The Rice Theory

Does FARMING dictate a nation's cultural and social characteristics?

Northen Chinese regions, which predominantly produce wheat before rice, are said to be more individualistic culturally, while the southern rice-growing regions are much more collectivist and family-oriented.
We also notice such a divide between east and west in general: Present-day Western society is highly individualistic, while Asia is largely collectivist (lots of Asian states are organised in communist societies). These characteristics could certainly be traced, at least in part,

Here's an excerpt from a 2017 BBC article describing Thomas Talhelm's Rice Theory:

His whole work can be found here: >>>/pdfs/8496
I think it'd make for an interesting discussion on what truly leads our society to being the way it is. We all know Jewish media control plays a role in our present decadence, but the bigger picture goes far beyond just that. If we know exactly what lead to the fall of the West, we can avoid the same mistakes in our future.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Wew I fucked that up.

These characteristics could certainly be traced, at least in part, to the nature of agricultural labour a people is required to perform to survive. Farming rice requires teamwork and the reliance on your fellow man, family, neighbour etc. to help out with production since it's much more challenging than producing wheat due to a number of factors. Wheat can be produced by individuals and thus reduces the requirement to rely on others in society to help you out, leading to a less community-oriented and more individualistic society.

wheat causes autism

Interesting theory but it is probably relating symptoms rather than direct causes.

The first pic is not collectivism but rather tribalism.

Famine erodes civilization.

Hunter-gatherers can obtain only so much food. Agriculture, livestock, or fishing are required to obtain the necessary food surplus to support artisans and other professionals.

Africa has no civilization because it's in a constant state of famine. The Polynesian peoples, despite also being stone age, have civilization owing to the bounty of the sea. China developed further due to the increased stability offered by agriculture. Europe developed further still in the face of environmental pressures associated with winter (The need to stockpile and ration supplies while snow covers the fields).

You can also note the influence of animal companions on civilization. Horse culture, dog culture, even alpaca culture requires that people learn empathy while retaining a firm hand.

/thread until such time as you do, op

You can't /thread your own post, newfag.

Literally Zig Forums tier.
Learn to make your own arguments and then source them instead of just dropping names you fucking newfag, and don't come back until you do.


Reported for not even trying.

Genetically modified wheat causes lots of problems.

You are what you eat does have a strong element of truth, so yes

GTFO communist

Where are the Aryan girl in wheat field memes?

wishfull thinking
empires rise and fall tied to a ten generation cycle
even mice keep to this cycle

Could you expand on this?

t. kike

Redacted from this timeline.
Come back, we miss you.

Further north you go the harder life is which means in general less people which means more self reliance which means less gibs mentality. Like whites and our northern ancestors, we had to develop different means to survive and thrive.
When life is easier it is easier to be lazy as a whole and find a way to graze off your neighbor's patch. You have no incentive to be more.

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boylent green theory

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Tried the stuff years ago before I knew better. Stopped shortly after as I found blood in my stool. Tasty in a 'flavourless oatmeal' way. Not filling, dehydrating, not energizing. Overpriced?

my roommate bought a whole case of it. he said it tasted like shit and didnt even finish his first bottle. he gave me one to try, I took a sip, and yeah. its pretty terrible. maybe it went bad during shipping or something. it tasted like cereal crushed up in milk and left in a warm room all day. funny, shortly after we threw it away I started learning about how horrible soy is for men.

I mean soy being bad for men is mostly a meme though, the phytoestrogens it contains haven't really been shown to affect humans.

After what the cereal industry did to divert sugar causing cancer explosions into a decade of cholesterol alarm, I can't trust any food related statistics.

Please don't use Wikipedia as a source.


No, race does.

It's largely a meme but I wouldn't overindulge on soy for different reasons aside from the phytoestrogens meme (on that note, nuts and oilseeds contain almost as much or more phytoestrogens than soy, but many people still suggest almond milk instead of soy milk to the lactose intolerant.) Soy is one of the most GMO heavy crops grown, and rainforests are cut down to make room for soy fields in South America.

Don't be a retard. Wikipedia generally has decent sources and isn't too biased on most unpolitical topics.

kiketube sucks, but it's the only free thing out there, because kikes keep us disunified.

kikepedia as well

get fucked you stupid fag

Use an actual source you dipshit. Hell, use the resources linked in the page instead of linking it you fucking subhuman.

