McCabe may reveal serious deep state treason like Brennan's potential role in 9/11

Brennan rages at Trump re: McCabe firing:^tfw

Deep state people are circling the wagons around McCabe, and that may be because he will reveal acts of serious deep state treason. One reason Brennan in particular may be worried is Brennan's potential involvement in 9/11.

A military intelligence analyst named Greg Ford of the 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion said that when Brennan was chief of station in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Brennan ordered all 19 visas of the 9/11 hijackers to be approved. (no archive)

(start at 1:31:00)

This type of allegation of serious treason and whatever McCabe may reveal about that may be part of the reason at least Brennan is furious.

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Other urls found in this thread:^tfw

Big if true. Says who, though?

It would be great, but I think of all the other “deep state secrets” that have never been revealed even in death.
Nobody spoke up about who assassinated Kennedy and I will never believe that anyone with any credentials will tell the truth about 9/11.
But it would be pretty fucking sweet to reveal that Schlomo was behind it to every American.
And then again, if CNN came out and plainly said it was the kikes, would normies even care? They thought it was sand niggers and look at how quickly they’ve invited muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker to fuck their wives and daughters. I think boomer conservatives would probably just look the other way.

sounds treasonous
McCabe can wait in line until an heroed

The panicky circling-up of deep staters to threaten Trump right after the McCabe firing suggests that's the case.


A lot of slide shit popping up after this thread went up.

9/11 impacted and damaged so many people's lives so directly. There were many, many, many people very personally affected. The event was extremely painful on a personal level for too many for the event simply to be be memoryholed, and particularly not in the age of the internet.

Particularly not when you have former intelligence types like Greg Ford saying someone on Brennan's level was directly involved. That implicates America's deep state and therefore necessarily Israeli intel who would have at least have known. We already know the Saudis funded 9/11 and physically carried it out and our government hid that.

The consequences/seriousness of the event, the internet, and the facts that are already out there mean once one guy, even just McCabe talks, Americans will demand answers or burn it all down.

Just keep bumping for truth.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed.

Cannot have a government that does things like 9/11 to its own people. It is unacceptable.

Just takes one guy to turn in the rest. Maybe that man will be McCabe. Maybe he will at least open doors to the truth such as what Brennan did in Jeddah. Who knows.

oi vey, gotta slide! miriam get on the hate chan and slide or we gonna get shoah'd!

Have an unslide

Checked. Thanks.

I want to live in whatever world you're living in

The world where a former military intel operative credibly claims that Brennan forced approval of all 19 hijacker visas.

Have to keep this un-slid. Kikes are out of control on this site sliding everything and spamming up important threads like the Daily Mail thread.


Of course, but if you think Mccabe is going to give up Brennan and his puppet masters you're pretty optimistic. More likely, he'll "give up" disinfo and fake documents to further inflame tensions with Russia.

It's everywhere. Not just on this site. Anywhere there is a platform, some kike is there spreading lies. The louder they get the closer the target is though.

It is truly impressive how they continue to spread baldfaced lies. They really do never stop.

McCabe is incredibly fucked given the hard evidence against him. There is no way he hasn't cut a deal and already talked. If he somehow hasn't, then his lawyer will get him a deal very soon.

The only reason McCabe is walking free right now is the information he can provide.


Comet Comey is shitting runny shit right this second

Nice timestamp torpedo

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Nuremburg Trials 2.0 WHEN

Puts a cartoon and broken links into thread head instead of anything related.

if you aren’t sure what happened on 911, watch new Pearl Harbor while it is still on YouTube.


The link is fine.

Hopefully soon, except this time, actual criminals will be on trial.

Lurk 2 more years and learn to make a proper OP.

It's the fucking reddit sperg, joy. Sage, filter, report.


Cunt even admits other threads are important but he keeps bumping his shitshow instead.

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Suck a shotgun

Hotweels did 9/11?

This site is truly deep state-controlled at this point.

90% of the threads are total dogshit. The legit ones are filled with idiots and spam bullshit.

I’d like to believe that. I really would.
My point is that they’ve already forgiven sand niggers, who they think actually did it. In fact, many whites are directly inviting the goatfuckers into their country and into their homes.
When they find out it’s kikes, what would their reaction be?
>well u just can’t go around hating (((Jewish people)))
And just like the USS Liberty, nobody will care after a week and another (((school shooting))) and (((Russia probe))) enters the news cycle.
Welcome to America.

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Checked. I grew up in the NYC region. Enough people care very deeply about this in that area alone to demand answers when confronted with this type of evidence re Brennan/hijacker visas that lead up to the Zionist/neocon puppets who did this. Enough people lost family and had permanent injuries/psychological problems alone to burn the shit down when evidence like this appears. This isn't some foreign event where a ship is sunk, for example.

