Shitskin /r9k/ redditor kike an heros on livestream

shitskin /r9k/ redditor kike an heros on livestream
Last name is "Aslan", based out of California, supposedly.
Saging because so far there's no evidence he was an actual shill.
Shareblue following suit when?

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Other urls found in this thread:

what am i going to see when i play this video. i'm not sure if i wanted to voluntarily see gore at the moment.

is that a shotgun?

i guess this is good enough from the b thread

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forgot my sage

its not that bad, you dont see much except for the splatter

Lol at having a tarp behind you for the splatter. Guess he had the cleaners in mind.

Obvious faggot and furry so mental illness immediately confirmed, that's all the reason there is to it probably.

Perhaps a DACA deportee doing us a favor?

Triple confirms.

One less turk.

was from california apparently

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Even in death he's still a burden to others.

(checking them trips)

And the fact he's from California definitely confirms he was likely a degenerate spic (somewhere along those lines at least)

Looks like a sandnigger to me

Dead redditors are nice and all, but this is a unimportant /r9k/. Not a confirmed gommie, Zig Forums faggot or anyone else important.
Too bad that this didn't happen earlier

You can obtain a KSG in Cali? I thought they have stricter gun laws.

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so i heard he died himself because his gf was cheating or he was a literally cuckold but could n't handle the cucking aftermath?
he should have studied how to prep the bull!

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so your wrong.


i don't understand why people do this.
men are meant to die in glorious battle.

he could have joined the army or isis or the cartels or mexicans fighting the cartels or any number of possibilities, if your willing to die you options are unlimited.

instead he does this and amounts to nothing.

He watched too much anime for too long periods of time, this made the sun hurt his eyes.
Anime in moderation before you get basement sickness and joining ISIS isn't fun anymore because you can't stop squinting and groaning.

Because he's r9k. They're pathologically pathetic. When a robot wants to die, he wants to die pathetically because he hates himself. Choosing to die in battle is choosing to die as a hero. As heroes die respected and are honoured after death, robots don't want to die as heroes. Wanting to do die as a hero implies self respect and a desire for immorality. The robot wants to end it all because he despises his very essence. Imagine hating yourself so much you blow your brain out on cam so others can marvel at how pathetic you are.

I almost choked on my piece of 5 gum when I watched this, fucking kek. If only the Jews were this useful, he even put up a tarp to make his brains easier to scrape up.

I love how the first I see of this guy's death, which he probably thought was dramatic, is implementation into a meme for keks. What a faggot.

yea he is wrong his friends came forward and stated it was due to family issues or somthing else of the like

Dunno why nerds don't engage in sudoku and instead blow their head off.

If I was to kill myself I'd just cut open my gut and spend the last moments of my life browsing Zig Forums

Was gonna post the full video on liveleak, where you can hear some odd conversations, some kind of voice chat, probably discord, his mother discovering him, wailing and calling 911, but the fucking vid was taken down.
Though I think it's believable, there are some suspicious aspects to the video,

Anyone have it saved as a webm/some other format?

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Full link here, 2 lazy 2 webm:


this shit again, i support a quality control posting coalition on Zig Forums from keeping retarded posts like this out.

lol butthurt kikes, keep eating those shotguns!

here's the dudes reddit acct:

and his youtube:

also image from fam posting - definitely muslim

Kel-Tec KSG tactical shotgun

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Well, he wasn't going to breed anyway but that still brings a smille to my face

It might.

The fuck is a dua?

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Definitely Under Age


"I don't know what he wrote, rack, r9k?!"

Gotta admit I laughed a bit here.

I couldn't stop for 1-2 minutes

do you get your 72 virgins if you suicide yourself without killing anyone in the name of Allah?

God damn, I knew I shouldn't have watched the video because it'd put me in a bad mood. What kind of piece of shit would do this? I don't care what kind of relationship he had with his parents, but blowing your brains out and just leaving your mangled pulpy carcass on your bedroom floor for them to find is just too awful. No parent should have to go through that. I wonder how often police and dispatchers have to deal with suicides like these anyway? Even the officers in the video are pretty rattled when they uncover the body. Fuck, maybe this kid really was a robot, although he was only 18 he was probably just being stupid.

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remind yourself that he was a literal shitskin

Not everyone is made out of stiffer stuff or grown up strong to deal with shit, but this is the current problem of our slowly declining and degenerate civilization that seriously need a cleansing, and he's a /r9k/ faggot, he couldn't handle the truth or hardship, of course his pity party circlejerk will eventually get himself killed.

this is also his parents fault. they chose not to raise him or have him in their homeland, instead they chose to invade this country for the gibs. if he had grown up in his homeland i'm sure he would have been a proud isis warrior and gone out the honorable way via 500lb jdam and received his 72 virgins.

You're an asshole, user.

My CPU ramps up to 100% on this site and I am using a fucking Ryzen 1700 4GHz. What's wrong with it? Mining script?

My thoughts exactly. His parents are not white but there's still some part of humanity in me that hasn't died yet that feels sorry for them. Their lives will be destroyed forever. I don't think they'll be able to laugh after what they've seen for years if not ever

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this is gabe's fault

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Fucking lol

Shitskin or not is irrelevant. Traumatizing the people that gave you everything is just disgusting. The image of his deflated head will be burned into his mother's head until the day she probably decides to kill herself. And then the cops have to deal with all that shit, how many of them eventually desensitize themselves to the bloodshed or lose their sanity? I know expecting even a sliver of humanity from edgy fuckwads is a lot to ask, but this is in no way a good thing. Also this emboldens gun restrictions as well, there's no way an 18-year-old anheroing with a shotgun isn't going to be added to the pile of gun law pathos.

