Spics BTFO. Try to evade sanctions, retards. You will starve to death in your socialist hell hole.
Trump Bans Petro
guess they'll have to switch to a more stable currency like Runescape gold
kike free 1st post
Trips of truth, fantasy world money is more viable.
What petrodollars?
Not tired of winning
Fagots over on ZH talking about this saying Trump is a deep state stooge, somehow completely forgetting that Venezuela is going full mad max tier socialism induced warfare over rolls of toilet paper
Also friendly reminder that a few months ago pepe jpgs were a legitimate Venezuelan currency worth more than their countries physical bills
Fun fact: brazilian incel anons are going to the border with venezueira to fuck 10/10 starving girls and even date/marry them
I don't see any other way to read it.
Their problems are exacerbated by not being able to effectively trade with the outside world. It's not really a defense of their government, but this same tactic of sanctions was levied on NS Germany, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, etc.
There are some places they can still trade with, but obviously they are denied access to the typical mechanisms that are under control of the US. So crypto is a path to try to get around the dollar system. I wasn't aware the dollar system was new cause celebre around here.
shame on you
Venezuela has destroyed itself. the harder they fall, the better. let the world see what happens when a once reasonably prosperous nation embraces marxist retardation.
of course, marxists never learn.
can't let in that wrongthink!!!
that is why the message must be explosively brutal and undeniable. then at least some would actually SEE.
Who cares if they nationalize things? Why would I care about corporations getting a good look at them here in the US? They are all aboard the White genocide train, they can't do it fast enough. Nationalizing oil is what the entire Iran situation is about going back to the postwar period.
They seem to have done a pretty bang up job getting their jews to fuck the hell out of the country. Of course, they all came to the US. Odd.
Probably not. Why would this increase in value? People who actually believe in crypto tend to be lolberg types that wouldn't want a federally run crypto anyways and people who just hold it to speculate aren't going to be very interested due to the fact that it will be incapable of getting listed on most exchanges.
Iran hasn't been destroying its economy however, they can trade and pay back anything they need.
Even fucking North Korea can do this, via weapons exports.
You commie morons can't understand that if do this you collapse your country.
Still are.
I'm not a communist and I already covered that I'm not defending the Venezuelan government. They've made a lot of their own bed by not managing their own internal resources well. This is specifically about the US and its campaign of financial terrorism against just about anyone. Greece played ball and look where that got them.
If a system is easily BTFO'd by other countries not trading with it, then it was never strong enough to be an alternative to the prevailing global economic system anyway.
I'll keep that in mind.
Inb4 Zig Forums cryptoshills appear ITT
Way to omit the second part of my quote you communist abiding faggot
Btw why did kikes allowed this embargo on the best goyim?
Is this supposed to be a counterargument? The third reich was economically strong despite trade sanctions which is why more direct methods had to be used.
I fucked over hundreds of Israelis before the Pepe market crashed.
That has more to do with Germany's natural talent, so of course there is a gap in capability. The financial instruments and institutions they both worked to avoid are identical.
Well, yes, this is why you need to plan for autarchy instead of putting your buddies who don't know anything in charge of the oil industry and letting them get fat of the dividends before it all collapses. Venezuela needed to keep the same people in charge of the oil, and work on diversifying the rest of its economy, but there aren't as many low hanging fruit that way, which is why it's a hard thing to do. Venezuela could never be National Socialist Germany because the only thing Chavez was thinking about was short term gibs to win elections, and not long term prosperity.
The part about toilet paper? It's sort of superfluous to the overall point I was making.
He's talking about pepecash and rares which Venezuelans were actually using to get around their insane taxes.
Which is the point. They're a bunch of incompetent spics unworthy of support.
Correct. If anything Venezuela didn't go far enough, but it is worth considering that they may not possess a population capable enough.
I don't think that's the message we'd be getting from the Trump team here if they were on team israel and team Walmart.
No, they did the completely wrong thing to begin with. They never planned for an autarchic economy, they just wrecked their own productive capacity and then subsidized everything on that, so the economy wouldn't diversify and overcome the reliance on oil. The only thing they planned was their own destruction.
Pointless to argue with him, he just demonstrated that the only reason he's even supporting them is because Trump did something to him. He's no different than your average retarded leftist who simply takes the exact opposite stance of Trump.
1st post/10
Trump is the one who signed the executive order barring citizens and entities in the US from purchasing the petro. It wasn't some random person. If Venezuela was the same dirt poor country full of spics, but had a positive outlook on israel and the American corporate [jewish] structure, this situation wouldn't exist. That's just a fact.
No, they are an open enemy of israel. Jews have been largely driven out of Venezuela because their rackets have been busted up.
The real problem with your arguments user is that youre mentally seperating Marxism and Judaism. Marxism is just political/economic judaism. Its even worse IMO that they removed kike, but kept their mind virus. Nigger tier tbh.
Nationalizing the economy is just fine and fucking critical in some cases under a natsoc system but if you fuck up your economy, then nationalized everything in a desperate attempt to keep your political judaism afloat, you deserve the consequences. Go back to /leftyniggers/ pls.
