Jew York Times article on Asatru

Who Owns the Vikings? Pagans, Neo-Nazis and Advertisers Tussle Over Symbols
by Richard Martyn-Hemphill and Henrik Pryser Libell

Edgy Larpers

Cucks & Fags


Hilarious Jewish spin tactics

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Theres so many levels of retardation here I can't even handle it. First of all the article spells "Hel" as "Hell". Secondly any Pagan that worships Hel is probably a fucking retard , or a woman.

this is what happens when you let women become priests in a system where men have traditionally always been the spiritual leaders

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Pathetic bunch of inept fags.

t. homebrewer

Sounds to me like it was non alcoholic because there are people who choose to not consume alcohol rather than the lack of ability to find or make alcoholic mead.

you can pick one and only one. The gods do not appreciate being cheated. If they were going to have nonalcoholic mead why even have it? To pour out fake mead on the altar is an insult to the gods.

Remember the kikes hate traditional European religions infinitely more than they hate Christianity.
Our gods and symbols are banned from public view, our beliefs are relegated to "myth", and there are close to 0 depictions of any modern pagan person today in jewish fiction and media.

The kikes dislike Christianity, but at least they can control it. It is a semitic faith they can understand and manipulate. The heavily fascistic and natural/hierarchical order of European paganism scares the kikes more than anything else. It is the antitheses to everything they believe, and they will try to snuff it out.

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youre preaching to the choir, say something that wont lead to the thread devolving into a D&C cuckfest.

Anyone has that screencap where a kike explains why they hate nature and primal religions? I seem to have lost it.
This is not a D&C thread you cunts.

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>“It’s the same (((trick,)))” she added, “that extremists play everywhere: Build on local trust.”

what if someone brought their kids along?

>tfw the only modern representation is shit like (((marvel))) movies

Excellent article, user, but I was looking for an 8ch screencap.

The screencap is a shortened version of the article.

Shit, I need to get some sleep then. Thanks anyway.

children did not take part in the rites of the gods. Children can watch with their families but should not make sacrifices themselves. And my point is that the mead, or sacred liquor in question, must be made as libation to the gods. It must be poured out upon the altar after it has been drunk, so that as we drink the mead the gods join us, thus we commune with them and honor them. To commune with the gods, and to offer them, with FAKE alcohol, is an insult and a worthless sacrifice. Better to not sacrifice at all. As I have stated before, the gods do not like to be cheated.

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Not yet. Here you go. Good night user.

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This times all our people.

We should drop the kike propaganda religion that has lead to all white countries being invaded while we do nothing. When the average white has no identity but christ cuckery he sees no reason to fight for his land.

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oh I guess I misunderstood things, yeah I agree your point

t. boomercuck

Does ice cream cause shark attacks?

But wait aren't like all white people the true Israelites?

If you do not understand the importance of Hel, then I think you fail to understand ancient European religion, my friend.
Read Völuspá and consider who is the ultimate power describing and described in this… Same for ancient Irish, Scottish and Manx mythology.

Passivity and the loss of purpose and rootedness is what left the European races unwilling to defend their homes.
Christianity does not condone action, but servility. It does not condone a sense of belonging on this earth, rather, that the physical world is tainted and should be scorned.
Christianity is not a doctrine that promotes healthy national socialist thinking. It is a religion created by and for semites; the most detestable people on the planet. You should relearn what you real ancestors already knew, what they discovered themselves.

American christianity is just glorified traditionalism. No one actually follows the more obscure counter-intuitive morals imposed by it. Why people continue to imply otherwise is beyond me.

This is another problem with Christians, the obsession with a bronze aged tribe of semites. You wish desperately to be them, instead of embracing your own people and history. Because of this, we can never rid ourselves of the jews. We will always be spiritually (and physically) connected to these parasites if the god we worship deems them as his chosen tribe.
Even if we were to rid ourselves of them, we'd just become their spiritual successors.

It's not. You probably don't even realize the moral framework you adopted as a child when Christianity was the zeitgeist.
If instead we still lived under the hierarchical morals of our ancestors, we wouldn't have such a problem with nihilism and getting ourselves lost in the world of forms and abstractions.

Christianity serves us no purpose when our struggle today is racial survival. The only thing Christianity teaches you to defend is your faith in foreign god. To a Christian, the earth, your bloodline, your history, and your identity are transient. There is nothing to defend or protect. Christian morality focuses on the world unseen, and complete subservience to it, everything else be damned (literally).

