Nigga Nods

The time-travel show "Timeless" recently pointed this out, and I see "Blackish" did a few years ago. Both of them just call this "the nod" to be PC but if you read previous literature/forums/blogs it's called the "black nod" or going further back the "negro nod" or "nigga's nod" or "nigga nod".

I'm kind of envious how this exists for black people supporting each other, even if it is just a hollow gesture and they'll turn on each other when the chips are down. I'm trying to think of our own equivalent. I suppose back before feminism there was a 'caucasian curtsy' or a 'white wave'… I still see some friendly people who do the latter but it's more universal now.

It's like the freedom to do this doesn't exist… if I wanted to start doing the roman salute or the "okay symbol" to white people, I would be targeted and labeled as some supremacist / genocidist. Why can't we have an equivalent gesture of respect/support/appreciation for members of our race and the struggle we have faced in anti-white culture the way black people do with each other? What could we possibly have to serve this sort of role without it being immediately seized upon by the left to attack those using it?

What a faggot.

stop watching talmudvision

I don't get it. Isn't a nod a way to nonverbally acknowledge anyone, regardless of race?

American mulattos are a single ethnic group really.
White is a race and they're quite diverse, especially in terms of culture.

What do you have against white solidarity?

Shedding syfy fanboydom is especially hard when it comes to time travel shows. I would give up Timeless if it meant reviving Time After Time though.

The normal nod where your head begins looking forward, declines then rises again, yes. It's like a bow. The nigga nod is the inverse of this, it begins with the head looking down, inclines toward them, pauses dramatically and then declines again. Normal nods lack the dramatic pause, they're continuous.

I guess there are probably a lot of localized greetings for the Italians, the Irish, etc. but I'm not a part of any of those, us generic mixed white stock who have lost cultural ties aren't aware of things like this. Closest thing I can think is doing a "wimpy white wave" full of nervous beta submission.

How about a handshake, you telavivsion addicted autist. A firm handshake is the white man’s greeting, waving is reserved for farewells.
Sage because OP is a faggot who makes shit threads.

Fucking kill yourself, you stupid yiddish puppet.

op is a faggot.
kys op.

Checked. It is decided.


At least it's niggers with niggers. I can't watch TV anymore because of all the race mixing everywhere.

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Jesus Christ, you really need friends OP. People do this crap all the time

Dead butterfly. Shoo. Fly shoo.

You have always been hollow. And now you are worthless

(((They))) put this kind of "nigger nod" into various commercials etc.

Often after something "cool" is done by someone else, or after a White woman is shown looking "hot" and she's also usually blonde, just by cohencidence, there will be a quick, half-second or faster cut to a nigger, who will nod approvingly.

By this, we are supposed to subconciously learn that niggers are the gateway approvers of everything cool or hot, and that we need to seek their admiration.

Impolite sage for shit slide thread.

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read a book, nigger

It's not unique to black people.

This sort of thing happens in all sorts of communities and subcultures. I know specifically that motorcyclists will wave to each other when they pass, and probably everyone has seen it happen once or twice.

It's just solidarity.

Whenever someone makes eye contact with me in public I nod at them.
Unless a bunch of people start making eye contact because it gets old after awhile.

OP I've been doing this years, all I do is make sure I smile and/or wave at other whites. It's amazing how well people respond to a stranger just giving them a smile, wave or thumbs up. Thumbs up is a good one. Just give it only to other people. It's classic enough that you won't really ever see other races doing it, they probably perceive it as corny, but it's innocent enough that it blends in very well with day to day life and society.

If you experiment and do it to other races you will also immediately notice that while fellow whites receive this behavior very well, non-whites will find it suspicious. That's just in-built ethnopreference kicking in. Try smiling at a random black guy and he immediately assumes something is up, then see how much better it is received by whites. Even if they're sorta confused, they just assume you must have met before…almost like…almost like you're brothers…like you share something in common. Hmm.

Seriously, try this stuff guys. Just do it right, know how to deliver, don't give some toothy autistic half-smile. Normal closed-lip smile with eye contact.

