Dankula guilty of offending kikes

count dankula GUILTY of offending kikes



Count Dankula explicitly declared SATIRE in the video, but kvetching yids saw blood.

Those who cannot be criticized will stop at nothing to pile on the pressure.

This is something we can meme hard. Once again, these idiotic kikes have overplayed their hand and have given us a huge wedge to drive between them and the normalfags.

Now is the time for memes.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Tommy Robinstein stream to raid attached

That was inevitable, mudshits and kikes get a free pass

This shit is ridiculous.

As Tommy 'an Irish militant zionist, not English or nationalist' Robinson (not his real name) says in the video
Count Dankula who is a self confessed Communist

Start watching from 39:15 to hear yourself

Everyone knows Tommy is a kike, that's not the point you homofag.

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And count Dankula is an antiwhite Communist like Tommy Robinson and the zionist neocons that are so en vogue here lately.

You're either a reddit faggot who cannot into basic political strategy or some JIDF cancer.
Neck yourself + sage negated.

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That reads like it was written by the CIA-kike Anglin himself

You mean the political strategy that you kike-alikes kept reassuring everyone would work to 'our' favour as long as we campaigned for zionist jews into government but only resulted in ZOG securing ever more of its tendrils around the necks of the goy.
What confuses you is that there are still the rare odd anons here who cannot suffer your aut-kike shite here

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Dudes a faggot but he didn't deserve this.
The UK is dead but it has been for a long time now.

If this fucker gets more than a few weeks this is gonna be insane. Imagine getting a year taken away over a pug.

They made this bed now they lie in it.

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They swallowed the brother war with Germany in WW2, and now look at where they are.

The allies lost the war with the axis. All Europe lost, America lost, USSR/Russia lost. The only winners in WW2 were the jewish scum.

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Good God. There really are no words.

Bye Britain.

Don't forget to remind everyone everywhere you reach that they have the Scottich Council of Jewish Communities to thank for it.
And rub it in as much as you can. Let them really feel that no amount of non-racism will ever save them.

lmao, degenerate communist eceleb faggot convicted of memeing irresponsibly. yes bongland is fucked but have you heard about water? it be wet. who cares

We're winning fellow MAGApedes.
Britain would fall in line if America wasn't completely pussified. Please wake up Trump from his Kurshner therapy.

You are human silage. Go botpost elsewhere >>>/bog/

you cannot awaken a soul so deep in judaism, the entire US system has to collapse or be taken over for the globe to be free.

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Meanwhile you continue promoting Communists and zionist counter-jihad kikes acting as white nationalists [quietly kosher] whose sole purpose is to do shit like this to get whites demonised and allow the law to be further bent out of shape solely for jewish interests.

Either your tactically retarded or as I suspect another moron aut-kikeiste who doesn't understand how easily the jews manipulate you to serve them and hamper your own progress.

Not once have I promoted or endorsed anyone, my objective is to utilize a situation to enlighten bystanders and normalfags to the anti-white nature of the kiked system.
Either way, filtered for being a complete imbecile.

The only thing that can save Britain now is a nuclear holocaust.

We lose ground daily, the enemy becomes emboldened as he watches his own shadow grow - and yet, all we do to combat this is sit here shit posting.

It doesn't have to be nuclear.

Yeah, basically a load of jews worried about the goyim waking up to their tricks started funding and creating a whole host of false nationalist controlled opposition, to pretend they are white nationalists and run around acting like cunts antagonising whoever the jews want agitated in order to help close down any discussion or debate about the jews behind the curtain.

That's why the aut-right, EDL, Britain First and the rest of the jewish false nationalists are so prominent and successful now and also the only ones promoted on all the chanboards and other once 'jew-wise' orgs nowadays.

They are the slime.

Nick Griffin of #BNP explains how #EDL & BFP are funded by zionist neocons


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That might be the plan given the PM is spouting "Russia has WMDs" war-speak.

Peddle powered brain bashing machines are cheaply and easily maintained

Was watching his stream yesterday. Damn son.

This is the better of the two outcomes, for us at least. This way at least a handful of normies will see that the most pozzed of lefties can make one crass joke about (((the chosen ones))) and go to prison for it.

Will get some noggins joggin.

I hate injustice. I may not agree with Dankula, but I wouldn't relish in the fact he is going to jail.

The state of the UK. Britbongs need to take back their country. The point to do it was when their own children were being raped by middle eastern shitters. This is just another sign of their failure to actually do anything. But I don't blame them, I blame those that put them in chains mentally and physically.