I ate a lot of wheat cereal as a kid. Fuck you Sanitarium!


-"Later, animals exposed to lifelong 5 or 2% soy lecithin preparations were hypoactive, had poor postural reflexes, and showed attenuated morphine analgesia. The results indicate that dietary soy lecithin preparation enrichment during development leads to behavioral and neurochemical abnormalities in the exposed offspring.
-"If the raw soya flour-containing diets are fed for more than a year, about 10% of the animals develop pancreatic cancer. In addition, feeding raw soya flour markedly potentiates the action of even subthreshold amounts of pancreatic carcinogens."
-"Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health report that male rats whose mothers were fed diets containing genistein, a chemical found in soybeans, developed abnormal reproductive organs and experienced sexual dysfunction as adults."
-"Conclusion: Administration of soybean extract from the intrauterine period, during lactation and at the age of two months, to male rats leads to hormonal changes and impaired spermatogenesis."
-"The soybean has been implicated in diet-induced goiter by many studies. The extensive consumption of soy products in infant formulas and in vegetarian diets makes it essential to define the goitrogenic potential. In this report, it was observed that an acidic methanolic extract of soybeans contains compounds that inhibit thyroid peroxidase- (TPO) catalyzed reactions essential to thyroid hormone synthesis."
-"Approximately 30% of infants in the United States are exposed to high doses of isoflavones resulting from soy infant formula consumption. Soybeans contain the isoflavones genistin and daidzin, which are hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract to their genistein and daidzein aglycones. Both aglycones possess hormonal activity and may interfere with male reproductive development."
-"Overall, the data showed that the neonatal period is a sensitive window of exposure to isoflavones and support the view that both genistein and daidzein are responsible for biological effects associated with soy-based diets. "

Just from a few minutes of looking

There's no question as to what causes autism. It's waiting too long to have children. That's literally the only factor.

We've been farming and consuming wheat for over 6000 years so you can go fuck off with your autism somewhere else and ask your mom why she waited so long to have you (assuming you can even speak properly)

No. That's retarded and you're retarded if you believe this. Genetically modifying food isn't new and it's not some sort of radioactive mutagen. That's literally nigger-tier voodoo thinking. Go back to your hippie commune you illiterate faggot.

Whew Whew Whew faggot alert, FAGGOT ALERT!

Goddamn user, you're blowing my faggot detector off the fucking needle! I opened up the thread and this bullshit was just GLOWING RED!

How about you read just one goddamned book on the subject or scientific paper instead of coming here to shitpost? There is no single factor that causes autism. Your mother having you at the age of 35 is not the reason you have autism, but it IS because she's was a steaming pile of used up garbage that only the most desperate alcoholic would plow.

look into the effects of BT and Roundup on the human body and the impact after the parents are exposed and the children as well

he is acting like a total faggot

I've gone into this, myself. Seeing as this place have devolved into an African basket weaving hut, I'll try and contribute something quality.

Temporarily, maybe (?). Anyway, this is an exciting revelation because it explains a great deal about European history (and here I hadn’t mentioned associative horizon for almost a week).

My sister-in-law mentioned this study a while back, so I’m glad I ran into it again for to get us started today.

The second study had the aim of seeing whether the sociological differences between rice farmers and wheat farmers have led to differences in mental makeup. When 1,162 Han Chinese performed a series of mental tasks, the results differed according to whether the participants came from rice-farming regions or wheat-farming regions (Talhelm et al., 2014).

When shown a list of three items, such as “train”, “bus”, and “tracks”, and told to choose two items that pair together, people from rice-farming regions tended to choose “train and tracks,” whereas people from wheat-farming regions tended to choose “train and bus.” The former seemed to be more abstract in their thinking and the latter more relational. This pattern held up even in neighboring counties along China’s rice-wheat border. People from the rice side of the border thought more relationally than did people from the wheat side.

A second task required drawing pictures of yourself and your friends. In a prior study, Americans drew themselves about 6 mm bigger than they drew their friends, Europeans drew themselves 3.5 mm bigger, and Japanese drew themselves slightly smaller. In the present study, people from rice regions were more likely than people from wheat regions to draw themselves smaller than they drew their friends. On average, people from wheat regions self-inflated 1.5 mm, and people from rice regions self-deflated -0.03 mm.

