Bombs in Austin targeting Blacks and Hispanic

Authorities continue to chase hundreds of leads in an effort to find the person responsible for three package bombs that have rocked Austin, Texas, this month, killing two and injuring two others.

All the victims have been African-American or Hispanic, leading people of color in the community to feel threatened. Police have not yet discovered a motive, but have not ruled out the possibility the bombs could be hate crimes.

He fears the attacks may be racially motivated.

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i bet these niggers sold drugs for the cartels and tried to steal the money

A soy gobbling turbo-leftist. He's essentially asking the perpetrator to get in a drum circle and talk about his feels. Look at this motherfucker. He actually has JUST hair. No photoshop needed.

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Austin is minority White and there's only been two bombs, three people involved, so they're over blowing things, as usual.

They are going to call us bad goy until it’s revealed a non white did this then into the memory hole it goes.

I don't believe this.

The fact that they automatically assume this is the result of "racial hatred" is proof they know they're fucking us over. It's them tacitly admitting they're parasites, who expect to be purged from their host at a moments notice.

Let's hope this continues for awhile.

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Two more just now, 4700 blk eagle feather drive, 4800 blk dawn song.

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I was just gonna say that. Goddamn, it could not be anymore of a (((stereotype))). ALWAYS A DOCTOR FUGGGGG

Going to laugh if it ends up being gang violence

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That's not a spic/nigger area. BTW, Austin is one of the locations that have had muds dumped there, I would suspect this mudhammed "enrichment" or a false flag before a larp-right angle.


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Someone posted they are both at cross streets, but don't quote me

It's a ploy. They have nothing but if they can get him to talk they can build a profile and maybe even get lucky if he slips up.

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Andrew Schneck?

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Heres to hoping the next one takes out 2 more.

It happened again.

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(((media staging area)))
i want to see the crater you fucking niggers let the media kikes in

That one is buy AMD, or at least where AMD used to be at.

Canada fag here, got a few questions. 1) how close is austin to spicland? 2) how easy is it for illegals to be in austin? 3) you are archiving all the "its racially motivated shit" I hope 4) I hope you are saying "where is your gun control now" to libshits 5) spic or Religion of Cuck™ do you figure? 6) how much do you wnat to bet if spic its related to the cartel? And 7) if it is the cartel will the states finally anex spicland.

Alex Jones can't keep getting away with this.

It's not close, very easy, our border is wide open and every city is a "sanctuary city," no I haven't, why would say that, guns aren't banned in Austin, mud or false flag, doubt it's a spic let alone motivated by spic drama, no.

Austin tried to pull that sanctuary shit, it's a liberal shit hole. Lots of spics, muzz, etc. And probably quite a few jews.

Very close
Very easy
of course
I have no idea; maybe spic cartel
I don't want to take that bet
I don't want us to annex spicland; it's full of spics.

I read earlier that these were simple bombs like the early IEDs they used in Iraq. I don't think it's out of the question that it's a black guy doing this to other blacks, especially if the bomb maker has some military experience.

Goddamn sanctuary cities. Almost more retarded than when it comes to illegal immigration policies nationwide.

It's obviously White people that did this, don't you dare think otherwise.

To point out that it sure did protect all those dead libshits.

Annex and overthrow spicland and make it peutr rico 2.0 where its a state kind of but has no rights as a state.

And thanks all 3 of you for the answers.


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Main intersections have cameras.

Filterman claims to have inside information about the bombs.

Or possibly just muds that have been shipped into Austin, because Austinites have been virtue signalling cuckhold leftists for decades.

Austin is occupied territory but not as occupied as portrayed, Austin voted 40% for Trump.

It has only one purpose, to wash away the white race.

Upper class area will have surveillance as well

Hi leaf. If by spicland, you mean Texas, allow me to educate you. The GDP of Canada was 1.53 trillion in 2016. The GDP of Texas was 1.39 trillion.

We have most guns (even with only 35% of our population armed, we had the most registered guns in 2017 - 588,696) and the most of the military. Many Texans would love a chance at succession, but good luck turning Texas into peutr rico 2.0.

Fuck no leaf. That would allow hordes of spics into the states.

I believe he is talking about mexico

lol I realize now you mean Mexico and fuggg no we don want that shit.

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Right. Unless we’re planning on taking all of Central America and genocide all the spics, it’s not worth it. Build a wall and send Paco packing and give up on PR.

You're given them too much credit. A ploy needs to have some level of credibility and telling the bomber "come on bro tell us your feels we'll listen" isn't credible at all. It's just weak and retarded. On the other hand, the complete ineptitude of the Austin bolice is basically enabling the bomber to keep removing spics and dindus so I can't really complain.

one set off about a month ago, another a week ago, now supposedly three in one day, none of which were spic/nig areas and went from residences to more public places? That makes the first two look like trial runs.

There is a very real chance that the bomber is leftist trying to move things along and in that case "tell us how you feel" may actually get a bite.
It's far more likely that this is drug and or cartel related simply because it's fucking austin and it's practically under the radar in normal space.

I hope texas can get rid of these beaners fast. the "texans" i've met during travels (outside TX, not inside) had green eyes and swarth like no other, real life 56 not even a meme. so from my outside perspective the state is mongrelizing very fast. fucking disgusting. i hope to visit soon and be proven wrong. godspeed white TXanons.

