They thought they could sneak this underneath the radar but there has been a very sly push to move the (((moderate rebels))) and (((ISIS))) into position as a buffer zone for the Golan Heights.
They thought they could sneak this underneath the radar but there has been a very sly push to move the (((moderate...
Other urls found in this thread:
For once I agree with rachposter, theres interesting development going on in Syria currently.
Here Russia thinks we're going to bomb Damascus.
Here Russians were evacuated from the eastern ghouta.
Someone with a lot of words to spell this out for me. I hate making vague assumptions.
Post links, put more effort into the OP. Looks like the classic israeli tactic at work though. Degrade "border" areas with controlled opposition, once the border area is in flux, create a causus belli to destroy the controlled opposition, mop up the useful idiots, seize the territory. They did that to the moronic mud palestinians over and over again.
Israel is creating more territory for itself by putting Religion of Cuck™ic forces it controls in parts of syria that border israel.
red is syria
blue is syrian land occupied by kikes
green and black are ISIS terrorists who oddly never attack kikes, but attack syria
syria cant get their land back without first fighting terrorists
The Israelis haven't been able to give any air support to their pet shitskins since the F16 shootdown.
The "200 dead Russians" were maybe 10 in a National Bolshevist PMC, and who knows who the fuck they were aligned with. The Israelis are getting very desperate, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Israelis decide to nuke/bomb and or invade. They especially have cause to nuke/bomb Damascus because of the jewish religion and Revelations in the Bible, as a self fulfilling prophecy would be helpful in trying to recruit (((evangelicals))).
However, even if Israel did that, they're fucked. Syria's winning the war, Russia actually declared it over recently
Iran's corridor to the Med should be nearing completion, but I haven't seen much news on that, but the resupply routes are now completely covered with top of the line air defense afaik.
Additionally, Putin is giving Erdogan enough rope to hang himself, while Erdogan exterminates commie kurds (who had US and Israeli support, and rejected support from Assad) and makes temporary land gains in Syria and Iraq, Turkey doesn't stand a chance against Iran, and I think Iran's sphere of influence will strengthen out through Iraq, Syria and eventually the Med.
tl;dr Israel is fucked and their desperation grows daily.
Judging by how quickly Turkey is advancing, never. The kurds fucked up by not allying with Assad.
jews raping syria with their tiny golanisis penis
Kikes are sliding this.
nobody is sliding anything. you're just making an excuse to shitpost in your own thread, you piece of shit. it is a shit thread with a shit op and the mods are fucking retarded for stickying it>>11397539
Blow your fucking brains out.
Curb your attitude faggot. The fact you give a shit about stupid technical details of an online post tells me u are probably a pos basement dweller. Not the type of Aryan our Furher invisioned… Go get some fresh air and make something of urself.
t. mental illness
Will this iconic ironic shitposter be banned?
They attacked kikes once accidentally, then apologized for it.
>(((moderate rebels)))
ur glowin
aka jewish Tay Sachs.
it's stickied you newfag. gb2reddit
aka nu-Zig Forums disease
why don't you look at the board log and see how much time there was between rachposter posting and the thread being stickied. once you do that, tell me that you don't believe its actually your fucking mod that's rachposter. we've known this for several years now, newfag(>muh nu/pol/)
holy shit the fucking irony of this post kys
Anyone get the feeling JIDF and Shareblue are larping nazis shitposting at eachother in this thread?
They’re all going back to Israel from whence they came
There are literally zero un-ironic Nazis on this board, it’s all Jewish well poisoning.(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING A FAGGET)
drown yourself in semen
I'd be shocked if anyone on Zig Forums was a card-carrying NSDAP member.
Probably at least a year out of date with that assertion. Board is jew central. All jewish policy, all day long. Just slap the word "kike" onto people who actually oppose jewish policies and call it a day.
Do you have a membership card to the NSDAP?
Did National Socialists ever call themselves "Nazis?"
Hahaha, you're going to get shelled by Iran.
Thanks for proving my point.
Bumping to piss off the kikes and budget shills theyre forced to use now
Spoiler that ugly kike, please.
strange how opposing jews is now supporting jews, according to the shills.
deport all blacks and browns
deport all kikes
White countries for White people and only White people (and no jews)
It's not strange at all. The board is owned by RenTech which has a vested interested in the anti-White, multi-cult geopolitical machinations of the (((West))). So what people like you do is you try real, real hard to overcompensate for that by plastering the word kike on absolutely everything.
And so on and so on. But hey, you told me you really, really want all the shitskins and kikes dead so I better take you and our Ministry of Defense-contracted moderation team at your word.
