Statistics show Australia doesn’t need these migrants

AUSTRALIANS are being fed a “myth” about immigration and one expert says he has the damning statistics to prove it.

AUSTRALIA’S immigration program has been slammed by an expert, who says it is not really aimed at addressing skills shortages.

Population expert Bob Birrell, a former Monash University professor and now head of the Australian Population Research Institute, has released new analysis on the skilled migration program that confirms many can’t find jobs.

Mr Birrell points out that supporters of high immigration levels often spruik the role of migrants in delivering scarce skills. But he found the idea that the program was attracting migrants with in-demand skills was “a myth”.

“Only a small proportion of recently-arrived migrant professionals are actually employed in professional positions,” Mr Birrell’s report Australia’s Skilled Migration Program: Scarce Skills Not Required said.

He said the selection system did not prioritise occupations with skill shortages and so many professionals entering Australia were trained in fields that are currently oversupplied. This includes accounting, engineering and many health professional fields.

Mr Birrell said the Skills Occupations List introduced in 2010 to target professions experiencing a “national shortage”, had gradually been watered down and then scrapped altogether in 2016. He believes the list was axed because of the pressure to maintain a high immigration program after the mining boom slowdown. Recently, Treasurer Scott Morrison said calls to reduce immigration could cost the Budget $1 billion a year.

Mr Birrell has analysed census results to identify whether professionals moving to Australia to fill skills shortages are actually getting jobs, and the answer is, in many cases they’re not. Census 2016 results showed just 24 per cent of educated migrants aged 25 to 34 years old from non-English-speaking countries arriving between 2011 and 2016, were able to find professional level jobs by 2016. Five per cent had found managerial jobs.

This compares with 50 per cent of those from mainly English-speaking countries who managed to get professional jobs and an extra 13 per cent in managerial jobs. Young people born in Australia had the best prospects, with 58 per cent in professional jobs and 10 per cent in managerial jobs.

But despite the poor job prospects, Mr Birrell said people still wanted to live in Australia.

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kike free first post

I believe he can. And then he'll publish those statistics. The government will ignore it, and Jew media will shriek

Put it on the enormous pile of other news articles detailing the immigration myth here in Aus. Eventually the rotting edifice of unlimited growth will start to collapse under the weight. Australia is at about 85% white last I heard, and we're already feeling the Brazil factor, and with younger politicians starting to make noise about this, things are looking good to change.

The real question is how long it will be, and how bad things will get here before the change actually happens.

That's definitely because of their privilege, goy.

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nope, it was 86% in 2011. that's a fact. we don't have access to all the latest census stats, but from what i've been able to find on abs, we're aboute 80% white right now. it could be slightly lower, though.

we are definitely feeling the brazil factor. hell, every time you leave the house, the people on the street are slightly less white. demographics are changing very quickly. i'm a mix of french, british, and german myself and i can barely see anyone who looks like me, let alone anyone who thinks like me. i'm virtually isolated in my own city.

australia may just completely go down the toilet without much resistance. australians are very apathetic and they have an innate egalitarian attitude, generally speaking. what the current stats show, is we'll be a nonwhite majority around the year 2055.

They just don't want the whites from SA getting saved.

There are currently 2.5million on the list to get permanent residency and the universities are filled with foreign students

Many Aussies prefer the white people over non-white people. If you are planning to visit Australia as a tourist then you will see a big difference between cities and outside of cities. Non-white people cannot thrive in the rural area well because it requires a lot of hard work with little money to spend on.

It's going to be a damn shame when diversity is gone from the earth. Both of people and of cultures. I wouldn't want to see Tokyo completely overrun with Whites either. Or mixed into a non-distinct grey goo, or violent dysfunctional tossed salad.

Lol. It might be helpful if everyone talked so plainly and honestly. Disarming in a way. Just right out there with no shame. It's not hateful to have a preference for your own group. The hate only comes after the crime and violence.

pls no sage

You stole my psot…

Meme the crash lads.

