Coinfags BTFO

Bitcoin's blockchain contains child abuse images, meaning the cryptocurrency's possession could be 'illegal'

"[For example], the depiction of nudity of a young woman or hundreds of links to child pornography," the RWTH Aachen University and Goethe University researchers said. Because the blockchain underpins the cryptocurrency, bitcoin users must maintain a complete local copy of the complete blockchain. This "non-financial data", too, cannot be changed.

>"As a result, it could become illegal [or even already is today] to possess the blockchain, which is required to participate in bitcoin," the researchers' paper notes.
"Although court rulings do not yet exist, legislative texts from countries such as Germany, the UK, or the USA suggest that illegal content such as child pornography can make the blockchain illegal to possess for all users."

Obviously this is the action of central bankers putting a stop to this currency. The silver lining is that we can mine reddit for some serious salt in the coming days. Sell your coins ASAP if you fell for that meme too.

Attached: muhcoins.jpg (900x506, 181.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kike free 1st post

Of course it would. The kike knows no bounds.

That's a very sneaky and ingenious move to put cryptos on questionable legal grounds.

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The thing is that is has been this way for many years already so this is nto new.

As is fashion, the kikes resort to crying "muh pedophilia" as they hit you. Gotta save that decrepit Euro by any means possible.

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(((They))) know no bounds

Attached: laughing_whore_2.gif (480x270, 413.86K)

Even taking it at face value, it's not something that can't be fixed. Probably not in Bitcoin, by now, but they can't kill crypto. The most they can do is create pozzed coins and hope to dominate the market.

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The next step will be filling it with "anti-semitic" imagery and they'll throw Mein Kampf in there for good measure too.

this is great news for those of us who want to buy a fucking GPU without getting raped. Crash and burn shitcoin, kek wills it.

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Nice effort though.

Are you unironically been in a black market that accepts bitcoin?

>hoping for kikes and (((federal reserve))) to win so you can stay at home and be degenerate.

Kill yourself.

Better article from TheRegister

Where Soros likes to keep a lot of his business registered, as is the case with many of his peers.

maybe its different kikes than the banking kikes but its kikes all the same. fuck yourself

Attached: i_like_vidya.png (736x240, 96.87K)

you must go back.

Kikes pulling things like this is why cp should unironically be legalized

That's like saying using 8ch should be illegal because cp is posted on it sometimes.

So how difficult would it be for someone with the (((know how))) to have just planted shit like this as evidence to build a strong case to shut cryptocurrency down?
In the eyes of normies, this shit ranges from an obscure and shady deepnet hacker money laundering operation to a hipster wannabe economist trend. Fact is people don't know enough about it to be swayed against it being banned for whatever reason.
The kikes usually put in these sneaky laws under the guise of something that seems reasonable and just. They could likely get rid of bitcoin without much trouble under the justification of 'busting cp' or some shit regardless of whether that's the case or not.
I'm sure all of you have heard of FOSTA. The justification of 'stopping sex trafficking' sounds appealing to normies who simply can't rub the braincells together to look into it.

And if I am not mistaken, the cryptocurrency market gets into a panic easily just because of the nature of (((bankers))) being against it. People who are into bitcoin may not even know why powerful people and bankers (ie; Jews) hate it, they just know that nameless people with a lot of power don't like their mining games and ability to make profits. They could be shut down at any given time and there is nothing they can do about it. So if everyone sells out in a huge panic over this isn't it just going to destroy itself before any laws are even put in place?

Attached: arch wizard of culture.jpeg (925x518, 48.19K)

The reason why this site (along with any wrongthink site or imageboard community on the internet) can even exist is because the admins cannot be made liable for the comments and content posted on the site. There is a disclaimer that makes this clear, it is impossible to police every message posted on an imageboard, forum or chatroom. FOSTA may change that.
Basically put, if that act comes into power then the site owners will be entirely responsible for whatever is posted on their site. If someone posts something illegal then it'll be pretty much the same as them posting it on their site themselves.
It won't be long then until the hellish scenario we all feared may come to pass becomes reality.