You are wasting your time. OP is the type of guy to not even go outside, much less look at people of other races.

I don't like Italians (in the US, anyway), the French, the Irish, and am indifferent to Poles.

Are you living in a city or something?
You'd look like a total autist here if you were to come down one of the mostly empty streets, see some guy coming toward you from yards away and then just walking past him silently.

You greet people on the street here because there's not a fucking deluge of them.
City life is shit life.

This exists with white people too. I lived in LA, specifically, what is known as "(((The most diversified)))" part of the country. It was so bad, and so rare, that when when you saw another white, even a white woman, you'd nod or smile at one another to acknowledge kinship.

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It's because niggers are allowed to have that racial brotherhood together.
They acknowledge that rather naturally, it's always been an "us against them" sort of thing with niggers just how it has been with whites.
Difference is, whites have been conditioned to not have a culture or to be proud of their race. Niggers however have been encouraged to do so.
Equality is false, especially when all the other races don't believe in that shit. It's been something only white people have been conditioned to.

We need to dogwhistle more subtly due to the nature of the current year. The 'okay' sign has worked for me to signal to another Zig Forumsack once. It was rather surreal looking back on it, like some seekret klub hand sign bullshit. But it worked as a subtle signal to each other and we became good friends after realizing we were like minded.
With that said, it's rare indeed to find someone who understands the meme and isn't just impersonating an italian guy, don't sperg out and start spouting Zig Forums memes to random people. That's just retarded.

Roman salutes aren't effective just because everyone knows that's something "deh natzhees!" did and edgy people do it for a laugh. If you really want to 'nod' to fellow whites. Just be outgoing and people may even come to you.
Fuck it, if you don't live in a shithole city then people generally *do* greet each other with a nod or a wave. This is normal, but niggers do the "nigger nod" thing as a subtle hint to their so called 'struggle'.
You know how cultures come up with their own myths and legends. Niggers do that with 'the struggle'. They'll call eachother 'brother' even if they're total strangers because they see each other as fellows of the same race. They still have that connection… When they're not busy slaughtering eachother in nigger chimpouts that is.

We continue to fight the good fight though. Whites everywhere are waking up and realizing that they have the right to be their own peoples again. Keep pushing for that brotherhood with fellow whites. Be a bastion for others, set an example!

I've only heard them call each other nigger, as though they're fully aware that what they are.

Stop being a faggot user.

Say "good morning/afternoon/evening" to other whites and smile when you pass by. Offer to help other whites out if they need a hand with something that will take 5 minutes. Stop and chat with people you know when you pass by. Try to establish physical contact when the culture allows it - in the US that's a handshake and a pat on the back, in French counties it's a kiss on the cheek.

You dont need to go around sieg heiling at other whites to build community and trust.

you have a self imposed fake lisp and a limp wrist, don't you?

So very true. So very true.

I enjoy smiling at random niggers they get so freaked out.

Stop being a faggot OP. I flash the ol white power every chance I get an no one can say a thing without looking crazy.

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Shit doesn't actually exist, it's kike propaganda, niggers are rabid animals who think any eye contact with them for more than 2 seconds is "ayo u mad doggin me"? It's amazing how people fall for this shit even when right as I'm typing this post some nigger is killing another nigger. I always "howdy" white people I see and it's always done back, we have plenty of gestures to each other.

Here's what you get when you watch the electric kikebox:

1. Feminism: aka Bullshit fantasy scenarios where women are intelligent and can do anything a man can do instead of running around fucking everything up and then crying about it and then begging a man to fix it like they do in real life.

2. Faggotry: MASSIVE FAGGOTRY. Not only do they put a faggot in every fucking show, all of the supposedly non-faggot males are made of 100% soymilk.

3. Race-Mixing: Whites with whites is so 1950 s fashy, bro. See how everyone is fucking mudskins now?

4. Materialism: During the show and commercials, you are being bombarded with jewish greed. Everyone lives in massive apartments or homes full of the newest furniture and appliances, wear the latest fashions, and drive expensive cars. Then the commercials kick in.