A third task required imagining yourself doing business with (i) an honest friend, (ii) a dishonest friend, (iii) an honest stranger, and (iv) a dishonest stranger. This person might lie, causing you to lose money. Or this person might be honest, causing you to make money. You could reward or punish this person accordingly. A previous study found that Singaporeans rewarded friends much more than they punished them. Americans were much more likely to punish friends for bad behavior. In this study, people from rice regions were more likely to remain loyal to friends regardless.

Interestingly, these findings came from people with no connection to farming at all. They grew up in a modern urban society, and most were too young to have known the China that existed before the economic reforms of the late 1970s. It looks like rice regions have favored hardwiring of certain psychological traits: less abstract thinking and more relational thinking, less individualism and more collectivism, and less impartiality toward strangers and more favoritism toward kin and friends.

Peter Frost
Do Chinese People Get Bored Less Easily?

Whole article is interesting, so I’d recommend a once-over out of general interest. The funny thing is that I got this wonderful idea in the shower after eating a gigantic pastry. Yeah, I know it’s basically poison. I come up with all these great ideas about how to live and this is a glimpse at how well I follow through :-/.

If you think about it for a while, you’ll find associative horizon explains all of the current observations on wheat. Among gifted aspies, it predisposes us temporarily to increased psychosis, solipsism (ordinary people are always paying attention to the environment, whereas aspies seem to just pop in briefly to take stock of things), synesthesia, abstraction, creative obsession, idealism, universalist ethics, and insensitivity to nonverbal communication…basically all this stuff. Furthermore, traditional European society can be succinctly described as “cro magnons with heightened associative horizons”. The history of wheat cultivation coincides heavily with written history and civilization in general. Tongue-in-cheek, I could accurately describe civilization as an accidental, happy symptom of mass hypo-psychosis.

Because cro magnons (ordinary whites, in edenic parlance) have very narrow associative horizons to begin with, along with average intelligence and conscientiousness, the addition of a little psychosis actually boosts them- in the main- into a relatively positive, productive configuration of these Big Three traits. Otherwise, they will not tolerate thal behavior (creative genius) in their midst:

The dissociative window is also connected to the strictness of cultural norms. Cro Magnons have a very tight dissociative window, and are hence always getting offended when the tribal norms are violated. The resulting punitive behavior can seem bewildering in its cruelty, but that is because those with larger dissociative windows cannot take seriously what they view as non-existent offenses.

Starchild and Neanderthal Psychology

Now, it’s important to mention that increased associative horizon isn’t for everyone. Aspies are already rocking an imagination that’s out of control, so increases to this general trait are unhealthy and distracting unless they are accompanied by a concomitant increase in conscientiousness (and probably also intelligence). The flip side of this is that increased psychoticism actually seems to give us a leg up in abstract, g-loaded subjects like philosophy and math. As an example, I got out of the shower after coming up with this idea, scribbled down some thoughts, and opened up the Neanderhall on my phone (dopamine-seeking behavior). Seeing no new posts, I flipped to a speculative economics post by podrag, which I’d been unsuccessfully grappling with the previous day (and it was still on my mind). In a state of heightened psychosis, grokking it was a breeze. A surprising success, and a relatively extraordinary one. (This observation, and looking back on old memories with similar endings, is why I think the psychological effect of wheat is in the diet, and not in the farming.)

What I get from this is that the ideal situation, for thals, is to take a society full of otherwise average people and feed them wheat so they appreciate thal contributions (and continue to enjoy the collective martial benefits of associative horizon), while thals themselves abstain from wheat and eat mostly meat, veggies, and dairy. There is, of course, a time for thals to temporarily increase their general psychosis: the hypomanic weekend. The rest is merely details and trial and error. Obsessive creativity and psychotic reading habits are much more efficient and effective than conscientious ones, especially in g-loaded, abstract subjects…provided one is making a decent paycheck during the week. As I’ve been able to show in recent months, the best strategy is to set aside a little bit of time for psychotic madness each day and then BIG CHUNKS of psychotic madness on off days. Wheat has some really bad side effects that linger for a couple of days, but that’s covered under “details”.

What is associative horizon?

