Something occurred to me as I was arguing with a leftist offsite earlier; they try so hard to label us conspiracy theorists - why don't we do the same?
So I tried it. I laughed at his attempts to implicate Russia in everything, openly called him a conspiracy theorist, and he sputtered and choked like a fish out of water. It was beautiful.
So what this thread really is, is an idea; why don't we meme the left into being the conspiracy theorists they are, instead of letting them do it to us?
I get that nobody likes hearing me talk about what I did today. I felt like it was relevant though, so I included it. This isn't a blogpost, it's an idea for a memetic offensive on the left.
Some ideas;
Their constant screeching about muh russia. Their constant screeching about the NRA. Their constant claims that all gun owners are ticking time bombs. Their constant claims that we're the conspiracy theorists(projecting).
I'm sure you guys can come up with better shit than me though, so please lend a hand.
Because they do not actually create theories, they don't even get past the hypothesis stage.
Instead, they create conjuncture and slander to support their class "theories", viewing reactionary politics and investigations as below them if it isn't for the cause.
Hunter Carter
When they begin spluttering and losing their shit after being pinned with the "conspiracy theorist" label, ask them if they need (psychiatric) help. If they don't reply immediately, ask again. When they retort, say, "I'm worried about your mental health. You're acting like conspiracy theorist." If timed right, and if your delivery is right, you can actually overload their amygdala and cause their brain to temporarily shutdown, in a way. If it does, they'll lose ability to communicate properly and they'll lose proper motor function. You may see them rocking back and forth, kind of like a traumatized person. If they act like that, you'll know that you've overloaded them. Make sure you get close and smile during delivery, though. The more stimuli you give them, the more it'll load the amygdala. Double points if you have an audience. Conspiracy theorist won't work for every leftist, though. Some have different trigger words. Just make sure that, when you find it judging by their physical reaction, that you keep loading the amygdala. You want to load it until they're having trouble with so each and motor function. Then you can use what I call a detonator. Basically, a detonator is a negative word so stimulating to them that it causes their brain to fry on the spot. Happy lefty hunting.
A retort I like to use when they start spouting off with the Russia nonsense is to tell them they're supposed to wear the tin foil, not smoke it.
Colton Morgan
I generally don't like using the term because they originally invented it to discredit 'fascists'who went on about world Jewish power and the world communist conspiracy. It's one of the original leftist buzzwords. And conspiracies do actually happen and exist.
But you're right. They are running around like the sky is falling, screaming their their shadows.
They don't have theories, only lies. If you have to inb4 your argument is shit and you know it. Kill yourself halffag.
Blake Diaz
"It's not a conspiracy when the government itself is saying it you idiot" And thats the argument shut down, this idea seems pretty shit.
Dominic Brown
Muh Russia is definitely getting into conspiracy theory territory.
Witness the latest stunt, the (((European style socialists))) at the Guardian trying to link Trump, Brexit and Russia via a (((whistleblower))) that has conveniently appeared to tell us about a Facebook data leak:
Bottom line is, maybe there was improper use of data, but Facebook profiles would have been useful only to research public opinion. Meanwhile, the Kikes have total control of mainstream media, with massive power to actually influence minds, and that's just fine, of course.
If they are retarded enough that such a label works to upset them, why not.
Jeremiah Smith
A tl;dr would be nice… Who the fuck is reading all that trash? What I collect from skimming is that they basically used the same faceberg tools anyone else trying to sell something uses, and people were agreeing to share their data. "Hacked faceberg"… Yeah right.
And we've found nothing, despite everybody being involved working at officially sanctioned and registered companies all over the world. Wait not, all over those parts where everything relating companies is completely public. Where they are, what people work there, whom they're hiring etc. some sophisticated shell scripts. But when we joked about the Great Fatherlandian Meme War they all laughed. Now it is main stream staple. THIS is conspiracy territory. How do such things happen? So they were doing this since 2007. oh no u say.png Relevant. Other users are ratting you out. Not you yourself.
