They want emergency notifications of ICE activity so they can rush to the aid of illegals. They don't want complaints about leftist assholes who violate Federal law. They don't want false alarms. They don't want doxxing. They just want to help illegal aliens stay in Northern California.
Orgs in Northern California which aid illegals
We should take this poster, and replace the numbers with various ICE office/ agents phone numbers. Then spread it across all the platforms to "help the poor illegals".
Therefore anytime they call, the illegals will be turning themselves in, and anyone who calls in attempting to help the illegals can be caught for obstruction of justice.
I've even taken it a step further and given you the numbers to use below:
Various ICE Field Offices
Oakland (510) 465 5052
Oakland (510) 637 2080
*San Francisco (415) 844 5512
San Francisco (415) 844 5866
San Francisco (415) 844 5455
*Los Angeles (213) 830 7911
*Los Angeles (562) 624 3800
*represents either Enforcement and Removal, or homeland security investigations
The ones with asterisks are the most important numbers to post, the others are ancillary.
Now sprinkle those in with the numbers in the pic, then we can spread it like wildfire
on it, stay tuned
This has hilarious potential. I should call them with some Trump audio, maybe make a sound-board and webm them. "THE WALL JUST GOT TEN FEET TALLER!" etc.
Phone Numbers, Emails, Contacts and How-To Guides For Reporting Illegals.
ICE operates a 24/7, toll-free, confidential tip hotline for the U.S., Mexico, and Canada at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). For people in other countries, the ICE hotline number is 1-802-872-6199.
Like ICE, Customs & Border Patrol operates an anonymous tip line. The number for this hotline is 1-800-BE-ALERT (232-5378)
If you want to report kidnapped or exploited children, call 1-800-843-5678 to submit your report to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The information you provide will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies for further investigation.
Immigration & Naturalization Service 1-800-375-5283 National Service Center
(201) 645-2240 Newark office, for New Jersey
(205) 591-0920 Birmingham office, for Alabama
(207) 780-3440 Portland office, for Maine
(208) 334-1824 Boise office, for Idaho
(210) 967-7035 San Antonio office, for Southern Texas
(212) 264-5923 New York office, for Southern New York
(214) 905-5807 Dallas office, for Eastern Texas
(215) 656-7195 Philadelphia office, for Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware
(216) 522-4774 Cleveland office, for Northern Ohio
(303) 371-5028 Denver office, for Colorado
(305) 762-3610 Miami office, for Southern Florida
(307) 772-2040 Cheyenne office, for Wyoming
(312) 353-4465 Chicago office, for Illinois
(313) 568-6042 Detroit office, for Michigan
(314) 539-2538 St. Louis office, for Missouri
(317) 226-6202 Indianapolis office, for Indiana
(319) 364-3280 Cedar Rapids office, for Iowa
(401) 528-5532 Providence office, for Rhode Island (also 528-5545)
(402) 697-9154 Omaha office, for Nebraska (extension 627)
(404) 730-2841 Atlanta office, for Georgia (extension 346)
(405) 231-4595 Oklahoma City office, for Oklahoma
(406) 449-3991 Helena office, for Montana
(407) 855-4418 Orlando office, for Eastern Florida
(410) 962-7449 Baltimore office, for Maryland
(412) 395-4463 Pittsburgh office, for Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
(414) 297-1571 Milwaukee office, for Wisconsin
(501) 646-4722 Ft. Smith office, for Western Arkansas
(502) 582-6953 Louisville office, for Kentucky
(503) 326-7475 Portland office, for Oregon
(504) 589-4120 New Orleans office, for Louisiana
(513) 684-2412 Cincinnati office, for Southern Ohio
(518) 431-0325 Albany office, for Northern New York
(601) 965-5878 Jackson office, for Mississippi
(603) 625-5276 Manchester office, for New Hampshire
(612) 313-9040 Bloomington office, for Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
(617) 565-3100 Boston office, for Massachusetts
(619) 557-6011 San Diego office, for Southern California
(702) 388-6414 Las Vegas office, for Nevada
(703) 578-4901 Washington office, for District of Columbia and Northern Virginia
(704) 672-6938 Charlotte office, for North Carolina
(757) 858-7502 Norfolk office, for Southern Virginia
(801) 265-0136 Salt Lake City office, for Utah
(802) 527-3191 St. Albans office, for Vermont
(803) 727-4422 Charleston office, for South Carolina
(813) 288-1226 Tampa Bay office, for Central Florida
(816) 891-8350 Kansas City office, for Kansas
(860) 240-3346 Hartford office, for Connecticut
(901) 544-0256 Memphis office, for Tennessee and Eastern Arkansas (extension 136)
(907) 474-1025 Fairbanks office, for Alaska
(915) 540-1736 El Paso office, for Western Texas and New Mexico
Two offices will only take complaints of illegal immigrants in writing:
South Central Florida Area INS 4
360 North Lake Blvd.,
Suite 107 West Palm Beach, FL 33410 Attn:Investigations
Northeastern Florida Area INS
P.O. Box 35029
Jacksonville, FL 32302
Attn: Investigations
For further information, please visit the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS)
homepage at:
you mean like this?
