1. change.org/p/jean-claude-juncker-allow-all-white-south-africans-the-right-to-return-to-europe
2. change.org/p/citizens-of-south-africa-goverment-of-sa-must-help-family-s-that-is-left-without-income-in-farm-attacks
3. change.org/p/donald-j-trump-genocide-of-whites-in-south-africa
4. change.org/p/the-secretary-general-of-the-united-nations-end-farm-murders-in-south-africa
5. change.org/p/supreme-high-court-genocide-in-south-africa
6. change.org/p/australian-government-accept-white-south-african-refugees-to-australia?expired_session=true
7. petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/immigration-priority-south-african-farmers-facing-systematic-land-confiscations-and-murder
1. afriforum.co.za/
2. youtube.com/user/afriforum
3. facebook.com/AfriForumNasionaal/
4. AfriForum (@afriforum) | Twitter
1. solidariteit.co.za/en/
2. youtube.com/user/Solidariteitsa
3. facebook.com/solidariteit
4. Solidariteit (@solidariteit) | Twitter
>Petition the following embassies in Writing, Email, Person, Phone, Twitter, Facebook & Indigenous Social Media: Russian, Indian, Chinese, Japan, Austrailian, Poland, Hungarian, Czech, Slovokia, Romania embassies / Trump, his entire extended family, Cabinet & friendly known close associates / twitter embassy campaign / sabona.com.au/articles_detail.ews?articles_detail.ewdid=389
1. Munsieville
2. Blikkiesdorp
3. Diepsloot
4. Freedom Park, North West
5. Joe Slovo, Cape Town
6. Kennedy Road, Durban
7. Kya Sands, Johannesburg
8. QQ Section
9. Symphony Way Pavement Dwellers
10. Wallacedene
11. Khayelitsha
12. Delft
Picking the ideal platforms & finding someone impartial, untainted with controversy, trustworthy with money, loyal to the cause to run it and execute delivery of the funds. Bill Warner, Stefan Molynuex & Kevin J. Johnson are some of the top names I can think of that best meet all the qualifications.
1. White, Dutch heritage, good genetic stock.
2. Hardworking, grateful, and woke on Race.
3. Not Baizhua, "White Left", Hardened.
4. Anyone making moves in Africa would do well to have generational Afrikaners who know the people, the mentality, the land, etc.
5. Due to racism, numerous highly qualified specialty workers have been laid off, much to S.A. detriment.
6. High number of farmers among the legitimate Afrikaner refugees and asylum seekers, a needed commodity by every nation.
7. They will not complain about lack of Western style liberties after escaping Ethnic Cleansing.
8. Chinese farmer family youth leaving to big cities, posing a future farming issue, which can be mitigated by generational S.A. farmers.
1. Costs
2. Employment concerns
3. Crime concerns
Content Creator Merchandise and Service Charity Raffle.
Digital designer's services.
Live tour with profits going to Boer Fund.
We need to hear from all their fans, send emails to CCs (content creators), who own or run large venues capable of hosting these events, and sympathetic to the Boer, willing the give a generous discount on venue rental in favor of maximizing charitable proceeds.
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