Then they implicate Lukoil being interested into targeting American voter blocks. (Yeah, but there is that stubborn story about the Saudis instigating resistance against fracking to dampen the oil surge. It was implied they did this in 2015 (!) together with other oil giants, which implicates Russia did not need any memo on microtargetting. Anyways, I would like to be taught about what is available on the open market, just to be sure not to rat out deep state stuff.) Yeah, sure. It is called "the teacher". Insinuating that only that one guy has access. Any stupid freemium game has it too, idiots.
That's susprisingly effective in shutting them up. Call them conspiracy theorist and ask them to provide prove. Leftists care a lot about their social standing so if you put them into the "crazy/nut" category especially if other people are around, they 404 themselves very quickly.
Dominic Wright
NOTHING gets under their skin like calling them by their own playbook of insults. It seems to be that the insults they choose to call others by are the ones they're most terrified of being called themselves. That's probably why some people resort to calling them racists/fascists, because it meets that criteria, but it's still a bad tactic because it allows them to frame those as negative qualities. (The correct response to being called a racist is to say "So?" or "Thanks, you too!")
"Conspiracy theorist" is pretty good, though. My all-time favourite is still "out of touch". Calling them that and pointing out that leftism is for old people REALLY pisses them off.
Leo Moore
Hey Kraut.
Samuel Rivera
Because they are not conspiracy theorists. That would require them to think and research things they know to be counter to the narratives they parrot endlessly without thinking. They are idiots. True conspiracy theorists in the old days were the outliers willing to challenge everything they were told, until they arrived at the truth, no matter how inconvenient it was. No matter how much they were ridiculed, they knew the truth, they held on to that truth even as they were ostracized by the rest of society at the behest of those trying to hide the truth.
No, leftist are just fools who think themselves intellectuals because their professors told them they hold all the correct opinions. They've never known the truth, that's why they react so negatively whenever they are exposed to it. It threatens to destroy their world.
this, leftists are the ones quickest to laugh at any kind of conspiracy "theory" even when its absolutely true. the leftists that I know don't believe MKULTRA is real, and those that do think it was the plot to Get Out (whypipo be tryin to steal our brainz n shieeet)
Benjamin Torres
Or you could just call them retards.
Logan Harris
Uh buh buh buh They are crazy nutjobs absolutely hell bent on any narrative that fits into their own perceptions. Put them on the back foot any way you can. If you cant bring yourself to say theorist then come up with a better term.
Andrew Morgan
Call them conclusionists because they come up with a conclusion to fit their narrative whenever it's useful for them.
If a conspiracy theorist is some guy putting things together a conclusionist is the person crying in a corner that everyone and everything is out to get them.
Nicholas Phillips
Because that would discredit people calling out actual conspiracies, you know, like what we've been doing here for years?
Gavin Gutierrez
No, conspiracy theories are legitimate theories, where as leftists just give out accusations, they are no where near the same thing. Equally so, conspiracies are anti establishment, being leftist is pro establishment in every way.
Henry Taylor
I've been doing this for a while. It's great!
Had a conversation the other day where Trump got compared to Lincoln (as he is appointing advisors who don't agree with him), which made the local lunatic leftists go nuts, at which point it was great to compare them to Confederates. Slavery is just a more focused form of slavery, after all. The asshurt is glorious.
Carter Walker
Daniel Mitchell
the phrase "conspiracy theory" is pure pilpul just as much as the word "racist". it would be no different from the whole "the liberals are the REAL racists" shit. i dont have any respect for sophistry
Nathaniel Miller
We’ve started winning because respect doesn’t enter into it. Throw their shit back in their face - a leftist will use any tactic to get you to do what they want, to throw you off guard, to make you mad. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong, it works and we will keep doing it to them until they stop first, and for a long time.
Rules For Radicals works, and it works on leftists because they have no immunity to it.
Alexander Gutierrez
Wasn't that an antifa handbook?