No one in this thread seemed to notice the movement currently being made through:
What a coincidence.
have your (you)
also this. UN removing officials from Damascus, prelude to invasion, they haven't given up on "Assad must go" as predicted 6 million times. Iran won't stand by watching.
Yet another war for Israel on the way. Burgerforce will bitch and moan (maybe, hopefully, at the very fucking least, this time) but comply.
Take a guess, you fucking dipshit.
I think I see a permanent bear trap being set against Israel. The Russians/Syria are allowing/helping Iran to set up its land bridge to Israel's border. They are letting Iran stack up bases there. The Russian Ambassador just came out and said: We will defend Israel if Iran attacks, but we also defend Iran's presence in Syria.
The guarantor of Israel becomes Putin. If Israel pushes against Damascus they face Russia, Iran, Syria, Lebanon. If Iran goes butt crazy and attacks Israel, Putin protects. If the zog takes out Putin personally, the guarantee is gone. Iran and the rest of Religion of Cuck™ glass Israel. If the communists take back the US, it won't matter the trap is set. Iran and Russia are in place. Jews BTFO
Take back? When did they lose it? Demography is destiny. The country is like 90% nigger in breeding age population.
Also in the news concerning Israel:
Nope, niggers are only around 15% of the population, the spics are the ones with huge numbers.
A distinction without difference.
After filtering the obvious shills, this thread shrank down to almost nothing. The kikes really don't want us to know about Syria.
This is great news!
Whats the need for kvetching goys? its just a safety zone.
Oy gevalt, that is not safe enough for me
At the rate Israel is digging it's own grave, I expect it to cease to exist within a decade. The faster the better, IMHO.
They do that a lot. Operation Earnest Voice loves to do that shit. They seem to think that Nazi images will scare off normies. Notice how rarely anyone who posts Nazi pictures never materially defends any of the ideas of National Socialism. They just shout about how "this is a white nationalist board, JEW!" and try to scare off normies that don't realize it's western intelligence.
Yep. National Socialism wasn't a bad idea, but Hitler's rhetoric did not match his actions and I think the American founders are a better model.
It's kind of a fun culture, but it's getting a little old because some people take it too seriously. Hitler got his country bombed into the fucking ground and it ended up creating the impetus for Israel.
That's not shilling. I'm a real person and I agree. If you'd care to elaborate on the intricacies of National Socialism as an economic system, thereby demonstrating that you actually understand and believe in these things and are not well-poisoning, please elaborate. Start with infrastructure projects and their importance to the development of the economy.
But you won't. Because you know absolutely nothing about any of this. Because you aren't a National Socialist. This LARP is about as believable as Marxists trying to claim the USSR did nothing wrong. None of them would say that, because the failures of the USSR are so obvious.
Can you give me a quick rundown on this? This is the first I've heard that those mercs were Dugin-affiliated or whatever
All I can find is that they worked for something called the Wagner Group, which seems to be full of intrigue, but I can't really find anything tying them to NazBol/Dugin
No. Not a sound engineering principle, sick to the core with protestant universalism. "All men are created equal", my ass.
You have no fucking clue where you are do you boy?
That nigger looks awfully like the nigger whomst is that jew Lauren Southern's boyfriend.
We were infected from the beginning.
Supply lines from Turkey cut, and no more air-drops from U.S. forces.
ISIS is ordered to retreat to the Golan heights, so they can be directly supplied overland, by Israel.
Israel intends to try to keep ISIS on life support until Trump is out of office, hopefully replaced by another puppet-president who will open ISIS supply lines back up.
If Russia wants to completely destroy ISIS, they'd better move now, and drive them into Israel, completely, taking back the Golan Heights. Then Assad has to reinforce the area, and Russia needs to mingle troops within Syrian bases, so an attack by Israel will be an attack on Russia.
Israel has no legal claim on the Golan Heights, so they would not have any moral high ground for trying to take it back.
"European" D&C posts are nothing of the sort, they are not being posted by Europeans. Most likley, they are either Jews or mudslimes, and they fight between each other to give the impression that European whites and American whites hate each other.
Anyone still fooled by this is a newb, or stupid.
Yes, I have friends from several different nations in Europe, and this is one of the two sites I frequent where there's any hostility posted, supposedly between Americans and Europeans.
It's all bullshit.
Shareblue shills sure are working hard lately. All over this board there are posters trying to start shit between Americans and Europeans. It's almost like they're terrified white people working together.
Like clockwork
Never claimed that, at all, and what's your problem? just learned to use the spoiler?
