Esoteric SHILL (not SMILEY)

I've got a present for you Zig Forums.

The guy we all thought was low IQ Smiley… The guy who has been shitting up threads for almost half a decade now, screaming about Serrano, trying to convince us that "Hitler was a Luciferian Alien who used flying saucers to build tunnels under Antarctica!"…and screaming, "Gnosticism is TRUE Christianity!"
The guy who tried to convince everyone that our "Ancient Aryan" threads are actually "Ancient ALIENS!" The guy who made all those annoying "esoteric hitler" threads that read like Jewish schizophrenia.

Well he now goes on cuckchan daily to post his "black sun" and "Gnostic Zig Forums" threads. He has a youtube channel and larps as Bodhi Mantra.

He is attempting to become a 'Nazi' e-celeb cult leader. And he accidently doxed himself.

The reason I noticed was because I know this guy from his Atlantian Gardens facebook years ago. He went to Cal State Northrdige. He use to ban me for years for asking simple questions. He's a real trust fund baby asshole who tried to sell our ancestors as "aliens" to the goyim.
His name is Robert Sepher. He looks like a Jew and has spent over a decade trying to convince white people to worship Luciferian Nordic Aliens and that Hitler was an occult leader. Just like the History channel does.

But he's been using 8/pol/, taking our research and scrambling it up to write crazy books which he sells on Amazon for $40.

Anyways. Smiley was always too stupid for this complex shit and it all makes sense. All those times I posted the Smiley dox I kind of feel bad now. I knew he was too retarded for all this esoteric anti-NatSoc trickery.

Code name

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Is he a Jew?

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to mods that might want to anchor this. This is the guy who has been shilling the fucking board and screaming at you for years now if you don't allow 7 esoteric threads up at once.

Look at his books. They are right out of Zig Forums's threads.

Attached: esoteric lies Jews.jpg (1058x885, 235.45K)

So you came here….to post about your autistic argument you had with some faggot on cuckchan? get the fuck out of here.

you're a mouthbreathing retard

This is the guy everyone assumed was Smiley. Ever talk to Smiley? He's not very articulate or deep into the esoteric. It's been this guy using Zig Forums and shilling Hitler is a Satanist.

Smiley you know that if you just fucking quit doing the retarded shit and stuck to your art no one would have a problem with you? Remember when you would post shit on /a/ and your threads would stay up for WEEKS because people liked your aesthetic so much that they kept hoping you would come back? Your shitposting is weak and boring and most people just ignore it. If you want attention(loosh whatever faggot shit you call it) you could just keep doing your art and get it. For fucks sake I still keep the pic you made of mai waifu in my wallpaper slideshow.

Attached: Smiles Sooks Meme.png (1920x1080, 7.92M)

Smiley is retarded as fuck. But this "Serrano reeeeeeeeeeeeee" guy isn't. I mean he's mentally ill but, like Smiley, Robert a trust-fund baby who has spent his life shilling NatSoc and Nordics. And actually wants to be a cult leader. We assumed it was Smiley but if you talk to the kid, he's dopey as fuck. This guy is a fucking snake.

He's here all the fucking time.

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Last post but Robert has spent his life doing what the (((History Channel))) did attempting to demoralize Nordic, Aryan, and IE history and NatSoc esthetics by conflating it with spooky cooky wacky shit so you look stupid as fuck talking about it.

And he took credit for a lot of Zig Forums/pol/'s words and research to publish is videos and books. They only go back to about 2015. On top of that he fucked up a lot of our conversations for years with his crazy Smiley behavior, or what we thought was Smiley.

POSTING ALL DAY EVERY FUCKING DAY ON EVERY Zig Forums, never shutting the fuck up and constant D&C!

Attached: never Aryans.jpg (240x210, 9.12K)

If that is robert you really brought the tism out of him.

