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I thought I read somewhere that Facebook is turning over more information on its users to the Trump government than it ever has before. Maybe they just expect a downturn in users and Zuckerberg wants to cash out before March 26th when the petro-yuan goes hot. He certainly isn't in any legal trouble in the US.
Dumping relevant images
getting lemmings off of facejew is difficult. half of people don't even share phone numbers anymore, the communicate completely over facebook. loosing facebook is like loosing your address/phone book 30 years ago. facejew knows this when they shut down people's accounts at random and demand an upload of a government photo id along with a bill for identity verification, the suspension throws people into a sense of panic, and they'll do anything to get their account back, or risk loosing contact with those they think they care about.
This. Fucking. Timeline.
Jim Carrey should stop painting. I've seen a couple of his pieces appear on this board the last couple days. They're terrible.
Jim Carrey is such a faggot.
100% bang on. I got the photo ID thing and uploaded a pic of Anglin.
The fact that any of this is a surprise to normies really irritates me.
if you have a facebook, you are a faggot.
this audio quality is complete ass
He bloody well should be
For what? Doing exactly what the government gave him seed money to do?
He owns a house in my small town so I don't pickup Jims and James when driving uber
tfw u know u need to gtfo fast b/c lee7, 150-iq gen z youth w/ best opsec & neva poast eva r honing their skillz 2 hunt you & choke u to death w/ glass-enameled garrote & vidya ur agony w/ headcam for all 2 c b/f movin on to next inbred-face kike & neva get caught
Fuck you jew
Another thing is that they'll complain about this and yet trust using digital assistants in their homes/offices, which effectively are doing the same shit on a larger scale.
When you think about it, Facebook is in a position of becoming expendable should the digital assistant market become saturated enough. Google and Amazon data-mining capacity would dwarf Facebook's and be able to redefine the social media environment altogether given time. At best for Facebook it'll be forced in a position where it'll have to collaborate with either one to stay relevant (which may be a lot harder to do now if this scandal gets too large, and I certainly don't see them developing a competing product). At worst it'll eventually fail and have its assets bought out by the bigger fishes.
They only care because they see it as a way to attack Trump. Obama did the same thing, and Cruz hired this same company.
I wonder if they were working for both candidates simultaneously, or if Trump grabbed them after the primary…
Normalfags may as well be considered retarded. Sometimes I can almost understand why kikes see almost everyone as subhuman.
They should all hang.
I don't disagree, but it won't be coming from the government.
Kek. Did it work? I've tried uploading photos of internet randoms, but have never managed to successfully unlock a shoahed account.
What, a jew jewing both sides simultaneously? Perish the thought.
I thought dumping huge amounts of stock in his position because he knows they are about to tank due to his own devices was a huge legal paddlin.
He honestly should have quietly commited suicide right after dumb and dumber
For those who don't know, this is most likely a reference to a Reddit thing.
GDPR was designed to destroy facebook. GDPR will probably be the end of US tech presence in Europe. I look forward to the fallout in june.
Sounds like insider trading. Hopefully Zuckerkike goes to prison over it.
Care to elaborate on why this can be the one to end kikebook's data mining scheme, even if it's only in yuropistan?
Upload a scribble. Tell them it's your signature, and say taking photos is against your religion/culture.
Use the (((jew)))force against itself.
to the sperglord butting in, Yes this would work, because they wouldn't be using other peoples' photos if they already had their own photo in the kikebook profile would they? Duh!
Facebook violated campaign finance laws. If Zucker was involved at the time, he's in trouble.
Simple. Without unregulated data mining, facebook is fuckin worthless.
These idiots are so desperate to remove the somewhat united Trump base that they're willing to toss faceberg under the bus. You can't separate Trump+Cambridge Analytica from facebook knowingly giving & selling personal data + Obama using it and boasting about it.
If D's dont mop up in 2018 and Trump wins again in 2020 thats a huge blow to their precious egos.
Not that voting makes any difference whatsoever but its necessary to keep their delusion going.
It's Trump and Thiel 1488D chess
>Fag billionaire who played 9 year 4Dchess to bring down (((Gawker)))
Nothing personal…
Revenge of the goyim. Fag Thiel and Punished Trump will never take shit from anyone.
Arch-Kike Zuckerberg summoned to UK Parliament
Archive, torfag
Fuck yes, burn faceberg.
TORfag, archive.
Man I'm glad I never fell for the Facebook-Jew. I can't believe people are dumb enough to leave their info and photos paired with their real names all over the Internet
For the layman: GDPR makes selling data without consent illegal. It makes gathering data of minors without the consent of the parents illegal.