Maybe so, but the only point I'm taking exception with is that the idea that Venezuela was creating a viable alternative to begin with. It was already collapsing before this, and if it wasn't then it has to be strong enough to survive this to be an alternative. A: Venezuela isn't some strong nationalist country where the leaders think ahead about the destiny of their people; they're only crooks, and B: even if Venezuela was some grand National Socialism for the latin race, they'd actually be a threat. You can ask Trump for consistency on Israel in some universe where he has a freer hand, but I don't think this decision is fundamentally wrong. If they are too weak to survive not trading, too bad, and if they are a truly nationalist state able to survive, then we should try and weaken them with other means, because it would be a SPIC nationalist state. They're not white. It's not in our interests to allow them to challenge us. Denying this just to spite the Jew, doesn't make sense. We have more than one enemy, and we're going to win against all of them; Jews, spics, blacks, asians. Doesn't mean we're going to genocide them all (Jews have to go though for what they've done to us), but they shouldn't be allowed an alternative to our power.
Also, theyre spics, anything that hurts them more is only good you fucking faggot.
They drove everyone that owned a business out, because communists have retarded economic policies, had nothing to do with some of them being jewish, most weren't.
The opposition to the Chavez communists were always dominated by jews. Jews only like communism if they don't already own things. The entire point is to furnish themselves all positions of privilege and power. This has been covered here before, but I'll provide the article again.
It's about Stalin's purges. You'll notice that the things the jews were doing in the Soviet Union – monopolizing the best neighborhoods, the best schools, the most powerful ministerial positions, producing fourth-rate degenerate art and being universally praised for it – are the exact same things they've done here in the West despite the differences in economic systems.
>if trump had a freer hand pls beliebe goyim
To be frank, I don't see how trump fucking over a bunch of spicialists does anything close to help the kikes. I think you're arguing in bad faith, I doubt you read what I wrote, and I guarantee that you already had most of that response either pre loaded, or pre scripted to throw out. I think that because it took 39 seconds to type, and you didnt even address more than my initial point.
You don't have to support it. The point of the article is that the jewish occupied government of the United States is making the choice itself illegal.
LOL stay mad, what did you buy in already?
So if the jews were playing both sides, and their mind poison is still ingrained in the average venezhuelan, why Is it a bad thing to fuck them harder user?
Neither is the US. Make no mistake, "we" aren't the ones being challenged.
If a communist regime is disrupting jewish activities and de facto denying jews a place in their economy, then I'm not really in favor of active measures against such a regime. You don't have to like them, but I am personally much more neutral on the issue. Whoever is getting the job done at this point. Capitalism sure isn't.
Maduro on Judaism
>communism but not real communism gets tried in Venezuela
my eyes have been opened, I never realized how BASED venezualan communism is my fellow goyim. Drumpft better stop his reckless capitalism right now!!!!1!
I'm not interested in the "real/not real" conversation. Do not go off on a tangent that no one is arguing or defending. Jews are being de facto denied primacy in the Venezuelan economy.
I'm not even sure what you're saying at this point. It seems like it's just jumbled buzzwords and then empty accusations of being a communist. I'll go ahead and filter you since you've seem to run your course.
I could be a warlord in Venezuela because right now i have 12 rolls of toilet paper in my bathroom right now.
It looks like the spammer isn't having a good day
I still believe in this.
Seriously, you'll niggers don't even check digits
I'm disappointed
Venezuela's commie government is loaded with Jews, they're not doing anything against Jewish tricks at all. Anyway communism is a Jewish trick as well.
Venezuela must fall, and then Cuba.
Ok faggot. Im normally nice and wouod say lurk 2 years but youre clearly a retard to think that. Kys youre worthless.
If theyre not dying by the millions then the hurt is worthless.
got more info on this?
Goddamn, that guy went off. I wasn't expecting that tbh. Was kinda pleasant to watch, it would be nice if that truly was what Trump is aiming for. I try not to be black pilled on anything (too severely that is) He's chaotic as hell, it's tough to not take everything he says with a grain of salt.
WEW Lad, you are obviously doing God's work. First post checked.
Bit off topic but this thread is a mess anyway we should be looking at exactly this:
and while we are at it the rest of the puppet leftest regimes boiling down south and doing exactly what pic attached told us to do. Stop entangling ourselves in (((international))) problems and fuck with the browns down south. The Angry Ghost of Winfield Scott shall haunt this nation until we make amends to his blessed soul and conquer beaner, hue hue and all other form of bastard Spanish and Portuguese mongrel.
What will happen if Venezuela turned to bitcoin?
Serious question.
the only comparison was regarding the sanctions by jew nations which was a very apt comparison you don't get a much more jewed nation than USA, may as well rename it israel already
Get this bestiality shit out if here.
Remember fellow OSRSanons, kill everyone you see at green dragons in the wild just in case it's a Venezuelan.
Although Venezuela should be dealth with, i am not a fan of banning cryptocurrencies.