Also, halfchan has been frozen on numerous occasions due to a sudden uptick in shootings and happenings which are likely false flags. The fact that it's all being frozen and likely datamined (likely for evidence or just for something the media to use) at every recent happening is extremely suspicious.
Soon, this site could be made liable for illegal content on some obscure boards (I'm sure as shit there is CP and other illegal shit on Zig Forums stored on boards, bots post honeypot and virus links along with CP on any board that isn't actively moderated)

Even if that's their only option, you can bet your bottom shekel they're going to be eerily proficient at subverting and dominating markets.
That's what the Jew does best after all. Hate to give them credit but that's how they've gotten so powerful.
It's their greed that drives them, and generations of underhanded tactics that have brought them to their current position. It's the one thing they have perfected. The art of subversion and well… Being a Jew.
We cannot allow them to continue

Meanwhile whalepool has been consistently buying all the throughs and selling at all the peaks.

Shit like this is exactly what underpins hate speech legislation in Euroland, in fact there are cases were people had liability for links posted on their websites.


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It's already happening, there have been shitloads of miners dropping out because now ROI is like 2 years kek (rekt you faggots).
Same shit happened twice now in each mining peak over the last 6 years.

I fully support crypto over kike bank $ (same shit really) but mining to the detriment of the planet and others trying to build a PC is not the way. Adolfcoin is a good example of how to do it.

Zig Forums agrees.
It was an ingenious move to embed CP into the blockchain.

For anyone who doesn't have an idea how, Zig Forums says that each time a transaction is done, a user is able to add in a custom message into the transaction. Mostly used for letting people know what that transaction was for.

There are various non-financial means to resist.
If there's one thing Trump's campaign taught me, is don't play the game by their rules.

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meant for

what would hitler say about you placing value in things that can never be seen, touched, or personally protected?
neither option is good.

Exactly. I am fucking sick about hearing about cunts planting that shit on men's computers to get them sent to jail so they can take all their stuff, or kikes planting it with some virus to take out their enemies. "Possession" of any thing that can be planted should not be a crime. It CAN be used as EVIDENCE of a crime. But it shouldn't be a crime in and of itself.

explain how
thusfar i was under the impression that adding messages to transfers isn't possible and this being one of the weaknesses of bitcoins
there are applications for vendors which make a new wallet for every purchase as this is the only way to verify an actual payment

Y'all do realize that there are images from pizzagate embedded in the Bitcoin blockchains, right? This sounds like a (((move))) to get rid of them.

as links to child pornograph"

Shut it down, ban the internet, kill the messenger.

IT fag here that has helped in some divorce shit. This is common as fuck among the Cluster B types to get back at those they think wronged them. Always some BPD cunt that somehow got their hands on CP and either spamming it at or on someone's accounts or putting it on the rig of ex-friends and or lovers. It's to the point now that a lot of people are wising up and actually encrypting shit to avoid breakup or divorce revenge.

When the kikes start claiming that something is "illegal," it's because they actually don't have any legal way of (((shutting it down))). This is a demonstration of that infamous Jewish concept of chutzpah: audacity so egregious and absurd, only a Jew could possibly stoop that low.

You nocoiners don't know anything lol. BTC would be almost immediately replaced. They are way too late with this. I also see no mention of ETH. Could someone tell me how "links" to CP are illegal? Wouldn't that just be considered vandalism?

The kikes have tried and thus far are powerless beyond calling in media favors for shitcoins like Ripple.

No joke, Crypto is white men and Chinese ONLY. It is a cold war of tech being fought live on github. This smart contract tech has the potential to enslave the world for the rest of time. I prefer to profit off of this reality.

Partly this. Keep death sentences who deal/sell cp and drugs, but remove sentence for those who posess them. This would instantly deflate prices due to high availability and accessability (no one is going to spend thousands on drugs if you legaly can make them in your own garage for 10$, no one will spend thousands on cp if it's found easily on the web), since prices would go down hard, less dealers would be risking trade if there is barely any profit, essentially killing most of the trade and in return save kids and victims of drug gang wars. Degenerates are going to view cp and take drugs no matter what, cp and drugs will most likely continue existing so the best option is therefore to kill the trade and fuck over those who profit from these degenerates and save lives.

Attached: 94e90f7b6f274c4587298c74d72dc9b3fe29c6c91d7e224eff2311dc76d1ec68.jpg (648x365, 41.28K)

Cool just bought 100k

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Thats cut and dry. Its illegal. Having the blockchain on your computer is having CP. Flat out illegal. You can own bitcoin, in a wallet, but not the actual core client blockchain with like over 150gb.

