How Hitler was Even More Evil than You Think
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kike free 1st post
kike not free 3rd post
probably right. this thread should be derailed
lol, this needs to be the new first post retardation. don't say anything; just say "kike not free 1st post" heh
just listen to it and see how quickly you turn it off out of disgust. I think I got 5 sec in and he was just so full of shit I couldn't go any longer
Here we go, I guess.
better version
just listen to it and see how quickly you turn it off out of disgust. I think I got 5 sec in and he was just so full of shit I couldn't go any longer
Don't respond to these fools, faggot.
Always remember to sage.
I think I got 5 sec in and he was just so full of shit I couldn't go any longer
Same here. Everything he says is complete bullshit.
That's exactly what happened!
lol, that's low, even for gore, user. c'mon now
wtf are they spamming for? just because I made the joke "checkmate" or because of the title? or, is JP an eceleb. And, if so, I thought Zig Forums was all over eceleb nuts these days
then I shut it off
You're right. Still sageing, but here's one for you.
heh where did this googley-eyed schnoz come from?
imagine being that dude
lol, Zig Forums is getting spammed again. they say they are /fringe/ but that's very doubtful
The OP already has a kike in it, so that’s irrelevant.
She was Zig Forums's Jewess girlfriend for a while last year. Here's her art.
ah no wonder. I was on hiatus for the better part of last year…. wow, what an artist so vivid and insightful heh
Psychology: a language for kikes, by kikes.
Jordan Peterson is married to a Jewess and his home is full of Bolshevik propaganda and occult Satanic spirit cooking costumes:
Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Joe Rogan, Sam Harris, Dave Rubin, Steve Pinker, Jonathan Haidt,etc
Who is managing all these Kike and Shabbos Goy "intellectuals"?
http:// intellectualdark.website/
Jordan Peterson kicked out Faith Goldy out of a free speech event for going on a Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack podcast to discuss her reports from Charlottesville
Audience member called him out on deplatforming and he stumbled over his words
Here's Jordan Peterson refusing to address the JQ when the book 200 years together by Alexander Soltzenizin was brought up at his speaking event
Total lying shill and a gate keeper
Oh and one more thing. Jordan Peterson is a cross dresser and his ugly Jew wife looks like a man
Shit like this is fucking lame
I see worse shit than this at work.
Step your Gore game up user we're trying to drive these cucks out!
What a disgusting woman. She looks like Freddy Kruger.
makes a lot more sense now. disgusting… i mean, the jewess… I can see how a retard who hasn't really looked into it might think Lenin was cool, but how can you sleep with that ugly goat???
grade a post
Your gore folder is very very weak, watch and learn youngster.
its high level brainwashing that they use to make u feel smart.
shut it down
Well, no shit, anyone with more than 2 brain cells already knew this, though on Zig Forums you're always bound to have your "lel he's just hiding his powerlvl guis!" retards, who are totally, absolutely not shills.
For fuck sake, Hitler DID use the Jews as slave labour. Even kiked historians will tell you this, come on Jordan.
Wait, here she looks like Charles Bronson.
Yea, because everything is so un-evil and un-degenerate now that he lost.
Whoever this Petersuckberg is, he can go gas himself.
Come on man, we've asked you to before to stop with this. Please. Have a little decency?
yeah, but this is even beyond that. see:
I mean, he's going all out nutter. But, on the bright side, its shit like this that helps redpill people. once you realize you've been completely lied to, you really wake up
yeah, that's the most perverse thing about it. say what you want about lefty professors, but at least they will say that things are bad now. I mean, its sometimes for stupid reasons, and they always compare it to le ebul nazis, but they'll still complain. this asshole is about as asinine bluepilled as they come
it wouldn't be the first time he's used a fictional story to make a point
Fascism will always be better than NatSoc and you'll accept that when stop crying in time-out.
Every psychology major is a fucking fruitcake. They sign up for PSYCH 101 to sort out their own issues, and they stick around for the feeling of power that allegedly figuring out other people's minds gives them. The worst then go into academia, where they get tenure and spend 50 years babbling about bullshit to undergrads who need a passing grade badly enough to let these nutcases stick a finger in their butts.
If you need some work to overcome a bad habit or destructive tendency, you'll do well with a cognitive-behavioral therapist, whatever their credentials. If you want to understand the human condition, there are scientific psychologists out there who use comparative methods and controlled, blind studies to draw conclusions. But if your former PSYCH major starts yammering about some pet theory in a vacuum tube of a classroom, he's a fake and a lunatic.
Jahan's is looking well.
fad, tbh
all I hear is
No shit, genius.
t. Famous Germtard torpedo with no argument
You know, you could try to be a little subtler, yid.
why is your gore folder a series of pics of the same chubby topless woman.
can you think of anything more disgusting and offensive than (((Lena Dunham)))? Because I can't.
personally, I was so disgusted by her that in order to feel better I had to go here: encyclopediadramatica.rs
i feel like i've seen this exactly reply before
This guy is so boring and lacking in substance. He's not even fun to make fun of or hate, he's just kind of there doing nothing. I don't understand why anybody still talks about this guy.
Lol only confirms further that Nazitards are 20th century paki cultists obsessed with reducing everything to one indifferent dull dominion.(8/10)
The least dishonest not calling him honest, hes wrong about so many thing man in canada with reach, but hangs out with controlled opposition too much to not be one himself.