Attached: propertycrashing.png (800x600, 339.56K)

Mates and I have taken to having open conversations about race where we can be overheard, on buses, in cafes, etc., political correctness be damned. We figure the only way to get more people thinking and talking about the issues is if they hear other people go first, then they'll be more comfortable bringing it up themselves. We've copped more than a few odd glances - and you can tell when people in the vicinity are curiously listening in - but so far no one has interjected. People tend to be much more hesitant about interrupting/calling you out in person rather than online, lest they receive a smack in the jaw.

that's not how you make a meme. normies won't buy that.

Make some better OC then.

I'll remake yours but I don't have any stats or anything on hand to make others. Care to drop those juicy facts?

The 30% drop from owner expectations seems to be the most shocking statistic I can find, otherwise we're stuck with 6% fall in Sydney in the quarter to december or other single digit statistics.
That's the article linked in the picture

Most statistics come from CoreLogic RPData, you can download a report from here:
But there's nothing hugely alarming in there that I can see.

Except most people in Rural areas are mentally retarded. Example: Barnaby Joyce.

Country's fucked guys. They've already put Chinese street signs up everywhere so its only a matter of time before we're annexed. Imma getting the fuck out of here I'd urge everyone to do the same.

Well no shit that is why Centrelink is filled with shitskins.

I don't see them in my area and there is nothing for the rural people to gain from putting the chink street up.

Nah, that won't stop for a long, long time.

Do we have to cave in a few Pajeet heads and hope for the Indian media to pick up on it again? That seemed to scare a lot of them.

Turn this into a meme infographic, or no one will care.

Ok I will tell the shitskins if they come then Australia will cook them alive like the boiled eggs.

Soft cunt. Where exactly do you think you're going to run to? It's not like the demographics are any better outside Australia.

I thought Australia had cold parts. Was I rused?

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Cheeki Breeki


I turn my cold tap on and hot water comes out, yet the plumbing is perfect.

That's hottest recorded temperature for that period you dunce. In the southern half like where I am it's hot during summer (can reach 40°C) but cools down during the other three seasons and can reach negative temperatures during winter. A few parts of Australia get snow too. Top half is tropical, and just miserably humid and warm throughout.

It is summertime.

we actually get more total snow than switzerland per year.

melbourne and tassie are bearable in summer but other than that you're gonna cook cunt

we look forward to winter and fear the return of summer

All this week there has been talk like this on news sites. Coupled with overpopulation stories too. It's really weird as they normally can't talk about these issues. Something has shifted and I'm not sure what.

No surprises there since we're talking an entire continent not just a small piece of one.

Overton window.

Nigger look at the size of switzerland and australia, not very surprising a god damn continent has more total snow than a small country. You have to compare average snowfall per m².

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58% of Australians are lawyers, doctors or clergymen?
Professional means working for living.
muh 'professional means you have a degree' self-back-pat

I've heard abbos are even more retarded then africa niggers, is it true?

They're a standard deviation lower in IQ, so yes. Though I find them far more "pleasant" (for lack of a better term) than African niggers.

Docile is probably the word you're looking for. The aggro ones tend to be because of alcohol. They're also a lot less common to virtually non-existent depending on where you are, like in Adelaide they're rare.

Thanks for the correction. Agreed, we'd have to check census for something more current.

Yeah my family is all British descended. It seems to be mostly English in heritage. Working in the city is extremely alienating and inhuman, but I reckon we'll get the borders closed before too much more damage is done, and then as long as the current crop of traitors die out from the political parties within 10-15 years we should have a reasonable chance of keeping the window anchored to the right.

You're correct however in that rural areas are isolated from the trouble of the cities and that the city dwellers are apathetic to the problems in front of them. That's a tough nut to crack but thankfully our resident vibrant diversity is taking care of that.

how, exactly? currently, 84% of the australian population support multiculturalism. and the government is depending on immigration to keep the economy and housing market afloat. they aren't going to change anything without a massive, massive fight. we've got another thirty years until we're 60% nonwhite. soon it'll be two years since trump was elected. if i was you, i'd consider a bailout plan.

I suppose all Northern Europeans tourists choose hellish landscapes for their summer vacations.

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All those skilled taxi drivers and donner kebab makers, just like we have in the UK.

they're actually all qualified math PhDs who are too smart to work professional jobs so they work on cutting edge proofs and theories while serving faeces contaminated kebabs and driving crappy cabs around, you should be extremely thankful, you uncivilised white male.

