Trump Jr. Divorce

So a dozen spam threads on the board and not one mention of
Donald Trump Jr. getting divorced
huh? Okay, then.

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With jews, you lose:

God, is that what the fucking kikes are hiding today? I was wondering why they are all out shilling like no tomorrow.

Also since it's rumoured Don Jr. browses the imageboards this has to extremely painful.

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Good for him. Unlike some people pEiNOviCH, he seems to be able to respond appropriately to his jewess wife once getting redpilled.

actually I think Mike is a kike but the above is his "official" story kek

Jewess can't handle the bantz. On a serious note, if this is a true reason, fuck this cunt. Serving papers over some damn tweets.

Maybe there isn't a single mention of Don Jr. getting divorced because nobody cares. Did you consider that, OP?

Wow, will this actually be a clean divorce for once?

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She can make boatloads talking to the kike media.

That is always a possibility, but the kikes are shilling beyond belief and there hasn't been any other news today, as far as I am aware of not to say there isn't, of course.

Most likely they both have ironclad prenups.

Activating life scanner ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_


One less and more to go. Not a bad thing but probably still overrated and doesn't deserve a whole thread.
It's a bit annoying how Trumps whole family has achieved celebrity status here. Maybe you should focus more on the world then gossip, or visit a woman site for that.

Don Jr. should run for office if this isn't some big scandal that caused the divorce.


In the current year, you can be divorced for social media banter that isn't even directed at your spouse.

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Pedestrian foot bridge over freeway falls down, was brand new constructed, peoples ded in FL
Fuck it not worth a thread though
except maybe for beaner construction corrupt inspection etc.

To be quite honest, I wonder if there's a single h"white person in New York that isn't at least a quarter Jewish.

Man they really jumped all over the Trump family huh. Looks like this is for the best but still not really important.

To be fair, i would divorce her if my wive were tweeting pro refugee and black dick shit.

but the (((news))) was all other that today.

disgusting, i don't recognize this face, some of trump's son's wives were out campaigning for him too, i don't think she was.

Zig Forums redpilled Jr, so he divorced his Jew wife.

same with Alex Jones probably.

Not only Jr browses imageboards. Pepe Trump also does it

Melania next?

nahh she got it made in the shade plus she gots money of her own and sly dog trump made her sign a paper and she gets 3 rolls of quarters for settlement

Ehh, he could do better anyway.

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5 kids and she is just hitting 40. Time to trade her in for a newer model and have some more kids.
Like father like son.

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>five (((children)))
you know what needs to be undone, Don



yep the trump family is literally pumping out jews themselves

She wants 5 children and all assets, and does not expect him, the child of the master negotiator, to fight?

Go back to Facebook.

Jones married another Jew.

Fuck off jew.

Jesus, that spoops me

So she has jewish blood but isn't halachic jewish. Don J should have spent more time w/ Dalrock and less time with teh cartoon frogs

In B4 jIDF hasbara pack

Either way this is a good thing. He needs to get rid of this jew. I hope he signed a prenup.

Her Father and grandfather are kikes. Charles Haydon (Hochberg) grandfather Kai Ewans a (((danish))) jazz musician. They try really hard to deny her mother was a kike even though she came from Ewans. So by jew rules she isn't technically a kike (they don't specify if she converted etc.) but Vanessa has a lot of rat in her veins.

for jew.

Eric was smart in not marrying a jewess.


Cunts initiate more than 75% of the divorces.

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I'll probably get banned for this (maybe not as I think I'm being left for tracking by SS).
But this is a reverso couple, i.e Donald Jr is female and Vanessa is a man.
I could run through the biological markers which make this obvious, or you can just watch this video for the same information.

Sorry wrong video but it doesn't matter because both couples have the same dynamic.

The fact that you didn't even watch the video (look at the evidence) speaks for itself.
Reminder, Trump administered the tranny beauty pageant "Miss Universe" until very recently.
When Trump's enemies in the elite mention his "small hands" they're actually mocking his gender.
Elites practise generational transgenderism, it's a necessary part of their religion (Luciferianism).

I wouldn't have pissed my genes into a genestealing kike, but at least he has the opportunity to make actual white children now.

One of us. One of us.

You dubs tell me you wandered in from Icke's forum. You have to go back.

I got banned for the first time on this very board about a month or so ago for calling Vanessa Trump a jew. She will always be a jew and it is jews which have torpedoed Trump's white house at every point, Kushner is an anchor to sink Trump, I bet Vanessa is that as well. Remember when she made up that threat on her life incident a month or so ago? With jews you lose, every time. The Trump dynasty is learning this more than ever, now.