4. Fat, Lazy, and Stupid: Put down the remote and pick up a book and then a dumbell.

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you're as retarded as the kikes making these shows. fuck right off.

that "nigger nod" is how italians say hello to one another, and have for fucking centuries

it's dare I say, cultural appropriation

No one is saying we can't. We just don't have a need for it. Blacks have this because they're often in a slim minority, usually amongst a lot of white people. Blacks don't give the nod in majority-black areas. It's only when they're outnumbered. I went to community college where asians/latinos were the majority and whites were a minority, and me and the other white guys ended up giving each other a nod after a month or so. It's about feeling alienated by 90% of the people around you and finding some commonality with a few people. It's a way of nonverbally communicating that you feel something they feel. Whites giving each other the nod in situations where they're a majority or not enough of a minority to feel alienated would not carry any weight. People would just think you're a random guy nodding at them.

Again, it's necessity. And it's organic. Blacks didn't come together and decide to nod at one another. Whites won't decide to do it either. If we end up with some equivalent, it will spawn naturally and no one will question it. If you met another Zig Forumstard in real life, after a while you'd probably start giving him the nod. Not because you both had a discussion and decided to do it to show solidarity, but because when you see each other you'd think "yea, we both knows whats up" or whatever, and you wouldn't want to leave him hanging. You'd feel like you gotta stick together, and not acknowledging him in a special way would be disrespectful.

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vid related is what OP aspires to be

watch Steins;Gate

Attached: curb your enjewsiasm.mp4 (1280x720, 8.7M)

*Starts to drive after him.*
That is one supremely autistic kike and he cracks me up.

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International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum

Subforum: Europe – Twentieth Century – Second World War

Page 263

At 14:52:28, FreedomFighter69 wrote:
Reporting my first temporal excursion since joining IATT: have just returned from 1936 Berlin, having taken the place of one of Leni Riefenstahl’s cameramen and assassinated Adolf Hitler during the opening of the Olympic Games. Let a free world rejoice!

At 14:57:44, SilverFox316 wrote:
Back from 1936 Berlin; incapacitated FreedomFighter69 before he could pull his little stunt. Freedomfighter69, as you are a new member, please read IATT Bulletin 1147 regarding the killing of Hitler before your next excursion. Failure to do so may result in your expulsion per Bylaw 223.

At 18:06:59, BigChill wrote:
Take it easy on the kid, SilverFox316; everybody kills Hitler on their first trip. I did. It always gets fixed within a few minutes, what’s the harm?

At 18:33:10, SilverFox316 wrote:
Easy for you to say, BigChill, since to my recollection you’ve never volunteered to go back and fix it. You think I’ve got nothing better to do?

At 10:15:44, JudgeDoom wrote:
Good news! I just left a French battlefield in October 1916, where I shot dead a young Bavarian Army messenger named Adolf Hitler! Not bad for my first time, no? Sic semper tyrannis!

At 10:22:53, SilverFox316 wrote:
Back from 1916 France I come, having at the last possible second prevented Hitler’s early demise at the hands of JudgeDoom and, incredibly, restrained myself from shooting JudgeDoom and sparing us all years of correcting his misguided antics. READ BULLETIN 1147, PEOPLE!

At 15:41:18, BarracksRoomLawyer wrote:
Point of order: issues related to Hitler’s service in the Bavarian Army ought to go in the World War I forum.

At 02:21:30, SneakyPete wrote:
Vienna, 1907: after numerous attempts, have infiltrated the Academy of Fine Arts and facilitated Adolf Hitler’s admission to that institution. Goodbye, Hitler the dictator; hello, Hitler the modestly successful landscape artist! Brought back a few of his paintings as well, any buyers?

At 02:29:17, SilverFox316 wrote:
All right; that’s it. Having just returned from 1907 Vienna where I secured the expulsion of Hitler from the Academy by means of an elaborate prank involving the Prefect, a goat, and a substantial quantity of olive oil, I now turn my attention to our newer brethren, who, despite rules to the contrary, seem to have no intention of reading Bulletin 1147 (nor its Addendum, Alternate Means of Subverting the Hitlerian Destiny, and here I’m looking at you, SneakyPete). Permit me to sum it up and save you the trouble: no Hitler means no Third Reich, no World War II, no rocketry programs, no electronics, no computers, no time travel. Get the picture?