Information, especially evidence of criminality, should not be illegal to possess.
It'd be like making copies of accounting fraud illegal.
The pizzagate investigation should have quickly redpilled everyone on why this is important. How the fuck can you prove criminality and culpability when the fucking evidence is illegal to possess?

So what's the inherent value of BTC then? It's not an "investment" at all then, it's merely another fiat currency. This is why crypto-coin idiots are so fucking retarded.
If it can be copied, its value drops to its utility value and no more.

The value of BTC is that its first to market and hasnt been replaced by better currencies and options yet simply due to lack of adoption by the lemming masses.
The value of BTC+CP is about zero. That changes everything.

Like you do realize to send money transfers it costs like 30% with Western Union but with Bitcoin it cost a few cents, at the peak it was 5 bucks. THAT is its value, its a money transfer system which undercuts the banks like 10,000%

If you think BTC isn't a kike controlled "currency" you need to go back to fucking plebbit.

BTC is kike controlled to a large degree but the SEC doesnt regulate a market into the ground to protect Ameircans, thats the same outfit with no oversight from the federal government and treasury etc which failed to go after wallstreet executives and such. Remember, always do the opposite of what Jamie Dimon says. Ripple is the kike owned centralized kosher currency and its got all these deals going with google etc. Thats the real nasty one. I personally dont like Bitcoin myself, theres one called Bytecoin for example and its free to send. Why own bitcoin at all? First to market, and has ATM infrastructure. The problem is Litecoin shares those same ATMs and can be bought at the same time, it costs 22 cents at the peak to send. Why own Bitcoin when theres Litecoin? Pure ignorance, or interest in buying into the big dog.

Also mine Bitcoin Gold, its program blocks industrial farming ASICS and is designed to reward only people who have a single graphics card in their computer as a main priority. You can get a full coin off a decent card in about 2.5-3 months and in a few years it should be worth over 1k. ~300k at the peak, its in the shitter right now but should recover. Their team will likely gain acceptance anywhere Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash does, eventually.

Bitcoin is not mined on the GPUs anymore.

If they extracted the images from the blockchain then the research company is more guilty than anyone else of posessing illegal images.

The transfer fee for cash is 0%.
Blockchain tech for remote or overseas transactions does have utility value, and it would be very good to have a true alternative currency as a way to dodge (((central banks))), but the way bitcoin was implemented, pre-mined, and pumped and dumped as a ponzi scheme, undermines its utility. If you look at who owns majority stakes in Bitcoin ("Satoshi," (((Winklevoss))) twins, etc), it should become clear.
When a non-kiked cryptocurrency comes along, it will be useful, but people always have to be mindful that it's not a store of value. The technology, at its base, is very useful, and I'm not arguing against that. I am arguing that there have been blatant lies and misconceptions pushed because the original Bitcoin is a massive jewish ponzi.

So wait, we can fuck over all the coin shitheads by dumping CP into the blockchain? This actually works?

How the fuck does cp end up inside of a buttcoin anyway? This smells like bullshit.

Attached: wait a second.png (325x382, 156.82K)

This seems like fluff. All they can do is "hide" things in the blockchain much like you can hide things in an image file. So basically I can say "all image files on the internet can contain illegal content, therefor all images must be banned". It's also like saying "all printed money can contain traces of illegal narcotics, therefore all money must be banned". This argument cannot be held up in court and is just some law firm trying to find a case they can milk.

If everyone is worried about (((legislation))) shutting shit down, move the site to a country with limited recognition.

Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazia, South Ossetia etc.

Hell, host it in Lebanon. Hezbollah aren't likely to cave in to foreign demands.

No, this is just more FUD. It will amount to nothing.

They have tried so far and have failed. If anythi g the Chinks co trol it, and the Jews chase profit.


The blockchain cannot be altered, Bitcoin is compromised with CP. Its illegal, take it to court, try to argue to a judge youre allowed to have CP because… because its bitcoin!
Wont happen.

Attached: Monero.PNG (923x534, 248.29K)

Checked, I've always hated this. It's such backward ass kikey logic. Hopefully this happens soon, god knows that once the kikes lose their market for cp and drugs, big changes will happen.