yes, but to keep the credibility up, try to limit repeat numbers, because some of those counties aren't that close to each other. people might see that as fishy. just my .02. other than that, looks good!
here is another enforcement and removal number that I found for San Fransisco area
(415) 844-5651
I'll keep looking, to help alleviate some of the repetitiveness
(415) 844-5512
another San Fran number
You're doing God's work, anons.
truth and checked.
Kek, remembers me of the time when anons posted spanish "illegal help lines" in twitter with ice numbers directly after the first ICE operations went viral like that mexican kid crying in the car.
Trying to fix California in it's current state is like trying to bail water out of a ship that is already sitting at the bottom of a lake.
you stick a deflated balloon inside the ship and then pump it full and it rises m80
Wish I could go to California and help out somehow.
Thanks for the kernel. I'll be printing and posting these around town, OP
also checked
change the numbers first homo
didnt realize you left the numbers as originals
Brilliant user. Just keep copying the poster style whatever they change it to. You could even post these anywhere and seem as if you're helping.
This one is too obvious and someone will catch on pretty quick. The one with only the phone numbers changed is the best since on first glance there is no easily disputed information.
locals never call it "san fran" btw
Is it even legal to have a organization devoted to a OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE ?
either way, it isn't illegal to obstruct their obstructions
This is one of those attacks which functions without being functional. The sheer threat of being duped makes it really horrifying to call. Maybe somebody could make a campaign that public phone records are being tampered with and they display different numbers depending on where you live in town to entrap illegals.
or c s
Something like this happened during the election. We should be calling with fake raid targets
You fucking spicy genius
Posted it on my instajew propaganda account. Set (((social media))) ablaze with this shit.
Forgot pic
(check’d) (heil’d
It’s there to bait dumb plebbitors and niggers into falling for it and spreading it. It’s a sockpuppet account you absolute fucking newfag.
Be a shame if their insurance lapses and they burned down.
Top Kek.
This violates federal law, they need to all be arrested immediately.
Would it help to have one in spanish?
You’re better off attacking the Masons.
They have far more impact than these leftists.
(Quads checked)
Si. Get on it.
quads of truth, anyone here speak untermenschen?
Checked. Do it.
You should also forward the original posting to ICE of course.
Why not get ACLU for obstruction of justice while y'all are at it
can they be flooded with fake wolf cries, so they wont know whats real or not.
surely we can make enough noise it will become too obscure
Now I'm just thinking if what kind of incredible stories we can whip up for the real hotlines. Whatever we tell them has potential to spread to the fake news and allow us to pull the rug out from under their feet. i.e. "the ICE's got guys out here with jugs of gasoline,they have a whole family down on the ground on the sidewalk and they're burning the whole house down"
not how you spell peligro
Does not matter, Mexicans can't read.
Laws only apply to the commoners.
Skeletor continues to rise in my eyes.
I hope he keeps it up.
This is great.
It's a literal beaner dispersion hotline.
Got beaners? Make a call and they will go away.
Why does the Sacramento office have a 510 area code? Sacramento is 916.
Shared on Faceberg, by the way.
Fucking kek.
thats not how digits work, enjoy another ban faggot.
Underrated. However, it could eat away the credibility from the posters suggested by
Isn't California great? Its like having your own copy of Briton, except instead of Muslims rapping and killing everyone its Mexicans.
Can someone give me a hotline number for ICE in my area? I don't know how to report these fuckers that come in for work but I fucking know they're FUCKING ILLEGAL AS FUCK.
uno: you are fucking retard if you can't even look it up.
dos: how the fuck do you expect a number for your area if you don't tell us.
1-800-BE-ALERT or 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423)
If I just google it do you think deepstate would let me get real numbers? I need numbers to who will get me through to action and not to some fat single nigger fucking white girl who protects shitskins. I'm in Dauphin Count PA.