Nihilism, egalitarianism, and pathological altruism have their roots in Christianity (and judaism). We had a more healthy mindset before it was introduced to us. A white man shouldn't burden his mind trying to understand and adapt to semitic morality. It just leaves you an abomination.

I know, did you see the hate and vitriol about the winter olympics jumpers sporting a rune,
Omg raysis, its nothing, why would you do that, offensive, nothing but a myth, preaching hate,

Even one symbol of white culture is enough to get (((them))) frothing at the mouth

Nothing which is American can be considered traditionalism and it would instead be more accurate to consider Americanism to be defined by rebellion against the traditions of Europe. The groups that founded the colonies were puritanical fuckwits, criminal exiles, and Semitic speculators. The politics which define America are liberal beyond hope of providing a stable basis for a society, being the direct inspiration for the liberté, égalité, fraternité nonsense which sent France into the grave Christianity had dug for it. The very fact that the Constitution forbids the establishment of titled nobility should tell you all you need to know about how far from the Aryan ideal (as expressed by their self-referential title of "noble ones" and their strict adherence to caste systems) America is. American Christianity is Zionist degeneracy propagated by Freemasons to support their establishment of the New Jerusalem from which the Semitic world order rules.
It is impossible for Christians to avoid the detrimental, Semitic values of their religion because the most basic ritual of the cult involves spiritually debasing oneself by consuming the blood and flesh of a Semitic idol and thereby communing with the Semitic racial soul.

From real discussion to schizo babble in one post.

The Jews are literally demonizing a fucking alphabet. It's the equivalent of throwing a shitfit about Japanese kanji, or cuneiform.That's how petty and small-hearted the Jewish people are.

Personally, I am disgusted by Hebrew and Arabic scripts, but I do not have seizures and write angry articles whenever I see them.

I think christianity had its use, we developed more peaceful societies that made all that science and engineering possible on our way to space, but today we are way too pacified, domesticated like dogs. NatSoc had the perfect balance between nature and domestication.

"Worship" isn't the right word for what your ancestors would have done, but there absolutely would have been offerings made to a god like Hel. She would have been feared rather than loved, but still regarded as having power and needing to be appeased. Christ so radically transformed the world that most people, including contemporary so-called pagans have forgotten what a real pagan's mindset was like.

You do not understand what it means that the Israelites were God's chosen people (and don't seem to understand that the Church–the community of believers–is now Israel, while those that call themselves Jews are the Synagogue of Satan). That fact implies precisely nothing about the virtues of the Israelites as a people, which you would know if you'd ever read the Old Testament. God chose to send His Son to them precisely because they would reject Him.

None of this matters until you have resolved the question of whether Christianity is true.

I'd love to have a pagan thread one of these days if you wanted to make one.

Make it during American night hours, otherwise it will be nothing but D&C shills calling each other christcucks and LARPagans.

that really pissed me off, like I saw the sweaters and thought they were cute, started to see if I could get a better picture of them so I could knit one for myself, and found a bunch of jews gnashing their teeth bc muh white supremacy.

it just goes to show how crazy this world is, when a sweater for a nordic country participating in winter games, like the whitest olympic events ever, can't depict a single letter from an archaic indigenous script without people accusing them of supporting genocide. So much neuroticism

I think that's bc it's more in line with the concept of the dual nature of man, which is a p european concept. Middle eastern religions are all about control or submission, and that works over there because that's how those people are wired. It doesn't map well to the spirit of europeans, and I know this sounds stupid af but it's how I think of this: it's like the comparison between vampires and werewolves. Werewolves struggle with the conflict between being civilized and accomplishing wonderful things while having urges to give in to animalistic desires or compulsions that seem brutal but gets results, much like Europeans having mastered both high art and ruthless warfare. Too much civilization, and you get soft, too much wilderness/savagery and you cease to be human. Meanwhile, vampires have powers of intense control, manipuation, and yet are often harmed or killed if they are exposed to the world. They leech off of their prey and induce in them a sense of lethargy and feebleness, which is what gives them such leverage over us.

s-sorry for the rambling, idk if any of this makes sense to anyone else, just thought I'd put it out there

Or how about he makes it whenever he wants. If people don't like it then they can not click on it.

Oh, you naive innocent child…

Christians don't decide what can and can't be discussed around here. If they have a problem, they can make their own thread, which I would encourage pagans not click on either.

It's not about Christians or Pagans, user. It's about shills that were trying to drive a religious wedge between Zig Forumsiticians before Zig Forums was even created, and they are still hard at work. It only takes a couple of shills to turn a religious thread from a civilized discussion into a shit-flinging fest, which is not a pretty sight.

