King nigger deleted 500K criminals from FBI NICS list


The Obama administration ordered the removal of over 500,000 fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in late 2016, according to testimony from Acting FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich.

Bowdich confirmed a November report from the Washington Post which set the figure at "tens of thousands," after Sen. (((Dianne Feinstein))) (D-CA) asked him if more than 500,000 names were dropped from the database.

The FBI purged the names from the database after the Justice Department changed its legal interpretation of “fugitive from justice” to say it pertains only to wanted people who have crossed state lines.

What that means is that those fugitives who were previously prohibited under federal law from purchasing firearms can now buy them, unless barred for other reasons. -WaPo

“That was a decision that was made under the previous administration,” Bowdich testified.

“It was the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel that reviewed the law and believed that it needed to be interpreted so that if someone was a fugitive in a state, there had to be indications that they had crossed state lines,” said Bowdich. “Otherwise they were not known to be a fugitive under the law in the way it was interpreted.”

Since its creation in 1998, the NICS system has prevented 1.5 million people from purchasing a firearm, including 180,000 denials to fugitives from justice, according to government statistics.

While the FBI had a broad definition of "fugitive," meaning anyone with an outstanding arrest warrant, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) definition narrowed the definition to anyone with a warrant who has crossed state lines. The DOJ Inspector General, (((Michael Horowitz))), urged the Justice Department to address the disagreement in terms "as soon as possible."

Shortly before President Trump took office, the DOJ Office of Legal Counsel went with the ATF definition.

>“Any one of these potentially dangerous fugitives can currently walk into a licensed gun dealer, pass a criminal background check, and walk out with a gun,” Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, wrote in a letter to FBI Director Christopher A. Wray on Wednesday. The Giffords organization, founded by former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, called on the FBI and ATF to “correct this self-inflicted loophole” and recover all guns illegally purchased this year because of the purge of names from the database.

“The Justice Department is committed to working with law enforcement partners across the country to help ensure that all those who can legally be determined to be prohibited from receiving or possessing a firearm be included in federal criminal databases,” a Justice Department official told the Washington Post last November.

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They forgot to add one

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Obviously the answer is just to expand NICS, add (((mental illness))) to the list. For the children of course.

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what is this some kind of elaborate scheme to get funs into the hands of wackos and then use the inevitable fallout as an excuse to take away our rights?


While stats show that like 90% of violent crimes are niggers and spics, doesn't that end up being a net gain? Not because of the them chimping out and killing people, but because of the second amendment: the government should not be regulating their right to bear arms

Yeah I'm going to tell people about this one. Make a conversation point of it.

Where the fuck are you from.

I didn't imagine living in a fucking clown world at this age when I was a kid

Top Kek.

niggers don't have rights

Most likely. Even though Obama's job essentially was to protect the nation.
His Nigger side can't stop himself from not caring about possible shootings from this.
Come Home Obama

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Yes. This plus the policy of "stopping the school to prison pipeline" shit was tailored made for it.

Me too, it's literally SO INSANE, that I couldn't have imagined any of this…even in the weirdest dream I've had, it isn't as fucked as this reality is.

Daily Reminder

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When the 2nd Amendment was written, niggers were property, and spics were the property of Spaniards. The US Constitution was written by white men, for white men, and only white men.
If niggers want guns, tell them they be handin out free muhfuggin laser guns n shit in Wakanda

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Precisely. One has to be human to have rights

You buckled up tight man? This shit is about to get crazy with a capital R and K


and this

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Even simpler: release the floodgates on your way out so the entire county goes to shit and Trump is stuck with the blame.

Though of course since it’s Obongo it could just be nothing more than pure naked ethnic self interest. They’re his kin, so he genuinely believes they wuz gud bois AND gets to strengthen his demographic’s position.



Yet you look at a woman cross-eyed and you lose your guns forever. Someone needs to fix this broken shit.

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can't have a criminal problem
if you delete a list of half a million criminals

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Its one thing to speculate about the government betraying its own people, its another to have it confirmed.

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You niggers.
This means firearms sales to people with an outstanding warrant for arrest. So, violent criminals and court day skippers, many of which are you faggots.

i dont understand the second image, did the guy do something to those chimps' pops?

They don't call him the king nigger for nothing

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What in the actual fuck? Anyway now that they've discovered it they should be able to fix it, these days all the warrant systems are presumably tied in together nationally…

…Aren't they?

Pic related is the software to launch a nuclear missile. We're still using these.

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That is incredibly dis-organized.

A fucking woman responsible for nuclear bombs?!

Sweet floppy disk btw.

I assume she's supervised. Note that, under Obama, the head of the division got fired for misconduct after he got liquored up in Moscow and assaulted a Ringo Starr impersonator on stage during a Beatles tribute band performance. True story.

You want them to use… what? A modern computer? With a modern CPU designed in israel and manufactured in china? How about they keep that shit working as long as humanly possible

It's a miracle that any part of the military functions as intended.