How about you BOTH get tossed feet first into an oven? Take it to half, cunt.

go back to /4chon/ you massive homo

I'm an esoteric Hitlerist and subscribed to that robert guy on jewtube. I haven't seen much disinfo from that guy, and I haven't noticed much in the way of esoteric shilling. (I don't go to 4chan, so pardon me if it's common there) Also I never really see ancient alien stuff in any of the threads here. It's virtually all ancient aryans plus some nazi UFO stuff, and repeating the same basic info about Hitler's archetype.

The jew went into 56 mode too. kek

Eat a bag of dicks Sphincter.

What pisses me off is how they classify the old religions as new age and call it heathenism. Fucking kikes.

Having to even ask such a question.

Repackaged Crowley-ian faggotry like those tarot card threads they call "Druidism" on here.

Attached: druid germany jews muslims.png (540x567, 387.15K)

I'm asking you to explain why this random fag on youtube is bad. If you're not going to give me a reason to dislike him, then I'll just presume you're some type of shill.


Your pseudonym, eh kike. What's your real name?

Attached: Sherlock-its the jews.jpg (1024x614, 172.67K)

Are you going to actually give me a reason to unsubscribe from his jewtube channel?

Effectively it's an entertaining rehashing of stuff on pol's /x/ threads.

You can use his vids to move normies in from the Graham Hancock end of "things being covered up", but it does assume much prior knowledge of what the jews are up to that it's hardly worth it from a Zig Forums p.o.v.; more recent events are an easier sell.

I'm suprised a jew would try this play in CY. I presume the "we will lead every revolution against us" gene is real, and they just can't help themselves. Truly De-fucking-Monic.

Frankly is the best argument for nope-ing out of his influence though.

So ban him. And yes, he is a kike. Look at his eyebrow line. Anyone pushing anything that isn't sensible pro-white policy, anyone anti-NS especially, and any semitic cults, obviously are against our interest.

They're just trying to maintain their momentum left over from christ insanity, obviously, and it isn't going to work. Gas the kikes.

i actually have paperbacks of his books from the early stages of my red pilling. Upload them on PDF to deprive him of shekels?

Two years newfag. Lurk.

I really dislike you, (((Robert Sepher))). I wonder where you live?

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teeheehee, i'm not Robert you silly old goat

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Bodhi isn't even Robert, you retard, he just links to his works on ancient cultures and such. I don't even think the guy believes in Ayy lmaos either, but what do I know, I've only been subscribed to him for a while and used to talk to him.
People, look into this yourself, this massively faggot op just saw that the Youtuber reposted two or three videos from that one Sepher guy (out of dozens of his videos) because it goes along with stories of ancient peoples that supposedly have been suppressed, and not only that, the guy pushes Thulean stuff and at worst says to read the Vedas, he is pretty much a Buddhist. He also has all kinds of anti-kike videos, too.

Real Smiley here ask me anything. I might not read or respond to whatever you ask right away or at all but I'm here and this is your chance. I just want to say all I really care about these days is trying to get over my isolation and make friends and get a girlfriend. I don't even know what people talk about on /fringe/ and don't moderate the board anymore, just once in a blue moon see if I am still able to login, and that's it. I'm really sad and lonely and need to fix that. I'm currently reading through Siege by James Mason. I play to play Dota 2 a lot. I wish I had a friend to spend time with. I can't even imagine one properly.

I don't draw at all. I have no art. I am not an artist. I sometimes make CSS code.

I've never posted on /a/ once in my life. I don't think I've ever even accidentally ended up on that board except during that glitch where a ton of Zig Forums boards were lost and if you clicked on them it would direct you to /a/. I have never bothered to read, lurk, or post anything on /a/. I have sometimes saved anime images for shitposting purposes but I have never watched a single anime in my life, it's cringey and embarrassing and boring, I can't imagine what the mind of a person who can actually watch an anime is. I think otaku memes are funny and like the "basement dweller with anime waifu pillow" thing.