Lets see if we can get Gaia gold to be worth more.
When you're that devoted to defending Venezuelan communists, don't be surprised when you get called a communist.
Talked to someone pretty frequently on Steam from Venezuela before they went MIA. They said whenever the people found a way to make money or something useful the Commies would take it over and make a profit for themselves. This cryptocurrency probably is already being used by their government. Most likely being pocketed by that one politician's filthy rich niece or daughter or whatever.
I really wish you fuckers would go away. I guess it's better than nigger dick spam anyway.
Good post. There’s more oil in Latin America than in the (((Middle East))) as well. If we killed off the commies and reigned the drug lords in, the whole hemisphere would benefit. Anything which harms Cuba and Venezuela is what we should be supporting, and we should get the CIA off their white genocide for the USA mission and put them to task attacking various commies with their dirty tricks again.
Good, why should we prop up a shitskin communist disaster of a country
You're not just not propping it up, though. You're actively impeding it. There is a difference.
Transfers would take even fucking longer.
Impeding shitskins communists is good though.
Jews face consequences there, that's why. Western countries either actively pander to them or they're able to hide in plain sight.
Yeah, to a limited extent they did but BTC isn't very practical for buying groceries and the like. Amusingly one Venezuelan company came up with "PEPECASH", which is a counterparty.io
Venezuelan here, this is good, if not pointless. I doubt many people were RETARDED enough to invest into this.
this shitshow was created by the government itself to issue debt it was never going to pay (as they can't legally issue debt without congress' consent, which they don't have) they made a farce of an election to "elect" a constitutional congress.
So I guess venezuela went from producing most of its food (and other shit) to becoming a net importer in the span of 20 years, with the oil bonanza (that still keeps going, considering 20 years ago our oil was worth less than 10 bucks a barrel) due to drumpf xd. I bet setting "fair prices" 7 goddamn forex systems, expropriating businesses and printing a metric fuckton of money (and now the new money is issued only in virtual form, so there's a shortage of CASH which is worth 200% its nominal value) had nothing to do with this mess. Go neck yourself, faggot.
They used to trade pic related for USD, but then they kicked the (((DEA))) out and pissed off the (((CIA))).
they still do, but they are also illegally mining ores from the country, and smuggling gas.
(and the mines are directly overseen by the niggertary as well as our borders).
Also, venezuela used to export other thigns before, like food. there were also plans to comercialize cashew internationally, mattel toys aimed at southamerica were done here and then exported, etc. Now the only licit thing we export beside oil might be cacao.
Don't worry, if you double down on more socialism it'll work out.
I think you meant to say: TRUE socialism™
Anyway, I'll be lurking for a while if anyone wants to ask anything about the current situation I can attempt to answer.
I guess it's confirmed you are not a yid, but it's pretty obvious they just put random subs over jews talking jewspeak. I really really doubt the torrah uses the word "meme".
nice digits
How're you holding up? Have you thought of trying to leave the country or are you sticking it out?
Are you a socialist yourself?
personally, I do oddjobs online, that's how im supporting my brother until he leaves, and my parents. I'm waiting to finish my degree before leaving.
And no, I'm no fucking leftist and neither is anyone on my immediate family, thank god. Maduro has very low support from the population, but there are still some retards that look up to chavez. Chavez was just lucky he died before the oil barrel went under because he was leading to the same shit maduro is, maduro is basically just chavez minus charisma plus seemingly giving more power to the hezbollah faction (aka the current vicepresident, tarek el aissami).
Right now I don't know how the power balance is tipping, because there's the commie castrist faction (maduro, cilia, jaua et al), the niggertary (and a couple of members have been demoted, this probably to try to deter a coup d'etat but I don't know about the general level of discomfort inside the forces) and shit like el assaima who I don't even know who they align with in this mess. Plus I know the government also deals with FARC and ELN but I don't know if it's mostly an economic relationship (by providing a safe place, a way to trade drugs etc) or if there's also an ideological reason, or both.
Not taxes, inflation. Taxes don't mean shit here, ESPECIALLY NOW that we are under hyper inflation (which wasn't the case at the time of that, but it was still by far the highest inflation of the continent by a pretty wide margin). The reason was, as I mentioned, inflation.
A government centralizing a cryptocurrency is one of the most retarded things it can do because then other governments can simply ban it. However the Venezuelan government doesn't allow its citizens to use Bitcoin or other cryptos and immediately seizes people trying to convert their crypto into the Venezuelan national currency for spending, since it needs their assets to fund their insane policies. However it is too retarded to know how to play the crypto market and seizing people's crypto ends up making it useless to them.
to make matters worse, even if they were somehow going to pay the crypto based on the oil barrel (which won't happen ever) why wouldn't people directly invest in oil companies instead? instead of investing on commies sidestepping congress to issue debt, commies that are in default, commies with the highest inflation of the world, commies that changed the blockchain the coin used at the last moment without even issuing news about it (just silently changed the whitepaper), and finally, commies that have nothing holding them accountable if they don't pay.