Is There Asian Privilege?
Is There Asian Privilege?

Can someone tell me if there was any anger against Jews in the 30s and 40s or if this is just made up?

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How can you be privileged if you have a tiny cock?


I laughed more than I should have. Sage for off-topic.

It's interesting that Asians don't have a good track record starting businesses or rising to success despite their advantages in IQ that are touted pretty consistently.

They're risk averse and highly uncreative.

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This is what makes asians feel the chill, we know we are the next on the block after the whites are gone.

White skins must be destroyed, black and brown only.

Explain all these asian megacorps though.

What nigger

Bettridge's law

and true.

We're next, duh.
Why else do you think I even come here?

Because you hate hebes and niggers like all sensible people.

This. Plus Asian culture has a hard on for strict social hierarchy. Who you are and your social status is paramount. It is a shame based culture that rewards obedience to one's superiors and talking back or questioning them is considered disrespectful. Their group collectivist thinking is backwards, they avoid challenges (rocking the boat so to speak), and individuality is frowned upon (thus no creativity). Asians exploit and abuse the bullshit Confucian 'social harmony' (one big happy family) and filial piety ideas for their own benefit. And to top it all off, the youngsters over there are robots.
t.gookanon whose parents left Asia because of the toxicity.

Holy shit leftists are retarded.

They remove points from chinks to give niggers a chance, but this is wrong. The correct thing to do would be to remove points because they are all filthy cheats bred to take tests while not knowing how to do anything practical unless hooked up to thier hivemind.

Can someone tell me if there was ever a period in the last two to three thousand years that there wasn't anger against the jews?

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Nope. Jews were hated everywhere and in every time period becuase of their degenerate behavior, banking, and usury.

Jumping so quickly to remove this as an explanation pretty much demonstrates that they know it's the real answer.

Lurk more, you insufferably retarded faggot.

The cheating is not the fault of the cheaters, but of those who let them cheat. Cheating is a valid strategy for a brainlet because the alternative is to be a nobody loser poopsmith. In White society we are still hesitant to tell brainlets they are brainlets, instead keeping up the facade that any day now they will blossom into a talented person if only we give them the chance to. This is good and bad.

And now you're infecting us with your pathetic social cognition. Leave.

Only privilege is the gov leaves them alone. Kikes dont view them as a threat for obvious reasons.

Up until the 1960s Western cultures almost always had elements of Darwinian harshness to them. For the last 50+ years since Jews completed their total takeover of what used to be White society, we've seen the results of what happens when we're forced to live under the authority of people who not only want to undo all of nature's societal controls, but go full retard in the other direction. It's now celebrated to be any kind of third-world shitskin, a whore, a homo, an unrepentant drug addict or a fatass. The bad guys of Current Year + 3 are anyone from an advanced race who tries to make an honest living and keep themselves in good shape. Those people, by the mere act of living as being as they are, make the world's human garbage feel bad, and that's now a crime against humanity.

Weimer Republic.
Luckily they're all falling into the same traps.

At first, I used to be the typical gook liberal but when I came to this board my life changed for the better. Zig Forums taught me to become my own man, to improve myself, and ultimately opened my eyes.

Ivy leagues are still way disproportionately jewish. Harvard is like a quarter jew and only a quarter white way out of proportion with actual data on merit which suggest that whites should be somewhat overrepresented in proportion to the population percentage in general pop, asians should too, and jews should not be overrepresented by a factor of over 12 while virtually none of the low IQ brown and black people would get in on merit.

Gookanon knows his place, he can stay.
Funny that we tell the sincere to leave but do nothing substantial to address the shills. Soon it will just be shills.

True, but they are allowed to prosper in their home countries first where they are both protected by government and almost religiously supported by the local population. Once they go abroad they are already established enough to not have to start from scratch, and cashed up enough to hire the necessary people to get it done.

On a level playing field, from scratch, they're nowhere near as capable.

Do you see a connection between this and the effeminate nature of Asian men in their home countries? Female rule in animals corresponds highly with caste systems while male rule corresponds instead with class mobility and thus competition.

The connection is very evident. Asian men in Asia have it really badly. Most of them are fairly unattractive and scrawny as fuck and spend a majority of their time studying for 18+ classes. This already kills his social skills as well as his confidence as a man, so once he has reached dating/marrying age how can he not be beta bucks? Plus the whole 'suppressing one's true emotions to appear "strong" ' doesn't help the situation.
This is so ingrained in society. For instance, here in America or in any other Western culture names are structured as [first name] [last name] where as Asian names are [last name] [first name]. Announcing the first name announces the person as him/herself, but announcing the last name first announces the person as part of a larger group (no individuality).
It's all so troublesome really. Zig Forums and daddy Hitler taught me to love my country, family, and culture but it's hard to (though I keep the cultural aspects alive e.g. speaking the language).

To preface this, I attended two separate Ivy League universities for my undergraduate and graduate degrees.

I am the product of a public school education, having studied for the SAT for the entirety of one week before taking it in high school. As an undergraduate, I spent one summer teaching at a private summer school in New York City, where I'm from.

This private school was owned by Asians and of the 90 or so students (grades 6 - 8) that I cycled through in any given work day, every student was Asian except for one Indian student and one white student. I taught for 6 hours each day, five days a week. On Sundays, I was told that the majority of these students went to a different private school for musical instrument lessons. This school was not some isolated example designed for particularly serious students, but rather, what was considered normal for many Asian students in New York. This school was one of several dozen located in Brooklyn alone.

I was instructed to teach these students history, economics and mathematics at an 11th and 12th grade level. Additionally, I was instructed to hold two SAT prep sessions each week to 8th graders, despite the fact that these students will not take the SAT until they are at least in the 11th grade.