It's very obvious to me that the legends concerning me have far outgrown me. I have nothing to do with whatever stuff you're talking about. You're all chasing after other people thinking it's me.

lmao at that pic

Nope none of those people. Btw I became aware of the jewish question at 18 years old (by /new/) and was generally initiated about race problems at 15 (by /b/). I hate jews so much that when I find out someone has a significant portion of jewish ancestry I cut contact with them and when someone says something like "jews are white" or "jews aren't a problem" I can't let it rest and have to tell them about the whole history of jews, how fucked their culture is, the high rates of insanity amongst them, how they've been kicked out of every country, how they make up atrocities, how the holohoax is a lie, etc. I also have been banned plenty of times on here before for being critical of Trump, I do acknowledge he's a step in the right direction, and I think Trump's doing a lot of good things and is overall helping… but he's a (((civic nationalist))) and I wish he'd just get the RaHoWa going already.

My threads have been gassed and deleted many times over.

They're too busy nuking my hardline NatSoc posts to remove that kind of shit. I'm also tired of people saying we're "alt-right" or have anything to do with the right, we are third position, or "radical centrist". National Socialism is a mix of right and left ideas. That said, these days "far-right" has become effectively an euphemism for "pro-white" and "left" practically just means "anti-white". The left doesn't really pursue leftist ideals, they simply ask themselves "can this hurt the white race" and then they pursue that if it is a yes. The old left and right that existed in the 1800s doesn't really exist anymore, it's just ant-white vs pro-white now.


Assuming you are who you say you are which I doubt, I wouldn't be too upset. There are fucktards here still screeching about Imkampfy moderating despite the sticky the board owner put up looking for vols because he is the only person doing it at the moment.

Posts like this are why I'm suspicious of the whole "anti-smiley" narrative. We have a few shills trying to make esoteric Hitlerists look weird (because kikes are superstitious as fuck and it's an incredible psyop against them they prefer would end), and a few shills trying to latch onto that weirdness to divide and conquer.

Our druids are fine. Our Christians are fine. Our Pagans are fine. Our Erisians are fine. Our Esoteric Hitlerists are fine. We are all united in exposing truth and revealing the lies of the Pharisees. Zig Forums has grown as a secret society over the last few years. It is only natural that those who did not cause this change would seek credit for it out of ego.


Long ago on /new/ a half-berber half-jew called learningcode who was obsessed with me figure out where I lived because I uploaded gardening videos onto youtube on my blueberrywizard account (doesn't exist anymore, youtube gassed it) and because of various clues from stuff I've talked about. It took him a hell of a long time but he figured out where I live. At first there were theories about me living in St. Jacobs which is nearby but not where I live and some thought I live in Kitchener. Eventually though they saw on google maps various details that matched with the stuff from my videos. From this they figured out which was my house. They looked up the address and figured out the phone number and the last names of my parents. He then created a dox which he apparently kept to himself for quite awhile but then shared with some people in his circlejerk. One day, one of those people from the circlejerk for whatever reason, doxxed me. That is the dox you guys have today, although not all the details in the dox are accurate, you have a variety of things wrong. A sandnigger from the United Arab Emirates named Omran AlShamsi made then made my life hell for awhile by prank calling and sending pizzas and sending police to my house. Eventually the police stopped taking these things seriously though and stopped coming because they understand it's just some guy messing with me – and my parents stopped answering the prank calls and just ignoring it. After awhile it all just died down but you guys keep spamming that dox everywhere.

There was also a guy looked up a random jewish temple that happens to be in my city, made a thread about how I was supposedly jewish, then responded in the thread a few times pretending to be me and acting panicked that I had been "found out". I never actually saw that thread before it was deleted but he made a screencap of his own thread and that screencap has been posted and resposted forever and has been the foundation of the myth that I'm supposedly Jewish.

I hold ardently pro-white and redpilled views and have identified myself with the White Aryan Resistance before although I've never actually talked to Tom Metzger and I'm too much of a poor NEET to donate to anything or have any real ties to anything. At the end of the day I'm just a NEET hikikomori who takes an interest in race and politics and studies and discusses everything related to it and I also at 20 years old made /fringe/ and got interested in the occult but most of the stuff I focus on and like is just things related to William James, William Walker Atkinson, and pragmatic psychology. I don't care much about aliens or occult history or nebulous nonsense I just wanted to understand the power of the mind.