Is there another female in this thread?

They are pronouncing "Heil" as "Hell".

From what I've noticed from participating in many religious threads on this board is that there is a very vocal group of christians who hate that anyone disagrees with their religion so they shit up any thread that isn't for christianity. That you describe anyone having a pagan thread about paganism is exactly the issue, you treat any disagreement regarding religion as D&C as if people for time immemorial didn't disagree about these questions. Hell, even the third reich had serious doubts about christianity and tried to reform it from within, albeit unsucessfully.

I normally don't take it upon myself to fling personal invective, but I'm sure you're aware of this on some level but continue in a type of talmudic dishonesty in order to lure more people into your camp while denying other people the same courtesy. Sorry bud, fairies dont exist, they're only for people who're afraid of the dark. Ancient European religions were about glorifying nature and man's place within it, a spirit that the kikes hate more than anything.

Cards on the table first. I'm a Christian.

I don't get how you can complain about one religion not being suitable, say that the one you prefer isn't real anyways, and then say people should follow it anyways. That's not religion; it's stylized atheism. Social engineering at best. If religion isn't a pursuit of an ideal rooted in truth, it isn't anything.

Except they are not Christians but D&C shills, user.
Better safe than sorry.
You sort of missed the mark here m8, I am a nativist pagan myself. I just support the "united by blood, not by creed" principle. We will have plenty of time to sort out our disagreements with Christians once we're done with wolves at our collective doorstep.

An aside: This thread is ripe for D&C, and Zig Forums's current PPH is over 200, meaning they're currently botting. Don't respond to bait or whatever else might show up.

Fairy folklore is a more accurate study of the divine than Christianity. Associated phenomena such as the Vardøgr are still reported in Nordic countries with surprising frequency.

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I came up with that werewolf thing myself from time to time. After the aryans domesticated the wolf, they must have apeared to their enemies like demons who could mentally control a wolfpack. Or when they were hit by surprise at night they could not rationalize whats going on at all and think its supernatural monsters.

The answer is that that user and many others on here have the goal of uplifting the white race. Our religion is our volk, something greater than yourself, something eternal, something you believe in and protect.
We reject Christianity because it's been detrimental to the success of our race, not simply because we think it is untrue.
Not a bad thing, in fact, it is completely necessary at this point. Our society has been engineered to suicide itself. We need to reverse the effects, not just wait until people "wake up".

Religion is the pursuit of an ideal rooted in truth? Then we here are more religious than most people who call themselves religious. We have a higher purpose, it's just not to worship a foreign god.

Im being perfectly honoest, I am not from here. A friend of mine sent me the link to this site over text and this one line, for whatever reason seems to irk me.
If being concerned about eating healthy makes one a nazi, then something tells me we are far worse off than previously thought.

I just find it very interesting that the Japanese are able to maintain their ethnic homogeniety by instituting a religion that does NOT have a deity and instead worship ancestors and heritage. Really interesting how that seems to shake out. Not all religions are based around a central deity figure, as buddhists would remind you.

Raceblind christians are the shepherds who allowed the wolves onto our doorstep. I don't believe for a second you're a pagan. Shutting down discussion about topics you don't like is the definition of dumbing down this board. Not every thread used to be about whatever Trump did at that particular moment.

I view this discussion as one that needs to be had so that we can get the wolves away from our doorstep. Christians such as yourself will always try to shut it down, a vestige of the jewry you've internalized.

I realized afterward what I said. Fairy folklore is actually quite interesting.

I am not shutting anything down m8, I am just trying to prevent this thread from being shat up.

You were the one advocating that people who don't agree with Christianity should talk about their views under the cover of night.

Yeah, fuck those dumb broads who don't drink alcohol while pregnant.

Eating fast food is one of the best examples of being a good goyim, a uncaring, amoral consumerist.
Having concern for something greater than your immediate pleasure is something that deeply terrifies the jew. Caring about your body/health, the treatment of animals, and disliking giant corporate rackets, that's basically national socialism.
If you refuse to eat fast food because you have concerns outside of a dopamine rush, it means you may have concerns about other things, too. Namely, the future of your nation and your people.

The jews are keenly aware of these feelings and thoughts the goyim has. To a novice, it may seem strange that jews would compare eating healthy to facism. But then you come to understand their pursuits. They want to degrade and destroy, and they fear those who want to build and maintain.

