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I don't see anyone being hung for high treason(Soon.)
heh get rekt fgt
Bout fucking time old man
True, but a very important shabbos just lost $1.8mil in pension money. Not as good as execution but it beats having a retirement package.
This also has far reaching effects. Comey had to have known about this fucker's bullshit. This mean Comey might get the rope as well, which means by extension his firing was proper. This then means Mueller is fucked as well. Now we need to get Rosenstein to fuck off as well.
Depending on how smart or retarded he was saving his income it may very well be a slow execution.
he was almost in the clear…
How is Mueller fucked? Is Mueller to be fired next? Oh the salt that would generate!
Its obvious now that Mueller and Comey are already flipped. Fun times ahead going into the midterms. Not just because of the looming indictments, but because of the fear it will cause among them. Which will almost certainly result in more panicked, self-destructive behaviour as they tighten the noose around their own neck. Big happenings ahead.
Is he going to "burn this bitch down?"
Keep moving the goalposts, kike.
Cernovich is a cuck, why does anyone listen to that bitch? Didn't he play pretend hide and seek from some pussy little girl during Gamergate?
42751 Summerhouse Pl
Broadlands, VA 20148-5511
(703) 723-7061 - Landline
(914) 238-5825 - Landline
(215) 238-5825 - Landline
(215) 922-2076 - Landline
(571) 721-0414 - Wireless
(609) 428-0016 - Landline
t. FBI
Checked. Seriously
Call him then faggot. Record it and post it and then GTFO
well well well.
Shills on suicide watch.
Going to be an interesting weekend.
I wish I wasn't banned from Twitter so I could fuck with that nigger.
Isn't Cernovich a kike? He really acts like one…
Bans cleared, btw. Shitpost away, Anons.
Just heard that he loses all his cool retired FBInigger perks, like this:
wew lads.
Just reported you for being either: A) Newfag retard who thinks this is how it's done, or B) A Jew, or C) not Zig Forums material.
So what about this post requires your BO tag you massive faggot? Oh wait you just want people fawning over you.(>taking the bait with his only post on the board)
And he wants to pretend he's not part of the shills in question.
McCabe on suicide watch
I wish there was someone to take a picture of his face. I don't think even Comey got cucked out of his pension.
Hopefully he cracks and spills beans on other corruptions
Checking those dubs for you.
Much appreciated, user.
A nice pali followed by dubs, the setup is looking good so far….will a lurker be blessed with digits? Is the fire rising? Will McCabe be the rat heard around the world? What a timeline that would be. I'll try and meme it, any other anons listening should chime in with the same intention as well.
The resounding silence right now is a massive tell.
Likely coming up with a new angle. "Trump's unconstitutional firings" or similar nonsense.
Probably. Still can't believe Sessions found his ballsack. Probably had to dust it off.
Pretend to be a investment company looking to help invest his non-existent pension.
Or you can't just wave a magic wand and get things done.
I'm out of the loop on McCabe. Why do we hate him?
Even the cuckchan thread (made only minutes before this one) has less than 160 replies.
NO FUCKING WAY the deep state lets this slide.
Big happenings coming. Beware the ides of March.
Fire them too! Hail Sessions! Never saw that coming.
Fuckin' A. I didn't know. Thanks. Glad he's gone.
There have been so many happenings since Aug'14. Yet, I can feel so many more coming and I still go to bed smug and laugh myself to sleep. We're in the quickening now. Humanity is about to level up.
Control your space bar nigger. Lurk for a dozen years
Calm your tits. I'm just on way too much coffee.
just make a new account using a private browsing tab and a account thats what I did
I really hope the next batch of HAPPENINGs are activist cunt mayors and judges in CA being arrested for interfering in DEA / ICE operations.
Maximum Overdrive is a pretty good bit of horror shlock.
Checkeddddd, good shit all around. But like this user the fact that it's so quiet on this thread is odd. I'll wake up tomorrow and it'll be fuckin flooded with shilliness, I'm pretty positive of that.
We can't let people who smoke plants to relieve pain get away with this! Kill them all! Ruin lives over this! There are fucking pizza shops all around me owned by literal coke dealer mobster and police not only protect them but go there for a bite to eat, and Jeff Sessions wont do one fucking thing about this, but he found his balls! How bout you just end the drug war so your mafia buddies don't have a monopoly anymore? That would be pretty fucking patriotic you goblin looking dweeb.
PS: one of you autistic faggots should do a magik the gathering and remind the world that Mark Zuckerberg stole Facebook because jews are shameless thieves. They are trying to memory hole this and that's why this fucking commie douche has the ability to influence people.
Doesn't matter.
McCabe loses his pension, but Deep State will make sure to pay him off for his 30 years of (((service))) in appreciation for his abusing FISA and for giving contractors like CrowdStrike access to NSA's 702 "About Data" database to spy on Trump, Trump's team and all Trump voters.
McCabe will even end up richer than he would have with his pension.
Within a few days, McCabe will be appointed to a multi-million dollar contract as National Security Analyst with CNN or with NBC or with CBS, where he will join his former partners in crime John Brennan and Michael Morrel as TV bobblehead propagandists.
McCabe will also be appointed to several kushy tokens roles on the Board of Directors of firms which are in the pocket of the Clinton Crime Cartel, such as Perkins Coie or Emily's List or Google.
Watch, by next week, McCabe will be swimming in more fliff than he ever earned on his G-man salary over his combined career.
You'll see.