It requires that all associates go through strict vetting, so if they hire a feminist with a background in doxxing, then that is a gdpr violation.
GDPR, was made solely for the purposes of milking US based tech companies with fines. In every aspect that the law is written, facekike will be unable to be GDPR ready. Even if they block eurofag ip addresses, if a eurofag were to use facekike via a vpn, facekike would be violating GDPR if they sold the eurofag's data without his consent.
GDPR, is not a data protection law, it is a means to remove US based social media from Europe while attacking the US based tech sector.
Basically, every US tech company that decided to be a faggot and hide in Luxembourg or the EU to avoid taxes, or has an office in the EU, can be milked for every dime that they are worth.
Faceberg gets its come-uppance.
Faceberg will never appear in court. He'll send one of his goys. That said, the damage is done and once the full scope of what they're keeping track of is revealed, even the boomers will bail on it.
have fun in prison, mark.
Spoiler: Facebook spelt backward is KoobecaF, which means Killing Of Open Basic Extrapolated Civil Advocated Freedom. it was a NSA division since day 1.
I deleted my (((Faceberg))) years ago.
>Friend: "Why'd you delete your (((Faceberg))) user?"
Haha, I'm glad this shit is going down, even if normalfags and dumb whores are blaming Russia.
Mark Zuckerberg made me upload a picture of my dad's bumhole to get my Facebook account back
Where are all the retards that spent years screaming "TOO BIG TO FALL LOL" now?
Will these same apes repeat the act when it's Google's turn to fall too?
The problem is previous antitrust cases took a decade to matriculate through the courts, and we don’t have a decade before we have two more presidential elections that will be heavily tampered with. You could argue that even the threat of litigation caused Microsoft to police their activity, but we need 1A protections yesterday
Perhaps alternative forms of action are in order.
kek , funny
Decent timestamp
this doesn't work, they just won't approve it. they say they care about these things but they really don't. it's not even an american who is verifying it, it's some street shitter in india.
you might be able to pull it off if you made a fake ID and your good in photoshop or gimp. i don't think it's illegal to give facekike a fake ID, as much as they want to be, they aren't the government. it's not the same as using it to open a bank account or giving it to a cop or something, they are not the law.
It's not going to fall though, not any time soon
Dubs confirm.
Only if you're white.
According to MSM:
In the last two weeks, Zuckerberg sold 228,400 shares a day on March 8 and March 9, 220,000 shares a day on March 12 and March 13, and 245,400 shares on March 14, the Vickers data showed. But he has sold more Facebook stock in the last 3 months than any insider at any other company. So Zuckerberg has been doing this for awhile and you've just now made a thread about it.
…what the fuck? i havent used jewbook in a while. they want a ID pic?? and people do it?
Ive been trying to get everyone I know to delete it,and i urge them to just call or text people they actually want to talk to and if they dont, hay, its not a big loss right? it must mean they arent a huge deal in your life. but yeah this machine has filled so much of their lives, they cannot imagine life without it. ill admit the ONE reason I didnt want to years ago was because muh dick muthafucka. its just another way to talk to chicks, In fact I had a gf solely because of contacting her via jewbook. the key is making it uncool for women to use, then the men will leave by default.
Perhaps it’s some sort of elaborate act for perceived survival purposes, maybe the normalfag is well aware of everything but speculates that he can avoid the consequences by playing dumb.
I genuinely think that that is at least part of it. People who were blissfully ignorant for their young lives begin to realize how awful the real world is as they enter adulthood, but by that point their beliefs have somewhat solidified and their subconscious walls have been erected, so to change their ignorant preconceptions would be nearly psychologically traumatic.
Whereas people with a less sheltered, perhaps less happy young life are more ready to see the current situation for what it is.
they don't ask you for it initially, usually they just force a phone number out of you, i tried with a kosher sounding name and it didn't even require that.
they'll hit you with the ID verification a few months in, after you are now committed to the account and don't want to loose it. They know if they hit you with it immediately nobody will do it, but once your sucked into the platform, people will do anything to keep the account.
they also will give you no warning, just in case you wanted to ask the people you know for phone numbers, you'll log in one day, and it will immediatly redirect you to a page saying your account is suspended pending ID verification. Even after you submit the ID it will remain suspended for ~72 hours while they "verify" it. If the verification succeeds, you get an email saying it's been reactivated. If it doesn't, you get no email, not even a fuck you.
