Hollywood actress brings the foreskin theft industry into scope

Celebrity Fashion Trend: Facials Made from Cloned Baby Foreskin Cells
Actress Cate Blanchett revealed a shocking beauty secret in a recent interview saying that she is a big fan of facial cream made in part from cloned cells from the amputated foreskins.

March 18th, 2018 by Warner Todd Huston
on Breitbart

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Jews don't eat your foreskin, you antisemitic filth
They just slather it on their skin

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How can average women read this in their magazines and not feel sick at the thought of their own sons being mutilated for the perversions of rich nasty kikes?

Women have no real empathy. Or any emotions for that matter. It's only an approximation. Hence they see their kids as a way to feel good about themselves only.

The intense hate i have for these hollywood people knows no limit

Any mother is outraged, "women" are blind sheep, and are in the middle of a men aren't worthy of respect facade. That's why.

yeah she looks like a foreskin face

Oprah endorsed skin cream made from foreskins a long time ago, this is barely new at all. But for normalfags to still not even know this shit is all the more reason to spread it right now.

It all makes sense now.

I wonder who the werewolves are?

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ding ding

So women all want to be rabbis? Aren't they already fighting over this in yidaviv?

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Hebrew, please.

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Galadriel how could you?
Article doesn't make clear whether she actually knew the ingredients before hand, just the scent.

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someone needs to do a fact check meme about this

I don't forgive her. She should age like everyone else. Fuck makeup, fuck kike lies, and fuck mutilating infants to prop up the unwarranted self-importance of rotting kike fucksleeves.

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Bullshit detector tingling. Clone technology isn't far enough along that this wouldn't be insanely cost prohibitive. Ten to better this process involves aborted baby fetus cells.

Imagine if we applied the "What if the genders were reversed" MRA meme to this.

Imagine if men promoted an industry in which two-week-old female babies had their labias and clitorii cut off with a razor blade, without the use of anaesthetics, and then turned their flesh into cosmetic products for men like after-shave. Now, imagine if, in addition to this, men controlled the MSM and visciously demonised any woman who dared say that they were opposed to this practice as a viscious anti-semite and then dragged their name through the mud.

Raise the cognitive dissonance up a few notches and let the kvetching do the redpilling for us.

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Gun lube, baby.

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Women already think that it is a medically necessary procedure, and that baby dick facials are good use of "waste" material.
What they don't realize is that jews are the ones telling them it's necessary and jews using the skin on their faces.
They're naive like that.. They believe everything at face value and don't really think there's any conspiracies behind anything they perceive as truth.


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As the years go by even the greatest of films is being ruined by the facts about those who made it. They'll all pay.

Furries are werewolves, Jews are vampires the ugly Nosferatu kind, not the cool Dracula kind, and niggers are zombies.

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Massive fucking revelation. I'm so pissed that a dumb whore who blows kike dick for acting jobs actually does something kiked.

No shit. Kys glow-in-the-dark KGBnigger. go d&c the chinks or something.

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Reminder: this Shiksa Married Liv "I shake my willy in front of my daughter and tongue kiss her in public for paparazzi" (((Shrieber)))

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Literally retarded. The whole reason they make stuff from amputated foreskin taken from infants is that the cells are new and healthy so the things they make are too. If you're using cloned versions you are letting them divide a lot and in essence age - at a much higher rate they would in the body at that - they might as well be just drawing blood from seniors for that kind of treatment.


Lulz brb busy taking birth control and fucking 20 dudes at the club this weekend xD. My son doesnt need his foreskin, it makes his dick look ugly ewww cut it off and traumatize him at birth for the rest of his life so some cunt can think hes aesthetically pleasing

no it's not, we've known for DECADES that tons of makeup products are made from foreskin and tons of other disgusting shit including bull semen and human placenta.

you're a fucking retard, the reason they take foreskins from infants is because there are tons more children free of STD's being mutilated than adults getting a cut.
germline cells are identical when they divide so you get two new identical cells each mitotic division, you keep one for another division and use the other for product. Secondly they dont even care about "old vs new cells" because the use for it is typically anti aging cream by using fibroblasts in the foreskin cells. Fibroblasts make collagen which basically makes up parts of cells (basal lamina is Collagen 4) and extra cellular matrix/endotheleum. If you want more and more collagen production then age does not even matter, just quantity of cells capable of making product. Cloned cells is actually a fucking positive too, more cloning = less need for fresh cuts which is beneficial to newborn boys. In fact this is even mentioned in the very fucking OP "No babies were used — only clone cell[s] taken years ago!” Don't bring up cell biology if you know nothing about it.


You've got it all wrong. That's his son.

The official line is that they're either thrown out or used for (((medical research))).