The jew pathologizes everything good and healthy. Read The Authoritarian Personality. In that book, jews discuss what causes a person to be fascist. What are some of these things? Having a loving family, having a good relationship with your father, being disciplined, caring about animals…. These things all imply that you care about the things jews want to ruin.

I prefer my threads clean and not full of shitflinging shills, that's the only reason. I mean, have you seen what goes on here during American daytime hours? It's a matter of comfort, not suppression of opinions.

Reminds me of vidrelated. This wretched short-haired cunt is from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, an anti-German organization run by a vengeful ex-Stasi kikette.

i've been found out

why woud they write a book like that? If they define fascism as having a loving family, discipline, loving animals and nature, wouldn't that just make people want to be fascist?

Your comfort is worthless in comparison to continuing to post the truth about the inherent degeneracy of Christianity. With more active moderation of the shills who push Christianity as acceptable, threads would be perfectly clean.

We don't need your nannyism to protect your precious christianity. We've sussed out the truth regarding christianity, and we will continue to push alternatives that are less likely to drop the ball as christianity has.

If you say so, m8.

Which is why having a loving family, discipline, loving animals and nature has been the subject of demonization for over 70 years now. First it was outdated, then unpopular, then weird and geeky, now it's simply racist. The endgame is to be able to send anyone who isn't a mindless, rootless consumerist drone behind bars for thoughtcrime.

Oh, for fuck's sake.
I dislike Christianity and its Judaic "values" as much as the next guy. However, religion is not blood, and there are few Whites left in this world to begin with. There are more important things to fight than each other.

I've seen discipline being demonised, but loving your family and animals and nature? I know a ton of marxists bc of where I live who are vegetarian or fag, go hiking, or are concerned about the environment and animal warfare


You should really try to conceal your feminine diction. It makes you seem like an outsider. wanna be gal-pals?
Europeans are naturally fascist. That is why the jew has poisoned our culture from the top-down… Indoctrinated all of our youth to be self-loathing and critical of their natural instincts.

Why does racism, sexism, homophobia, etc always have to be routed out of young whites? Because it is natural. It takes decades of indoctrination and constant exposure to jewish media to make them forget…. but not really. Whites are still too fascist for the jew, even after millennia of adopting a semitic religion and decades of oppressive propaganda.

That's well and good, but that's a philosophy, not a religion. You could make the same statement about a generalized 'goodness' you wish to purvey.

That is a massive can of worms that can't be so easily pidgeonholed. It's only extremely recent history that Christianity has been wielded against Whites, and in the hand of kikes.

Absolutely. But you're playing a dangerous game when you try to make philosophy, religion, or society stand in for eachother rather than just inform or limit eachother. A naturalistic religion (which as you've described I still say is a philosophy) will be by nature wildly open to interpretation. Social engineering is still engineering, and as the saying goes, if you design something foolproof, nature will design a better fool. A true supernatural religion will weather time better than your proposition because its mandates supersede mortal meddling. Christianity was made a weapon merely by co-opting the people who interpreted the ironclad laws. How much shakier a basis will you have when there is no divinity to lay down the law?

In many ways, yes. I feel more humble and closer to something real here than I do in the Evangelical pits I was raised in.

I take issue with that turn of phrase for several reasons, the first being that it's an angle that shills absolutely love to harp on because it sounds good. But more to the point, saying 'foreign' distracts from the nature of a supposed arch-entity, such as God-with-a-capital-G, which is so far above mortal life that concepts like race don't even register. If something is true, it doesn't matter where it came from. We on anonymous imageboards above all others should get that.

God picked the Jews to do a job, yes. That isn't necessarily a good thing for them. And even if it did make them super-unique special snowflakes, they abdicated and betrayed.

This is all virtue signaling at best and retarded eco-terrorist pseudomorality at worst. The left cannot into environmentalism, their very ideology is its antithesis. They turn everything into a retarded destructive cult. Try explaining to any of them that driving an electric car damages the environment more compared to a petrol-fueled car in the end due to lithium battery disposal; they'll spit in your face because you are a heretic.

Those bound by Christianity will never take up the cause of our race; it's as simple as that. There will be no day of the rope until our peoples are freed from the influence which caused them to accept Semites in the first place. In that regard, eradicating Christianity (not Christians) is an integral step in dismantling the Semitic hegemony and thus those who defend Christianity in any capacity are a hindrance to the re-establishment of European ethnostates.

They have to play the most evil, disturbing music when showing a white rural family farming in order to get an emotional response.
This is disgusting. The jew really does hate traditional European living.