I've been harassed endlessly for years over stuff that is just made up or taken out of context and so on. A lot of the people harassing me are arabs (Omran AlShamsi), jews (learningcode and a couple others), homosexuals (Phantasm, Milo), trannies (Olm), anarchists, weeaboos / yellow fever idiots. They pretend they are white nationalists or whatever and then promote racemixing with asians or make the "x is not white" etc. threads and other bullshit.

I tried to kill myself before because I had enough of it all and because I was hating myself for being a dysfunctional NEET "autist". Looking back on it now, I just had a very long and awkward late puberty, and should have stuck things out longer… but back then I had no friends and felt betrayed and overwhelmed so I decided to just try and end it. That's where the whole "cutty kenny" thing comes from.

I'm recovering from a lot of problems right now related to depression, isolation, my previous suicide attempts fucking me up, etc. but in 4 months I hope to be a lot better.

You know ImKampfy = learningcode right? Learningcode always worms his way into power on every single imageboard that pops up. He was a mod on and he was and maybe still is a mod on krautchan. I wouldn't be surprised if he made a power grab for Zig Forums here on Zig Forums and also he has always been know for multiple personas usually associated with my little pony though I think he has probably stopped making tons of MLP personas now and made more personas unrelated to that. He's also behind the rach persona. Learningcode has been fucking with white nationalists now for decades.

You must be so proud eh kikey.(imkampfy derangement syndrome, sad! Many such cases!)

Do you still work for MI6?

Attached: smiley.jpg (474x355, 19.45K)

This seems like a D&C thread. Hitler himself wrote about the material he was reading in Mein Kampf in his early days, and him and Trotsky even went to the same coffee house in Vienna.

The Thule society history is pretty well established. I don't think Hitler was talking to Aliens from Mars, but the "Aliens" people encounter are actually demons. Hitler would have been the one that figured out what they were all doing and was fighting against it.

Attached: Hitler and Trotsky Same coffee house Vienna.png (719x5772, 3.24M)

Is this a reference to some kind of storybook character or historical figure?

Demon comes from the word Daimon aka the name of the tulpa that Socrates had and who guided him through his whole life. It took on a negative meaning through the medieval ages and because of the fear of the unknown many Christians have. You should just speak of "entities" instead of using that word "demon".

you have to slay the dragon and drink the dragons blood user

looks like robert called in some (((friends))) for help

this is a super-sekret double-cross reverse psychology by smiley to frame someone else for his autism. robert sepher IS smiley

Smily (the real smiley) is the BO of /fringe/ and ran freedomboard back in yesteryear. He a gud boy who dindu nuffin. Leave smiley alone.

I don't care who this other kike looking faggot is.

hey smiley why did you insist upon being such a cancerous faggot? do you realize you singlehandedly ruined /fringe/ upon claiming it as a BO? did you ever farm enough loosh? did you know css isn't code? iirc you were taking a four month break around 2014. why does it take roughly four months to achieve mental stability? do you still live in canada? were you born there?

Well, that's a highly jewish last name.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (300x300, 187.54K)

It's pretty clear that both you and he are guilty of samefaging on cuckchan and here having a spergfest. Only you are guilty of jumping at shadows calling everyone Smiley like a psychotic. You and Robert should drive up to Canada together, enjoy Smiley's dragon dildo collection, and all three of you live stream your gigahomo suicide.

Not him, but technically speaking, it is "code", just not turing complete code (unless you want to do some really awkward shit)

Cringey Faggot : he is trying to make you believe his schizophrenic nonsense, don't believe him, and believe my schizophrenic nonsense, because I used the buzzword Aryan!