Elijah Morgan
Nah it’s an instruction manual on how to argue like a leftist, it works well.
Because the term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by the CIA and we shouldn't promote the memes of our enemies.
Asher Myers
Have had great success with this in combination with conspiracy theorist accusations or racism towards russians. Anti-white accusations work well against cuckservative zogbots, but has little to no-effect on commies
At the very least, be cautious when using the tools and tactics of the enemy; they have more experience using them than you. Save it for those occasional times when it's truly needed, lest the practice make them better at it.
Nathaniel Stewart
0/10 , if you're not able to shut down that denial with something as simple as a one-liner on Saddams WMDs by now you need to gtfo
When somebody accuses me of being a conspiracy theorist for believing that the Jews are conspiring against us. They usually hold on to the notion that throughout the centuries, the Jews have been used as scapegoats for various societal problems. In this case I usually call them out on this and call them a conspiracy theorist for believing that the everyone are conspiring against the Jews.
Aiden Price
No. 1.) You give legitimacy to the word. 2.) You stoop to their level of using approved doubleploosgood trigger words. 3.) You're a plebbit poster and should remove yourself from this website. We've got enough sliding shills as it is.
I developed a similar method to this but I leverage my over the top charisma to make pseudo intellectuals question their reality by dismissing them casually as children. This is eslecially destructive with women since their entire world is dictated by the responses of others.
Likewise, if a lefty gives you shit for saying Jews aren't white, convince them you're a Jew and accuse them of anti-Semitism.
Cameron Davis
ignore shills.
Thomas Butler
William Walker
By that logic we shouldn't call CNN fake news you faggot
Eli Cox
None of this "Theft is the real racist" Rhetoric but I do like to point out how liberals and the left in general are pregious to ideas in general, particularly ideas that are Nationalistic or Fascistic in nature and that they have unquestioned assumptions about the world. In other words, I get a kick out of promoting fascism while unironically calling Leftist bigots.
Henry Allen
The core of what your suggesting can apply to more than just "conspiracy theorist". The position of most importance to take regarding leftists is mockery. Simply don't take them seriously. Treat them literally as know-it-all children. Go "Yeah, uh huh. Wanna buy some toinfoil?". Don't argue with retards who obviously don't know anything you only reinforce their self-assuredness that their position is valid buy taking them seriously enough to offer up facts in response to their bullshit.
No, no. We should call them conspiracy theorists because they've been trained to respond to it. It's like saying the lefties are the real racists - it causes them to panic.
One thing that's proven to be useful time and again these past few years is "stooping to their level" because when you engage a leftist, you're not having a real discussion. They're not interested in having an honest debate, they resort to rhetorical devices and gotchas exclusively in lieu of real discussion.
Calling them racists, conspiracy theorists, and so forth is completely legitimate but of course we should not use such rhetoric on our own allies. Don't punch left is their battle cry, so they end up supporting, at least tacitly, racist, disingenuous tactics, as long as they're directed against their own enemies.
Rules For Radicals works on lefties even more effectively than it does on the right, because they must maintain and never go out of their carefully crafted bubbles lest they offend their own allies. Yes absolutely call them conspiracy theorists. Call them every name in the book as long as it forces them onto their back foot and compels them to defend themselves. There is no shame in stooping to their level when fighting them, after all they have very clearly dictated the terms.
Matthew Jackson
Complaining the NRA isn't a conspiracy theory. The Russia shit perhaps is but it's very shallow and rarely a hill any of them are willing to die on.
Like the other anons ITT have said, they don't even manage to get far enough to conjure theories of substance. They just spout inane shit and spin it in a way that gives them room to back away from it whenever they please. This is why they fear the far right. They cement themselves into very specific ideas and are incredibly confident in them. The left has never once been confident in anything enough to approach it from an absolute perspective. They have no unifying vision. Even their media can't agree on gun control. They know they want it, but they don't know how, how much, when, where, or why.