You just have to accept that some will never renounce Christianity; it's too comfortable of a crutch for them. So, are these people useless? Not at all. They can still perform important work and have children that can be brought up with a proper set of beliefs and values. Saying "Christianity must die" is reckless, however correct it might seem. Alfred Rosenberg, while being close to paganism in his beliefs, still tried to create a reformed, racialized brand of Christianity to be pushed on the general populace. He just didn't have enough time to implement his plan.

They have been trying to call the worship of the old gods a new age religion and heathenry. Fucking cunts.
Fuck off, faggot.

If your god was real he would have chosen the greatest race to walk the earth to adopt him.
Why would your god choose the most vile, revolting, and parasitical race to spread his message? Just so they can drag down humanity for an eternity?
So, say that he is real. He is the worst steward of the earth imaginable, and I reject him. I'd rather burn in hell than serve a deity who would curse generations of my volk with his "chosen" cockroaches.

Abrahamism was the best thing that could have happened to the jews. It made them inseparable from the races they parasite off of. If your god had chosen the white race to be his "chosen", we wouldn't ever have to even think about these bronzed-aged merchants. They would become an irrelevant desert tribe, lost in the annals of history.

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Alfred had plenty of time, the problem was that the church bitterly opposed injecting any racialism in the church. Really makes me think. My goal is to increase the racialism of my culture, and if christianity stands in the way then it goes out the window.

Christians will never admit that their race is more important than their religion, which is the PROBLEM.

Unfortunately we don't have the luxury of being able to lie to people about Jesus being Aryan due to the discovery of the Dead Sea materials. Reform of Christianity has been made impossible by the ever increasing mountain of evidence showing that it is a false religion through and through. Rather, any sort of reform based in the truth will remove every part of the religion which distinguishes it as "Christian" from the Bible to worship of the Semitic idol Yeshua.

Yup. Except like with other things, some people will never get the wake-up call. Hell, you still have White true believers in the Rainbow Nation bullshit. In fucking Johannesburg.
Just accept this and try to use these broken people to your cause's advantage. Or at least do not let them interfere with it.

Your entire post is talking from a position of categorical authority on matters that happened so long ago that some people dispute if the people were even real, nevermind what actually happened. Doubly nevermind why. Triply nevermind you claiming to know what a deity would have done, which what you really mean is what you would have done if you were in their position at the time, which is false both to them as you're not privy to supernatural will, and yourself given your current perspective of hindsight.


Christianity is fake because exodus never happened. There is absolutely zero archaeological evidence that a large group of jews left egypt, or were slaves there to begin with. This gigantic sob story was used as pretext for the kikes to take Israel for the first time, as we can well remember.

These same people used a similar sob story of racial destruction to gain their lands back, this time using the holocaust, an obvious hoax. This is what these people do, create sob stories to get what they want. Exodus was just the dry run.

I fucking cackled when you described the mental image of a bunch of Jews high-tailing it across a desert as a 'dry run'. It almost draws itself as an over-annotated single-panel political cartoon.

You don't have to educate me on the machinations of the kikes. I get it. I don't really know the point of your post, though. It doesn't address anything I said. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you aren't really into archeology beyond its relevance to contemporary issues. We know basically nothing about what happened in or around Egypt at its height. We're still discovering monolithic monuments, leaving our knowledge about its metropolitan sprawl in doubtful question at best. I have no doubt that the kikes embellished the shit out of every mild misfortune they ever received, but it's beyond premature to say that something never happened because we haven't found the evidence yet.

A god can do a lot of stupid things but cursing humanity with his kike 'chosen children' is un-fucking-forgivable. Would have more respect for yahweh if he made jesus an abbo.

This is true, and is in fact a cornerstone of my reluctance to attack Christian Whites - as they still carry good blood. However, as much as they do good by having White kids, some also do a great deal of damage to their children by raising them up with reality-denying Creationism. This only hurts everyone, and helps nobody.

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Thus why it is necessary to firmly reject Christian nonsense on Zig Forums and in every place that might be considered a concentration of civicnationalist thinking. Rosenberg indeed tried to wean Germans off of Christianity with an Aryanized version, but the upper echelons of the NSDAP were taken from folk organizations such as the Thule Society. Christianity has nothing to offer us except Christian bodies to be converted to superior ideologies. Those who do not convert simply cannot be trusted nor granted a voice in deciding the future.

