Zig Forums should stay aler against MGTOW influxes. They are feminists for soyboy cucks. Ran by jewish leadership.
MGTOW pro censorship shill on Zig Forums
I have no idea what you're talking about, but MGTOW is kiked as fuck. It goes against the natural order men and women complement each other in their differences. We need each other not to just survive as a species but in our daily lives.
That maybe a good thing. You need proof that MGTOW are degenerate cucks. Look at the comments on RGE sex doll review. Note he personal ordered a doll with a child small like head.
Literally who?
He a literal sex doll political activist. MGTOW cunts been shilling him on /tv/ and /a/. He wants shadowbanning on Zig Forums to protect MGTOW safe space.
If what /cow/ saying to believe. He a Mexican pedophile who moved to south east Asia. He obsessed Dolls of little girls.
The question is why doesn't he stay on his safe space on reddit where MGTOW is openly promoted and allowed a discussion board?
You faggots.
This is ((((((their)))))) main tactic.
Because he's paid to post here and on cuck chan, just like EurasianTiger is paid to promote his degeneracy.
In a just world such people would be given the blood eagle.
Reminder: "MGTOW" was created by the same people behind alt-kike channels, this is why they seldom appear on video and use high levels of voice modulation, one e-celeb can run both "MGTOW" channel and "anti-mgtow/alt-right" channels using this trick.
Reminder MGTOW is the male version of the feminist movement/ideology, but slighty less in terms of foothold and influence but they are slowly getting there by roping in a bunch of low-T fags, beta males, soycucks, 'intellectuals', and men with a particular case of low self-esteem and trauma from getting harrassed by insipid megalia-tier feminists.
All one has to do is deny them a plaform, everywhere. By any means necessary.
On an unrelated note, pic related is how men should be striving to, even if it is almost unreachable at the very least men can do more than simply being a bunch of beta hermits
Don't give a kike a click.
Starts at first '('.
But only if string ends with three ')'.
You can't stop a reaction, only stop its cause.
I hope you don't think Trump is anything but a stepping stone. Pic related is who we should be
Again, do you think Trump is the final culmination of our movement? Do you think he's better than Hitler or Mussolini, or even the founders like Jefferson and Washington? Our ultimate aim is to bring men like this to power. Trump is Reagan, nothing more. He is a delay so you have an additional 4 years to prep for an all out assault on you by the commies in the government. When did you start browsing this site?
MGTOW can't gain traction on a NatSoc board. Our two ideologies conflict on the most basic level, that of family and tradition.
When did (((YOU))) start browsing this site so you can spread your useless shit? Now fuck off with your blackpill garbage nigger.
Kys faggot. Learn to read properly before posting.
He sounds like a jew.
Yeah makes sense, telling anons not to click through to the "mgtow" channel to deny it clicks means you're a mgtow. They actually pay you for your posts?
There's literally nothing wrong with either RGE or MGTOW, though I do disagree with his "le upboat" bullshit on Zig Forums. Both Zig Forums and 4chan thrive on anonimity and forcing users to be confronted with all opinions. They can't just hugbox them away like leddit can.
That shits retarded.