(((foreskin theft industry)))

guess it's good that they are cloning it, but they are still cutting foreskins off of newborn boys every day

It's not good that they're alive, everything they do is also not good because they can do it. All Jews should have been dead thousands of years ago.

Wonderful to know where a piece of my mutilated dick went, thanks retarded boomer mother.

The Jew bitch on the Adam Carolla show brought this up today. Adam said the kids should get paid for this at least and she interjected "but it's illegal to pay for human body parts!", fuck these parasites.
She also said that the foreskin specifically comes from south Korea. Member that (((feminist))) cult that's running their government? You member…

well, the only reason why parents mutilate their sons is because they are jew loving trash who think it's antisemitic to not do so. Let's see how the jew loving "judeo-christian" trash react to this.



Next they'll say they're needed to cure autism

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Adolf, we need you now more than ever.

I'm always angry if someone wakes me up in the morning, why should this be any different?

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Friendly reminder: show normalfags that kikes are colossally over-represented in all forms of sexual abuse and depravity.

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women have empathy, but they are easily programmable. They accept things as "normal" no matter how fucked up it is, I guess theyve needed that coping mechanism historically to accept being traded for livestock/slaves to another man and has to have babies with him. Women dont care about important things as long as its happened for a long time or the people around them accept it as normal. This is why they eat up hardcore cultural marxism from the electric jew, because its astroturfing, the women watching it think everyone accepts it as normal if its on TV, jewish articles online, etc.
the 19th amendment was a big fat mistake.

Twice I've had women try to butter up to me talking about their sons and "the war on boys" only to find out their real agenda is to gather info for their feminist roastie friend I pissed off.

>Interview with a (((Vampire)))

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You get used to it after a while. I hide my power level pretty well but then again I don't really associate with the plebs that much anymore.

I'm thinking of moving here.


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They 'are' thrown out. After that, the doctor takes the unclaimed property and sells it for hundreds of dollars.

for years now ive been able to rightly say "Hitler was right.", but up until recently, it isnt even remotely "funny" anymore. We gravely need 'Hitler' right fucking now. Its sad and sick to think of all the time, resoruces, our energy, our white lives we are wasting dealing with these kikes and the endless plauges they bring us. Not only would whites have an extremely high standard of living, but even the world would be more peaceful and fruitful ruled by whites, or hell, just a whites only country of our own. we should be tending to our Mars base by now for fucks sake.

You really have to ask?

Want to be roomies?

Can't remember the book, chapter, and verse at the moment, but He knew what He was talking about. Nothing like family to wander over and say stupid shit like "You can't REALLY believe that, can you?"

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We must do everything we can to aid those groups who are oppressed in Israel.

What's particularly interesting about this, is that rumors of the secret of a queen's beauty, long-lasting healthy skin, were all true. The kikes that served them knew what to do, and most probably just actually slew babies and skinned them. It's so extraordinary that it is such a barbarically simple treatment. This is probably where the rumors of baths in blood came from. The skin would be quite bloody, and would be put into a water bath. This is of course a quite obvious form of "alchemy" - take the thing you wish you had, soak yourself in it, eat it. Sort of like the "sharks don't get cancer" "cure."

Isn't it odd how all of their degeneracy and usurpation is ancient degeneracy and usurpation? When Solomon said there is nothing new under the sun, perhaps he was speaking of their perpetual wickedness.

''Our Furer who art in Valhalla, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Reichdom come on Earth as it is in Valhalla.
Give us this day our daily mead, and free us from usury, as we also free others from usury by killing kikes.
And lead us not to degeneracy or usurpation, but deliver us from communism.''

If I was a capable enough I could whip up a skit where Cate blanchett kills a number of infants, and while laughing maniacally, chops of their dicks, crushs them up in a mortar, and smears the blood all over her face. Fade out to "Foreskins, not even once" deepfake tech could make it look like her, all I would really need is some fake blood, a suitably framed female and toy infants.

We have to stand on our own two feet, and establish our own lands, once again. Nothing else will save us from their grasp.

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ITT: Zig Forums pretends to give a shit about babies.

I ain't buyin' it.

It just so happens, the foreskins of said babies are benefiting the jewish elites, so yeah we care.

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She is dumb I just rub my foreskin om my fiance every other night. I don't give her facials though its disrespectful for a woman who was a virgin when we met.

You're answering a goddamn kike.


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They all say that.

Well somebody has to be first at some point even though according to the internet woman plow through 300 men by age 16.

Look, I hate MGTOW fags just as much as anyone else with a functioning backbone but you need to drop the illusion that women give a shit about anything but themselves. Women have always been a liability and when artificial wombs become a thing they will finally be obsolete.