Elements of associative horizon
In my considerations about genius, I have over the years realized one of the pillars of brilliance is associative horizon (the other are intelligence and conscientiousness). To explain what I mean by this, here is a somewhat structured list of its suspected features:

Divergent and lateral abilities
Fluency in association: To see many associations to any given concept;
To see connections or similarities between remote concepts (this follows from fluency in association);
Flexibility (ability to see things in different functions, to switch from motif to background).
Resistances to narrowing mammalian phenomena
Resistance to conformism;
Resistance to suggestion;
Resistance to conditioning;
Resistance to automating tasks; preferring and inclined to "keep thinking" even when performing repetitive tasks;
Resistance to nonverbal communication ("body language" and the nonverbal components of speech); that is, not intuitively and unawarely interpreting or broadcasting such;
Resistance to socialization;
Resistance to empathy; that is, not intuitively and unawarely sensing what goes on inside the mind of the other person one is communicating with; not forming "theory of mind" when communicating;
Resistance to "emotion"; able to use ratio rather than emotion as the basis for behaviour.
High sensitivity for various types of sensorial input or external stimuli other than those of the social/nonverbal mammalian kind; this is not so much a quality in itself but a property of the brain that forms an underlying biological cause of wide associative horizon (in particular of the divergent and lateral abilities);
Disposition for the "placebo effect" and therefore inclination to form superstitions as one experiences first-hand that they "work"; this is a side-effect of high divergent and lateral ability (one may see associations and connections that are not real through mechanisms like hineininterpretieren), and makes a person with wide associative horizon vulnerable to magical thinking, and potentially inclined toward the occult as well as toward art or science;
Disposition for psychosis; the divergent and lateral abilities, when pushed too far by one's sensitivity or insufficiently controlled by the intellect, produce false results: Unreal associations and connections form (often paranoid) delusions, overactive flexibility causes (apophenic, pareidolic, motif-background) hallucinations.
Summarized, the person with wide associative horizon is primarily living one's own mind, not letting one's mental state be determined or strongly affected by others. This is not a choice but a personality feature outside of one's control. Such a person may be seen as unusual, isolated, original, bizarre, detached from emotion, cold.

The most recent insight as to the cause of having a wide associative horizon concerns the intellect trying to make sense of the world in the absence of mammalian instincts like empathy and "nonverbal communication" (facial expression, intonation, and body language). This is what one sees in Aspergoid, schizoid, autistic, or some premorbid schizophrenic persons. Such a condition widens associative horizon, while also increasing and advancing awareness. It is as if the intellect can operate much more freely when not held back by the ancient mammalian biases of instinct. The level of intelligence and the depth of the disturbance of instinct both play a role in determining the width of associative horizon. It is a synergistic interaction; Intelligence combined with the defect of instinct first causes associative horizon to be wide, and then intelligence and associative horizon both contribute to creativity (together with conscientiousness).

A remark I wish to make is that what I call "associative horizon" is by others often mistaken for "creativity". But creativity is a higher-level phenomenon, a synergy of things, of which associative horizon is only one. The idea that associative horizon itself is creativity is of course attractive to who do not possess much of the other components of creativity. But it is not true.

Another observation is that some think they can measure associative horizon (which they mistakenly call "creativity" as just explained) with difficult pattern recognition problems, sometimes called "creative puzzles". But to my experience (with item analysis), those who are best at solving such problems are often simply the ones with the highest I.Q.s, and not per se creative. The "creative puzzles" are a measure of intelligence at high levels, and not per se of creativity or associative horizon. On the other hand, I do not exclude the possibility that associative horizon is caught in as a side-effect, a secondary factor, by certain types of intelligence test problems, and keep experimenting to find out.

I know of no good, usable way to measure associative horizon currently. It seems that whatever you try in the realm of ability testing, you always end up measuring intelligence above all. This has less to do with the construction of the tests than with the omnipresent nature of intelligence, which typically blows all of the other behavioural variables away because it expresses itself in almost everything a person does or says. Tests in the realms of personality and mental illness do catch in aspects of associative horizon well, but are not robust as one can manipulate them by answering dishonestly.

To my most recent insights, possible indicators of associative horizon are the Gifted Adult's Inventory of Aspergerisms (GAIA), the P.S.I.A. Aspergoid and Cold scales, and several high-range intelligence tests.


