This sunday,,_2018
Russians will take to the polling stations to decide the future of their country in the upcoming presidential election in Russia.

While it was proven Russians didn't influence the American election,
And Mueller/(((MSM)))/Soros got BTFO

Already we can see British meddling trying to influence the results

Who will win?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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So how badly is Putin going to hack THIS election?

If Russians spoke English I'd move there as long as firearms for hunting were legal.

Russian Homestead Act

The Russian Homestead Act is a 2016 proposal by Russian President Vladimir Putin to give 1 hectare, or 2.5 acres of free land in the Russian Far East to Russian citizens and foreign nationals as long as they live there for five years.

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Is it hacking when everyone knows voting against you is meaningless so they don't even bother?

That's fucking nothing. I wouldn't move to another country for less than 40

Russia doesn't have strong firearm laws, but if you're in the middle of fucking nowhere Siberia, I doubt anyone would bother you, especially if you're armed to the teeth.

Honestly, unless you have at least a square mile, you don't really have anything. Four square miles is really the minimum for a white man, imo.

And I'm not being sarcastic. a 2 mile x 2 mile (four sections) is really what a man needs. That's enough gameland to hunt more deer and wildlife than you'd ever need to kill for yourself and your family, plus farmland, forestry needs, etc.

russia has shit-tier gun laws. Handguns illegal for everyone, only cuck-tier "nonlethal pistols" that fire rubber bullets and will just piss off an attacker. Buying rifles requires you to have held a shotgun license for a long-ass time, I wanna say 10 years, getting a shotgun license is hard as shit and the cops try to prevent you from doing it actively. Oh, and reloading ammunition is pretty much universally illegal.

You faggots need to Zig Forums more, Russia ain't an armed man's paradise by any stretch. Gommunism has been a fucking hard pill for them to regurgitate.

Did everyone miss the new that Adrian Lamo got suicided?

Forgot the quotes around elections

You are already hacked

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That's legality though. I sincerely doubt that rural people are disarmed in fucking Siberia.

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Navalny is the only true Russian hero with any balls that Putin hasn't murdered yet. It's easy to act "tough" when you have an entire military and intelligence apparatus surrounding you 24/7.
Navalny is totally unprotected and the only one standing up to the kremlin crypto commie, exposing his regime's corruption and encouraging Russian youth to hope and fight for a better future. And he's doing this knowing he has a very real chance of being killed for challenging Putin, just like Nemtsov, Litvinenko and all the others. Putin is cowardly scum who will answer for his crimes someday and will be reviled by future generations of Russians who don't suffer from Stockholm Syndrome like that passive sheep generation alive today who will say, "We didn't know! He lied to us! What could we do?"
Enjoy your little victory dance while you can, gopniks. Your shit country is only getting shittier by the day while you hide your head in the sand and pretend "Russia Stronk!"

I know you are a shill but I can't decide are you aidscommie/payperpost/glow

You don't come from here.

You can really see where the man's loyalties lie. If Navalny was in charge, he'd make a good political prostitute and sell the country to ZOG wholesale.

You can criticize Putin for a lot of things. But whoring the country out to Western bankstas ain't one of them.

Get a grip, Putin maintains control through corruption, this is the system he inherited. Navalny would crush Russia because he doesn't know anything about geopilitics, has no influence on oligarchs and has no ties with the intelligence services. Putin is not a white nationalist, he only cares about the big game, i.e. the battle against the US for influence spheres and thus the survival of Russia as an entity with its vast landmass.

Now they're saying Russia has installed malware into smaller US electrical stations. KEK!

Lel. Started dancing immediatelly. Such is reaction to hardbass

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try guessing who can win in country with state-owned federal TV channels, state owned newspapers, internet censorship and non-electable district governors



Do your need more data? State-FUNDED (i.i. no need to be profitable) and owned mass media.

What are state-owned and state-funded TV channels in Italy?

Could it be, that people trust Putin because of economic growth and stability?

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I don't suppose that is possible

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Any RussiAnons around:
Are you allowed to meme?

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Last I heard, Zig Forums was banned in Russia and VPNs are banned in Russia. I think the only Russians on Zig Forums are either hackermans or FSB. (Good job bunker busting those mossad kikes, btw.)

Well I am posting from Russia now.
It would appear they unblocked Zig Forums

thats not how their system works

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Only it does.
I remember trying to post from Russian VPN a year ago. It didn't work as 8 was banned.
Just gave me an error/blank screen.

Now it works


Good luck. Stay strong and resilient. We need you, as always.

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Put it in one post nigger.

Wouldn't be surprising considering that they ban our kind and our kind of thought.

no, read this

I just posted with a russian vpn.


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Should I even bother going to vote? Feels like a total waste of time.

Russia is a nation with laws that aren't really followed. The time I went over there I got to play with a machine gun out in the woods.

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we all already fucking know that Putin is going to be re-elected. While I agree he probably did not interfere in the US 2016 election, the Russian government is basically an oligarchy faintly disguised as a democracy. He has basically consolidated his power, you could make a strong argument that he's basically a dictator in that country

They're still laws.

Laws exist in Russia to makes bribes possible.

There hasn't been a true Republic anywhere in the world in a long time.