I wish that I can be alive when the world finally wakes up from all the lies and deceit and realizes, with utter horror, what really happened during the war, if they ever truly found it, every semitic person would be hunted down and exterminated, because no one would stop those who would gladly do so.
Anyone else notice the Hijab?
- - -
best version -
Only real thing he's wrong about is Cain, for it is a mark of Cain to fortify a city and build property lines, implying that communism did no wrong.
Give it up, kike. You can't hide here.
webm pls
>believing a Zig Forums is one person post, especially the lie in it
Return to whatever shithole you came from
The worst part about Jew Peterson is that he has the normalfags that are aligned with the alt-right as an audience. Normalfags are addicted to (((ecelebs))) and these ecelebs are used as a stopgap to prevent normalfags from becoming truly aware of the jew problem - to prevent them from becoming truly free of the jewish illusion. Ecelebs are unfortunately the current best way to reach large audiences of normalfags but are almost always owned by a jew.
The dynamic that jewish owned ecelebs follow is what the jews learned from the fallout of gamergate. While they subdued gamergate by causing to implode from falling for the PR trap, they learned that they could use SJWs as a scapegoat. To them, seeing the sjw and assorted anti-sjw people clash is another encapsulation of whites infighting. Mocking SJWs has become the containment of the right and they are still in the midst of damage control. Ultimately they cannot contain the whites in the bread and circus of SJW mockery so they're pushing forward in desperate measures to fight on other fronts.
What this means is that the current situation with ecelebs is tricky but tenuous as far as jewish control goes. A Zig Forums-tier eceleb could easily sweep up the normalfag audience and expose the jewish controlled ones as frauds. The jews would probably rush to replace their current ones, but jews are few and so are reliable puppets. No matter what means the jews have to carry out jewry, they can only do it so much without ruining the illusion. Aside from that, though they appear to have many under their control, they can only acquire so many puppets. They will run out of puppets, and this is why jews have to step in and show their disgusting faces - which betrays them once people see them as not whites.
Cheating is "success" now is it?
Okay, let's make that a two-way street and see how they fare.
Cheats only prosper when everyone else plays by the rules.
So, let's stop playing by the rules. Use the kike playbook instead.
All that jewish "success" will evaporate in an instant.
This. kikes are the ones who hate a level playing field.
The absolute state of Nazi masterminds.
His shitposting is almost top notch, but he wandered into the "pretending to be retarded" region just a tad too much.
8/10, would gas again
I'm sure you'll get the chance.
(((Individualists))) : Not even once.
sage is for OP's shit thread.
checkmate faggot
Jordan is controlled op, but you're an idiot if you think the things he's saying there are mutually exclusive. To the extent that a person can be molded, most of it is done in childhood. That's why the kikes want our kids in government schools.
That was England. Liquidated their whole Empire to bomb Europe into oblivion.
Fascinatingly hideous; truly a curiosity of malformed flesh.
How fucking new are you?
Is it bad that I just want to punch her fat stomach to see if it would inflate her tits?
looks like you are projecting, jew. maybe you should look for ANY archaeological evidence of the supposed jewish "exodus" from egypt instead of proclaiming that other people have no history.
how new are you?
well, I think its more a difference of the sort of "normal" socialization that goes on, indeed must go on, in human groups as opposed to this thought that everything is socialized therefore if I don't like something then I just need more control over society. There's a difference between teaching young boys not to kick and hit and making people [put your favorite PC topic here]. But, yeah, you're right to point out that its not necessarily mutually exclusive
Rofl Kike. We are students of MK and know exactly what Hitlers intentions were from his own mouth. He was a loving kind man who sacrificed everything for the love of his race. Go gas yourself, get 5,999,999 of your butt buddies to do the same, and then you can actually say 6mil of ur filthy Edomite asses were gassed and not be lying anymore.
He says way more positive things about Hitler though. Carefully, but he does. And he is a strong believer that evil is normal and proper for all humanity. His point in this lecture if one watched the entire thing, was that we are all evil, we are all Hitler, and we should embrace it instead of running from it and virtue signalling that we arent.
I haven't read the thread but this is probably another one of those that would make a Yellowstone explosion warranted again.
Fuck off with this shit.
By this logic the Japaneses leadership wanted the mayhem of the nuke.
Even going by the official story of the holocaust, the mass killing only took place after trying to resettle them outside of Germany.
That depends on whether you want to live like an inuit. Hand to mouth and with ethnic strangers. Does the left also accept this argument when used against redistribution?
Makes more sense now. Free yourself from christian morality. It's fake and gay.
t. every Canadian ever
Fuck this crypto kike.
what the fuck is he even saying here
He's desperately begging to be let into the approved corral by his masters.
Peterson is a faggot. But the comment section is a lot of fun. It's half "Hitler did nothing wrong" and half "Oy vey these racist Nazi trolls are questioning the holocaust!"
The assumption that whites are upset with Jews for being "successful" is roughly as retarded as thinking white people are upset with niggers for raping because whites themselves can't get sex.
It should be clear from that alone that the guy is either compromised or always was a kike stooge.
I'll just leave this here.
Sage because another failed anti-peterson thread.