WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will unveil a plan on Monday to combat the opioid addiction crisis that includes seeking the death penalty for drug dealers and urging Congress to toughen sentencing laws for drug traffickers, White House officials said on Sunday.

"He often jokes about killing drug dealers… He’ll say, 'You know the Chinese and Filipinos don’t have a drug problem. They just kill them.'"

Donald Trump will announce death penalties for drug dealers on Monday



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I hope that doesn't include weed and psychedelics.
I know it won't though.


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I want to believe but I just won’t until something more concrete is out.

Fucking ammature. It’s head bounties or nothing.

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It better be for illegal distribution of any drug / controlled substance on a federal level.

Are you familiar with Reuters?


How about we just make castle doctrine de-facto law, and actually do something about the faggot criminals that are letting these narco terrorists into the country?

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I'll believe it when I hear it from his mouth. dubs and the madman actually does it

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What are you smoking?

Yeah I'm sure that's his plan

>(((Neighbor))) wants your land
>(((Neighbor))) puts a case of drugs and money on your property
>(((Neighbor))) calls the cops about lots of strange people coming and going, and smells weed
>You get arrested, (((neighbor))) gets your land

Vid is you. Why do you want more laws levied against you instead of the people who've fucked up this country?

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Idiotic glow shill

kek. Don't worry, the lugenpresse could be making it all up. You should wait for Trump to confirm or deny it before losing your shit.

That's racist!

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Yes, lets arm a corrupt system with the tools necessary to stomp out any opposition through social and police means!
This is no different than allowing judges to imprison divorced husbands because they don't make alimony payments, women to imprison men with false rape accusations, or kill people on sight because someone was scared and called the cops about a legal gun.

By not acknowledging the basis of my arguments you've shown yourself to be the true outsiders.

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Idiot glowing shill

Sounds good, but even if it passes they'll all sit on death row for 20 years and tie up the courts with endless appeals. Pozzed governors and even "based" Republicans wanting lolberg support will commute their sentences anyway. The Death Penalty barely exists in the US, a third of the states abolished it, many have it on the books but haven't used it in decades, and even states like Texas execute a insignificant number of criminals. We need a total reform of our death penalty where obviously guilty niggers can't plea deal to life in prison, and the execution should be carried out within a month of conviction.

I think this is a symbolic gesture of his commitment to combating drugs a real commitment would be to build the fucking wall and he's using the standard negotiating tactic of the "strong opening bid." Ask for the death penalty knowing congress will balk, but they pass longer mandatory time for drug traffickers.


Go back to leftypol dumb nigger

It will probably include all the people who sell weed and psychedelics without a (((license)))

I said calm down, Zig Forums. Nothing is official yet.

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It's like you retards don't even know what civil asset forfeiture is, and how it's abused by the same enforcers you want to give the ability to kill anyone by planting evidence.
Unless the dealers are shot on sight, on video with the evidence, committing the crime, the law will be abused.
And at that point, you might as well just abolish the ATF and allow the citizens to do the job instead of the police.

All it would take is calling DMT a controlled substance
Oh, wait….

What the fuck is that video?
The cop should be punished, he can't even describe what he wants properly.
The guy is also a retard, why would he just get his hands on his pocket out of nowhere?

Trump needs to step up his game!
Virgin Donald Trump vs Chad Rodrigo Duterte


This is why you shouldn't get high off your own supply smh tbh

this will be abused
all hardline drug laws are abused
drugs are bad, and degenerate, and harmful
but the crisis in America is not drugs
it is jews and their lies
it is (((deep state))) and their subversion
it is globalism and their NWO bullshit
it is "the diversity" and the ongoing White genocide
everything else is secondary or irrelevant

stfu retard

glow shill reeking of despair

Look out guys, we've got some butthurt over here

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Show me a post where Trump and the police call out the kikes that created the opiate crisis.
Do the same for the CIA and cocaine or heroine.
None of the faggots that caused this mess will ever get punished for the hell they unleashed on the citizens, and none of them will be prosecuted under whatever Trump is thinking about passing.

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Idiotic glowing shills losing their sanity talking to each other

Pull the trigger on every nigger

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I for one can't wait for the full Duterteing to start.

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The internet is a magical place

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While this will reduce drug trading quite a bit, this won't be enough to stop it. Drug dealers are already risking death in gang wars and it doesn't hold them back because of the fuckload of money. Niggers and spics are fucking stupid, the only thing to seriously make them reconsider drug trade is by making it unprofitable. The real upside here in this is that we dig graves for spics and niggers quicker than before.

Kek, kill yourself you disgusting drug faggot, there are hundreds of ways to frame people. If your (((neightbour))) wanted some land all he had to do is put some childporn on your pc. Also, drug trade and not drug possession is the problem, just having drugs on your property won't get you the death penalty you ultra nigger. You really are starting to sweat here Zig Forums.

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t. Leftypol retard

See how this works folks. Shabbos Trump adds something so ridiculous into a bill knowing it will prevent any bill from passing. Opiate "crisis" continues.

Few more steps and then you can kill those commies for a reward.

And this is why you have cameras set up in/around your house.

Death penalty cases require lots of evidence. Even if the judges are kiked, juries are not. Bringing camera evidence to court is good enough to defend yourself from this.

Get the fuck out and don't return.

Kill yourself leddit, take your forced jewwave cringe with you.

