Sex in the Shitter star Cynthia Nixon could be New York's next governor
She’s protested President Trump and campaigned for former President Barack Obama.
Sex in the Shitter star Cynthia Nixon could be New York's next governor
She’s protested President Trump and campaigned for former President Barack Obama.
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kike free 1st post
AIDSdorf just turned to AIDSgrad
NY is so retarded, that this just might work. Godspeed, NY Anons.
Isn't she a carpet muncher too?
But endchanners in other threads told me that's a good thing now!!! xD
Kill yourself
Pull my Finger
What did she mean by this?
Haven't you got it yet? All women in top political positions are MtF trannies and so are the majority of Hollywood "actresses".
That means this one would tick both boxes, don't even need to transvestigate it but I'll see if anyone else has and post the video.
You think Sex in the Shitter only targeted women with social engineering and conditioning? Don't be silly, why only target women when you can also target men (who tune in to see the 'hot babez')? Have a tranny acting every female role and you easily corrupt young male viewers' concept of what a woman looks like and insidiously condition a sexual response to male features.
Piece of cake, jew cinema 101.
No video on Nixon but it's obvious from OP without even referencing any other pictures. Of course "she" is a "lesbian", wink wink. Pic related, it's the "wife". Bonus picture, Sarah Jessica Parker.
Take away photoshop and staged posing and the bigfoot sighting happens: male gait, all male facial features, beat up knees, huge feet but there's none as blind as those unwilling to see.
Forgot the bigfoot sighting gallery.
Most female comedian look like trannies or at least fat. ironic. The biggest oldest slut in the show is the only one that looks like a woman. It’s canon that Samantha Jones had four to five canon abortions. She killed more babies than Lindsay Ellis
i want her to win solely because i can't wait to see the look on andrew cuomo's face when he's kicked out of power and relevance overnight.
We need to get our own milfs on some tickets.
No. KYS.
Horse is already out of the barn, nothing will change it.
Fuck yourself moshe.
Fuck this stupid bitch. May she be stricken with the Pants of Shit curse as well.
It's everyoneisatrannyanon, whats up my man.
Please don't actually do this.
Whatever you say, oh mighty keyboard warrior.
Fucking jews, Get out of here. idc if your a shitskin or piss-skin, but you gotta go
I just got an idea forb addition to shill bingo.
(Thank you)
If an user has paint open, higlight the new shill threads in the catalog
Fun fact. Sarah Jessica Parker has a blow up doll.
Should be mandatory reading in school. Wonder why it isn't?
At one time I supported this, and not because I wanted to get laid either. "Why are these women so fucking crazy?" Turned it it was systemic. (Now I live in New York and this happens… de Blasio is bad enough. Maybe Howard Stern can be talked into running again…)
Take that shit to /b/ ffs
Funny seeing how this was something Trump was planning to do some time ago. Sounds like they are trying to build their own Trump but hope to use someone women are fond of since Oprah doesn't want the job. In any case, if this splits the vote in that state and fucks over the liberals, I'll have a good laugh. That said, her being "gay" will probably be played up as well. Wew.
Great insight.
They're doing it in an impotent effort to sabotage his real estate. I would be willing to bet that every block surrounding the Trump tower is a massive shithole by comparison.
This is Alinsky 101.
Saul Alinsky once arranged a black sit-in at a theatre, (they're bad because only Whites and Asians go there). His plan involved feeding the niggers a meal of baked beans an hour beforehand and then having them fart all through the performance.
They planned on doing the same thing during a Trump rally. Don't know what happened with that one though.
Don't you have to bort your babby as a sacrifice in the club?
That’s a woman?
There's an app for that.
Trannyposter's Theme
Why is this on Zig Forums? Are we being infiltrated again?
St. Patrick's Catholic Church isn't a shithole. No, the place is actually pretty nice considering TT is a massive fucking target now.
You sure you're from here bucko?
I wish someone would hurry up and nuke NYC so the rest of NY can be free from their retardation.
I didn't stutter. Go look up the definition of "homonym," and go look at who's repeating the "meme" on twitter.
"Thot" is originally a nigger meme. The word is actually an abbreviation of "That Hoe Over There". As if niggers couldn't get any lazier.
Goons, in their perpetual desperation to suck all the nigger cock, appropriated the word and began to use it in the "BEGONE THOT" line of memes in an attempt to fool young, white men into involuntary celibacy.
And kikes are behind rap/nigger e-celebs.
You think they only run controlled opposition for Whites? They don't, they do exactly the same for blacks. This suits them perfectly as they can use their controlled ops to run "let's you and him fight" while no one pays any heed to the man behind the curtain.
I've told you lots of times already but for anyone new to this exchange:
>No one is claiming that everyone is a tranny.
Only "women" supplied by kikes. Beware of kikes bearing slits.
Boy George is an interesting case.
I don't think she know that the public school is a joke. It is better if she defund the public school and offer the school vouchers instead. Make the education voluntary for everyone so the students, parents and teachers don't have to deal with the bull shits.
I know. Even the brony kind wouldn’t touch Sarah Jessica Parker.
By the way, pic#2, do not think that the color was added artificially to make it look like a fucking clown. All that rouge on the cheeks, the blue shit around the eyes, the purple on the chin, it's all actually present on the tranny's skin, in the original photo, you just can't see it until processing to remove the glare and orange coating is done.
This is one very, very heavily made up creature, someone spent hours applying layer upon layer of makeup to hide what it really looks like.
High effort thread here OP love the copy paste, almost as much as I
Love how it popped up at the same time as other slides.
Just explain to me why this important to me, or Zig Forums in general, and I'll disengage my sage and be on my merry way
Yeah it's a glowing shill thread
prescripted replies/images etc.
person who comes from/pol/ would never consider posting it
Kill yourself
Holy shit, I mean I went to public school too but I'm sure as fuck not proud of it.
Honestly, I'm impressed.
oh wow. In an open society foundations supporter now.
Where do I recast my vote?
I choose with this knowledge in mind:…
woman need no man
How are they fooling anyone?
That's literally faggot thinking.
I'm no brony, but I'd rather fuck an actual horse than Horseface.
This is kind of getting out of hand.
Jews have this unfathomable fixation on poop and poop jokes. Listen to any (((woman))) comedian for more than 30 seconds.
You're not a very convincing shill. We're docking the 3 cents you'd normally be paid.
In Enumclaw, horse fucks you!
Right up there with the FE crew. Or is it a "cone earth" now?
I filter them ASIST.
yeah, last time I checked she was a typical hollywood dyke.
So woke, so progressive
Most of these women were probably passed around men as children and grew to hate cock. She's a victim.
This also makes her wildly unstable and not suitable for office.
Rectally ravaged and could have used a pediatric proctologist. Her sphincter is shot, and thus the fetid farting.
When official biography of Greta Garbo has witness after witness describing how he constantly referred to himself using male pronouns, had all the physical traits of a man which sometimes impeded acting feminine roles and used to fucking piss standing up and leave the toilet seat up.
Get the fuck out of here (1), (((CINEMA))) and TV was, from the very beginning jewish, and from the very beginning a tool intended to twist and distort the sexualities of White people.
The audio is taken from this.
They all know he was a man, yet they hide it, how come? Why not reveal the tranny because it's so progressive and totally fine to be trans now, right?
Greta always been gross. She was beyond damage goods.
they sure do blend in well though, dont they?
edit your meme to say "jewish, upper class"