-"Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health report that male rats whose mothers were fed diets containing genistein, a chemical found in soybeans, developed abnormal reproductive organs and experienced sexual dysfunction as adults."


-"Approximately 30% of infants in the United States are exposed to high doses of isoflavones resulting from soy infant formula consumption. Soybeans contain the isoflavones genistin and daidzin, which are hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract to their genistein and daidzein aglycones. Both aglycones possess hormonal activity and may interfere with male reproductive development."

-"Overall, the data showed that the neonatal period is a sensitive window of exposure to isoflavones and support the view that both genistein and daidzein are responsible for biological effects associated with soy-based diets. "

This shit right here is why average penis size today is so small and fucked up.

user come on you have about 20 words to get us interested and you're fucking it up

Fuck off, nigger. Go back to cuckchan or /b/.

Become strong as an individual in all aspects so that you might support your family, who in turn should be one with their community, and they in turn can give strength to your people as a whole.

The strong individual has the means to stray from his family and his people and make for himself a private paradise. But the good individual uses his strength to support the mega structure that is his society and his folk, and in turn receives social and spiritual fulfillment unavailable to the atomized individual.

John Donne's "No Man Is An Island" outlines this dynamic in a simple yet meaningful manner. Asserting that the individual is a piece of Europe, reminding us in the lines,
"If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less."
that individual weakness is a plague to the society as a whole, the drifting of a man down his own path thrusts him into chaos facing obliteration and leaves his people one man lesser in strength.

Rice or wheat, I think the more important factor is the willingness of men to pass collective responsibility, culture and tribalistic membership down to the younger generations. I see this as a largely intellectual and cultural issue, I would wager the manifestation of agricultural trends is a mere symptom of the different 'individualistic' and 'collectivist' cultures and patterns of thought as a whole which are prevalent in their respective regions/territories.

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and rice has a relatively high concentration of arsenic

Sorry, not directed at you. Anecdotally, my mom fed me tons of soya growing up and my penis size is in the 99th percentile.

maybe you should become a better writer instead of suckign so much dick

which is a neurotoxin that impairs brain development in children, I forgot to add


not an argument tranny

Reported for shitting up a good thread. Enjoy your coming ban.

Nah, he actually has a point my nigger

you're posts are on par with Zig Forums memes, learn to work on your presentation and quit acting like a bitch

Dude, I just made a quality contribution to the thread and now you attack me and say I'm on par with leftypol when you're the faggot shitting up a decent thread for no reason. You've done nothing but shitpost in the most thickheaded fashion. You're either a retard, a troll, or both.

Attached: pathetic.png (800x450, 358.55K)

Oh, it surely isn't the content that.matters. If you want nice formatting and cute pictures, choose something like a children's picture book, you absolute melt.

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You don't even know how to sage. Thanks for proving you aren't from here.

Fuck me, this board is going down the drain.

If you want to make the content an inaccessible undigested mess then surely continue as you are wallowing in your own shit.

and you are making a fine contribution to the thread with your temper tantrum

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platonic soyim detected

Excellent post. That part at the end about passing down responsibility seems to be an enormous part of the mess that we're in.

I'm gonna go cuz I gotta go to a choir thing but is completely right and made a good post, you cannot compare.

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I don't know about autism, but the wheat of today is garbage, we replaced nearly 80% of nutrients with better growing properties. Wheat and by extension everything made from it is basically just fiber and sugar, especially sugar because grain is turns to glucose. Baked goods are pretty bad on their own.

Daily reminder that it's not only old man sperm, but also old ovaries that are responsible for autism.

If you're an old fuck and you inseminate a young woman, it still results in an asspie.

I tried playing this game called "Rise of industries" and I noticed a certain pattern. Everytime I invest heavily in crops: everything else seems to fall apart, not sure why though. The paper industry dies, the electricity industry becomes unfeasable, etc etc. But maybe its not like that IRL though.

Pic obviously related.

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Develop a longer attention span first, faggot.