Go gas yourself.
The only parasites in this world are jews and their enablers, which means (((you))).
I am a European. I'm not sick of Americans. Americans are some of the greatest people I've ever met, in real life and online. I have friends all over the world. We're all nationalists and understand that working together against kike subversion is in the best interests of everyone.
T.syriafag since 2011 here.
This 100% is how the game is being played.
Kikes are megafucked now and the screeching and ineffective kvetching in their media shows it.
Torfag is obviously not from here or just a really fucking shitty shill. Lurk more you faggot. TWO YEARS.
You're room temperature IQ can't see the forest for the trees.
Can you please all fuck off with the Europe/hate fellow whites D&C shit. Don't give it time of day.
I'm referring to the faggots D&Cing euro/burger differences to derail the thread from the topic at hand (ISISrael getting BTFO).
Oh fuck, I didn't violate the NAP too, did I?
You're right, of course, but I'm surprised you don't recognize that you're replying to another D&C Kike pushing the same line from the American side.
Damn, the kikes are out in full force today.
And now the kike is trying to inflame the Europeans. Ping pong, ping pong. You glow in the dark; we SEE you.
Make your own thread you fucking newfags
I feel the same about Europeans (real Europeans).
I've visited a number of countries in Europe, and the only time I really felt snubbed was in France. But even there, I found that if I at least tried to speak the language, they would thaw, and become much friendlier.
I like watching Pewds, The Golden One, and Varg, and I agree with them more often than not. Of the female's youtube sites I watch, two of them are English, one is Italian, and none of them have expressed any dislike of Americans, although they are overly liberal for my tastes (but American women seem to be the same, so I think that's a gender issue).
I have no problem with Europeans, at all, I'm just concerned that their governments seem to be cracking down on free speech, and seem to be complicit with trying to replace them as a population. But we're fighting that in the U.S., too.
Even leftyfags know it's a shit-tier discussion.
/sg/ was banned for this
Israel instigated a war for territorial gains while blaming it on the people who wanted to free themselves and their people from the petrodollar
Pretty simple stuff mane
Why the fuck are you retarded talking about Europe in this thread?
Because they're kike shills.
Wow, they really don't like this thread.
Even if you were right (which you're not), they could no longer afford such minute distinctions. Preserving your culture is unquestionably a necessity, but trying to micromanage "clan purity" is simply going to divide you, at a time when the majority of the world would like to see you genocided, or doesn't care if it happens.
Whites are simply outnumbered & need to start watching each other's backs, and they need to be very aware of (((who))) is behind it all.
/sg/ should be back on this board, it's one of the most important political topics in the world and has been for a very long time.
We are literally watching the kikes fall on their own swords.
Even the OP is euroshilling. Fuck off.
God damn kikes. Should clean the rest of the thread of the burger/EU bullshit.
Then give me vol because you faggots don't seem to ever be awake when the street shitter posts. Glad to see you have got it now though.
They aren't coming back anytime soon, the kike mods banned them for being "unamerican" and anti-trump which was rightly earned, it was pure luck I wasn't banned in the last /sg/ thread.(faggot)
I just want to say I'm Slovenian living in Germany, I am white along with all my European counterparts who do in fact understand and accept that they are members of the white race. Most Europeans don't feel either way about Americans but most certainly don't hate them. Also, gas the kikes race war now.
Yeah, those darn mods, how dare they ban d&c shills. Oy vey, I say! Oy vey!
I'm going to enjoy watching you get driven into the sea.
/sg/ is full of arabs and assyriaboos that like to larp as if they are the forces directly backing Assad. Good to keep tabs on, all around shit community.
On the Austin bomber. What I think. It's a conspiracy. The bombs were done by small group of agents. The bomber (MK ULTRA victim) was setup when they placed a bomb in his car and exploded when the authorities were closing in on him (they got tipped). The death don't show up in court. Regular patsy. Anybody can become one and this is why it matters to you.
It's the same with the zionist attacks in Europe blamed on the muslims. Police is recruited months or year in advance and when on schedule they pull it. They make sure one of (((them))) is on duty to shoot the terrorist (victim) to bury all the evidence.
After Charly Hebdo the Paris police commisioner in charge of the investigation suicided with his gun in his office. Was the police MKULTRA?
Who else thinks this could be happening and we are tricked in this asymetrical war against our nations by (((the intelligent))) who want us divided and blindly follow their lies so we engage in their desired war on religion, class, gender, color, race.
Go eat more burgers, you retarded e-celeb dickwashing queer.
Dead on
You realize there's absolutely no way to stop them, right?