To put things into perspective, while I spent most of my summers playing basketball, hanging out with my friends or video games, these kids are spending more time learning at private schools than what is considered standard for a normal school day during the semester. I was lucky to be intelligent enough to outperform these students despite spending comparatively very little time on education, but these students have a huge advantage on less-gifted middle school and high school students by spending much more time studying and preparing for standardized exams. This level of rigorous memorization and repetition, coupled with a near-pathological regard for educational prestige (I was often questioned at length by parents about how I managed to be admitted to an Ivy League university and if there was some sort of secret to it), allow these students to perform very highly. Keep in mind that the SAT only has a limited number of question types that could be asked, so 3 or 4 years of rigorous SAT prep will insure that you can basically memorize the exam.

They do not have higher IQs, as I've observed in my undergraduate and graduate experience (Asian students are rarely at the top of the class), but they put in an immense amount of additional work to succeed in education. This sort of approach certainly carries negative consequences on their social and emotional well-being. Many of these students had what appeared to be budding personality disorders that would soon turn into generalized anxiety, anti-social behavior and depression given enough time. There were a number of student suicides in college which were carried out almost entirely by Asian students.

You want to know the secret behind Asian success? Try really, REALLY hard.

They'll just sit back and let whitey kill himself with the shit covered sword he imported. Then once whitey is gone they'll raze the globe with no competition.
If you were a chinaman, would you care if whites were being killed with their own stupidity? This is advantageous to them. They aren't susceptible to guilt tactics like us, and will just torch any shitskin left alive who makes a fuss.

Chinks and chinklovers leave the white man's board.


Cheating, nepotism and more nepotism, yeah.

I miss white nepotism.

Op is a victim minded faggot.

Sage for shit.

t. chinese user who is now laughing in chinese

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obviously that's because racism.


kek. talk about a softball.

whites are the only thing stopping China from going full exto in Africa.

The Chinese are extremely cheep and Nationalistic people, I could go into Further Detail but I refuse to Enable the Chinese with Information.
At the end of the day its not Whites or the Chinese, it is the Ultimate Lack of a workforce Incapable of tasks….

Chinese cannot mix well with Africans in the same way the Dutch and Portuguese did.

To both see them as africans but as partners. As laborers and ocasional slaves but as part of the team to make it with.

Then the Anglo came. The Anglo never understood how to deal with Africans, for he had heavily relied on industrialization.

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Asian parents drive kids to be obedient good students. Third generation Asian americans tend to be more like white muricans though for what it's worth.

I'm from Germany and there is a rigid social hierarchy as well. While not as extreme as in confucian countries everything is stacked against solo entrepreneurs and free thinkers. You go through the system and be a good worker bee engineer etc. and maybe at 40 you branch out in this biz with established connections and credibility if you have the drive and are willing to risk all your shekels and then some (debt owed to banks who will only lend to the lowest risk candidates 95% with collateral like an apartment or house).

Japanese people are rigid conformists just like Germans, however Chinese people are huuuuge risk takers.

They will want their kids to go the easy route though before they try anything risky and there are usually strong expectations of Chinese people taking care of their parents, establishing a family by 30 etc. that all makes most take low risk routes as you have too many factors to consider as a responsible person.

Saged because irrelevant topic.

So does Europe. You got their shit job and trade worker bees, then their superiors who demand respect by seniority alone, then there are the higher casts like doctors, managers and CEOs (who were put into these positions right from the start because the family had money for fancy private schools and connections, not because of merit) and higher tier workers like bankers etc.

They have the money, they live in the nice areas, while the worker bees live amongst each other and they demand respect purely by their position position as well and just fake egalitarianism whenever they come into contact with the plebs by not living too flashy.

You'll be hard pressed to find (m)any underdogs who are able to find success despite their position in society.

Underdogs succeeding and meritocracy are mainly a murican thing.


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You mean like literally any American mega corp that got and still gets spoonfed by daddy state even when they keep outsourcing jobs?


Asians are privileged in maths and the sciences. It's a very racial thing, this privilege.

Are Blacks privileged in music and sports? I think so.

mods are fags———why is anchored?

Which is why they've failed to make any meaningful advances in either field and just crib from Europeans.

My school was for academically gifted kids, so had an IQ test to join. We had chinks straight off the boat that couldnt speak a word of english getting really high marks due to Chink Genetics.

Which is why you can't properly write in English.

Maybe I am one of the high IQ chinks who couldnt speak the queens English?

I think my anger broke

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Girl never turn away because it too big, gweilo.

How can we make the gooks replace the kikes?

How about you kill yourself?

Delusional fucks. It's strictly IQ.


Asians are as white as Argentina!

Also diet plays a significant role. Breastfeeding on average increases IQ by 3 points compared to formula. A healthy nutrient rich diet of whole foods is extremely important for brain development. Asians, specifically the nips have a very healthy traditional diet whereas the "west" has largely converted over to shitty processed foods. This has to have an effect on IQ. I would be interested to see an IQ comparison of whites and asians that were breastfed and raised on a traditional healthy diet. I would wager that the IQ differences would largely disappear.


Hold up, only 2% of kids from Hong Kong are breast fed, but they have the higest IQs in the world on average.

It's a mixed bag.
It's easier for a black to get into college with the same stats.
In other areas they may have a slight gain in affirmative action.
Asians are not better at math and science, their parents and teachers are just fucking strict and enforced daily 8 hour study sessions on them.

Chinese government violently repressing any rivals to state owned enterprises or "private" enterprises run by friends and family of politicians, creating huge monopolies in a 1 billion person market.