If normal people figured out what was really going on they'd probably go insane or catatonic.

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If I recall correctly it was just a news story about kang nigger buying ice cream.
And his two "daughters", was being very suggestive - behind the kangz back, further enforcing his cucking him on live TV.
White boy just didnt really know how to handle it, since you know presidents daughters and all that.

But then if blacks couldn't have guns it'd still be government regulation, which again infringes on 2A

Your meme folder needs an upgrade user.

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tbh floppies are still good and it's probably EMP proof

So it's a final "fuck you" (more likely one of many) from Obama to the American people. I'm not surprised at all.

I hope they know that's going to be functionally impossible.

CD's are EMP proof.

Unquestionably true. One of the first things the NRA did when created was to fight for black's rights to own firearms, as the southern states had made it illegal for them.

Confirmed hundreds of times for three years straight 24/7.

He's a communist muslim, what do you think? His secret services codename is Renegade. Says it all clearly

Must eat at the McDickhead's around the corner.

Yeah i wouldnt want people to lose their rights to buy guns over just refusing to submit to gubmint
This very law is a breach of the 2A

I wonder what Trumps SS codename is.

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Trump's SS name is Mogul.

An EMP takes down the whole grid
Replacement parts are manufactured in Chyna
You dont have government, transportation or communications in the meantime anyway, nor food for your 300M apes
You're fucked
Only the alien hybrids in D.U.M.B.s survive

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Papa Michael taught the three of them well.

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Hmm all Trump fam codenames start by the same letter

Whoa Obongo picked Renegade himself

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Michelle Negroid on Roids Obama was happy to teach them all.
That arch-disgusting parody of a family must be hung publically.

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BTW Renaissance is uncanny when you know the Obongo family are spitting images of Akhenaten's, Michelle being Queen Tirye, Akh's mother. Even Renegade fits very well with Akh's story.

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Jesus, is the SS even trying? Zig Forums should put together an IRL opsec manual for those guys.

Gee user, that right there is some advanced stuff you are proposing.
You think SS got it covered?

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Apparently they don't. They weld the fucking manhole covers shut before the motorcade drives over them, but a little thing like not publishing what are supposed to be codenames seems to go over their heads.

He could have trolled em so hard on that one

Now that I think about it, what proof do we have?
For all we know the SS is just fucking with everyone and uses utterly unrelated names during operations.

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Yeah I would assume they have another set of codenames

The question was about floppy's being EMP proof.
I was simply pointing out that CD's and DVD's are ALREADY EMP proof.
The electronics needed to utilize both mediums are not EMP proof, unless you're talking about military-grade hardware, which was, long ago, EMP shielded.

And I'll be laughingly shooting zombies in the head. You guys talk about "going inna woods" but I already live there, and have all the survival skills of my ancestors, because that's pretty routine for people to know, where I live.

Oh, and…stay out of our woods.

They've done this before. Bill Clinton's code name was Bubba.

Whenever there is a communist uprising the piece of shit commies always use violent prisoners as their personal army to unleash on us. There are pictures of priests burnt alive and tied to gate posts in 1918 ish in Russia. This is all a long game plan for the limp wristed and faggy liberals

But cds are not faggot proof

Get the rope!


If they even hurt or kill a single citizen, scandal of the century. Holy shit.

King Nigger:

How fortunate I just made these.

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Good job, user.

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Remember pardoning a score of big time drug dealers?

>(((mental illness)))

"Mental illness" is the way the government will effectively repeal the 2nd Amendment. When it comes to no due process, the govt already assumes one-sided restraining are enough to take guns (eg, ex-gf goes to judge, says anything she can to fuck you over, you cannot argue because it is "ex parte" or one sided, bam you're on the NICS list–doesn't matter at all if it was complete lies–an ex can literally accuse you of being an ax murderer and a judge is required to issue a restrainining order and boom. You're now on the NICS list.

With "mental illness," a doctor working at a government-funded institution can declare you mentally ill. A diagnoses with flexible definitions can be used to "diagnosis" anyone as mentally ill. For example, something like borderline personality disorder is used which has essentially no definition, but again, it doesn't even matter what the truth is. A government-paid doctor simply needs to tell a judge you are diagnosed as mentally ill. That government-paid judge then agrees and enters that finding into the record pulled by NICS.

If you don't believe such a ridiculous, plainly unconstitutional system to take away 2nd Amdt rights is possible, well, guess what? Right now, you can be held against your will in essentially a jail-like mental institution with no rights whatsoever based solely on the word of two doctors, and the judge, by law, must defer to the doctors. This is the so-called 72-hour hearing. If doctors know that the government wants you not to have guns, and NICS includes "mental illness," what I wrote here is probably how they'll do it.