Enough people also died in Iraq and they have grieving relatives all around the country. 9/11 was not a minor thing. Not sure if you aren't from the US, maybe, but this is a major deal finding out your own government did it trying to advance the kike agenda.

But my point is still…
They think sand niggers did it, bro. And then they allowed tons of sand niggers into the country. Now it’s (((racist))) to even question if sand niggers are responsible for attacks before their pictures are published.
Apparently they don’t even care. That’s how you get sand niggers shooting faggots in Miami and the government allowing rapefugees in by the boatload.
If that’s how they act when they think it’s sand niggers, how are they going to act when they think it’s kikes?
Bottom line is that normalfaggots don’t even treat sand niggers with any disdain when they think they did it.
I can’t imagine things being different when they are told it was kikes.

I would love nothing more than to see the absolute shitstorm of total transparency, willing or unwilling. It would be a sight more beautiful than any I have ever beheld and send kikes scurrying in all directions.

and Mueller's role in the cover-up?

…and this will get memory-holed quick.

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Come to this thread: >>11388726

There is actually natural and organic discussion regarding plans for self-sustaining communities for whites as well as some esoteric bits here and there.

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Show trials convicting innocent people? I hope not.

Lets actually execute the guilty this time.

Maybe depends on where you're from. There is still very significant interest/pissed off sense among those affected.

America is also waking up to lies more and more since the internet has exploded since I was a kid and 9/11 happened. So, lot of renewed interest also.

AND, on top of all that, with the election of Trump etc., the tone out there is much less tolerant/less bullshit by FAR than it was 10 or 15 years ago. Lot of stuff changed, and especially toward Israel, too.

I think we're in unique times. I know folks in the NYC area affected and anybody who had a kid, sibling, friend, etc. die in Iraq cares. We'll have to agree to disagree, but I think 9/11 is going to be a thing again, especially with Mueller the fixer, Brennan, etc. all scurrying.

Responding to both of you–the shitstorm of transparency might actually happen this time because some key 9/11 players whom Trump definitely hates are involved in the deep state kike coup.

Could be some serious fireworks.

9/11 to me was fucking disgusting personally. Everything they did and how they covered it up. That shit matters more to me, personally, and to a shit ton of Americans than any other deep state bullshit even 17 years after the fact

According to the Thernovich and the other popular ecelebs, the "deepstate" is trying to block John Bolton, which would put them in the camp opposite of the kikes who did 9/11, who are apparently /ouruguys/ or something.

McCabe said if he got fired he would "torch" the FBI, assuming he doesn't commit suicide with two bullets to the back of the head. Brennan is a dyed in the wool Commie; it remains to be seen if McCabe is an ideologue or if he was just in for the money. If he's not a true believer he might flip to save his own skin. It remains to be seen.


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Don’t get me wrong, some people will be very pissed.
But what will that lead to? War with Israel? Not a chance.
Expelling the kikes? Well we definitely didn’t expel the sand niggers.
Besides letting the only sane people in the world say, “I told you so,” what could be the possible realistic outcomes that would actually damage the kikes? Serious question.

I’m with you on 9/11. Everything else I’ve since learned of these kikes on here has just been small additions to finding out they did 9/11.

Psychological problems? I personally think almost every kid in my grade and near that got some sort of psychological damage from watching that over and over again. Maybe it’s why millenials are so fucked up, or partly at least. Two wars after that too, just to make sure someone they did know was affected as well. We’re the psyoped generation.

shit's fucked, man

better be a reckoning

man also i used to work in a buildign right next ot the old site. all the shit and dust kicked up etc hadn't been cleaned off the glass yet in this particular set of offices. it literally made the place darker than it should be with fluorescent lighting. like eerie 9/11 making your life dark all the time.

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This is an excellent point. I think it's true.

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WTC 9/11 is personal for Trump. Trump knows the kikes did it.


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Kike spotted. Unslide.

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I'm OP, you moron.

9/11 was an inside job. It was done by the deep state/Israel/Saudi cabal. The ultimate beneficiaries were zionist kikes. The way they did it was use raghead patsies.

Somebody like Brennan approving the raghead visas is a step you have to take to move Americans through the mental steps necessary to arrive at the final truth, which is Israel runs our government.

Crawl walk run when dealing with the American public.

And don't call me a kike. I have friends and family affected by 9/11. It affected me in a big way, also. So, fuck you.

