Operation Hushai


Newfag here. Thought I'd let you in on a strategy I think has potential.

I have a few leftist puppet accounts pushing for leftists on twitter to support a 1% tax on white males. The argument is made that ties all of the left's issues which are credible to normies to white privilege.

The purpose is to redirect their efforts from banning assault rifles, background checks, health insurance system improvements, or even poverty relief all to white privilege. Intersectionality - the totem pole of oppression whereby being a weak deviant is a currency - is their weakness. It fractures the left and alienates white liberals.

The notion of a race-specific tax is abhorrent to white normies - even leftist ones - and they will not tolerate it. Highlighting the condition of Detroit schools, etc and the potential revenues from such a tax is too appealing to the more stupid elements of the left. They will not condemn such a tax publicly when it is pressed (unless they are backed into a wall), so it allows their more radical elements to make them disgusting to normies.

There's the undercurrent of the notion of reparations, and the NYT recently published an article arguing that even blacks born into rich families end up worse than whites born into the same families. This is an opportunity.

Make the left commit itself against whites. Ultimately that is what their war is against - they just convince the normies otherwise.

Attached: Capture.PNG (887x213, 19.02K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: okay.png (600x339, 186.66K)

Only good "feminist" is Camille Paglia.

I wouldn't be too sure about that. This feels like irresponsible memeing.

So sock puppet accounts who start memeing this on twitter are automatically outed and come under scrutiny.

You know what's up.
OP's idea is trash anyway, even if she weren't a datamining shill. "White male" taxes already exist in a variety of forms, and "normies" have no problem with them whatsoever, in fact it is White women who demanded them.
etc etc.

Brilliant. It's all been leading up to this anyway. I think it's important to keep (((certain people))) from othering themselves and not being classified as whites with privilege. The DNC has already shown many times that it doesn't like white males, their current leadership has said as much openly. It shouldn't take much of a push to make them commit, and doubling down on a bad idea is now their hallmark.

The DNC is the party of strong women of color, of Kamala Harrises and Tulsi Gabbards and Oprahs. It's Her Turn and white males need to get to the back of the bus until all the demographics are equalized.

Oh look, the shills are worried about this plan.

This is exactly the first thing that came to my mind. They have their eyes on much larger fish and not interested in small fry. There is an organisation in Australia called the "Gender Equity Council" which is not only a lobby group but also gives companies scores on gender inclusiveness. They constantly harass the government over a plan where all successful tenders for government contracts in construction must have 50% females across the organisation.
So if they're successful that's tens of thousands of men who have had their jobs handed over to females. A man faced with the prospect of having no future in the industry he was trained for would gladly take a 1% tax instead.
This is already happening in the west on a large scale as demonstrated in pic.

Attached: spicbridge.jpg (1009x764, 143.72K)

A decent strat I guess.

I don't believe that for a second.

Should we get 4chan on this?

What should the hashtag be?

Spotted the kike

You don't sound new to me. This is subversion through controlled opposition just like the (((pros))) use. Solid strategy.


Attached: Capture.PNG (356x540, 10.54K)


I can never tell who is jewing who in this thread.

Having blacks reee about a tax on white people is a good idea, but why the fuck would you make it 1%? That's tolerable to the normies. You're supposed to meme a 10% or higher tax.

Who is jewing who in this thread?

Would you rather take a 1% tax or be a member of the white male, working class cohort that have had their jobs taken and given to women/niggers/spics? Where are these white, blue collar men supposed to go and find work? Do you think female dominated industries will take them on?
The 1% tax on whites already happened and was rolled into all the white male job losses that came with affirmative action and "gender" parity programs. I wonder what the calculations of the true impact would show? A 5% tax or is it 10 or 15 maybe? Pic related are the 2017 statistics.

Attached: jobtheft.jpg (729x285, 46.29K)

OP is the jew.
Look at the kike name.

This is brilliant.

Op this is fucking good and your analysis is right. Don't let these shills get you down, ive filtered 4 already in thia thread, fire up those soxkpuppetz boys.

i know what you're going for but I'm just oy veying

Sage, reported and called the police

It's an interesting idea but that you just posted just activates my macadamias.


Not an argument.

I still cannot tell if OP was setting up a honeypot or was just an ignorant goy thinking he could walk into the maw of the jew and remain undetected. These are the only recent convos I could find on twitter regarding a tax on white males.

Attached: outkikekikes.jpg (1920x1080, 178.54K)

Somebody took OP's bait.

sounds like….

Attached: wileEcoyote.jpg (500x376, 85.67K)

Go back to half, faggot.

OP is a faggot and this idea is terrible. It shows OPs inability to understand communism in the entire picture. Let me break this down as quickly as possible for you:

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 68.6K)

Never a bad time to bring this up.

Attached: 1521702603729.png (620x528, 100.46K)

What about the Jewish women then?

Just because something invokes jewish mythology doesn't mean it's inherently bad, sometimes it's a good fable for us. I'm not good enough on my bible literature and I searched out the mythology behind the name.



The idea is sound, the tax rate is retarded. It needs to be intolerable, not a meh who cares 1% tax.

Sounds good

This is a good plan, and a lot of us do this anyway.

White privilege is the feminist moby dick, and it will be their undoing. White privilege is the first crack in the feminist wall for the career womyn when they start advancing in corporate America. It undoes their since of accomplishment, and forces their hamster wheel brains to start rationalizing their accomplishments. Women will always abandon a belief if it makes them feel guilty of anything.

Check out the current situation in Australia:

"AUSTRALIAN nurses are pushing back against a change that requires them to “acknowledge white privilege” before treating patients."

“To think that it will help a person with indigenous blood if nurses would acknowledge their ‘white privilege’,” one woman wrote. “This is basically labelling of victims and oppressors by race. How embarrassing for Australia.”