes and they aren't going to fall for this shit either.

KEK! Fukkin Saved.

Attached: Lesbian.png (256x256, 12.4K)

Spics are not devout anythings. They lack the intelligence required for spirituality and only revere Christ in the same way cavemen revered the monolith.


We have delousing chambers for spics now? Jails don't even do that shit anymore.

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More specifically they assimilated Christian mythology with their Aztec beliefs. I’m sure if they thought they could get away with it the average Mexican would still be ripping out hearts.

Let me fix that meme for you

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This. It's fucking sad that these spics pretend to praise God/Jesus and go to chuurch, but in the other hand worship shit like santa muerte and go to witch craft places to make themselves rich, but never happens because they're fucking retarded.

Nice one, user.

What in the actual fuck.

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That filename's pretty interesting

Same filename type you get from any iOS poster.

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She broke the law is what she did. She is a criminal undermining her host nation and should be prosecuted and imprisoned. Not an opinion but rather the law.

she is a jew and thus belongs in the void

Would buy.

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The reason for Republican support for the dreamers is Jewish dreamers who came to the country illegally..

Iirc they came under asylum/refugee.

Truth being he tried to get rid of them, they wouldn't leave, so they went to work camps.

Like cleaning up Detroit?

I nearly got dragged out of my rental car in the Cape Town hell hole because the SWPL cuck I was with refused to drive, and couldn't read a map. He told me to make a turn off the highway which landed us in the center of miles and miles of shacks made of scrap metal and garbage. Our car was surrounded by 10-12 chimping yoots. He pretends none of this is happening, and holds the map to his face to go full-ostrich. I slap the map out of his hands "Yes, good plan. Be sure to make it clear we're lost." Then go into psycho redneck mode screaming f and n-bombs while revving the engine and making the car jump forward a few inches until they retreated. NEVER go anywhere dangerous with a SWPL they have zero survival instincts or street smarts and they view this as a sign of enlightenment.

We're putting them in FEMA camps and force-feeding them Super Male Vitality so they will fight each other and we can bet on them for sport?

Mrs. Bones you mean.

You make me laugh

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My nanna and bubbie liked the pony and rabbit raising competitions while in camp, they also contributed to the plays and revues.

O-oh I mean the fountains of blood actually lit on fire right near the masturbation roller coasters.

Fuck your low energy slide switch and bait thread

A fart takes more effort and is also more organic

Was the picture part of the original post or added in?

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Reminder: any white who follows the (((church))) is a race traitor who WILL be crucified.

t. Juan Pablo Fernando Gilberto Rodrigo Jesus Guantanamera Felipe Hernandez Gutierrez Perez (((de la Cruz)))

reads like this but the cnn-niggers are serious

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chek'd and kek'd torfriend.

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Hello, fellow goys, have you heard the good news about the Church of No True Scotsman Falacy? We teach that salvation comes from telling people Catholicism doesn't have to actually follow the Bible to be considered authentic Christianity while we masturbate furiously to homosexual cuck porn.


Gosh you Jews really hate Jesus.



Kek, the kikes at CNN can’t hide their distaste for El Goblino even as they champion this cause.

The Jew cries out in disgust as it harbors you as a fugitive.

You do know that's Zig Forums false-flagging you to get a

Is that a reptillian?