Unless you are referring to the guy I was responding to

The kikes use the Saudis. They are closely allied, unless you are too stupid to realize that. The Sauds have worked closely with Israel for a long time.

You seem incredibly stupid, because the SAUDIS ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY DID 9/11. This is how kikes operate unless you are stupid. Saudis=kikes

You realize they USED 19 hijackers–who were real, actual people–as the patsies, right? All Sauds. Sauds moved money back and forth. The entire thing was Israel and American kike/deep state cabal using the perfect Saudi cover.

THE REASON the US government was covering up the Saudi money flow/charities is hiding Israeli/US kike/US deep state involvement. ANY look into the Saudis leads straight to the kikes.

Use your brain, numbnuts

Saud and close ally UAE/Emiratees and Egyptian hijackers, I should say. All of those are useful foils for Israel. It was Saud money and Saud hijackers for the most part, and that is something US govt hides as anything Saud leads directly to Israel and their American kikes and American deep state.

The American public has to be walked through the reality of a) Saudi Arabia is Israel is American deep state and b) Israel/American deep state did 9/11 and Saudis were used as cover. Pol spergs want this to happen all at once, but it doesn't work that way. You can't simply say "kikes did 9/11." It has to be brought to the public systematically, starting from where the public sees things now. You have to start with what they know.

You can, of course, at least link them to articles like this just to jog noggins:

"Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel"

The spergs on this site who have no idea how the public operates pisses me off sometimes. You do not realize that the public isn't stupid–they're just brainwashed. But they CAN be brought around.

Exposing Brennan/hijacker visas or exposing Saudi funding are VERY IMPORTANT redpills for the typical American to arrive at the conclusion "kikes did 9/11." They will NOT arrive at that ultimate reality without bringing them through the redpilling process systematically. There is no other way.

That's just not true, you blackpill shills are really shit at your own game.

Fuck shills. Equating the JFK "unsolved mystery" with 9/11 is absurd.

First, America has witnessed so many events since JFK adding to the collective understanding of deep state/ZOG. Vietnam, endless wars/regime changes all over the world run by deep state/ZOG, Iran-Contra, and all the orchestrated school shootings just to name a few. Then you have the 9/11 mother of all false flags. Multiple buildings collapse in a way that wasn't physically possible due to the plane strikes alone. That ridiculous event was used to justify ongoing warfare with no clear objective (or even a declaration of war) all over the world for 17 years straight. All this shit has opened people's eyes in a big way. You only need a critical mass with their eyes open, anyway.

A second factor that makes 9/11 different from JFK is that the public has the internet now. The deep state/ZOG monopoly on information is broken.

The challenge now is fighting the blackpillers/shills. A critical mass (but not THAT many people–you just need enough) of the public must be guided to understand that whatever notion they may have of the US and their relationship as a citizen with their government is wrong. Americans can have no trust and no sense of security whatsoever in their government. "American" is a meaningless term when you have murderous tyrants running the government solely for power and profit (and to be fair, the term "American" is meaningless, anyway, as "diversity" and unchecked third world immigration long ago eliminated any common heritage or values, so there is no "nation" anymore, but I digress.)

9/11 should be the straw that will break the deep state/ZOG camel's back. Shills making ridiculous comparisons to JFK to try to blackpill and reduce interest in 9/11 can fuck off.

"New Pearl Harbor" is a fantastic documentary on 9/11 that everybody should watch. It lays things systematically and completely destroys the fake narrative with science. No "conspiracy theory" optics. Very well done.

So you live in the pozzlands? Sorry faggot, I have yet to see a raghead in my part of town. Kikes and there coastal pets don't last in real America. Or the spics have been eating them.


That is always my line of delineation, and I totally concur with your statement user.

Yeah and some how they snuck in all the jew owned and controlled buildings in the trade center and planted bombs and shorted the market on key stocks and jumped up and down and lit lighters while filming the planes crashing, jammed the prewritten patriot act through congress in a week and created a new cabinet level agency with a rabid dual citizen at the helm.

Don't forget the guy Chertoff consulted with when setting up DHS was literally the former head of STASI, and Jewish as well.

No he won't. None of them will reveal a damn thing knowing full well what the consequences will be.

Saudis did the cover operation to create plausible deniability. That entailed using Saudi government charities for funding and Saudi nationals as "hijacker" patsies. The organization/planning and physical destruction was kike/deep-state.

You don't think McCabe is facing some serious deep shit already? He knows enough to wacked.

Also, in general, there are people out there who don't give a fuck and are sick of this shit, like Greg Ford. He is not going to be the only one out there with knowledge of, say, Brennan running through the 19 (ostensible) hijacker visas.