What does comped mean? I know that it has something to do with that Vegas shooter guy (did he work at Taco Bell? What did it have to do with sushi?).
as expected
"Comped sushi"?
Okay. So, what does the Vegas shooter have to do with free sushi?
He (the brother of the vegas shooter) got free stuff from his brother. including comped sushi. He mentioned it in an interview right after the shooting.
Thanks for your kindness.
Board owner please add this to CSS:
.public_ban { font-size: 32px; }.public_ban:before { color: gold; content:"✡ "; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #000, -1px 1px 0px #000, 1px -1px 0px #000, -1px -1px 0px #000, 0px 1px 0px #000, 0px -1px 0px #000, -1px 0px 0px #000, 1px 0px 0px #000; font-size: 32px;}.public_ban:after { color: gold; content:" ✡"; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #000, -1px 1px 0px #000, 1px -1px 0px #000, -1px -1px 0px #000, 0px 1px 0px #000, 0px -1px 0px #000, -1px 0px 0px #000, 1px 0px 0px #000; font-size: 32px;}
make one post and report it so they see it. stop tor spamming like a faggot
What does this even do?
I'm torn between spoonfeeding you to feel smart and telling you to fuck off
I don't really know CSS. It looks like it changes the font size of .public_ban and adds a jewish gold star on both ends. But I don't know what .public_ban is.
ill help out
Report report report if you're in California you probably have a trained eye and will have a field day with this, caught one myself. It's a fun game of racking up numbers
I guess you don't remember the microwaved iphones.
kill yourself ponyfucker. why can't you faggots stay in your concentration camps.
I have a dream that anons will one day have a board where they will not be judged by the image they attach, but by the content of their post.
The image IS part of the content
Checked, Kek'd and Heil'd
My personal favorite was the IOS patch that made your Iphone waterproof.
please don't.
mods will clean up his spaghetti if he keeps posting more. in the meantime, don't allow him to derail the thread.
Bumping this shit. This is a great idea
On BART it's usually packs of feral niggers.
probably this thing
it's gonna add jewish stars to it.
multiple people would have to call in and report ice agents in the same general area. Then they wouldn't know who to believe anymore. If it's just one person they would just ignore it.
I'd pick areas around schools and local mexican supermarkets. That's where they can get jobs easily.
I am willing to buy a burner phone just to do this.
I think that if we plan a raid this can be effective. Like the old battle toads phone raids. We will need to pick a time, place, and a few details so that all of our stories will match up. Additionally some thought should be given to reporting real raids as false. If we find something on twitter about an ICE raid call in as a concerned citizen saying that 9gag is trolling them and it is not a real ICE raid.
I will try to keep my shitposting to a minimum.
Topkek, user.
Who gives a fuck about U.S anyway?
You're all barely even white;
You're all genetically fucked and have so many health issues;
U.S is slowly, economically and agriculturally, going to shit;
U.S is slowly becoming irrelevant and the only thing that's keeping U.S somewhat relevant is U.S entertainment industry and your international economic relations(which are slowly going to shit as well).
Anyway… To keep this short… I could type on and on for at least 2 more minutes here but my point is:
Nobody gives a fuck about U.S and U.S is now at a point where I don't even know if it's possible(or worth) to prevent it's downfall - especially now with the immigrant situation pressing you down even more…(Astroturf)
that shit is fucking illegal, can't you shut down or fine the ACLU to death for something like this
Don't let your dreams be dreams, user.
Big lulz
Fellow knight of the lulz reporting in for duty
Lets take it ANOTHER STEP FURTHER and add fake url's that ask for their gmail and fb accounts to stay up to date, and maybe fake twitter hashtags so they all gather and round up for us?
ICE is either afraid or working up to NYPD because there's no way they've checked Manhattan businesses during evening to late hour construction.
All you'd have to do is scare them of pending raids and they'll stop showing up to work. Then what's their move? Hire legals? Protect illegals and show where they are?
LOL this is all the shit I've read about 8ch being known for and being "exposed" as Russian prop now?
Funny because my polish friends growing up in PA were nazifans and I just used to mock them for being polish. Never knew russians were nazi fans.
Anyone want to "wake" me up and what nazi stood for and who it is now? Can we "call a spade a spade" and point out the whole elaborate "final solution"?
I read that Albert Pike letter, "and I get how it could exist should things head where they're headed", but without Polaroids of it somewhere pre70's, it's hard to "believe".
Even that letter didn't illustrate the whole master plan of what the end goal is for everyone.
Care to fill us in????
LOL, "You need an ICE field agent at your disposal", listen to yourself, LMFAO