Things are accelerating rapidly, goys. These (((European Style Socialists))) are going after normalfag channels now. Things are about to get real comfy.

Link: > https://

Attached: 3.png (632x327 15.75 KB, 47.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck.

Maybe this is why, lol.

Attached: 1053229246.png (1250x703, 634.1K)

[quote]2012, February: Nathaniel Philip Rothschild lost his libel case against the Daily Mail, after the High Court agreed that he was indeed the "Puppet Master" for Peter Mandelson, that his conduct had been "inappropriate in a number of respects" and that the words used by the Daily Mail were "substantially true".[/quote]
They had been bothersome for a long time.

Fingers crossed this drives the Daily Mail back into "Hurrah for the Blackshirts" mode.

Holy shit these Jews are paranoid as fuck

Attached: emma.jpg (255x255, 13.28K)

Holy shit this is getting good

Attached: 829905e11122ee4c94ef975e9fe477b8e0c71b20654c5685a1c7be80d88cfe11.jpg (1280x960, 122.41K)

Isn't that the same fucker who stated white people were a problem and jews should have total control?

Was the Daily Mail questioning the Russian nerve attack narrative?

Attached: 414d1cb0ae83625118fe159954d6e82998e0c5eae3e98be548145936b85a986e.jpg (342x416, 121.89K)

I hate these kikes so much

Attached: 1516115119993.jpg (227x300, 24.52K)


Weren’t they the ones that reporting on the niggers stabbing a “white” Arab girl to death?

This is escalating. First a few subreddits and twitch streams. Then aut lite faggots. Then Daily Storm and SF. Alex Jones. Now a minnor MSM outlet who didn't tow the line?
Whose next?

Attached: rpburn.jpg (822x544, 96.08K)

Holy fucking balls. The Daily Mail is 90% kosher. I remember laughing at other anons for direct linking them because they're barely, barely any better than the average lugenpresse rag. So how goddamn terrified do the kikes have to be to suspend the Daily Mail of all things? It's like suspending the Wall Street Journal because they're occasionally slightly to the right of Karl Marx.

This must be because of McCabe getting sacked. Not directly of course, but McCabe's firing seems to have worked the kikes up into an utterly terrified frenzy. I didn't think it was quite that significant but their the panic speaks for itself. They're scared. Very scared. They're accelerating their plans at breakneck speed.

Attached: McFuckmyshitup.jpg (620x349, 90.3K)

Youtube itself is next. A new video -sharing platform is on one the way: One that doesn't censor:

Confirmed partners already too many to mention… channels being reserved for all these and more: Natural News, Gateway Pundit, Activist Post, Next News Network, InfoWars, All News Pipeline, SGT Report, Ben Swann, Greg Hunter, Breitbart, Milo, Loomer, Shapiro, Coulter, Quayle, Southern and many more…

Yeah, cucks, juden, etc…the point is, big names abandoning youtube are going to buttwreck youtube.

Yes. DM is probably the only trustworthy journalism left in

I'd laugh my ass off if they start shutting down controlled opposition like Fox to try and bolster their failing world order.

We are literally witnessing the censoring of an established news company in Western Europe.
Get kampfy lads, we were always right & now normies will realize it.

Attached: IT'S HAPPENING-TkBMAHUkibY.mp4 (1280x720, 12.88M)

Guess that video of Bibi bleeding out a baby for the matzohs is about to drop?

Now this is interesting.

OP you lazy nigger! Don't you know even Shoahs get shoah'd? ARCHIVE!
Here's the archive because OP is a faggot:

McCabe was covering up (((Uranium One))).

Attached: rosenbergs die.jpg (457x470, 50.78K)

ariel rothbard, oh ok

Accurate. This all comes down to the greatest treason in the history of the world along with many, many horrific related crimes. Unbelievable greed and lust for power and no morality. The whole government is treasonous (or essentially the whole government up until recently, when some purging has happened).

People need to wake the fuck up right now.