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Don Jr. and Eric are both good guys.

We always knew that Don Jr's wife was jewish, but it's patrilineal and two or three generations back iirc. I figured that the lack of "real" jewishness might have gotten her far enough away to not do something like this to Don Jr., but apparently not..
Eric's wife is white, but the jews are always trying to push that she's jewish (kushner officiating the wedding, the kike "tent" or whatever). Her ancestry is 100% white last time I looked.

Go ahead and switch IPs, Schlomo, this one is done.

I hope you do get b& for it.

That "everyone's a tranny" meme should be stoned to death, because it's (((one of theirs))) meant to make Zig Forums look like retards.

Doesn't matter.

First off, a (((jew))) is a (((jew))), it's not as if their subversive genetics are only attached to their X chromosomes.

Secondly, this whole matrilineal crap is something they invented only recently, and then only to try and throw the goyim off. Historically, for thousands of years, (((they))) have always tracked lineage through the MEN, which is part of the reason why Jesus' genealogy in the Gospels was considered scandalous, because women were mentioned at all. The man claiming the child was proof of its parentage, and if he didn't claim it, the child and the mother were stoned under the Law as she was an adulteress and the baby was a bastard.

Well it does matter a bit.
Most of the jewish schizophrenia comes from malfunctioning mtDNA. Patrilineal means she'll have white or at least non-jewish mtDNA. Now, depending on how much gene-stealing the jew forebears were doing, it's entirely possible that she could get entirely white chromosomes given enough mixing. Now the question is, would even the jewish presence of DNA further back in the family tree have epigenetic effects? That may then require an extra generation or two to iron out.
That said, she probably has a few jewish chromosomes and one drop rule really means it's just no good. However, that's from a purely biological perspective.
The jews don't consider a jew truly jewish unless it's matrilineal, and they also treat "mischlings" like shit, so there's a good chance she'd have landed in "self-hating" territory like Miller.
You're correct as far as I know about the matrilineal line being relatively new, but I have a hunch that if you look into it, the matrilineal line format will have begun after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans, and their subsequent diaspora, where I'm sure there were so many rape babies they couldn't keep track anymore.

tl;dr yes, genetically jewish but not necessarily jew allied. I'm not saying there's such a thing as a good jew, but there are jews who are not allied with their race, and I was hoping such would be the case with Don Jr.'s wife.

The lineage of Jesus is presented through Joseph and Mary. It is presented through Mary because of the virgin birth. He is the son of David through blood and adoption by Joseph. The only scandal is that jews murdered their king to honor Moloch.

This doesn't add up. Since when do roasties divorce and not steal everything you ever had and loved?


I follow Don Jr on social media.

90% of his posts are of his cute kids, and him doing things like skiing, fishing, hunting with them.

I would be very surprised if he doesn't fight for custody

jew lawyers use anything written like social media to get ridiculous things like kick-out orders or protective orders so a father can't even talk to wife or kids, for example, and the threat or implementation of those orders are used as leverage to extort alimony, for example. written material can also be used on its own in a custody hearing/alimony hearing to extort favorable settlements fucking the father.

evidence is basically anything written or spoken ever in history by the man. it's all part of the jew lawyer divorce scam to fuck over men and ruin their lives

family courts are so biased against men that even a scintilla of any perceived negative trait, like hostility, anger, irresponsibility, etc.–ANYTHING–whether spoken or written, ever, in any context, will 100% be exploited to the maximum by a cockroach hooknose kike lawyer to fuck over the husband/father. you can count on that in family court.

But she filed non-contested. There will be no fight.
Notice how DJT doesn't have any drama with his Ex's? Jr will make the same deal.
She gets to be rich as fuck in exchange for keeping her mouth shut.

I basically have no friends left. They were all revealed to be NPCs in the past 2 years.

Why doesn't anybody ever bring up Ivana Trump's maiden name, (((Zelnick)))? Trump's older kids are literally kikes because their mother was a Jew. Is this forbidden knowledge? And if you doubt, google Ivana at any age. Read and look. She personifies "kike bitch". Remember her divorce gambit? "RAAAEP!!!"

Why do I find her attractive ?

Don't be deceived by the jew woman. Use your other head.


Both of my heads like the mean bitches in pantsuits.

I don't know why but I heard all that in his voice and even in his specific speech patterns. It felt good.