Maybe the UK needs the US to come in and kick them in the ass. IDK what the solution is anymore for them. I just feel rage at this point.

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I know it's not unique to the UK, but they're much more brazen about it

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Scotland has arrested people many times for joking about the jews.


I hope Russia Invades soon.

This entire nation in it's current state doesn't deserve to exist.

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When your entire country is based on freemasonry.

Silage is actually useful though, because you can feed animals with it. Kikes have to be burned in situ.

and WW1.

Checked and keked, I agree. While I was shocked at news, a part of me wasn't and just wants redemption. Not for the commie they got, but for the British (whites obviously) because this is just a small step to bigger kikery, which needs an ACTUAL holocaust.

They can't even dehumanize and face to bloodshed because they're completely disarmed.

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Damn, checked. This is true, since he was a commie, people will flip tf out I'm sure. Let's hope this triggers them, for something other than racism and mansplaining.

Let the police who arrested him know what you think about the situation on Twitter: @Lanarkshire_Pol

Americans have got guns, ans yet they are still under the iron foot of jewish control and only 56% White and dropping.

All these dubs, such hopeful, yet saddening dubs…Let's hope Kek kicks the kikes in their fuckin throats.

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He doesn't know about

I can guarantee you they didn't find him guilty because he's communist.

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It doesn't matter where a Brit is, he will be able to find a half brick. The problem is getting them awake enough to do something about the massive (((problem))) in their country.

The USA is far more powerful than the UK and the Seppos can successfully create white enclaves to defend themselves from shitskin hordes. The Bongs have got nothing.

Petition for free speech if any bongs want to sign it

this is the problem, too many asleep or beaten down. The ones who would stand up feel alone even though nearly everyone around them shares their opinions, just is too scared to vocalize them.

No they found him guilty so as to punish anti-communists.

That's why every single user pre-2012 were warning others not to fall for these lying kikes leading the jewish controlled false opposition.

Here we have two tools of jewry, one a commie and one a zionist both working to achieve the same goal which is the silencing of the natives as jews take full control of everything.
As every single fucking user warned everyone before the ZOG virus took hold of the so called resistance movement.

This. Also patriotic feelings get redirected towards football obsession rather than racial pride.

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Why even bother, that country's way too far gone for saving(>supporting white genocide)

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Tommy Robinson is one of the worst of them. He practically admitted he was a government agent when he turned the EDL over to the police.

I hope Sellner and Southern win their lawsuit and bankrupt that dystopian island.

is crazy that you guys are saying this about europe these days.

US too.


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Nigger the UK is still 90% white, if that's how you feel you may as well join the lolbergs, inject heroin into your toes and crawl into a ditch to fucking die.

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stop living on dreams, there is no way for a nuke to touch land, from a bomber or otherwise.

the airspace of an Island that side is very easy to defend

not 90%, their mayor is still muslim.

And don't forget…

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quick someone make an edit of the monty python deadly joke skit

That rabbi top left made a Freudian slip which was funny.

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He's the Mayor of London, not the Mayor of the UK.

Percentages does not matter, most of British men are being domesticated and thus they're either complete pussies or race traitors

So what was the joke he made?


He made his girlfriend's pug dog do a nazi salute to Hitler for a laugh to troll her and posted the video online.

some stupid pug video, chill

Friendly reminder to newfags: filter all blackpill shills

So? If we form an army he won't last 5 seconds.

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That's not the fucking point.

Are you seeing why people have trouble taking you seriously?

Sadiq Khan is a zionist backed Marxist, who only works for jewry.

The last 2 previous mayors were a halfjew/Turk zionist Boris Johnson and the one before a slimey commie 'Red' Ken Livingstone.
All three work for the same ZOG team

…Sadiq Khan attends Holocaust memorial AS FIRST ACT AS MAYOR OF LONDON - a day after the last Labour mayor repeated controversial claims that Hitler supported Zionism'''

Which is why the jewish aut-right keeps on pretending the problem only started recently and one muzzy-mud MP makes an entire Caliphatetakeover of Britain, ignoring the 100s of rabid marxist/zionists in power

Have you just done a strawpoll and gauged the thoughts of every user, just like that?
Every single post I've made in this thread I've provided clear evidence of every word I've written.
All you and your friends here have done is talk overton windows and claim that Communists and zionists speaking on our behalf while working to shut us down are based and ourguys.

Sargon speaks out #Liberalist

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Best hope for them is civil war in S.A., where they can carve out a white ethnostate.