Yeah, there's a mining script on that page. Install noscript and you'll be able to block it.(Where do you think you are?)

And just when he unboxed a $300 knife (I'm kidding)

It's gone now, but some butthurt faggot on Zig Forums made a thread assuming the guy was Zig Forums for whatever reason and suggested they harass the mother

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, newfag.

Fucking kek, that Steam description.

cdc says 22k kill themselves with firearms every year, that's 2.5/hr. the suicide argument isn't used very hard in gun control debates, MSM doesn't cover suicide's much either. maybe this is will be slighly different because he live streamed it, but the fact that he was a undeniably (by MSM's definition) mentally ill muslim, with a gun, doesn't play into their narrative very well.

no doubt it's hard for the family, they can still gtfo of my country, but it would be hard in their homeland.

remember though plenty of american's have died in combat over there from muslim women strapping explosives to their children and telling them to run up to the vehicle under the guise of getting candy. my sympathy for the family is limited.

Jew media isn't going to cover suicide because white men are way over represented. Also, it goes into real economic and social problems that are caused by issues they champion like affirmative action, open borders, and "free trade" with outsourcing/offshoring shit that just enriches globokikes and industries that gain from perverse incentives and wealth redistribution that has led to America having >$20T debt.

Man, reality is some fucked up shit.

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this is what happens when you drink soy instead of milk for strong bones

How exactly is this pol related?
At least it's positive in the end because seeing it discourages people from shooting themselves in the face.

KSG holds 15 but you have to manually switch mag tubes with a lever, so it's technically complaint as a magazine coupler would

I must've missed out on that later stuff, I think I was about 30 mins in yesterday, remember the cop going


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Nothing of value etc


You're probably right. People have livestreamed their suicides before and haven't received an major media coverage. Not sure what to make of this one though, these are strange times after all.
That's pretty disgusting and I've heard of that happening before, and it's a real fucking travesty. I can't really direct my disgust at the family though; it's not like they benefit at all if some muslims trick some children to snackbaring soldiers. People, like this fag , will tell you to "dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed", but that kind of attitude only enables more needless loss of life. I'm sure the muslims strapping bombs to kids know this mantra pretty well, and it's very convenient when they want to wage war like cowards. Anyways, "dehumanization" is a fucking meme. People can kill for their own benefit and ignore guilt, it's easy, and been done it for centuries. It's a cowardly belief for the weak who don't want to carry the burden of understanding the value of life, which in today's world is extremely hard when 18-year-old weeaboos shave off half of their head with a shotgun for online entertainment.

The best part is that it happened to shitskins so we can look at it objectively.

Every jew.
Every muslim.
They all must die.

i loaded the full version just to confirm this
why is she even still on the stream if she is this traumatized? i would imagine at the point you turn it the fuck off, and i dunno, get a drink, not sit there and continue to sob on stream in what i assume is a ploy for attention even in these times.

r9k memes manifesting. That shit's dangerous.

We punctured the veil, user. All the memes will be coming through. The key is to have the right ones on your side.

this fucking 911 responder

the mother will forever know /r9k/

Yeah, there's some gold in there:

What's with the dirka muslim shit? He was hispanic from the shit they found yesterday on half k.


EMT: "oh duuude…"

"oh shit"
being an EMT has to be a hell of a job. i don't know how they maintain sanity looking at this shit IRL every day.


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They pretty much have /b/ humor. Not for the sake of being edgy but to stay sane

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as a US tax payer I am quite entertained.

he said several times before he did it
"are you guy's recording?"
"is anyone recording?"
he looks, at the screen, then seems to acknowledge, and then quickly writes the note and then boom.

discord keeps logs of everything. i wonder if whoever said
"ya dude we're recording"
"do it faggot"
is going to be in some shit.

no one is going to investigate shit so irrelevant, unless we find them and dox them.

the /b/ meme's have a headstart

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Just go punch some more holes in your wall, that'll make you feel better.


i have no motivation for that. i laugh and talk shit but this is actually somewhat disturbing. even a muslim shitskin should have gone out in a better way.i have far more respect for isis, atleast they are going out fighting for what they believe in,preferably against soldiers, but w/e there's no honor in this.

good meme

this seems to be the shotgun that was used

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Rest assured user there are no explicitly sexual themes in the video. Except bullet rape.

It's fucking gross irl, and the worst part is that it's more gross seeing it on video because you've seen it irl, and you remember the smell too.

Guys, he was an Angel Beats fan, i think he just wanted to find out if the limbo High School was real, maybe even he'd even get to meet his waifu.

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>respect for (((isis)))
Kike/shitskin detected

Isn't Aslan also a Turkish name?


As an EMT, I can say it's not easy at all some days.

Dead shitskins always make me smile. The only downside to them removing themselves is a white man didn't get the satisfation of doing it himself.

As if being a shitskin wasn't reason enough to want him dead.

1.2k pricetag? He certainly didn't gimp his suicide.

welfare, sounded like there a bunch of kids in the house from the vid, which means the mother has been pumping kids out for the past 20 years.

Not faking it, apparently. Rach poster, take note.

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