The exodus narrative was created long after the conquest of Israel as part of justification for political unification of the confederation of tribes which had come to comprise "Israel" following a return from exile, not because those tribes had needed a pretext to overthrow their rivals. The twelve tribes were native to that region from the start and merely conquered their own cousins as the Ashkenazim/diaspora Jews have done in modern times to the Palestinians who are the remainder of the Israelites following Muslim conquest.

Even the kikes realize that there is absolutely zero evidence of Exodus which would invalidate their initial claim to the land. No exodus, no moses. Very interesting how the bible describes how (((600,000))) families (~2M) kikes were supposed to be in this exodus yet there's not a single slipper or pot with hebrew scribbles on it. A mulltimillion population leaving would leave tracks, and there arent any.

So yeah, no exodus, no israeli claim over the land and thus none of the rest that came after that used moses, commandments, and the relegation of the land as pretext for later events. It's all a kike lie. Thus it deserves no protection from scrutiny.

BTW, the Dead Sea materials only prove that the Christ figure was stolen from older, Aryan archetypes, and appropriated and subsequently corrupted to suit Jewish interests.

Fucking goddamn lul. Not that user you responded to, but thank you for this. I was just working on imagining it, this is even better tho.

Yes, gnostic sects of Yahwehists mixed their messianic cultism with the Aryan archetype of the world/self-conquering divine hero-king to create a Semitic culture hero suited to their time of turmoil (or rather, the unbearable possibility of peace through administration by foreign, Europid rulers). However, that undermines the entirety of the religion as it becomes clear that Christianity is both false and a distortion of Aryan ideals. Before the discovery of those materials, it was possible to speculate that the religion may have been based on a historical Aryan personage whose message was distorted by the Semites to whom he tried to preach as Rosenberg mentions, but obtaining proof of the cultural development of that figure over hundreds of years by Semitic cultists shut out that possibility.

I still think it would be possible to purify the Christ figure of Semitic impurities, remove the reality-denying Christianity from it, and gain tremendously from it. Better to at least make an attempt than to piss off every Christian by attacking Jesus.

I'm just barely starting to learn about any of this, and have been against christianity for a long time, but it blew my mind to recently find out about the origins of Judaism. How it originally started with the Canaanite polytheist religions. How Elohim comes from the father god El. How Yahweh was a separate god, and how eventually all the other gods were supplanted with Yahweh and became a monotheist religion after the babylonian exile. That's the biggest bit of evidence that Abrahamic religions are all built on shaky foundations and bullshit, and shouldn't be worshipped by Europeans. We have our own native religions, we shouldn't be worshipping a mangled kike religion. I understand the argument from Christians that it was Christianity that made Europe great. I argue that it hindered us. Europe is great because of European ideals and intelligence, not because of the kike gods in our midst.

I guess that makes sense, and why jews and europeans inevitably end up conflicting with each other

I've gotten that reaction when saying that about solar panel disposal and the inefficiency of wind farms, and then saying that nuclear power should be our main source of energy going forward as long as we can do long term waste storage on the moon or something

This realization is why a lot of the christians here hate having religion threads.

I don't see how that would be possible when Jesus IS the Semitic impurity. The "purification" would have to consist of lying about the origins of Christianity which doesn't make for a solid ideological foundation. Better to expose the truth and guide people toward the archetype the Semites distorted to create Jesus in the first place. Otherwise, there are other lies that will have to be perpetuated to protect Christian mythology, such as the lie that civilization began in Sumeria a few thousand years ago rather than in Europe some time prior to the Younger Dryas.

ljl at these trashy whores with a fake thor hammer

source on that? sounds interesting

I've always thought about it like good has been done in the name of christianity in spite of it, not because of it. The cause was the spirit of the european people, christianity just tagged along

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Checked, it's because the dissonance kicks in once a massive blow to one's belief system happens. That's how you know said individual is affected by a statement. They lose it mentally lul.

Jesus is not the source of the problem - don't be ridiculous. The heart of the (((problem))) has always been the Jewish demon-god (((YHWH)))

Start here, supplement with Graham Hancuck's Fingerprints/Magicians of the Gods, then branch out to stuff like The Arctic Home of the Vedas.

The figure of Jesus is inseparable from Yahwehism as he is said to be an avatar of that tribal deity.

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Hold up
Maybe this is a reality, seeing as how civilization has been a part of Europe for far longer than most people think (just look at the hamburg culture for instance) but that does not negate the accomplishments of the (then Whiter) Near East.


don't forget halstatt salt mines having human remains dating back 200k years