Sounds like they filled up all the government jobs, and are now just hoping the locals won't notice that their welfare queues are getting longer before the seeding of demographic replacement is complete.

I like this analogy.

Immigration is becoming the hot topic of politics now. The first major party to adopt a policy of lowering our intake will likely win - take a look at the national voter average of all minor parties that offer lower immigration as part of their platform, take a look at any normie news site and see that same topic come up in an article every week, talk to your workmates about congestion and overpopulation.

I know a few guys involved in politics at junior levels, particularly in the Liberal party, and this is the major issue they're pushing. Granted, it's junior level politics, best intentions and all that, but 10 years ago this climate was strictly reserved to fringe voices.

I've got a bugout plan, sure, but it doesn't involve leaving the country my ancestors died to preserve.


Rural, there's cheap land aplenty depending how far you go (and if you can beat the Chinese to it), enough for some permaculture and a fortress. The cities are dependent on the globally connected first world comforts, hence they're ground zero for foreigners. Rural areas are much smaller and less hospitable here than in places like the US.

Certain parts of academia have been pushing recycled water so that we can deal with an "increase of population" however, if we go through another drought like we did 10 odd years ago the country will be fucked. And really the question isn't if but when will that drought hit again. There's most definitely a burgeoning anti-big Australia movement happening in academia.
Dutton needs to man up and stop the unnecessary migration regardless of the carnage it will deal in house prices. It will be the best thing this country has ever seen. We can wrest some wealth out of the greedy boomers and the casualisation of the work force can reverse as well.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the distant future. Right now, about 20% of the country is nonwhite. Even if you stopped immigration completely right now, we have the ageing white population with below replacement birthrates. We also have the nonwhite population, which is young, has better birthrates, and is majority Asian. It will grow while the white population dies. In thirty years, with the same trends and no immigration, you would have a nonwhite population of 37%. That's a population more than big enough to sway the vote completely left and effectively establish an immigration feedback loop, dooming the country. We're currently at 20% nonwhite, though, which may already be enough to establish the loop. Because of various innate factors of city living, birthrates will remain low as long as the majority of people are living in cities. Cities are always bad for birthrates. Unless you can find a way to drastically change modern life and living, I can't see a way to fix the birthrate without paying whites. Unfortunately, that may be hard to do when you're surrounded by nonwhites who lean to the left of Marxism. And the welfare teat is only going to run more dry as time passes and more parasites suck at it.

It's a start.

But thousands more of your ancestors died to preserve your home country in Europe. The blood and history is far more deep there.

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I will add to the above. Nonwhite birthrates are also adversely affected by city living, so they too will ask for the money-for-baby payments that whites get, if they get them. The whole situation is really fucked. Immigration is the Marxist's Endlösung.

If you wanted to go the payment route, you'd basically be telling nonwhites, who are told they're equal and special, that they're going to have to allow whites to be special and receive special treatment in a "democracy", where every vote is supposed to be equal.

The future is slow heat death with nationalist cuckservatives getting bullied by ChiCom Antifa bulldogs fuelled by cheap Asian street gruel.

Yes, but they are a good deal more docile. Still stupid, but less likely to cause a riot or attempt any serious, large-scale crime either due to being to stupid or not aggressive enough.

>(((Liberal party)))
Oy Vey.

As I said, Country is fucked. Your stupid goyish friends have no influence on what is a dying party. Record numbers are leaving the liberal support base. The future of the country is populism but all the populists present are idiots. We would be better off if someone who wasn't a career politician started a populist movement in this country since it'd have a chance of at least doing something good.

Career politicians are only looking after themselves.

Thinking very seriously about moving to Tasmania, can find 30+ acres of land (with house) for like 250k within half an hour of Hobart/Launceston.

I hear their guns laws are decent and they have very few non-whites apart from Chink tourists. Also /comfy/ weather.

Anyone actually post here from Tasmania or have useful advice on the matter? I know Bill Mollison (one of the fathers of permaculture) came from Tasmania and based a lot of his work on his experiences living there.


