Metaphysical - Timeline Shift?

I've had over 2 dozen occurences just this week, and several dozens over this month earlier, of strange "coincidences".
I've tried to do the math on the likelihood of these happening by chance, even controlling for the fact that some of my activities influence each other. It's highly unlikely this is all occuring by chance.
I can't explain it by "standard" physics and knowledge.

Is another timeline shift occuring? Where is the rollercoaster going this time? We can't get off this ride.

Attached: visions.jpg (412x385, 11K)

I wish it had occurred to your dad to use contraception so we wouldn't have to deal with your autism goblin ass.

Thx kike.

take ur meds

Go on.

Happenings are happening.

Woo boy autistic schizophrenic blogposting.
Euthanize yourself

Could you tell us more?

Synchronicity like that comes in waves typically. It's normal. Pay close attention and look for opportunities to strengthen your life, resolve and output.
Manifest to continue this.

Attached: Tesla on the source.jpg (900x543, 101.06K)

How to manifest?

Perception creates reality.
Aka it's all in your head.

Why do you think kikes have a lust for mass media control?
Because they use manifestation against the goyim every day.

How about ask the question to yourself/the sychronocity. If there is an answer itll appear but dont look for it
Also sage

Basically it's will.
Nothing out there is more powerful than the will of man.
Look into meditation and astral projecting its much the same thing, just manifestation you will do when walking around during waking hours also.

Attached: tesla quote wheelwork extends.jpg (640x627, 58.19K)


Get out of here, Zig Forums

The whole life is a series of coincidences, equally impossible yet materialized.
Impossibility of each is balanced by the amount of them.
Your sole attention to a subset of phenomena does not make them less possible. 88 is as likely to be output by uniform random number generator as 16 if it is uniform and outputs unmbers from 1 to 100.

Learn statistics you piece of shit or at least study statistical paradoxes. Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

What in the fuck is post structuralism.
GTFO out of here with your kike university-sounding word lettuce shit.

Look up research in Japan on will.
They found ~30% higher chance of getting the option you willed as opposed to not.
Regardless of if you like it or not everything in this world is connected by a quantum ether. Even Einstein bowed to Tesla and admitted that on video ffs.

You have them all the time unless you are fucking off in life. It doesn't mean a timeline change, just that you are more in line with the universe than usual. The whole timeline shift thing is pretty >>>/x/, though, which is why people think you are a nutjob.

I would need more information on what the hell you are talking about op.

I'm assuming they mean synchronosities and/or déjà vécu (when you dream of something before it happens and essentially relive it), both of which are perfectly natural and have been studied since the beginning of time.

both of which shouldnt happen often…

Tell me board owner name and adress and i will live stream his murder and also video and give anyone 180 thousand in assets(molon labe.)

Get the fuck off Zig Forums kike.

Let me tell you something that happened today. I was driving up the highway thinking about asking an old boss of mine if I could work for him for a week until I started my new job, as I am selling all my shit to get by. This white truck goes by me on the highway and I note that its muffler hanger is broken and the muffler is dangling, it proceeds to take the exit I'm taking. I pull up along side the truck to tell the person their muffler is about to fall off and when they rolled down the the window, it was one of my ex-coworkers at the company I had just thought about. The whole reason I feel it relevant to this is that I was over 100 miles away from where the business is, was randomly thinking of calling the owner, and my ex-coworker (that I spent most of the time working directly with) driving a vehicle I had never seen before passed me and took the same exit. This kind of shit happens to me all the time, and I would wager were you to pay closer attention, it does to you as well. The deja vecu is rarer, but sychronosities happen constantly, both big and small.

If it turns out Hitler has green eyes this time I will just die.