Austin Bomber Dead

Yes they are trying to make it about race, saying he targeted, "People of Color"

Fucking article shows 2 black scholars ffs.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Austin bomber, 24, kills himself with seventh device as cops swoop in to arrest him - after releasing CCTV of the white man posting two devices at FedEx office targeting people of color

The Austin bomber, a 24-year-old white man, blew himself up as police tried to arrest him on Wednesday
Police do not yet have a motive for the attacks, but say the man was not previously known to them
Public are warned more bombs could still be out there as they do not know the bomber's final movements
Death comes after CCTV emerged showing suspect posting two packages at a Austin FedEx office on Sunday
Two people were killed and six injured in series of bombings that began on March 2

please be atomwaffen

Was there any truth to the story that he posted on Reddit? I was thinking it was a Siege-faggot but if that's true I'm not so confident. Even though whites died they'll claim it was racially-motivated in order to claim pro-white groups / people are domestic terrorists

Was he white or (((white)))? My first thought was that this was a false flag.

I feel sad that another white man is dead, especially one so young and capable. This world is hell.

Lel. It was probably a kike.

What was his motive? Antifag? Insane?

personal gutfeeling immediately went hoax but dubs say otherwise

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>(((authorities))) say it was a racist attack

Pretty pathetic racist.

Dubs confirm. Libtard whitey lost to kike propaganda. Could have been using those bomb making talents on niggers or spics. Sad day.

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Race war now! Down with the decadent civnat republic!

He did not get high score , sad!

Is that Bert from sesame street waay in the back?

from various articles, he was caught by his cell phone data
no burner, not wifi connecting by wardriving
rookie mistake, sad

Disappointing tbh. We didn't even get a good manifesto out of this

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Hopefully they find something at his house and some officer leaks it to the Internet

Go cry somewhere else TRS.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was antifa. They hate minorities who side with whites more than they hate whites. Explains why minorities were targeted first. Then later the box was left in an area where two whites were riding their bikes. Seems to me he wanted to target specific minority families (likely for being"uncle toms") but was fine with any old random white getting blown up, hence why he left the one box in a random white area…to him, any white would do.

This is just my theory and I have no evidence for it. But my gut tells me this could be it.

Someone has been detained at what might be the bomber's house.

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Unironically looks like a Jew

looks like press trying to get some exclusive shots

lol fucking kike reporter.

Austinfag here, local radio and tv will not stop commenting on just how white and male this guy is.

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It's a little hard to tell, but it looks like they are at 104 W Wilbarger St, which is completely blurred out on google maps.

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Bomber's Name: Mark Anthony Conditt, 24, Pflugerville.

[citation needed]


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Ladies, I think he's single. ;)

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ah checks out

he was apparently wearing a wig.

Any news on his motivations.

Fake news. The real package bomber lives at 33 west markinson ave in columbus ohio and he is a black nigger like all you you on 8ch

Guessing by the location of the two bushes in relation to the driveway, It's gotta be 104 W Wilbarger St.

The parcel # is 02724001150000…where can we look up the owner of that house?

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How convenient now that he can't deny any narrative the media will spin, 10 bucks they will find some right-wing shit on his smartphone or whatever.

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sure just look at property tax records

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Here's hoping he has a few "falls" in jail.

Anybody find any social media? Only thing I can find is someone who's probably his sister.

inb4 pepe pics and 8/pol/ post history

Zig Forums is a board of peace.
and memes.

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Chad no!

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though i think this is more likely here on second street

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If we get his DOB we can search the voter rolls.

Also how the hell did they get the house blurred out of Google Maps?

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False alarm not chad.


Winner winner, chicken dinner!

makes me think

Make me think of the electric engineer I knew that was a real pyro.

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Homeschooled too apparently. Such a huge jump to make to actually construct bombs and mail them. I wonder how long he thought about it before taking his first steps and I need to know what his ideology incorporated.

Might just like exploding people.

After a year of this, you'd think you faggots would have realized it's never antifa. They're impotent degenerates, gay-bashing Dicky Spencer is the peak of the violence they're capable of.

On the Austin bomber. What I think. It's a conspiracy. The bombs were done by small group of agents. The bomber (MK ULTRA victim) was setup when they placed a bomb in his car and exploded when the authorities were closing in on him (they got tipped). The death don't show up in court. Regular patsy. Anybody can become one and this is why it matters to you.

It's the same with the zionist attacks in Europe blamed on the muslims. Police is recruited months or year in advance and when on schedule they pull it. They make sure one of (((them))) is on duty to shoot the terrorist (victim) to bury all the evidence.

After Charly Hebdo the Paris police commisioner in charge of the investigation suicided with his gun in his office. Was the police MKULTRA?

Who else thinks this could be happening and we are tricked in this asymetrical war against our nations by (((the intelligent))) who want us divided and blindly follow their lies so we engage in their desired war on religion, class, gender, color, race.

almond eyes
weak lobes
prominent lower lip
weak chin

idk man

"killed himself"

you mean "was detonated"

He looks semitic tbh

So say it was a white guy… and say he was targeting non-whites for being non-white. Say the media runs with it for 5 years straight and never shuts up about white people blowing up non-whites.
Who cares? People start to wonder why they are being blown up and stumble across a genocide.

Wasn't the shooter who tried to kill those Repub senators Antifa?


Good lord the whole family is batshit crazy.

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Ah, so this is the narrative.

So wearing a loin cloth in the boy scouts does this not home school.

You can bet hes leftist.

Homeschooled too apparently. Such a huge jump to make to actually construct bombs and mail them. I wonder how long he thought about it before taking his first steps and I need to know what his ideology incorporated.


Drumph supporter confirmed.

No but apparently this is what OA does to scouts
t. former BSA.

Homeschooling means sitting your introverted child in front of the radio to listen to Rush Limbaugh for 3 hours a day.

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police was mkultrad by niggers

to make sure patsies die

clown niggers made bombs

clown niggers put bomb in patsies car and call the mkultrad police

So wait, does this mean the larpers… arent larping anymore?

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the usual ordeal

in europe they think muslims bomb themselves

they first drug them

fake belts every time and cops fire 15 rounds

Conditt . com was a thing once. Seems to be gone now.

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No, just a Bernie Bro.

He was a furfag. That's fucking obvious.

wayback machine caught it multiple times

redirects to
amway . com/DaneneConditt

literal soy

Attached Earlobes Say Pedophile

Fake news. The real package bomber lives at 33 west markinson ave in columbus ohio and he is a black nigger like all you you on 8ch

Drives a Buick. License plate in view..

No one gives a shit about his politics in 2012?

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wew all the shills are coming out in this thread.

amway is an MLM scheme. mother was involved. more than likely money trouble.

The joke will be on you when it turns out he was a pedo. Patsy pedo.

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literal schizophrenia.

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eh some shit he had to make for a class it says

I bet he had CP on his computer.


Nice way to datamine.

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and i bet you have more than one psychotropic drug in your bloodstream.

Only if the parents are trash (or kikes), real homeschooling leads kids to be better in life, and just as successful. If they try going after it (like making it illegal) it looks like I'll be breaking the law just to teach my kids. Goddammit…

I dont have a problem with there being an added danger to pedos after they get out of prison, all the more reason to not be a pedo. I think people might think twice if they knew they would have to open all their packages for the next 40 years with a 30 foot pole. This is not an endorsement of terrorism, but we definitely dont need police worrying about it when real crimes are happening, like niggers raping white women.

Fake. This is the real perpetrator.

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inb4 more bombings after this

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