Because she's presenting herself. She's attainable. On a primal level you would rather fuck her right now for sure than chase a 10/10 with whom only might have a chance. That's what's happening.

Even when she's clothed I find her attractive in a weird way.

There are only the ancient tales of Persia, stolen and repurposed by this man:

But it only applies for males.
Females do not get the Y.
But remember, this maternal lineage shit is a tale to work around potential infidelity by jewish women, it is not based in science, and any assertion about dna is a meme.

Reminder, Eric's wife isn't a Jew and it's been proven over and over again. She had a Kushern wedding that's all

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If you can't tell a Jew by the way they look, you need to lurk more. The way they look comes from their DNA.

It really isn't. If it wasn't true then their shills wouldn't go to great pains to defile transvestigation by linking it to flat earth etc (same way as they try to defile anyone exposing kikes in general).
I also notice you're using the "everyone is a tranny" line. No one is claiming or has ever claimed that "everyone is a tranny".
It's called elite gender inversion because it is practised by the elites. If you don't know by now that television and movies only exist as a subversive jewish tool then what hope is there for you?
So no, "everyone" is not a tranny but the majority of actresses, female news anchors and female politicians have been transgendered at an early age because they are of the elite.
If you aren't a shill then the fact you can't see the truth when it's placed infront of you only goes to demonstrate the effectiveness of early exposure of young boys and girls to trannies on the television and movie screen. You never developed a proper internal model of the biological differences between men and women and have been rendered functionally homosexual - the attraction you feel when watching transgender movie stars is homosexual attraction.
This is a massive part of the kike attack on white society and sexuality. Young men are taught to desire male traits and young women are taught that, to be considered beautiful, they must attain the unattainable body shapes of the men-in-drag paraded as "goddesses" on their jewboxes.
It is perverse and sickening.
Have you honestly never wondered why nearly every hollywood actress has a huge male jaw, hips narrower than the shoulders, large feet, adam's apples, brow bossing, paddle hands, rib removal, scars from tracheal shaving, wide dental arches and carry the audible remnants of male vocal structure? You're deep in the illusion my friend.

Fuck off tranny faggot shill.

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Before everyone gets all hyped lets think a moment.
The more plausible scenario is that she being a woman decided all the social condemnation that comes with the Trump name right now is not worth the benefits of being married to Trump Jr.
As such she sought a divorce so that she may begin once again participating her spoiled rich girl social circles.

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dont forget political favors for her kike friends

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Upstate. My family has deep roots there, but I no longer live in the shithole. I'm a mutt mix of potato nigger, pollack and kraut. I was raised to hate the juden. I didn't fully understand why until much later in life.

So he finally got rid of that manipulative kikess, better late than never.

wow! that is a perfect little vagina and asshole.

I'd pound the shit out of that for weeks straight

But she's the one who filed to divorce him



I think I'm going to put that in the pre-nup. No complaining about tweets, and I won't complain about your hobbies.

Punished Don jr replacing kushner and ivanka soon

They obviously went into the relationship with a well negotiated pre nup as do all wealthy people nowadays.

In the current year minus three, you could be criminally charged if you were a leaf and you knew the (((prosecutor))) through your politician friend.

(Hi Shelley, we haven't forgotten about you.)

Note the (((wide))) downward-triangle between and form the brows.

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No, the shill that keeps pushing it should be.

We get it, yes, you were just as shocked to find out your "girlfriend" had a dick, but maybe that means you shouldn't be picking up random "women" in bars with Masonic-sounding names. (It's really masons pushing trannyism, since Baphomet, the goathead aspect of Satan they worship, has boobs AND a cock.)

For the most part when push comes to shove you can never count on a woman.

She couldn't just separate under the radar and divorce after Trumps presidency? Could easily cite security reasons for living at separate residences but of course famewhoring is the only option.

Those are fake eyebrows.

They don't affect the facial structure. Note the oblique~horizontal-ish curve taken by the skin-fold of the left-side eyebrow as it goes towards-the-nose.

Trump jr., by contrast, has no "skin-folds". Eyebrows form a horizontal line and nose goes straight-down. The "analogue" to the above-described line is not horizontal~oblique, but vertical~perpendicular to the brows and straight-down. Aryan.

Some european jews don't have this, but beak-noses are more common to them.

No semite feature that I know of is common to all jews. No one 'mark' is had by all jews, but any jew has at least one mark.

She didn't like the idea of waiting 7 more years.

He just married another one

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