I don't remember the Daily Mail ever being labelled a "rayciss wyatt" news source, or even be shat upon by the left.

to be fair you're probably not from England, it's pretty hated though. If you ever source your info with the daily mail you will be shat on with the force of a thousand gods

Attached: 020iansmithDM_468x519.jpg (468x519, 40.51K)

>McCabe was covering up (((Uranium One))).

No, they're freaking out too hard. It must go deeper than just Uranium One. (((They're))) basically done with the Clintons anyway. The kikes must think there's a loose thread that will unravel everything if it gets tugged on. And they think it's being tugged on right now.

Uranium One is a catch-all but it actually denotes the company that was used to wash the hands of the whole shebang, which encompassed massive diversion of classified info and HEU/plutonium, plus human trafficking, weapons trafficking, drug trafficking, massive blackmail of Congress and officials, etc.

It's a massive web of incredible, unprecedented treason and evil that goes back decades and ties in thousands of people.

Uranium One is sort of the entryway/gate to get people redpilled on enormous treason/criminality.

Looks like they' ve had
A little bit too much

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-18-02-13-24.png (1080x1920 628.94 KB, 242.53K)

This. It's what I call a "GamerGate overreaction" for lack of a better term. (Valkenburger was laundering drug money through crowdsourcing I eventually learned.)


we have ALL email and txts sent from 2000ish till now.

The kike secret society called ???, and not so secret society bnai brith. are wide open, there is hard evidence they work together against us.

gleeful posts plotting and laughing about white genocide.

This is also the make or break point for Trump. according to his "Q" Israel is going to be cleaned last. FYI Q has verified to have real inside intel and trump has signaled for him. There will be no way to tell who's side they are on till the very end of their game. America's / ethnic Europeans / kikes.
We shall see.

Almonds deactivated and disarmed. Keep walking goy, nothing to see here.

Attached: thought police.png (640x640, 729.38K)


Trump is /ourman/
He will do what's right
Be advised massive changes are coming.
Everyone who is not 110% on board with what he envisioned in the campaign will get purged

(((Rex + Jared))) are just the beginning

It is literally a jew-owned zionist rag

Q has been utterly wrong about a lot of things so let's not go down that path, friendo. Also let's not derail this thread.

A lot of people need to die for massive treason and related evil.

If Trump can't get them, the people must


All thinking licences are revoked until we start nuclear war with Russia

Attached: theresa-may-940x560.jpg (666x666 96.28 KB, 50.66K)

you must be 18+ to post here

>(((big names))) will

Attached: zwillenberg daily mail.jpg (640x406 76.85 KB, 129.31K)

Not sure if it is recent, but I noticed https isn't working on their main site either.
The https is redirecting to http (and giving the normal page when trying to archive) what I get in the https address in the attached image:

I saw two stories questioning the official narrative, also attached.

Attached: DailyMailShoahShutItDown4.png (1658x1116 424.22 KB, 277.33K)

Comfy as fuck holy fuck
I'm laughing my ass off


So what's next, lads?

Attached: 7c3ab91369b5db599e951ed7a2458c5c361c3e05db53afcf6fd5b36f5b558406.jpg (323x633, 29.26K)


A murder most foul? or Most deserving?


I think perhaps both. I expect fireworks.

Someone getting blown up in a Fireworks factory.
I like it.
dubs say it's Hillary on a China tour

Attached: SmugLaughter.gif (265x199, 395.22K)

Hehe gross
No seriously no thanks jüde tube

Attached: images.jpg (202x249, 8.99K)

Nice shitpost friendo :DDDD

Attached: IBM_NORC.jpg (661x520, 66.67K)


Attached: Who'sNext.png (930x932, 1.34M)

I expect the jews to try to blow something up in a spectacular fashion, but they get cucked hard.

Literally who?


Attached: ClipboardImage.png (701x574, 253.42K)

some of us really value https

So fucking confused right now.