This happened to me a month before the election in 2016. Basically right after I trolled Hillary Clinton's campaign page. Posted the possible counters to the censorship controversy.
I ended up just deleting the profile altogether
Boy, I sure am glad Communism decided video games are trouble that needs to go.
No, really. There's like, what, two decades of video games from non-kiked times? I'll survive without the modern industry.
I was thinking about everything and came to the same conclusion. Notice how only a few weeks ago, Facebook pushed those "algorithm changes" that buried Trump and all the right wing alt-media sites, while the leftist sites saw no change? They very clearly made a lot of enemies doing so. And the Cambridge Analytica thing was perfect bait for the MSM to expose what Facebook was doing. Those thirsty kikes and cucks will jump at every hint of a Trump scandal without even thinking if it's a trap or it'll hurt them or backfire. They took the bait and tried to make a deal out of it, only to find out that everyone with money is abusing Facebook's personal information for whatever they want.
How come when Evan Williams was dumping Twitter stock around the time they started banning people for "harassment" no one aside from the Gamergate board was reporting it?
Suddenly Zuck's SEC insider filings are sparking media Normiegate. Interesting.
My photo ID is an out of state driver's licence. Had to do it right after I logged in from a VPN. Hmm…
I was on FB in 2006 and when I started seeing old school friends friending me, I knew something was up. My first ever post was essentially "this is the IC's wet dream, be careful, normie!"
Did they listen? LOL… they always thought I was paranoid, even though they damn well knew I was "that tech guy" dating back to the fucking 1980s.
"Alexa, find free scenes of Piper Perri being airlocked by niggers"
It's insider trading but he planned accordingly
Instagram (owned by FB) is where the thots hang out now. I suspect too that Trump Fatigue is playing a part since the past two years have been non-stop arguing over politics that has polarized people (at least the burgers).
They rejected my real driver's licence the first time ("it doesn't match the information we have") but they reactivated it once I challenged them. It was my real name too (just not where I currently live).
Submitting a fake ID is actually probably the best way to get your account deleted. When you suspend/delete the account, they still save all of the data. But if you submit a fake ID, then the data is potentially compromised, so there's a better chance it's actually deleted full stop.
To be fair, if (((Zuckerkikefaggotniggerpieceofshitcockroachscumfuck))) was trading on material, non-public info, he needs to get in trouble. All the transactions, planned or not, need to be examined going way back.
Of course, the kike also needs to hang with the rest of the traitor coup perps. But come after his money first for insider trading and make him suffer, then hang his ass.
I'm moving to Europe.
Trump announcing his re-election campaign a few weeks back was not a coincidence.
Everyone should just pony up the shekels and register your own domain and a paid mail service. It's a little harder for them to cancel eternalfaggot.com than your Gmail or FB account.
my body is ready
I changed my entire profile; name, pictures, friends, likes, groups, ect… let it marinate for a month or two and then deleted it years ago
Jewgel is a bit harder to fool because it's so ubiquitous. I just throw random shit at it to muddy the waters.
This whole charade is a fake news stunt to neuter Trump's reelection and effectively outlaw his huge social media outreach. This would effectively eliminate his best weapon.
>Trump's massive 100M+ SM following problematic to (((media)))
Jewbook gave the data to the democrats directly. Trump and Reupublicans had to hire 3rd party firms to collect it from Jewbook and then sell it to them. The jews are angry that Trump found a way around their data mining monopoly.
Cambridge Analytica is a shell - its parent company, SCL, is a military contractor that claims it has “conducted behavioural change programs in over 60 countries”……and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence contracted with SCL:
Cambridge Analytica Is A Symptom Of The Bigger Facebook Problem
It makes little sense to be outraged about microtargeting by Cambridge Analytica and yet be entirely comfortable with the global surveillance machine that is Facebook
Yeah well I suspect that whatever evidence that has been found is being destroyed as we speak.
Pretty convenient if you ask me…
Trumpwhigger Republikikes crying that their Jewish Robert Mercer / Alexander Kogan data mining scam was exposed by an orange haired gay guy.
Tell that to Anglin.
Just posted this in QTDDTOT but I feel like it should go here too.
Friend told me this today:
All that I could find online is a data center in north carolina and I know that Peter Theil is very closely connected with the experimental spooks. Does anyone know anything about Facebook and this Project Bluebird?
Hearing about those like Elon Musk dropping his kikegook was even funnier. In the race to join myspace.
Remember the millions of times we complained about FB data leaks over the past 7 fucking years?
Suddenly it's an issue when Trump does it.