GREAT MILLS, Md. (WMAR) - A shooting was reported at Great Mills High School in St. Mary's County early Tuesday morning, according to the ABC station in DC.
#BREAKING: There has been a shooting at Great Mills High School, the St. Mary’s County Sheriff's Office says. They say the incident has been contained.

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally nothing, go back to sleep.

the shootings will continue until we take all of your guns

Attached: herewego.png (696x327, 28.72K)

Niggers and spics shooting each other in the ghetto isn't a HAPPENING!, you stupid fuck.

I understand what people meant by Redditification - Niggers post HABBENING threads in the hopes of getting ebin upboates/replies regardless of anyone giving a fuck or the news being relevant to Zig Forums

this school participated in the walkout.

Attached: walkout.png (848x480 59.36 KB, 5.94M)

Attached: walkout.png (692x439, 59.36K)

RSBN livestream

Attached: rsbn_happening_kike.png (612x479, 268.49K)

Yes, its the fault of Trump that the demographic conditions and overt medicating of children has created this broken state of affairs.
Oh, right, and the guns, of course.

Its so gross to realize that was the outlet promoting all those Trump rallies.
Why does everything have to be so god damned Jewish?

3 people shot, shooter not active, school is on lockdown, not evacuated yet. local news claims 1 death, 1 cpr

Attached: 3.png (1078x422, 370.38K)

this guy is always on RSBN on the happenings, i think he's their official paid happening kike

Oh, and in case you were wondering…



All mass school shootings are planned.
There are some sick people that don't like the only free country on the planet.

Attached: guncontrolprediction1991.png (612x415, 343.6K)

3 students hit, 1 is the shooter, school rent-a-cop took out the student shooter.

this is feeling like nigger on nigger violence

Attached: student_shooter.png (367x383, 138.06K)

Shit, it's a zoo.

Attached: mfw 6.jpeg (1280x720, 87.65K)

here's the next person CNN is going to be parroting around for the next week.

Attached: paid_actor2.png (687x710 79.43 KB, 106.35K)

Checked and keked, I love me some sweeeeeeet irony.

I wonder how there going to push-it with the security guard taking out the shooter?

Attached: fc2.jpg (449x498, 26.78K)

RSBN just reported (unconfirmed) it was some dude who shot his ex and then shot himself. If this was nigger on nigger violence then it'll be memory holed. Someone also made threats to shoot up the school a month ago, might be related.

I'd describe it as richly deserved.

Checkkked, let's hope it was a nigger or two then. /fingerscrossed

there's scanner audio out there saying 1 shot in the head 1 in the leg.

Attached: headshot.png (710x409, 250.89K)

Attached: zE-sdgF0oiq9aQCa.mp4 (1280x720, 1.64M)

Dammit mac users. Why i am not surprised quality of recording is also shit?


This story will disappear since a good guy with a gun stopped it.

And now shitlibs just lost their armed school teachers are raycis narrative.

Not necessarily. They can try to forced armed guards, only the ones with connections they recommend of course, instead.

they won't speak to the details.

Armed guards and/or teachers. Either way someone in that school has guns. Just look at the humiliation on that Isracuck and his crew after people found out they were chickshits standing outside.


Just when La Goblina nudes were posted on cuckchan

Attached: gun control trump goblin.png (500x522, 119.42K)

I'd rather masturbate on a different Emma.

Attached: Emma.jpeg (618x412, 36.12K)

Ikr, I had to listen to it three times to barely make out the first part. It doesn't help faggots don't know how to take turns speaking.

Yeah, I gaurentee that this will completely fuck the narrative. There's no way they can say guns are bad when it was a gun that saved more people than those who were shot. But knowing libshits, they'll either memory-hole it, or still shill for gun control, like usual.

It was more about her "role model" status

holy shit they are literally trying to hide the fact that the gunman was shot by the school officer.

"suspect" shot a thot and and the rent-a-cop shot him. this is nigger violence, if this guy was white they would have said something by now.

Attached: sro.png (1228x749 766.21 KB, 789.3K)


Get this to team Trump…

He won't let it go under the radar.

Attached: genius pepe.jpg (480x377, 18.08K)

Heil'd, this is just ridiculous. I knew it once it seemed like it wouldn't fit the narrative. Dirty fuckin kikes, I'm so sick of this bullshit. I can't wait till they REALLY try for gun-grabbing, because firefights will break out undoubtedly.

That shit has to be god awful to look at, but memetically powerful.

Might as well just watch BLACKED tbh.

Almost certainly the case.
Daily Reminder
There were 33 mass-shootings (4+ victims) in Chicago in 2017.
You heard about none of them.