Attached: me.png (222x250, 10.38K)

Anyone. This is war user. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Attached: natsocdoctors.jpg (471x676, 41.32K)

It looks like the Brits are all going to become CIA niggers. Because they are going to start glowing in the dark.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1920x1200, 73.15K)


This has basically been me for the past half a year or so.

When the Jew's paranoia reaches hyper-hysterical levels they turn on each other.

Fuck, if they actually shoah'd it, not just the youtube, it'll say a lot tbh. I'm excited to see what the reason (((they))) give.

Normalfags (not normies) will cheer and say DM deserved it for (((hate speech))). Normalfags are still crying over Brexit and believe every lie the EU sold them about it.

I've argued with these fucking NPCs. They literally believe everything the leftist-dominated media tells them. They're brainwashed slaves fighting for continued tyranny under their masters.

Attached: shrug.jpg (640x480, 53.3K)

at this point it's arguably the greatest newspaper in the world m8

Attached: 1471005004782.jpg (618x632, 75.88K)

That's putting it mildly.

I know, I've been waiting for this. Things will start getting crazier than an average kike. Exciting AND comfy, best combo


we haven't even into hanging (((them))) from lamp posts and seizing their ill gotten assets YET.

Ha (((limp wristed pussies)))

Cambridge Analytica in the crosshairs. Interdasting. It wasn't the Russians after all?

The faulty hdd seller on eBay
Bif Skipman
Dave Stone
Paul Sizemore
Sasha Lord
Amanda Kleineman
Kang Nigger
Both Podestas
Hawaii Distilled Vodka
"Broken" Hdds on eBay. It's gone now. That's the thread that kills (( (them)) h

Worse. It was the Republicans!

Free thought?

It looks you have all had a little bit too much to think

All.your thinking licences are revoked untill (((we))) start the war with evil Russia.

I was just looking CA up, linked to Robert Mercer, who initially backed Ted Cruz. El Rato takes the rap.

If nothing else, this just kicked off another slew of (((investigations))). They are doing the same hatchet job on the NRA trying to compel member data/donations.
Why does Bannon recruit these flamboyant faggots who can't stop running their dick suckers to the press?

Really wish we had a meme for the left eating itself. Like a fat, shit-skinned, purple-haired ouroboros.

alex jones is on fm radio now. dont know how recent this news is but its important for our times.

87.9 if youre in texas, i think its out of austin i pick it up in houston

Did they get a D-Notice?

>I'm excited to see what the reason (((they))) give.
Don't get your hopes up, (((they))) often feel no reason is a sufficient reason


If they can call Arabs (semites) anti-semetic…

No, scum not norms. Those lot are beyond help. They follow the wind whichever way it blows.

kek. True tbh

Attached: index.jpg (342x342, 18.13K)

Get comfy, pop some corn and watch the golems turn on each other.

holy shit

I laughed at the thought of that user, do a quick mspaint shitsheet.

Well I'm also a leaf and I'm the real 400 lb hacker (It isn't Fatcom) but this fucker brags too much.

Goes to show that the most important thing in this war is information, and whatever the public is paying attention to. In the age of information it's getting real hard for these fagots to control everyone's opinion. The internet is a real blessing TBH.

ZOG made the mistake of testing highspeed interwebs on a homogenous zerg society like Worst Korea. They didn't know how bad the goys literally everywhere else besides Asia would be.

Make sure they don't censor the net with that child trafficking bullshit bill.

Personally I think there's a globalist v.s zionist technocrat rift forming among jew ranks. Both have conflicting visions on how to achieve their ultimate goals.

wew lad

Attached: 1520546179106.png (288x291, 88.77K)

Ah, bless my aching heart. It's been a while since we had a good ol' fashioned happening thread.

Attached: 3bd5f83dec761443f2225cab585e0b30f65d1cd2b03e6e14e00686dcc69bb9ee.gif (800x800, 701.41K)


youtube is going on deleting spree

Attached: conspiracies of conspiracies.png (971x1738, 645.18K)

RIP Jewtube. Time to watch a decade-long staple of the internet collapse in on itself.