Car of peace flattens israeli rats

Just a small whitepill and a break from the increasingly unhinged Shareblue threads

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Inb4 Israel has West Bank IDF open up in a target rich environment (a hospital or school) in retaliation

I believe this is the actual Volkswagen used in the attack.

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Hitting the gas indeed.

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You're on the wrong board

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Fake news. Richard Spencer is a zionist, he would never let a Palestinian use his car to carry out an attack on Israelis.

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Man I fucking hate Israel.

I think you go that a bit mixed user.

Israeli soldiers are notorious cowards with no fire control. Battlefield accounts basically say all their FOBs have 360 fire control, regardless of who's around them.

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more IDF stories please

2 down
5,999,998 to go

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tl;dr wednesday

Truly the people's conveyance.

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Thank you, Ala Qabha

Thanks. I hope this is a trend that continues.

Off topic post. I don't about you guys but I've seen Arab media before mostly shown by (((MEMRI TV))) and it's nothing like Al Jazeera or RT. Al Jazeera supports rapefugees and is anti-Poland and RT once interviewed (((Tim Wise))), he was babbling about how White America shouldn't be a thing and other anti-White kike bullshittery. I'm posting a hooktube link for proof. Both are pretty anti-Hitler and anti-NatSoc to be honest. Both are not fund of Israel but they don't hate Jews at all.

At times I've heard Arabs in their own local news outlets saying that the Jews are behind communism, feminism and the holohoax narrative and they pretty much hate everything the Jews have done throughout history, none of them are left leaning. Since they're mudslimes they don't give a shit about White lives but they do support Hitler, but only because he knew about Jewish lies.

pic related

Their land taken 70+ years ago, disarmed, constant surveillance and no civil rights, kept in ghettos with dirty water, their remaining small land taken away, their children and wives being bombed constantly, 2nd class citizenship at best.
And yet they still fight, struggle and live, even with the entire world against them.

They are a example of hope, a fuck off to all black pill faggots who say its hopeless, just look at what those people get from the kikes daily!, Do they surrender and await their slavery and extinction?, No! They fight, even with stones if it the only thing left.

If you actually made your post all about the struggle of Whites on their own countries because of kikes and shitskins constantly telling them they should always be guilty for their ancestor's doings and being physically beaten up by said shitskins just for being born White, no Marxist would believe you. Marxists mourn day and night about how "oppressed" shitksins are in 1st World nations and actually support Palestine and being anti-Israel only because they think kikes are White, therefore they think the Israel-Palestine conflict is just like the holohoax fairytale, pretty lulzy stuff user, shows how mentally ill these "people" really are.