Trump to host Saudi Arabians at White House on March 20
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if it involved detaining the shitskins and interrogating them about what happend in vegas and who orderd 911 and then do an appropriate retaliation.
also kike free first post
Thanks I tried a couple of times and got "Network Error"
Are they going to discuss strategies for bombing Yemeni children and raiding your cousin/brother/uncle/all of the above bank accounts?
They're planning the war with Iran.
Checked for
We already did that. That's what the whole Riyadh Ritz-Carlton torture deal was about.
It's too bad they only killed a couple of the fucks.
keep your friends close
keep your enemies even closer so you can not sacrifice them on the grand climax
China/Russia dumping US reserves and China is launching their petroyuan on March 26. Not to mention countries looking to get their gold back.
h ttps://
If you want to break a link, archive it instead!
Fuck this. I want all these Sand Niggers dead.
Now you are learning
Has Trump prepared the 72 goats required for his esteemed guests?
What's with all the newfags? Bin Salman is legit so far. What's next? You faggots going to tell me Assad should be killed?
What is this, making an offering to Sauron?
This is a real post.
He's too much into western secularism/liberalism.
Great call schlomo.
Love it. Drive this fucker down hard.
BASED Trump, supporting our second greatest ally. Drain the Swamp!! Winning! 99D chess!!!
Yes, my fellow goyim, he is almost as BASED as Netanyahu. Trump sure knows how to pick the best people. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. MAGA!
must be why hes surrounded by right wing folks
scizophrenia: the post
i wonder why this isnt on the first page, its as if (((someone))) doesent wanna see it
It was the Jews dummy.
Are you a retarded?
Didn't that guy made a huge purge in his country in which one of them was a huge share holder of Twitter?
Yes. There was a massive purge of the (Arabs) who were funding American (Democrats) and investing in (corporations). The shills are still trying to push the kiketrump meme because the niggerAIDS have migrated to their feeble brains.
this. im still waiting for autists to explain how giving saudi arabia billions in arms was 170pChess when all they did was hand it over to ISIS
Ah… makes sense now.. The Siege of Tel Aviv begins on March 21st
so… you are retarded? who gives a shit about any sand niggers? Assad was very useful for anti onigger memetics. Aside from that if syria must be glassed, ok.. its not like there is a single country near it that doesnt also need to be glassed.
samefaggot as this retardation
So you are not only retarded, but a shill as well. You do know you faggots will all be held to account for your crimes, right? Don't be surprised when it happens… We've warned you all quite enough by now.
You had me up until:
Try killing yourself.
Never trust an Arab.
Shut the fuck up, kike.
This is all about some coalition (((they))) want to form against Iran to denuke itself. Now SA are the good guys goy!
Unless Trump trusts them, then they’re BASED
That's what they'll spin it as. The purge is nothing more than a show for the world to forget that israel has been controlling these mutts for decades. "Now they're allies goy!"
Show your face, TORnigger.
Shut the fuck up, nigger.
we europeans do because retarded burger wars down there opened sent the migrant waves into europe, fucked with our oil and gas prices and our relations with russia
why, because you dont wanna give golan heights back and because they wrecked your alqeada army?
only israel and maybe jordans capital should be glassed. and ankara, but thats risking a collapse of turkey and more migrant waves.
you fag burgers dont know shit as always
well done sherlock homo. are you new here. you must be because your posts are borderline retarded
i was summarising his shitpost.
he tought if he said assad was good that would validate his previous statement that slaman is based
Saudi Arabians are a type of Jew.
rip rolfe
over jews and burgers? yes. european demographics are more important than american oil money
the saudi royal family are jews you newfag
Thieving our money with forced arm deals and you're acting upset you son of whore. In the end of the day ISIS served US project in Iraq and Syria to protect Israel and weaken and theft these countries. Just like how you sell your weapons to japs and SK with NK boogyman. Americans, jews same shit. They're the one behind weakening europe and inventors of multiculturalism to control europe easily.
Meetings like this worry the Jew.
they didnt cause problems for us before america went full retard. infact they kept problems away, as gaddafi had a deal with italy and france to keep african refugees pinned down while saddam and assad dealt with alqaeda and other US funded terrorist organisations.
so yeah, muslims are better because theyre just a weak bunch of sand people on their own and dont cause problems. but the moment america and jews come somewhere you get a catastrophy
No, jews aren’t worried by meetings they’re attending, you blithering idiot.
mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerans have always been trying to invade Europe.
and europe always managed to deal with them. besides, if arab states stabilise turkey gets cornered by them, europe and russia. the only musslim threat left to europe would then be multicultural and immigration programs that were imported by america
No, you faggot. Muslims have been a problem from day 1. Ever head of the fucking WAR OF TRIPOLI? America was barely a new country when Muslim asslickers started fucking with it. Besides, it's more than Americans. Buddhists are killing Muslims. Fucking Buddhists. You know you are lower than dog shit when the Buddhists hate you.
turkey wont be a problem. unless your point is that X people are bad if they fight you when you invade their country
chingchongs in southeast asia are mostly buddhists and that doesent mean they have to be the cartoony monks you burgers see on tv. case study:
basically you just seem to be desperate to have a scapegoat to divert attention for the real cancer of this world(>Turks in Tripoli)
and now you miss your target by a dozen miles like 70% of other american cruise missiles
Religion of Cuck™ is warrior caste Judaism, as opposed to Judaism proper, which is trader class.
user Buddhism has been a martial religion from day one. Buddha himself was a Kshatriya.
go rape a goat somewhere else, achmed.
They're worried Jews user.
What is she looking for?
i didnt say that faggot. and why did you put that in pinktext dumbass, how ne are you?
i already said that if america and israel gets taken out, turkey becomes a nobody and has to bow to european markets.
arabs wouldnt do shit either when theyre left alone, and the saudi and other terrorist supporters would get fucked without america to back them. and traitors and undersirables could be taken care of in europe without any objections and interventions from "the international community"
but dumbfuck fags like you dont have two braincells and will go die for israel if theyre given a scapegoat to charge
this had to be captured on tape