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To be fair, that bootlicker would've killed that guy no matter what he did, regardless of any law.
This video isn't an argument for or against any law, rather it's a video that exemplifies the necessity of police body cams and shows that we need to raise our hiring standards for policemen once we fully take control.

dude, how do you think commies survive on the treet? He's literally proposing death to antifaggots with this

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desperate shill screeching

Then give up your First and Second Amendment. Go on. I'll wait.

Are you going to cry?


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get out

It's incredible, could you hope for this during the election?
It just keeps getting better and better

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Trump confirmed for wanting to hijack Democrat DACA narrative for midterm elections.

I feel like I need to pinch myself to check if I'm awake. We are winning so hard

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So, in other words, death penalty for the CIA and FBI or just their nigger mules?

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He wants to go after their shekels, which is even worse.

RWDS soon

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As good as this is, I can't wait to find out that this is the last pillar of the ghetto bread and circuses, and knocking it out finally causes the final chimpout.

You're going to have to try better than that.

Be honest Zig Forums just how many of you are back alley drug dealers?

This. If he doesn't go after the (((Sacklers))) and other pharma families, etc this is nothing good. My biggest hope is that he at least goes after the cartels, because killing exclusively low level dealers who are poor whites in Appalachia is some kiked shit.

yeah wow based 4d chess

You have to start somewhere. going after criminals first is smart since it makes it hard for opposition to oppose this without making it obvious what they are really protecting.

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Also, I find it interesting that people gripe about the doctors and so on without noting who the doctors are, who is letting these people into medical school, who is letting them into residency, where these people come from, why the medical guidelines allow for or call for this or that medication the be prescribed and so on. The whole system is a damned mess and needs to be reworked.

Yeah, ideally that's how law enforcement usually goes.
Big pharma is a serious problem that does need to be addressed, but how the fuck are you going to try and convince Zig Forums the death penalty for drug dealers is a bad thing when we've been hoping our respective leaders would take a page from Duterte's playbook for years now?

Muh chris cuckoldry

Meant for

Gas yourself, you disgusting low-T nigger faggot.

MARCH 19, 2018
MANCHESTER, N.H. — Pressing to ramp up the death penalty for drug dealers, President Trump on Monday announced a new national plan to stem the scourge of opioid overdose deaths, focusing on enforcement.

“We can have all the blue ribbon committees that we want, but if we don’t get tough on the drug dealers, we’re wasting our time,” he said at a Manchester Community College gymnasium. “And that toughness includes the death penalty.”


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Stay delusional retards, he is never going to go after pharma.

I didn't claim he was, I admitted it's something that needs to be addressed before asking why Zig Forums should be against a death sentance for drug dealers when most of us approve of Duterte's methods.

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Just so we're clear why should Zig Forums be against execution of drug dealers again?

He needs to up his game and bring back firing squads to complete the trifecta of lefty assravation.

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If you can tie an overdose death back to the dealer and have it accumulate to the point of mass murder, then I can see that as being reasonable grounds to off the cunts. If they can demand it of mass shooters, why not dealers?

He has no reason not to. Then again, it wouldn't be the first time someone said Trump wasn't going to do this or that before it happened. As I said before, you have to tackle the whole system instead of throwing an impotent tantrum about this doctor or that without knowing how the system is fucked.

the completely absolute madman

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — The Latest on President Donald Trump and opioid drug addiction (all times local):

3:15 p.m.

President Donald Trump is declaring the need for a nationwide public relations effort to convince Americans, and particularly children, to not start using drugs.

He announced a new website — crisisnextdoor.gov — that warned of the dangers of opioids, including fentanyl. He also called for broadcasting "great commercials" during "the right shows" that demonstrate to children "how bad" drugs are.

Trump said tougher borders were needed to prevent the flow of drugs to the United States. He told the audience in Manchester, New Hampshire, that the nation needed a stronger southern border and a crackdown on sanctuary cities — including nearby Lawrence, Massachusetts — that he says supply drugs the nation's heartland.


2:55 p.m.

President Donald Trump says the nation "must get tough" with drug dealers, which includes utilizing the death penalty.

Trump unveiled his plan to combat the nation's deadly opioid addiction in a speech Monday in Manchester, New Hampshire, a state ravaged by the drug.

Trump said "failure is not an option" and vowed that "addiction is not our future."

He vowed to help create "a generation of drug-free children." And he complained that, under the current law, a dealer could sell a drug that could kill hundreds but only receive a short prison sentence.


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After he made the left associated with rapists +murderers
he is now associating them with drug dealers and child killers

They can't recover from this each step or resp9nse they make, they just tie the noose around their neck tighter

It is beautiful

What he is doing is intergalactic political nuclear warfare

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…took long enough to highlight this epidemic on a worldwide stage. opiods are single-handedly destroying exclusively white youth and corrupting our communities more than any other (((physical))) influence. but - to kill the heroin kingpins - does he mean DOTR for the moshe-ridden pharma industry or the sandniggers sending them over from their poppy fields? hmm…

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Fucking finally all the druggies that bullied me for years and years are about to be BLOWN THE FUCK OUT FOREVER.

Good riddance
those parasitic bastards deserve it

next they should keep boosers and people pushing unhealhty food and lifestyles


The fuck is going on in that video.

This music is unironically good.
Thanks user.

Honestly if we get a law where anyone can vigilante kill druggies we've basically collectively been given orders to exterminate all the left. Trump passes this and we will finally have our Racial Holy War justification.

That's never gonna happen.

How so? I'll just go around planting drugs on all the race traitors and leftists I know and kill them and get bounties for it which I'll use to buy more ammunition.

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Nope. Alcohol is the liquid Jew, though.