If anyone was truly so fucking STUPID as to think the kikes would allow a system of magical coins where everyone gets rich to exist, then you deserve to lose every last penny.


I'll look into it, thanks user.

Satoshi Nakamoto


"WikiLeaks has kicked the hornet's nest, and the swarm is headed towards us.”

I watched zcash from it's dev phase to past release. It seemed they deliberately crippled the linux miner software so it didn't work when it would have been most valuable. Seems like trusting crypto is like trusting the mob to be your banker sometimes.

Bring back executive order 11110 and sound, private banking.

Given work-notes, he'd be fascinated.

Just looked into it, it still uses mining/hashes for coin creation so it wastes electricity instead of using that power to support the network.
Also, the monero "node" list links to
and >.xyz

So does that mean /dev/random is illegal, there's definitely some illegal content in there it's just a matter of time before you extract it.

>(((german))) researchers
Illicit material is spread over the normal internet, which banks constantly use. Does that mean having money is illegal?


Beyond that, look into:

>it uses (((consensus)))
Fuck off.

You should use quotes instead
Meme responsibly.


"However, runaway inflation and the collapse of the Continental currency prompted delegates at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787 to include the gold and silver clause in the United States Constitution, preventing individual States from issuing their own bills of credit. Article One states they were prohibited to "make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts."[5] Some people use this clause to argue that federal paper money is unconstitutional."

The argument for constitutionality is that it's about states rights as opposed to what the federal gov't can do, maybe? Pre-civil war stuff. Maybe states could create their own money, but would it be attacked or dis-incentivized by the feds… Like when Texas tried to ban the TSA from grabbing your privates every time you wanted to fly, and the feds said they'd create a no-fly zone around Texas. 'Make your own sound money that's worth more than our stupid fiat currency and say goodbye to buying/selling oil or gas'.

runaway inflation

Since the federal reserves' introduction, the dollar has lost ~98% of it's value through inflation. Fractional reserve banking is a horrible idea that seems designed to steal by skimming off the top of currency creation. I wonder how many people know that they create money when they sign a loan or use a credit card.

Irrational numbers contain every possible sequence of digits. There is CP in pi, if you find the right place to start, the length to read and read it in the right encoding. The start, length and encoding are also in pi, if you have the right start, length and encoding. And so is that, and so on.
We need to ban high-precision assault mathematics and aesthetics in general, because every time you calculate the area of a circle or admire something based on the golden ratio, you're subjecting an infinite amount of children to an infinite amount of abuse. Lack of intent means nothing when you're dealing with moral crimes this heavy.

Attached: sicko.png (152x254, 40.48K)

According to there's only one actual CP image in the blockchain, the rest is just links to it and a handful of other "indecent" images whatever that means, probably LastMeasure tier stuff.

Quite some time ago trolls embedded sections of malware in the blockchain, which wasn't executable or otherwise a risk but caused antivirus to deny access to it.
Apparently there's a method deliberately built in where you can insert an invalid OP_RETURN transaction, I don't understand why they thought that was a good idea.

Attached: bitcoin g idiot nearly kills himself.png (824x258, 7.68K)

not Bitcoins. but Litecoin-based altcoins that can be exchanged into Bitcoins
theres a big market for mining new pump&dump altcoins when they are just released (within the first minutes)

i was all into this shit before

So whats with the "George Bush is 666" tier conspiracy theories? How fucked in the head is this board?m

isnt the blockchain essentially an encrypted ledger? how does it contain files of any type?

Not sure what you're referring to specifically, but it's an often used tactic, when trying to stop something you don't want happening (like returning to sound money), to "poison the well" with all manner of nonsense to discredit by association, legit arguments.

Banking cartel goons planted CP in the blockchain, so fucking what? Twitter has an archive with millions of high schoolers' nudes sent over DMs and nobody is banning Twitter.

The angle they can play here is that you'll be "distributing" the child porn by moving the block chain around.

You can encode data in the address the transaction is being sent to (spread it over multiple transactions if needed). There is also part of the protocol which allows arbitrary data to be attached

There’s a lot of use cases for crypto, but it’s increasingly hard to see how it will survive the lawfare being waged against it. For example, Ripple, a currency billing itself as a cheaper and seamless FOREX middleware provides a FOREX traders with smaller transaction fees. If you know anything about FOREX, margins are the thinnest of thin, so any edge will be exploited.