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shitty game is shitty

go back to /v/

Of coushe.
Egypt had the Nile which needed precise flood prediction, mainly by studying the moving of the heavenly bodies.
F.e. The pyramids are a gigantic clock, if you're looking from Heliopolis aka the Sun city. The great pyramid was pure white, the second biggest was red and the smallest black. They denoted the positions of the sun on the as it set in the desert on the summer solstice, equinox and winter solstice, looking to the West from Heliopolis.
Egyptians named their country The Black Land. Keme. Also from where alchemy gets it's name.
You basically had the entire civilization based around the Nile floods.

Ditto for the Mesopotamian civilization. Ziggurats were that high and massive with a reason. Observation of the stars and earthquake proof pyramid shape.

Greece was basically a free for all for best farming spaces among the rocky interior and the sea. Two biggest powers were: Athens with very good soil and flat terrain. Sparta had problems since it was too hilly. Their economy was also very fish oriented. Fish are also a good IQ food for the developing brain. And also why the sinking of Atlantis is described as a calamity as the waves destroyed all the fishing ships. Minoans went down becouse of that.
Who won in the end? Macedonia! Which had the valley of the Axios all for themselves.

The Roman empire was depended on olive oil. To the point where peace is still represented by the olive branch. After conquest, the planting of olives followed which fueled their economy. From food preparation, beauty products, paints for artistry to lamp oil.
Also wheat from Egypt. Once that fell to the Arabs, WRE was completely destroyed. ERE went to proselytize in Russia to get the trade of food going.

The modern Western civilization is so great becouse it occupies world's most productive regions. Why do you think the war in Ukraine started?

Rice paddies are very intensive work with A LOT of organization. But with a high yield and calorie intake.
You need strong ties among the family members and the wider society to maintain the system and not fuck up. This is why bugmen are so buggy for this sole reason. And the main reason for the fall of Chink dynasties was the osculation of the climate and failing of the crops in the colder periods.
Wheat needs only the plow, rotation and seeding. Then you leave it alone for half a year and hope weather doesn't fuck up. That's it. People have time to do other thing. Contemplate about individualism etc.

All in all, agriculture is the first thing that a civilization has to perfect to prosper. The actual climate change influences the rise and fall of civilizations.
And the temperate zone is moving northwards. From mezopotamia in 3000 bc to France, Britain and USA now.
Arabs declined for the same reason. Desertification reduced the quality and yield of produce. So they went onto average 80 IQ. Along with inbreeding due to polygamous relationship.

Attached: USDA_soil_taxonomy_global_map.png (10200x6600, 2.07M)

Fantastic post user. Saved for future reference.

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Spoiler your gore next time.

Hard to accomplish in a society that devalues effort, and wants to ascend as far away from challenge as possible. You can't instill responsibility in people with them experiencing the necessity of applying themselves. There's far too many safety nets.

You lucky fucking nigger… but I think it's more about what she eats during your development while she's still pregnant. Thanks for the soy beans mom!

If you think that's going to stop me from trying to have white babies then you can save your story for Barron Trump.

I didn't read one god damn comment in this thread

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Genetics dictate how people survive and thrive in a given environment. G + E = P. Their genetics will inform their survival strategies, and things like hunting, pastoralism, agrarianism and other activities will be decided based on the physical and mental abilities of the people inhabiting the area. All of this is a result of complex interaction of things like climate, geology, geography, natural flora and fauna, etc etc etc. Group organization then emerges from that, based on thermodynamic realities of the region.
Whites have lived in many different areas, including rice-growing areas, and they aren't a bunch of fucking commies. However, none of your bullshit kike "studies" will ever discuss this because they are too busy pretending that race and genetics don't real.
This thread is a waste of time.

Northern China is cooler than Greece or Italy, where Western civilization developed.

Soy is the food of alpha males. Summerye and Mangol hordes ate it for thousands of years.

But what about when it is? You were talking about wheat inducing it afterall.
I'm finding this entire thing very interesting. I wonder if someone will take it upon themself to find all the psychoactive components of all foods. Let's begin with ONIONS –→> Ogre? We don't need clinical studies; someone testing monodiets on youtube would be enough.

Yet we can only decide what is right for others by being an individual who is a whole, whilst being a part of something takes second or third or fourth place. Being a populist, loyalist, community serving cuck is why people are in the shit they're in. They take justice for granted and inherent to reality or the human condition – it isn't.