At 02:29:49, SilverFox316 wrote:
PS to SneakyPete: your Hitler paintings aren’t worth anything, schmuck, since you probably brought them directly here from 1907, which means the paint’s still fresh. Freaking n00b.

At 07:55:03, BarracksRoomLawyer wrote:
Amen, SilverFox316. Although, point of order, issues relating to early 1900s Vienna should really go in that forum, not here. This has been a recurring problem on this forum.

At 18:26:18, Jason440953 wrote:
SilverFox316, you seem to know a lot about the rules; what are your thoughts on traveling to, say, Braunau, Austria, in 1875 and killing Alois Hitler before he has a chance to father Adolf? Mind you, I’m asking out of curiosity alone, since I already went and did it.

At 18:42:55, SilverFox316 wrote:
Jason440953, see Bylaw 7, which states that all IATT rulings regarding historical persons apply to ancestors as well. I post this for the benefit of others, as I already made this clear to young Jason in person as I was dragging him back from 1875 by his hair. Got that? No ancestors. (Though if anyone were to go back to, say, Moline, Illinois, in, say, 2080 or so, and intercede to prevent Jason440953’s conception, I could be persuaded to look the other way.)

At 21:19:17, BarracksRoomLawyer wrote:
Point of order: discussions of nineteenth–century Austria and twenty–first–century Illinois should be confined to their respective forums.

At 15:56:41, AsianAvenger wrote:
FreedomFighter69, JudgeDoom, SneakyPete, Jason440953, you’re nothing but a pack of racists. Let the light of righteousness shine upon your squalid little viper’s nest!

At 16:40:17, BigTom44 wrote:
Well, here we frickin’ go.

At 16:58:42, FreedomFighter69 wrote:
Racist? For killing Hitler? WTF?

At 17:12:52, SaucyAussie wrote:
AsianAvenger, you’re not rehashing that whole Nagasaki issue again, are you? We just got everyone calmed down from last time.

At 17:22:37, LadyJustice wrote:
I’m with SaucyAussie. AsianAvenger, you’re making even less sense than usual. What gives?

At 18:56:09, AsianAvenger wrote:
What gives is everyone’s repeated insistence on a course of action which, even if successful, would only save a few million Europeans. It would be no more trouble to travel to Fuyuanshui, China, in 1814 and kill Hong Xiuquan, thus preventing the Taiping Rebellion of the mid–nineteenth century and saving fifty million lives in the process. But, hey, what are fifty million yellow devils more or less, right, guys? We’ve got Poles and Frenchmen to worry about.

At 19:01:38, LadyJustice wrote:
Well, what’s stopping you from killing him, AsianAvenger?

At 19:11:43, AsianAvenger wrote:
Only to have SilverFox316 undo my work? What’s the point?

At 19:59:23, SilverFox316 wrote:
Actually, it seems like a pretty good idea to me, AsianAvenger. No complications that I can see.

At 20:07:25, Big Chill wrote:
Go for it, man.

At 20:11:31, AsianAvenger wrote:
Very well. I shall return in mere moments, the savior of millions!

At 20:14:17, LadyJustice wrote:
Just checked the timeline; congrats on your success, AsianAvenger!

At 10:52:53, LadyJustice wrote:

At 11:41:40, SilverFox316 wrote:
AsianAvenger, we need your report, buddy.

At 17:15:32, SilverFox316 wrote:
Okay, apparently AsianAvenger was descended from Hong Xiuquan. Any volunteers to go back and stop him from negating his own existence?

At 09:14:44, SilverFox316 wrote:

At 09:47:13, BarracksRoomLawyer wrote:
Point of order: this discussion belongs in the Qing Dynasty forum. We’re adults; can we keep sight of what’s important around here?

How about not giving a fuck what these nogs and libs think?
When in the hell has any of us needed their permission to do anything?
Stop asking, stop waiting for peer acceptance, and stop giving two fucks!