However the SEC labeled cryptos as investments which subjects them to capital gains tax if held for more than a year or income tax if you liquidate your purchase in more than a year. So instead of a viable fledgling investment, a lot of investment into crypto feels like an application of greater fool theory, which is the idea that the only value a $100 investment has is the possibility of selling it to someone else for $200. Crypto market caps hovers around $250BN, nothing compared to TPTB of finance, but maybe these competing financial interests will prove troublesome for Wall Street who have until now faced little in terms of opposition to their financial order. BTC might go down, but all it would take is a remake of the coin without the “description” box and you would then have a viable currency again. This CP embed is a desperation move, a dying cry from an industry facing its disruption by technology. Banking was one of the last mostly analog institutions that was destined for a shakeup, and cryptos are exactly that. Whatever these kikes do is a stopgap and not an actual brake on the crypto train.

Not true. Some irrationals might, but that's not a general truth. It hasn't even been proven that a transcendental number like pi does.

It was a cool idea while it lasted. We need to just storm the Federal Reserve and fix this fucking problem directly.

huh, interesting. so during a transaction there is a way to add info, but its recorded in the ledger? seems like a stupid place to trade anything directly illegal. but probably a good place to give someone a temporary pastebin.

Sounds like kike (((disinformation))). Unpozzed currency is (((illegal))), goy.

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That’s the queer kid stuff kike right? Did she say the quote related? That would be amazing

I was talking about anagrams of "Satoshi". Literally straight from boomer disinfo sites like AboveTopSecret where they use Gematria in order to verify their claims.

This article which I saw linked on Zig Forums explains it well.

The solution is self-sufficiency, and enough firepower to back it up.

bitcoin was never a solution. paper money has 2 major problems and 1 of the problems allows for the 2nd problem. 1st problem is that it isnt finite. and the 2nd, caused by the first is that it has no inherent value.

paper money originally worked because it was directly tied to an enforced value commodity. having the money tied to a commodity made it always valuable as long as thats enforced, and it made it finite because the existence of that commodity would effect how much money was in circulation; forcing it to be finite.

bitcoin addresses only the problem of it being finite. it still has no inherent value.
infact super inflated zimbabwe cash has more value than bitcoin because its actual paper. i can atleast burn it for heat or wipe my ass with it. bitcoin has absolutely no value. it being "rare" and "finite" doesnt mean its valuable. its value is just as arbitrary as US cash.

Libertarians are THIS dumb


The reason why crypto is superior to traditional fiat is because you can't just issue infinite money from hot air whenever you want, there is a physical limition to how much you can create in a timeframe and how much can exist in general. Now, the real downside to BTC is that the creators simply started mining coins ahead of time among themselves in the very beginning, another issue is that if someone starts mining with possibly already existing futuretech like quantum computers, he will instantly fuck over everyone and become the richest BTC cunt next to satoshi.

Cryptos are the way to kill banks no doubt, the problem we face is how to develop a system that's less exploitable by the creators or early adopters or tech of the future.

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This has been my objection to social media based on (((muh blockchain))). There are legitimate reasons to delete some content, aside from having an always growing, never ending ledger it only takes one asshole to embed some illegal shit that can't be removed to taint the entire thing and now everyone that has a copy of the ledger is also in possession of CP. It's a terrible idea, but required by design for crypto currencies and any other project related to "muh blockchain" for anything censorship-free.

And it's really easy to do. base64 encode an image and then perform enough transactions where you can include all of the lines so that it can be reconstructed. People were doing that to "hide" shit in the bitcoin ledger since bitcoin has been around, there are even some memorials in there.

tbqf, people are retards. They fucking wear ties, not because they are trying to avoid causing issues, while being around imbeciles, but because they find something sensible about such insensible acts. Many other things are done like this. People are idiots. Trust me on this. Idiots.

Only an idiot would think that law contained meaning or justice or goodness. Yet most people believe it does, or could, or should.

The kikes are so utterly opposed to Bitcoin and better alt coins. Now, you would know why, had you read the Culture of Critique series. But you haven't, so you don't even know which ones are kikes.