All esoteric/occult/mystical speak / rituals serves one purpose - hypnotism. I like these discussions because they look where science doesn't, and I like escaping this shit reality, and this stuff puts you into a good trance. Concepts like good and evil can be better understood when amplified and dressed up in movies like Constantine. There is no doubt that this stuff influences culture, and I live a very spiritual purpose driven life. That said, there is no basis for any of the claims in any of the religions. I'm not gonna creep you out with the real truth , nah I will you are god, this is a computer simulation. Go meditate on that. Watch the Matrix, watch Fight Club watch Revolver or just watch some anime because those are much better Bible's.

It's a style sheet language without functions or logic. It describes how your html should be rendered. Without html, not only is css not turing complete, it is has nothing to describe. It's markup. Would you call markdown code?

Shamefur dispray.

Hello (((Robert)))

Hello (((Robert)))

Real Jew talk
Hello (((Robert)))

Hello (((Robert)))

Attached: dont be ignorant jackson.png (480x360, 219.77K)

Don't feel bad Smiley. This uber-kike has been going all over 4chan and here allowing people to call him you. He never denies it when people get mad at Smiley /fringe/ posts. He just laughs at you.

Attached: 08-25-06itsmysh_gmail1_07-16_drinks.jpg (350x547, 60.72K)

I don’t know and I don’t want to. Why let one faggot consume your time when much more important targets need more attention? I could understand if tits and pussy was attached to these faggots but it’s clearly just homoerotic OP(this faggot)

I've personally caught this faggot, and faggots like him and Smiley, using up to 20 different IPs in a single thread. Know your enemy.

Well someone was posting on /a/ with either Smiley or the smiley face icon in the name field. They would post really disturbing art and take requests. They were clearly mentally ill and were making themselves a wife. They would post for a few hours and then disappear for weeks at a time.

Well they were pretty cool so I am glad they are not a boring fuck like you, Kenneth Schueler 211 Corrie Crescent Waterloo Ontario.

It is "code" in the sense that a QR code is "code". It's a stylesheet encoded in a formal language.

Would you say that XSLT isn't code? (

Then again, I'm being pedantic. I wouldn't call a CSS designer a "coder", just as I wouldn't call an accountant that writes VBA macros a "coder", but both can be using what's ostensibly code. Code for encoding style, or sequences of keyboard shortcuts.

Notice how what you're saying translates to "html+css is turing complete", even though HTML is not turing complete, and CSS by itself isn't. And, your computer isn't turing complete if you don't plug it to the wall socket.

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I know we shouldn't cuckchanpost but the Jew is collecting anons emails right now in two threads.

You can see the wording he uses. You've been arguing with him for years now. Same asshole.

Attached: Bodhi Mantra jew2.jpg (114x210 10.8 KB, 12.05K)

the face of a deep state jew cult leader…

Attached: Bodhi Mantra jew.jpg (209x205 39.78 KB, 23.61K)

E-celebs are pure cancer, so it's definitely smart not to give him, or anyone else, actual "influence." But I'm still not sold that the guy is actually bad; especially if he's calling people a nigger on Zig Forums; or saying x/pol/ stuff in a way that's palpable to normies. Is there something I overlooked in that screencap, because it seems like it relies on the testimony of a literal who.

Those faggots always look the same.

Attached: 2.jpeg (716x808 45.44 KB, 76.85K)

That's fucking scary, dude.

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Where did you go Robert?

You've been MIA for 24hrs. No shill cult threads at all.

Here's hoping he has fucked off for good.

are you trying to use a kike to discredit some of that information as not true, when it is very common esoteric concept that is true.

He's scheming something. He was freaking out yesterday when exposed in threads, screaming "schizo schizo take your meds hahahahah!"

There he is, lol

Attached: pyschology frued.jpg (570x330, 28.53K)

everyone who doesn't agree with you is someone else huh? sounds like a certain type of shilling where the shill calls everyone imkampfy. Great argument btw.

Kissing up wont save you, Robert

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acting like a kike wont make you fit in moshe

Are there places like that nowadays? Hong Kong comes to mind. What about Budapest?

t. has wanderlust

Holy shit. I've never seen a more obvious (((infiltrator))). I haven't even read any of your posts. A tumblrfag like you would stick out even on cuckchan. Does it scare you that people know you're a kike even on an anonymous message board?