Why does modern society have to deal with this shit instead of traveling the stars or other engineering feats?

Chinks should be 7% by the end of this year.

How is this even possible?

Have a fair dinkum bump, you top cunts.

Imagine if the took the advice, deported all the shitskins and began importing white South African refugees.

I'd move there.

Fix the stupid laws, and so would I.

Yeah it doesn't make sense. They end up raping the welfare system pulling in around $3-500AU a week PER HEAD.

I visited Shepparton on the weekend and what I saw was ridiculous. Poor immigrants driving around in mid-range priced cars that are newer models (ie. VE, VF Commodores, XR6 Falcons, even a BMW etc.). This is money I am paying out of my tax from working two fucking jobs.

What's worse is these useless cunts just sit around shitting the streets up and making it feel unsafe especially for the women. Abusing the welfare system and not producing any tangible benefit to us other than an excuse to flex the "muh feels aboot muh immigants" idea pushed by the fucking Greens.

I'm a rural Victorian and I'm getting fucking tired of my surrounds becoming less and less white. Quality of life is slowly declining out here boys.

What good are laws really, in such a white ethnostate. Id like to believe you need very few rules, since common sense is just that… Common.

The Virgin Prime Minister vs The Chad President

Turnbull looks like a naughty child who's just been told to go to the corner by daddy.

Attached: submissiveturnbull.jpg (1080x1080, 353.77K)

The only thing I can think of is that the government skims money sequestered for nigger welfare for themselves, but 1 billion roobucks a year doesn't sound right. This guy is obviously lying and I would demand statistics. He doesn't even say the economy will suffer (as they usually do to justify economic migrants), but that the budget would.


The Australian government need to deport the non-white migrants and import the white migrants.

How else will the (((communists))) force down wages in high tech fields and make everyone equally miserable in the pocket book?


So we can legitimately say "fuck off, we're full"?

Tax breaks per child - £5,000/year until 18
Non-whites that don't pay taxes get fuck all
White people pay taxes, so will receive a benefit

check out this mass retardness from Deloitte Australia

where the fuck is it?

Attached: georgia page.mp4 (800x450, 1.73M)

You could legitimately say that at any time.


Look into how GDP is calculated

Hint: it's fucking retarded

Checked. The only solution is to gax the kikes.

I haven't seen much of Australia when I was there but what I saw in the cities was a LOT of chinks and some pajeets. Also when watching the "news" it was obvious that Austraians were being primed for "accepting" Australia to grow… by 2 to 4 million people if i remember correctly. Aussies fight back!

It's like you have entered riot mode in GTA: SA, one fight starts, ends, and another pair of randoms start duking it out instead!

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These reports are accessed from the website of the organisation that he heads, the Australian Population Research Institute. The first pdf is the study in question and the second is from their archives of December 2017. Mapping social cohesion report has some fascinating statistics.
Bob Birrell has been under attack for a very long time from the usual suspects. I haven't been able to dig up any political affiliation on his part and it seems the attacks are purely ideologically driven as Birrell's work is purely scientific and tells the truth as it is. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE science is a racist social construct.



That Doiliote channel (fucking stupid name, not gonna bother opening a tab to spell check) has a turn over of $30 billion. They are so obviously propagandists they should be shut down for blatant subversion. Fucking George Soros lite.

Wow, someone figured out what we've all known for a decade, that populations in white countries were just fine, they didn't need any more immigration, especially from shitskin countries.
Nice to see someone statistically prove it, though.

Tear them down

fuck off m8, I used to live in tassie, and it regularly gets over 30 in the summer

Fucking where? I've never seen any before and I live in fucking Sydney; is this some new form of Melbournian cuckoldry?

now for some highlighted screencaps of excerpts of interest.png, to /disperse

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First picture is retarded because it would lead to the lawsuits for medical neglect. Didn't whoever wrote this retarded policy consult the lawyer before they go ahead?

I know a nurse. Shit is worse than that in QLD, if the patient FEELS that you have been "culturally unsafe" ,read feefees got hurt, then it is grounds for instant dismissal. INSTANT.
It is fucked.

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gdp is fucking retarded

heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D