They really are over the edge though. That is some kind of collective mental illness at this point.
It's all of Europe though really. Except maybe Poland, where they are at least fighting for some sanity.

the place can burn and sink for all I care, they got what they sow

Who cares what he says?


That's entirely besides the point here. What we should be doing is getting on Twatter, LARPing as brits, and posting the most "offensive" memes that we possibly can. The kikes in the UK will have a harder time arresting goyim for wrongthink if we spam them with red herrings.

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No one, his ego makes him think he's some political giant along with his Internet LARP party

< posting a pro-Communist may may?

Most people found out about this (and a good proportion still won't believe it or think the girls were just "that type") only 7 years ago and by virtue of the Muslim Rayguns viral that when it was later discovered he was saying "rape gangs" people started to question things. We were disarmed in effect just before ww2. Until then you could buy a firearm in a hardware store, without a license or ID etc.
So apart from marching about it, which has already been deemed racist and inflammatory and therefore "terrorist laws apply". What exactly do you expect people to do? There isn't a political route. There isn't an easy firearms route. There's explosives, arson and running people over I suppose.
Jo Cox was killed by an improvised firearm by somebody objecting to her policies of putting people not from this country before the native people who have long paid tax into and built the country.
The Finsbury Park Van attack supposedly the guy was just returning the favor of running innocent people over. Teach muslims a lesson etc.
If you believe the official narrative.
None of it kicked off copycat attacks, or forced deportations by mobs of civilians too large for the authorities to stop.
And largely it's the control of all media that allows them to steer and pressure relieve to their hearts content.
It would only be somewhere where you are allowed to speak freely that could do anything about the situation in Bong.
Unfortunately you are losing that ability in the US, and too many regard it as the centre of the universe to care about what goes on in Bong. As long as you can come and see the palaces of the filth that have lorded it over us for so long you believe Bong still exists.
Sorry blogpost but REEEEEEeeeee. Fuckn reeeeee.

What's going to happen to the dog?

He didn't proselytize to start a terrorist group, which is what that law is for, considering Russia actually has ethnic groups that want to genocide each other.

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The kikes will stone it to death.

Was pretty funny

Oy Vey. These comedians are going to put us in ze ovens. Anudda shoah.

They just elected a kike and they love kikes in Poland. They're in the same position as the rest of Europe, just a slower burn.

Filter and report.

Jo Cox's death was just an undocumented execution. Punishment for treason.

er he was branded and smeared as that by the jewish media. He was about the closest thing you get to an honest politician, lived in a terraced house among his constituents, and no way worked for zog. He was banned from Zionist parliament for saying NAZIs were Zionists.

The important thing to realize about Sadiq Khan is who he was running against in the mayoral election - (((Zac Goldsmith))). It was an establishment fix by the kikes to get Khan elected. Goldsmith (a Rothschild) ran an abysmal campaign as the Conservative candidate in order to ensure Khan won.

If you mean being one of the only politicians saying Israel should be declared a terrorist state and boycotted. Yes I suppose she did get punished by what really runs things.

She's not dead, the whole thing was an MI5 hoax.

They weren't "zionists" they didn't believe in any "zionist" objective, they were simply trying to get kikes the fuck out of their country. Ken Livingstone was wrong.

So stop bringing attention to him.

No, she actively supported the EU. That's committing the literal crime of treason. She and so many others should have been arrested already but the "police" are thoroughly corrupt.

I cannot even comprehend the kikery behind this….
The worst part is that Denmark last year passed legislation that forbids hate-preaching.
This was aimed and spun as anti-muslim, but we all know how this will go down
So any predictions on when we see danes starting to go to trial for shit like this?

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Ken Livingstone is a hard-core cultural marxist and he backed Sadiq Khan. They throw their own under the bus all the time if they want to make a point and push propaganda. Look what's happening to Mark Zuckerberg. Trying to say he helped elect Trump, despite the fact he was banning Trump supporters from Facebook during the election period just for supporting Trump and his policies,

I agree, if there was half the effort to ostracize liberals as much a ostracize all the others, anita would be dead by now.

I've never seen a "based" comedian that didn't give me bad vibes. They all seem fake.

It doesn't matter where yours, my or anyone else beliefs differ from Livingstones (who is quite a historian, not in Irvings league but never the less, researches without bias as a good historian should).
The point is he was banned from zionist controlled parliament for saying it.
I think his point being that the NAZI party was formed originally with zionist jews. Irrelevant what happened after. They were up to their necks in it at the beginning as usual.

Just a hearty kek, what goes around comes around.