Lincoln Clark
It doesn't matter who the 'real' conspiracy theorists are when the term was invented by the CIA to shut down people who weren't dumb enough to fall for the Oswald killed JFK meme.
Blake Powell
It doesn't matter if it's a real conspiracy theory or not, what matters is that the rhetoric will be effective on them. You point out that they have no substance, this is because their didactic is based on catch phrases and assumptions, and each of the lefties has been conditioned to respond in a certain way to stimulus. They're not even conscious of their behavior, nor can they argue their points. They just know that being called a racist or a conspiracy theorist gives them a cold prickle.
You're missing the point too. It's just a way to throw their shit back in their faces. For example, this Trump hooker nonsense - the best way to approach it is to say that it's no big deal because Bill Clinton did worse. This puts them on the defensive and worries them, all of a sudden they're either clamming up or trying to hair-split the difference.
Tactical rhetoric is what lefties are owed, they don't hesitate to use it in all their arguments. Why waste your breath and provide facts, figures, charts, and ultimately come up against the same stone wall every time? They never wanted a discussion, they wanted compliance and invented a number of gotchas such as white privilege and systematic racism to get them. The whole point of such devices is that there's no effective way to argue against them, as any contrary documentation is not veracious simply because it contradicts the essential premise, and is treated as wrong no matter how iron-clad.
The left shilled too hard and went too far.
Jacob Brooks
Hunter Rogers
Dominic Howard
Bumping again, this is a good thread and the shills seem to hate it.
Jackson Hernandez
no m8 if everyone is a conspiracy theorist it de-legimitizes the word. just like once everyone was a racist the natural conclusion was fuck it, may as well embrace it and go full 1488
Adam Powell
No, but claiming the NRA is a terrorist organization is close enough.
Landon Young
Good idea. ''The conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow, a notorious but popular satellite radio and television host, recently interviewed …"
Ian Robinson
lol, weak effort in your examples leftists think insidious brainwashing plots are responsible for -racial disparity -belief in the biological nature of racial disparity -gender disparity -belief in the biological nature of gender disparity -masculinity -white attractiveness -heteronormativity -nationalism the list goes on and on you can literally call a leftist a conspiracy theorist EVERY time they try and pin something on societal causes, and better yet the more societal causes are removed from play, while the problems remain the same, the more you can laugh at leftists for desperately trying to make the remaining societal causes even more insidious and potent
Easton Taylor
Words can not describe how stupid you are. You name LIBERAL talking points and call them "Leftist". LEFTIST! get your head out of your ass; leftists want to depose the powers that be, leftists actively engage in conspiracy theories and don't regard them as inherently bad, and either don't take a stance on guns or want them for revolution. Don't spew lies. Call Libtards Liberals. Leftists would beat you to a pulp you massive faggot, and Liberals would wine and cower. You think anarchists want to ban guns? Think again dipshit.
Eh, why even bother. You are just some sheep that got all their "ideology" from memes.
Daniel Harris
James Scott
There are no non-libtard liberals left. Your policy of “don’t punch left” has left you with allies who range from commies, to SJWs, and white genocide advocates. Every nutbag and idiot is a liberal.
Maybe you should have punched left and disavowed the crazier, louder elements in your movement but no, you allied with them. You only hurt yourself and your precious movement now that everybody can see that you’re all on the commie SJW spectrum.
Prove me wrong, have Obama and Hillary denounce commies, Antifa, and political violence.
Landon Smith
Every fucking time.
Thomas Phillips
The absolute state of Zig Forums
Julian Sullivan
What I've found with these kinds of people is that that can't be reasoned with, cajoled, or heckled into breaking with their state-sanctioned feels-based university-indoctrination. They are like jews, you just go round and round, they never admit to being wrong, and if they can't see a clear way to win they just call you names. If you resort to calling them names all it does is force a shut down in their brains where they decide that they are under attack and everything you say can be disregarded because you victimized them. I'm beyond trying to save these people. I don't need to prove to anyone else that what I believe is right. The only course of action left to me is to purge the damned.