The Soviet Union, by the way, labeled a lot of opposition figures "mentally ill" in order to confine political enemies in asylums and take away other rights. "Mental illness" is a classic technique for authoritarian, tyrannical governments to take citizens' basic rights away not overtly, but quietly and systematically. Your rights are gone just the same.

I meant to add, also, that right now, you can be held 72 hours based on "mental illness" without a hearing. You only have the right to a hearing at the 72-hour point. But at that hearing, the judge must, by law, defer to the doctors.

Doctors, therefore, become the judge of who gets constitutional rights and who does not. That means all you have to have is a couple doctors who agree to adjudge anyone the government instructs them to as "mentally ill," that gets put in the formal record, and that goes into NICS.

This is actually how they'll confiscate firearms once they've set up maximum restrictictions otherwise, like age (21+). They'll take guns quietly and systematically, using (((sophistic legal arguments))) like "mental illness" and the laws requiring deference to government paid doctors who adjudge everyone they see as mentally ill.

This is how non-transparent courts actually work. Just a tool for the government. Same thing as FISA–same concept of 99% warrants granted. That's the "mental illness" procedure. Doctors will say whatever the government wants 99% of the time. That is why "mental illness" cannot go into NICS.

He quite looks like some skinny faggot craving to suck some white dick.

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Third point–the idea of using "mental illness" to prevent gun purchases via NICS but simulteneously scrubbing thousands of records of fugitives shows what NICS (and gun policy writ large) is for. It is designed to take weapons from law abiding whites who might rise up against a tyrannical government. It is not designed in any way to stop actual, legitimate criminals and real threats.

Good. What is the point of having a price if when you pay it that isn't enough? Do I get to check if somebody ever bullied somebody, cheated on their spouse, abused their children, or any of the trillion other things that indicate people are a piece of shit before I hire them? No. The majority of people who have criminal records committed victimless crimes like prostitution, gambling, smoking a joint, and then they are immediately cut off from 90% of the world and are forced to turn to drugs/crime. What if one of you faggots talked up in class at like 13 and jokingly said "HEIL HITLER!". You want every employer going forward to know about this? You want them to be able to deny your job based on browsing pol, which is on many peoples agenda?

Holy fuck you retards are fucking retarded. Learn how to not fuck yourselves over for once.

Here is how employers should decide who they are going to hire - a fucking interview. If you can't pick up on things from an interview, you are a fucking retard fuck, and if you don't realize that you can fire somebody after five minutes if they suck you are a fucking retard fuck. The whole point of this criminal record thing is whiney bitch boomer moms who want to sue everybody because they are lazy fucking parasites. The only time this ever comes up is when a bus driver crashes then they find out in 1995 he bought a prostitute then opportunist boomer cunts look for some gibs from da govamint.

No one cares what you have to say.

If you don't have the courage of your convictions, I don't think you're likely to be a good fit here at Hitler, Himmler & Heydrich, Cie.

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Guess how I know you've never hired or fired anybody, user.


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Stop misdirecting the argument to employment background checks. I was responding to only and was only discussing how NICS affects guns, not employment background checks. Background checks for employment are a topic of their own.

My point was that NICS should never have "mental illness" information because of the completely arbitrary, one-sided manner the government may totally restrict firearm ownership: arbitrary, one-sided "mental illness" diagnosis.

My other point was that Barack Nigger dropping his nigger spic friends from the NICS databse at the same time they discuss adding "mental illness" to the database is VERY strong evidence that the sole purpose of NICS is NOT to protect the public from violent criminals.

The sole purpose of NICS is to take guns from whites who might rise up against a tyrannical government. There is no other purpose for NICS.

Fuck king nigger and fuck these kikes.

I wasn't joking.

I unironically said "Go Whites!" during a discussion of slavery in 5th grade.

I don't regret it since.


Also started doodling swastikas and shit on my homework. Mostly because he was a dick, I wasn't entirely redpilled back then. He actually had to have someone else grade my homework he was so triggered.

Good posts user. It's so important to consider what happened in the (((USSR))) as context for the assault on 2A in the US right now, launched by the same ethnoreligious/political group (Zionists) the Trotskyites came out of, and zooming in, by literal offshoots of Trotskyism, the Neocons/neoliberals. They want control, they want to ship dissent off to prisons just like their Marxist cousins did in the USSR and are doing now in Europe.

2A is the only protection we have, with the 1A getting ravaged more and more every year. BDS participation punishable by law in 23 states already and prohibits Texans from govt assistance rebuilding their homes and lives.

The Constitution is under (((attack))) and it's been losing ground steadily for over 100 years.

If who hurt citizens?

>tfw got anonymously written up by some cunt of a (((teacher))) and had in school suspension for asking some random kid for their papers in a brooklyn accent

I don't know who she is, but I honest to kek hope she gets gassed.

Didn't President Gladio release a bunch of felons before leaving too?


Unhinge that jaw, you reptile mother fucker!

heil is a shitskin tranny and skeletor is the mod from r/t_D

heil is a shitskin tranny and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D