Not taking things for granted is the only way. What you say is just soft words for a hard spirit to rest itself on and justify a basic insecurity, demanding peer pressure and some sort of social purpose or mission when their child-like souls are crushed and forced to grow out of the fantasies they grew up with. Children can have their own ideological imperative… it's part of their survival. Let grown men be grown men who put away such childish dreams and fancies of divine heritage, defense and protection of innocence or what-have-you. I only see different kinds of children and child-pathology at play here… child cliques if you will.

Master war before you master peace. You aren't a child nor a woman. You are indulgent and full of shit. Tending to others or dead loyalties and ideals is not the way of being a man. The only way of a man is the way of the Warrior. Being ready to kill, defend oneself and war. Not just being ready, but ACTIVELY doing such. ACTIVELY. Passively preparing for something… what is the point. It's about doing it. You aren't prepared until you are in it THICK LIKE BLOOD not THICK LIKE WATER. You speak of blood but it's to compensate for the fact that you're thin like water. Face up to the facts and cry like a bitch about it for all I care. This entire board takes this as seriously as the sports version of fighting takes life or death struggles seriously. It's a good environment for something real to pop in and catalyze a change, but there has to be the knowledge that it's still pre-catalyst and containing merely the potential for some authentic power to lead and inspire, or nothing will catalyze.

Reject idealistic comrades to LARP with and just dig into the shit of the world and master the shit mountain. Master the shittiest shit. Fuck your noble airs.


I always wonder if I handicap myself by doing this but that is what I do.

Maybe it has something to do with their gut bacteria.


Does this theory take into account the divergent evolution of each subspecies of human, and its effects on our culture and social structure? If not, than his theory is erroneous in that he is not taking the most noticable influence on an animals behavior into account. Genetic predisposition.

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Interesting I read somewhere that gay men on average have larger benises.

It's a beautiful book to read. It makes you feel the urge to farm and love things that grow from soil, the very soil your ancestors love and fought for.

Fuck off nigger

To be fair the later a woman has children the higher risk of issues in general.
Also the more male children they have the greater the chance later ones will be gay.

Though you're completely right that there are many factors and the other user is an oversimplifying faggot.

Every topic is political, dipshit.

The kikes have memed that various mental illnesses (negative effects caused by bad experiences) are "genetic", and hunt incessantly for "the autism gene" or "the schizophrenia gene" or "the gay gene", when at best any gene which correlates merely causes vulnerability to the psychic attacks. You blow out at the weakest point, that doesn't mean the weakest point caused the blowout.
In the case of later children turning "gay", or increasingly these days "transgender", this is nothing more than pressure on the boy to please his mother, who always wanted a girl to complete the family but is now too old to have another child and he was her last chance for a female.
Pressure from his mother in terms of references, comments, sad moods etc over a span of years gradually push the boy into turning gay or going transgender.
At the end of the day it's about pleasing his mother. I've heard this countless times in interviews with the mothers of MtF tranny boys, "I don't mind at all, I think it's wonderful, I always wanted a girl anyway and now I have one."
Little boys should not be left to endure the tyranny of being raised by females, they should be raised by other men, ideally at a boarding school where they are instructed not only academically but in athletics and warfare. Something akin to a Grecian model.
To leave a boy under the control of women, especially if his father is no longer around or often absent due to working away from home, is cruel and damaging.

Have to add, the "I always wanted a girl" is not the only environmental cause, there are others such as the father being so weak and submissive that the boy identifies with females as the stronger, more dominant sex.
Another situation is where a boy is very weak and cannot compete with the rough and tumble of male life, he cannot meet expectations and retreats into the safer, softer world of women where ultimately, nothing is really expected of him.

And yet fags try to argue that it was starchy grains and other vegetables that fueled the development of the human brain rather than fat and cooking/agriculture in general, lol

It's just a videogame, not some intensive evidence-based simulation
exploits and counter-intuitive logic based on the underlying code is one of the favorite/most discussed things about games

it goes way past egypt to the origins of civilization in the fertile crescent, there's a reason most societies have myths about great floods, because their civilizations were built along (frequently flooding)rivers for access to fresh water and transport of people and goods, especially before irrigation advanced.
And irrigation brings it's own culture like ancient south american empires fueled by the technology who applied the concept of moving water to everything from religion to sex.

That's definitely a factor too, like asians having a higher rate of lactose intolerance, but then that's a bit of a chicken and egg deal.