CNN's going to be all over this one.
unless this was a nigger shooter, then she's going to get a painful lesson in reality when nobody cares and she gets memory holed

Attached: so_much.png (697x892, 127.07K)

I chickened out. Sorry

Nigger as long as SOMEONE with a fucking social media account spams people like Hannity, Carlson, and Team Trump people it won't.
But you have to send it like 30 times on facebook inside comments and try to get on top.

Let's hope David Highschoolacter Hogg jumps on this hard, and (((they))) tell him to stfu, but he refuses, so he's made to shut up.

Can someone post these pics?

It was 404'd. I was going to but then I thought it would just get the same here because I don't know here age.

It just happened like 30 minutes ago so someone who has them is still lurking cuckchan

mad dubs

Hah, the images were 404'd but the thumbs are still there.

She's naked wearing gloves and pretending to do pull-ups. Cuckchan was going with the Aliens 2 meme of Vasquez.
Figured there'd be memetic potential.

oh this one is a real fucking winner.
this is going to surpass hogg
she somehow already writes for some shitty propaganda magazine.

happening kike is also calling it a day

Attached: cancer.png (1944x1536, 1.32M)

Jewish or just a catlady-in-training?

We need to take back the media somehow. This is all them - they signal boost these attacks, and go deaf on others. They're coming for more than your second amendment rights - they want all of your rights.


Well, given the amount of innocent lives ended via abortion in this country, isn't it fitting? #MarchForLife
Since Roe v Wade, 57 million people murdered because of their level of physical development.

Jewish it is then.

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

i can sense her handrubbing from here. she's got book deals out of this one, a guaranteed life of victimhood checkboxes on top of being a female jew.

blue checkmarks are already at it

Attached: semite_vultures.png (672x876, 263.36K)

Seems to have a real boner for Lin-Manuel Miranda.
What a surprise…

Someone post the image from her twatter, its fucking Jew + fishmouth as fuck.

Atleast the narrative worked here. Shooter is stopped by resource officer with a firearm. Hahaha wew, this one may actually have been a rouge kid, unlike the MKUltrad Cruz middle, the resource officer actually put him down. #NOTONEMORE #OopsNEVERMIND



Attached: semite_vultures2.png (660x348, 34.54K)



This. It will KEEP happening until the precedent is set. TRUMP is CLEARLY not /ourguy/. Great Optics for a while there, but he should have called these kikes out by now. Horse and Pony Shoah, As usual. This is the new 9/11 precedent setting bs. Media and Government are colluding from Alt to MSM. WE NEED TO FIGURE SOMETHING OUT, AND FAST. A few Well placed (((Natural Disasters))) over time, and they'll do confiscations in the affected areas if not outright grabbing them starting an insurrection


This shows the sad state of schools.

Not because of the shooting…. But because retarded kids are more focused on Twitter than being retards.

The teachers obviously don't care since the kids are getting higher quality indoctrination anyway.

Attached: DNfzYujW0AAwADX.jpg (400x400 193.79 KB, 28.26K)

I really hope uninformed faggots realize Hitler was a kike pawn and possibly even the son of a kike. Once again, he did more harm than good when it came to Optics. It's all about what (((They))) can get away with demonizing afterwards so the specific issue cannot be touched by the goyim without maximum kvetching(kike)

No you're not.

Not weighing in on "our guy" in anyway.

But if you think the normies or a vast majority of Trump voters are going to respond positively to "these are false flags" "democrats are doing it" etc…

You are absolutely crazy. It is hard enough to red pill people when they actually like you. Yet you think a person they hate is able to do it?

Do they have a default school shooting Victim reach out message template for fucks sake? Lmao

The mods really need to post your posting history. And then ban you for it.

At this point. Fuck the left, and fuck the United States Government. And the Horses they all rode in on.

If it's anything to have to do with passover, those others that were hit and in the hospital are going to wind up dead. The kikes need those blood sacrifices.

And why is that Kikenstein? So many Anons want to Ban Ban Ban. Always. What a faggot Cuck. Ease up on the soy milk you effeminate fat fuckin pussy

We can see that you're on.
Expose these faggots instead of just banning them.

Nobody saying "Hitler was a kike pawn and the son of a kike!" is of any merit, and deserve to be exposed.

I want you exposed first, then banned.
So we can see what you've been saying in other threads and come to recognize your homosexual syntax.

(((ed krasenstein)))

I say the same thing everywhere. FUCK THE ZOG. You commie Kikes

Attached: 1521554808716.jpg (962x660, 155.63K)

looks like the identity of the shooter has just been release

Attached: shooter.jpg (1000x1000, 203.27K)

Your true colors are really BLARING. How do you NOT know that Hitler Was a PAWN, And worked with The Bush's and Rothchilds? Ffs. They funded him and turned on em. Then used him to demonize anyone who questions anything as AntiSemetic you fucking bootlicking cuck

get ready for when the kikes try to memory hole it as soon as its identified as a nigger. and meme hard with it all over the place. .