Every fucking time.

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Please go back to 4cucks.

This Robert guy seems to have really pissed an asspie off though.

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I can't take it. Robert is losing his fucking mind right now.

in purple (ID: WE3ChF/Q

Attached: hello marylin.jpg (1080x1080, 89.11K)

We know this for a fact. It's a total coincidence that Rachposting occurs at the same time as all these D&C topics, especially religion.

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You're all over this thread, Robert

ITT: IP hopping board raider(((s))) accuses closet NatSoc jewtuber of IP hopping and spamming D&C, when that's exactly what the're doing.


What are they sliding? Is it ?

enjoy your ban

nobody is purposefully sliding any particular thead, you delusional retard – and, no: nobody likes your retarded sex cult thread, so fuck off.


Isn't this tactic so… yesteryear?


Oh shit I got duped?

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mods confirmed mundies?

Of course that Serrano poster was a retard. I remember when he tried to claim Leon Degrelle became a pagan - what a total jackass.

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Apparently BO is a faggot.

He sure as hell is very sympathetic to jewry, calling them "refugees from Spain", "opressed".
He even glorified gypsies, calling them some noble misunderstood creatures.
What a shame. He has some extremely important information in his videos about the ancient past. I will continue to watch his videos, but I have always avoided and called out the nonsense when I see it.

Attached: (Atlantean Gardens) China's Pyramids and Inner Earth Mysteries - ROBERT SEPEHR (1080p_25fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)_1.webm (1280x720, 5.49M)

Here is a perfect example of what he's been doing. This image I myself first discovered buried in some abstract museum website in Iraq. Well, he put it into his book. He's been using Zig Forums's work and calling himself an "archeologist".

Look at the dates of the book.
Look at the dates of the videos.
Look at the dates of when Zig Forums really became Zig Forums (post the 4chan/oldfag anonmoose raid larping cute shit, but a place where intelligent people could come and talk about stuff after the first flood from 4chan).
Right before this there were all these "ancient alien" /fringe/ threads until we started having "ancient aryan" threads and shills got BTFO. We all blamed Smiley for this. Well, for the past year and a half he's redirected Zig Forums into the "esoteric" threads about aliens and underground hitler tunnels and flying saucers, Blavaski/Serrano "theosophy" (ie Luciferianism Gnosis that the elite worship {Trannyhumanism}) and retarded up the board.
It may be good to study esoterics and masonic symbolism but not from people trying to get you to believe in it like a retarded Miley Cyrus or Katie Perry brainwashing victim.

Well poisoning 101

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-2 Atlantis and Inner Earth Mysteries - YouTube.jpg (893x502, 263.7K)


If anyone is interesting in learning from someone who isn't (((one))) of them or a true believer in the "Luciferian doctrine" (which I call neo-Masonry or Templar Banking trannhumanism) this guy does a terrific job.

Is this the faggot who posts about vril society and other retarded shit 24/7 on cuckchan and here?

listen to mystery babylon series by william cooper
its about 42 hours i think but best info
and read books about catholic wars with the Illuminati from before 1900 or 1860

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I remember smiley shitting up a thread on /aus/ nearly 2 years ago. Some user was ready to suck his dick, n I had no idea who the cancerous fagot was.

Also German user from that thread who wanted to charter a boat and look for some lost island off Western Australia, I’m still waiting faggot

KYS kike

OP seems to be engaging in some disinfo. I've watched most of Robert Sephrs videos and I have never seen him make claims about the link between aliens and aryans, at least not as a main focus. Most of his research appears to be interested in the historical tracking of aryans through their history, accomplishments, and symbols. It is also nice to see an amateur anthropologist with a decent level of knowledge interpreting anthro/ archeological history from the Zig Forums perspective. He also studies the deception of the jews and their shit origins to a useful degree.