Heckuva job Mister Magoo Sessions, you just gave McCabe a big ol' fat Publisher's Clearing House check that he can cash at any loyal branch of the DC Swamp.
Also there is zero value to Sessions or anybody who believed in Santa clause. Christianity is a fucking gay debunked religion that does nothing about the unlimited suffering in the world so some narcissists can humbly stroke their ego and a few creeps can diddle children.. There are zero scientists who pray for test results because there is no basis for religion. People seem to just go "aw they are harmless let them go" then people are enslaved or killed by these schizophrenic fucks
I see the bots just went online.
They aren't even trying anymore
Why do people speak about thirty years from now like things are going to stay like this? You gotta be fucking retarded to think theres even more than a year left. Dumb overconfident fucks. There is zero chance that I am allowing any of this to continue. Thirty years hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha yeah I'm just gonna go line up at the bread line and hope that the pyramid scheme I was born in decides I have magic royal blood! I was born in a world with a rigged economy, a world where some dude who called himself The King thinks he and his children will have more power and wealth than me for eternity, and I am just going to bend over and accept my enslavement!
"I have no argument so when somebody is more righter than me I can just say magic buzzwords and then my mommy will come hold my hand and make me win the argument!"
I can't tell whose worse the Jews or you retarded fucking golems.
Ahh thanks for that kek user, twas a good one. Excellent palindrome too.
I was just noticing this….they're getting quite advanced now too, one was shown to recognize text in images a few weeks back on cuckchaim. How hilarious is it that tens of thousands of hours and millions of dollars have been dumped into this bullshit…..and these niggers still can't teach them hown to right. Now that's some shit. What an amazing timeline this is boys. I'll be thinking of all of you tonight, trying to reach out and lend my spiritual support as I meditate. It's been a while as I've been busy and slipping on my dedication to our future, but this truly feels like the winds of change are starting to get going. The days ahead may become interesting. MAGA my brothers.
Here is Incel "Hothead" Polusers playbook
Somebody provides something to counter their belief.
Poluser is upset. It was basically like they uploaded a video of them dancing like "hey guys look at this based Aryan dance" then somebody came in and said "holy fuck your dance is retarded old traditions die because they suck"
Then rather than accepting that somebody doesn't think your retarded fucking traditional German dance is cool, you go "SHILL! MODS! BAN THIS HATE SPEECH! I NEED A SAFE SPACE!"
You are the most pathetic fucking pussies who ever lived. I have never seen one poluser debate anyone. There hasn't been one fucking one on one battle because you are coward losers. Not one fucking actual debate. You just do that "smug" whiney bitch "omg like omg like omg like are you kidding me seriously like wow" like that is an arguement. Grow some fucking balls and go spar with somebody. How are you the master race if you run front 100% of battles like a faggot then declare yourself the winner even though everyone else knows you are a loser?(jew)
Reposting this for those who haven't seen it. Nothing new here for anyone that has been following closely since the campaign, but for those who are new, it is a must read.
Q is looking more legit too
No it isn't you fuckstick.
Your spiritual support is appreciated and will be put to good use.
(((Rothschild))) losing his shit
Call him a jew…
Do it, Mcgaybe.
kosher salt is best salt
>McCabe loses his pension, but Deep State will make sure to pay him off for his 30 years of (((service))) in appreciation for his abusing FISA and for giving contractors like CrowdStrike access to NSA's 702 "About Data" database to spy on Trump, Trump's team and all Trump voters.
You realize he's being accused of lying to the FBI, which means he's going to big boy prisson. What is MSNBC going to do, interview him from his prison cell?
I'm sure they'll have a good spot in the cell next to him.
Fucking lol. Bet already had a golf vacation planned. Now he'll have to cancel and get a job as a Walmart greeter.
Having agents alter 302s is a pretty big deal. Don't forget about that, and that's just the tip.
Fuck cells, hanging from the same tree
Are they still on about Obstruction of Justice?
Surely, since the House Intelligence Committee has ruled that there is no evidence of collusion, Trump was not hiding anything and therefore cannot realistically be said to have obstructed justice?
They're so desperate that the City of London kikes fucked up a false flag so badly that an entire park is quarantined.
They'll start getting more and more desperate from here on out. Expect fireworks.
lol jesus
Kek be praised, one day away fro. retirement, AHAHAHAHHAHA
I like how they kept it till the last 24hrs, keeping that supreme fgt in suspense the whole time.
Also his birthday.
I didn't believe that was real at first
i-is it happening?
d-do I dare say the fire is rising?
18 U.S. Code § 1622 - Subornation of perjury
Whoever procures another to commit any perjury is guilty of subornation of perjury, and shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 774; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
Now thats shitposting.
Stephen King is a massively pozzed faggot that licks kike's balls, but he is good for entertainment from time to time. Did you know that is the only film he directed? It was so bad he never bothered again I still liked it, though.
Pic is one of his two houses that are side by side on West Broadway in Bangor, ME.
Checked and kek'd. What a fucking nigger.
Also, polite sage myself for off topic.
Kek. I'm reminded of the manner in which Comey was fired. By Trump appearing on a television screen behind him while he was giving a talk. Shutting the window on McCabe's fingers is pretty damn good too.
I wonder if Brock is going to use jewish lightning on his offices. I don't think Trump appreciated those disgusting photoshops you kikes made. And now he has the NSA… Better hop a plane soon and hope he doesn't send you a JDAM care package!