Maybe even start by spreading a rumor that the shooter was white shooting niggers

That's nice sport.
I want the mods to expose your posts.
There's no excuse for not doing so, you've already exposed yourself.

We can see that the mods are active.
There is no excuse for inaction here.
Or is it you I'm talking to 'Heil'? Is this the next stage of your efforts beginning with the word filter of civic nationalism into civic nationalism?

Zig Forums is dead - "civic-nationalism word filtered to civic nationalism"

Disgusting. There's no excuse for this shit.

found the uncensored pic uploaded on anonfiles.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-03-20-11-21-57.jpg (1079x761, 462.68K)

Hahaha, oh wow, you even expanded the word filter!


On h8/pol/, E T H N O N A T I O N A L I S M is word filtered to civic nationalism.
Truly (((BASED))).(cuck)

Oh look. Florida looks like a hand holding a gun.

Why the heck is she trying to do pullups while naked?

Missing out on something great, m8.

Because lesbians are more-attracted to masculine females and that image was designed for release at this point to get the catlady dykes - who're the only people who still give a shit about the parkland kikes - wet and bothered.

Yeah, testicular torsion and a hernia.

(((they))) obviously outsmarted him. Why continue to use the "Hitler DINDU Nuffin" meme? It's ineffective. How about actually washing the cheeto dust off your fat fuckin fingers and organizing a nationwide front against ALL dual citizenship politicians, MultinationAl corps that support Israel, and every homosexual kike news/media outlet that pushes for these draconian laws and The effemination of White men agenda?
Nono you won't do that, you'd rather kvetch and believe that the ZOG will fix itself. AMIRITE?

lets test that

civicnationalism(assmad kike)

holyshit, hes not kidding


Do you actually believe that if your balls are not forced against your thigh they're going to corkscrew between your legs like some gremlin is twisting them?

Attached: Screenshot 2018-03-16 at 1.55.53 PM.png (573x768, 425.97K)

The root of ἔθνος/éthnos is the word ἔθω/éthō:

From Proto-Indo-European *swe-dʰh₁-, from the reflexive pronoun *swé (“self”) + *dʰeh₁- (“to put, place, set”), equivalent to οὗ (hoû, “him”) + τίθημι (títhēmi, “to set”): thus the original sense is to "set as one's own". Cognates include Latin suēscō, soleō, Sanskrit स्वधा (svadhā) and Gothic 𐍃𐌹𐌳𐌿𐍃 (sidus).

late 15c. (earlier ethnical, early 15c.) "pagan, heathen," from Late Latin ethnicus, from Greek ethnikos "of or for a nation, national," by some writers (Polybius, etc.) "adopted to the genius or customs of a people, peculiar to a people," and among the grammarians "suited to the manners or language of foreigners," from ethnos "band of people living together, nation, people, tribe, caste," also used of swarms or flocks of animals, properly "people of one's own kind," from PIE *swedh-no-, suffixed form of root *s(w)e-, third person pronoun and reflexive, also forming words referring to the social group (see idiom). Earlier in English as a noun, "a heathen, pagan, one who is not a Christian or Jew" (c. 1400). In modern noun use, "member of an ethnic group," from 1945.

In Septuagint, Greek ta ethne translates Hebrew goyim, plural of goy "nation," especially of non-Israelites, hence especially "gentile nation, foreign nation not worshipping the true God" (see goy), and ethnikos is used by ecclesiastical writers in a sense of "savoring of the nature of pagans, alien to the worship of the true God," and as a noun "the pagan, the gentile." The classical sense of "peculiar to a race or nation" in English is attested from 1851, a return to the word's original meaning; that of "different cultural groups" is 1935; and that of "racial, cultural or national minority group" is American English 1945. Ethnic cleansing is attested from 1991.

Anyone using "ethnic" is a duginist/national (((bolshevist))). Go re-read Mein Kampf, faggot.


We can see that the mods are active, you dumb faggot.
It was you , wasn't it 'Heil'? h8/pol/ mods LITERALLY FUCKING SHILLING AGAINST HITLER.

This board is fucking dead. If there was ANY doubt, this is where it ended.

Thread Archive:
Board Log Archive:

What the fuck kind of underwear are you wearing? Mine keep my balls where my balls are supposed to be - as opposed to flopping around in the wind.

Boxers or jockies still compress your balls, dude.
Not to mention studies have found that keeping your balls cool can boost testosterone and sperm count. Just another reason anons should also take ice baths/whim hoff method.

implying boxers are not the perfect underwear. polite sage for off topic.

Attached: pantifa.jpg (1024x1024, 93.03K)
ctrl + f "ethnic"
0 results.
ctrl + f "ethn"
0 results.
Get. Fucked. Cuck.


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