Denounced by His Party as a Nazi, Arthur Jones Wins Illinois G.O.P. Congressional Primary
How Come You Didn't tell Me?
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We did, you fucking faggot. Lurk more.
Yeah, there was a thread about him. I didn't expect him to win, that makes me happy.
I called it. Who screencapped my post as ordered?
nice archive nigger
(pic related)
i don't believe you and this board's archive function blows ass
It's the truth, there was a video of him being interviewed by some news dumbass who just kept calling him a bigot.
You know, with all these black-goyim (A term we should be using more) waking up to who's been up to no good since 1945 (weather control guy, various other black-goyim), and even some dems who know that It'sNotReal is as fiercely nationalistic as the nationalists they usually denounce, perhaps this guy can actually get into congress and start calling out all the dual-citizenship holders and the under-table subversion / enslavement agenda… Maybe even run for a higher position one day?
he's really old
I did say he'd win the primary, citing the demographics of his district (first gen white flight, polacks and ukranians). Regardless of how the general goes, its gonna be awesome to have him in the news some more.
I never imagined such an ubermensch would exist in the Current Year today but I'm afraid ZOG will take him down.
pic related
From the article,
Why not "schwarzes" or "goy schwarzes"?
Schneider is a jew last name
I was there in the thread where it was announced he was gonna run. There was indeed a screencap request.
*schwarze *schwarze goy
This is proof activity and passion win vote.
*schwarzer Goi / Goy
I stand corrected
It was a rhetorical question. He is almost certainly a gatekeeper to ensure all possible candidates are 100% kosher cattle.
didn't tell you what? he was unopposed in the primary.. we had threads about this and pictures of him with nsm and shit
Yea, let's just refer to each other as jewish cattle as a term of endearment. Like how the blacks reappropriated nigger.
go back to TRS your aut right garbage is cancer.
Cuckchan refugees get out unless you intend to lurk more. If you start now you'll be able to shitpost during Trump's re-election
Every Zig Forumsack should be using this strategy. Seek to win the nomination in districts where Republicans don't even bother running candidates and use the platform to drop redpills. In many places, you are entitled to equal time, equal coverage, public debates, and can run redpilled ads on TV and billboards. Because a major party nomination grants certain protections, you cannot be legally shutdown. We can even out jew the jew by doing the reverse and seeking Democrat nominations in heavily Republican areas.
He literally didn’t have a republican opponent. Its good to see someone with these views active in politics to at least somewhat normalize these ideas and shift the Overton window but he’s not a particularly good speaker. Somethings better than nothing though. Good luck Arty
Not just in places with no republicans but also no democrats running, it doesn’t matter as long as you get votes. Be the chaos candidate, people will vote for you if you’re against everyone else.
Adopt or slightly alter “I’m against the two party, jew party, queer party system” slogan if you think if anyone thinks of running