Ghost went insane.

I've given up, completely given up

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Bit late for that. We didn't exactly give him a choice in the matter rattling_cans.mp4

Embedded jade helm left-behinds

Somehow I'm feeling like this will set some kind of precedent… Some kid did get "The Roots" concert at SxSW shut down over a bomb threat.

This may be a faction exercising it's power. Specific hits, or he's testing local leo sop to maximize killing efficiency. Maybe to misdirect resources. Bombers are smart, usually.

And I imagine we will hear something soon enough as far as demands. My curiosity is overwhelmed

the people getting bombed are all connected one way or another and the austin police are going to be the last group on earth to say how.

this is going to end up just like vegas with a dead patsy that can't be interrogated or raise doubt in court, and a weak police department that immediately hands it over to the feds, who will classify it indefinitely while the MSM memory holes it and social media blocks any content questioning the narrative.

not to mention white on black crime is virtually non existent but lets assume its a white guy for the purpose of pushing a narrative.

this is the DNC trying to increase racial tensions so far up that niggers consider it a life or death choice. this is going to wind up with a dead patsy with a MAGA hat on. anyone who questions that will get sued by the family of the victims claiming harassment etc just like seth rich.

hey rabbi watcha mailing?

Only one problem, that won't stop the bombings. Unless the police find out the bomber is part of a spic gang, kill them all, and then murder a random white guy to pin the blame on.

If it's a jade helm embedded element I doubt there would ever be any demands.
They would be operating under purely guerrilla tactics and only interact with members of authority and the public with propaganda and more conventional devices.

If they are leftovers from jade helm they almost certainly believe or are larping that they are behind enemy lines and will continue to act as if they are so.

Is mexico.

Fair enough, from what I have seen and read aside from the rare exception spics are similar to what natives are in canada, though the natives in canada are real fucking entitled pieces of shit who tend to omit history like most of the surviving tribes being the violent ones who allied with europeans to genocide the docile tribes or traded off land fair and square. They so far are worse than niggers in canada.

So far the bombings seem to be probing, they sure as fuck haven't been for effect.

shut it down

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this will be even easier with the bomb use, they'll just claim he blew himself up and they won't even have to produce a body.

i'm not saying i endorse whoever is doing this, but i understand

Of course, I only meant if it was something less. If it's a leave behind, expect a military arm and a supply chain of local sympathizers. Uwo is like cancer.

I'm really doubting it's spic/cartel. Bombing isn't typically their m.o they of course could do it, it just doesn't seem like them, they'd rather do an outright hit or use brutal fear tactics. As other anons have said these bombings look like a probing against the police force, which makes me think either mudslime imports or false flagging preparations.

say what now?

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Just typical sjw shit.

Had a moroccon french teacher in my high school. I remember one time someone threw something at the blackboard and he turned around yelling with a bad accent "I know who that was, but he is supposed to admit it himself".


And nothing of value was lost.

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Megumin a cute.
A. Cute.

What's the national media response been to this?

Some local live news fwiw. Brain dead news drone babble though. A faggot and a barbie doll anchoring.

Getting pretty sick of this shit.

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Reports of the Suspect are coming out

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Reports just coming in, the suspects name is Samir Al-Hayeed

Trying to get a South African style hatred for Whites in Gun Land is really retarded.
But what would I expect from dumbass kikes who've likely even gone as far to lie about Israel's actual IQ average.

What kind of explosives is this guy using?

Look for it to kick into high gear this week especially with the Police Chief saying the bombs were 'meant to send a message'
Can't wait for the media to run with Drumph is a Scanner who can weaponize SNAP food boxes with his mind.

That information has not been released by law enforcement.

Well those faggots want help, tell me the composition I'll tell you exactly how the fucker made it and what stores sell that isht


They always have to accelerate. Austin is majority non-white, so it's time to build that animosity openly.

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So apparently it's just one, but two injured by the same device. Is it the culprits, injured by their own device?

though judging by the shit-tier kill count, I'm assuming it's probably just gunpowder, not even in a pipe, gunpowder in a plastic bag wrapped in cardboard with nails taped to it
typical spic-cartel tier IED


Habbening when?

Shame it's probably only one dude doing this, imagine if a bunch of crazy bastards started doing this all over the place

Nearly 1776…

That's the weirdness of this whole nonsense about firearms. Firearms are out of date.

Probably never, obviously using some low grade explosives poorly tamped with fairly little shrapnel and pressure plates instead of mercury switches so he's got to dick around outside for 30 minutes putting the bomb together.
A real bomb would not leave so many survivors, I've seen some photos from the media where the blasts occurred, the fact the entire front of the house isn't missing means he's doing something wrong.

Right Wing Laser Muskets when?

A Boston class one wouldn't have, that's for certain.

Hell yeah, Unabomber got away with it for ages because bombs are remote and if you're like ol' Teddy you can make them untraceable. Idiots doing stuff like this with guns get caught right away.

GODSPEED, Uncle Ted!

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Although Unabomber was literal genius tier and was only caught cause his family ratted on him.