Everything that isn't a monarchy is a republic by definition retard

How can anyone get excited about a rigged election with no uncertainty or suspension with the outcome being a foregone conclusion?
This thread fails hard, full of (1) shills and instantly stickied by shill mods.


Why hack it when victory is guaranteed?

Please explain to me what I am reading.
This rarely happens but I have no idea what I just read.
All I know is that one year ago, you couldn't access Zig Forums from Russian IP which now you obviously can

Most accurate description of Russian legislation ever.

oh boy if you thought american elections were rigged i don't know what to tell you about russian elections. why is this pinned

its hard to simplify. Lot of information goes into how it works.

t. torpedo
Should I even bother explaining the salt from the muh Russia crowd at the inevitable?

yeah i had something similar. by all means 8ch is blocked in russia but seldom when i forget to turn on my vpn it works.

Zig Forums was blocked.
Now it's not blocked.
The technologies used are irrelevant. Of course there will be actors trying to sniff your traffic and spy on you, that's the modern world. Simply being able to access the information at all is important.

Filtered for posting trashy whores.


Even if Trump was guaranteed 99% of the vote in 2020, I'd still go vote.

And then kill yourself for being a terrible shill.

Tell me more about how (((ISIS))) is laughing at Russia.

Average monthly income for a Russia is $500 USD a month, with many others way below that.
How do you even afford internet, or do you steal that too? lel

How are your paid mercenaries doing in Syria? Are they managing well at dodging NATO air attacks? Apparently not, kek.

You had one job.

Point taken.

Ain't that accurate.

Rhodesia was probably the last actual Republic.

Did I say perfect? Russia is still first world country, and my salary is slightly above American average, because I'm a fucking Burger not a Bear you Torpedo kike.

This post is definitive evidence for how retarded you are. What retard implies that the biggest boogeyman and Oden Yinon plan stomper on Earth is irrelevant? Kill yourself shill.

I think one Tormuldist is getting a pay-cut today.

It's some kike worried about when the next israeli jet is going to get shot down.
You know, there hasn't been much noise about Iran's land corridor to the med, and I haven't heard about a single Israeli airstrike in Syrian territory since the shoot-down. Perhaps Iranian invasion soon?
Here's hoping you get glassed, kikes.

not a putin/muh based russia shill but i heard people say the internet is really good here price and quality-wise compared to usa atleast (i pay about 7 bucks a month for it and it's fast, never even checked the speed tbh because it's so fast). shame it's getting censored (including this site lol)

Obviously I don't have time to archive all links but I'm sure the message comes through without interpretation

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Yes. I'm here. This thread is fucking embarrassing.

Reading this thread is the same as reading some idiotic Russian liberal college student posting on 2chan about how Hillary or even Bernie would be a great president for the US.

When it comes to Russian politics, you won't believe how incredibly bluepilled most of you guys are.

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Enlighten us

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Care to go into detail so that we may have a better understanding of the situation? You also know we'd infinitely prefer an open NatSoc leader for any White country right?

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Thanks bro.
Also check

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If play with bear,
Bear bite

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Well, by all means Ivan, red pill us on Russia.

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I'd like to point out that, despite what Hillary might say, most of us do not, in fact, speak Russian.

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Russian here, using proxies to bypass internet censorship signed by Putin hence I'll always be (1)

You can legally own a range of weapons in Russia, non-automatic and suitable for hunting. I am not familiar with laws though.

He does not need to because of what a joke politics in Russia are.

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"For Paris"

"For our people"

Russian AirForce insribes message on bombs designated to daesh

Except that 500 to 10000 is 2000%, sorry.

"[I]t doesn't seem like we're fighting something big, just some alcoholics and homeless guys," 1st Lt. Alexey Chaban, of the Ukrainian army's 17th Tank Brigade, told War Is Boring. "Despite the fact that there are Russian soldiers fighting us, they don't have experience and make huge mistakes. Dying by the hundreds — they're not even real fighters."

This "person" isn't Russian.
Go to sleep, by all means

The facts are all out there. You can either be objective and take things for what they are that life in Russia isn't exactly good by any standards or continue in wishful thinking that Russia is some kind of paradise for the white race.

Like who? There's no one like that in Russia, or at least not this fake election, there's Navalny who openly admits to being a nationalist, but he is boycotting the election (and rightfully so).

Again, if you really care about the Russians themselves, not the government (which is one giant mafia) then I trust your attention span is long enough to do some research for yourself and not just trust hearsay, there are many resources on the internet.(>politely asked for sauce

Ban this shill

Everytime I read about some poor sucker in my Country going to jail of saying mean things. The feds got him from that site. As a general rule, I try to avoid it.

ffs nobody in Putin's "government" gives a fuck about the white race, just stop embarrassing yourself.


Your shilling is glowing.
I hope you don't get paid for it as it is money down the drain

I don't post there at all but the Russia threads are all legit.

get the fuck out or shill better.

The Russian military has started to reform after the Georgia conflict—but only small portions of its forces have transitioned to the “new model.” More than two-thirds of Russia’s armed forces—particularly the ground forces—still follow the old Soviet conscript model and are still armed with increasingly decrepit Soviet-era hardware. Even the majority of Russia’s forces fighting in Syria are using modernized hardware from the 1970s.

Can you be more obvious?
For fucks sake shill,
You are bolding a whole paragraph

Idiots like you are only able to argue because the internet exists.