Well, I'll be donating what little I can. I hope you guys can lend a hand as well.

Attached: What-Islam-Has-to-Offer.jpg (552x553, 32.96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping for interest

Bump with link.

Sure OP, I'll do your job for you.

I tossed ten shekels their way. Godspeed, Swedes. You can do this. Never give up.

Attached: IMG_9093.JPG (600x450, 69.29K)

Have a bump. I don't have any ties to Sweden, but I do have sympathy for my blonde haired, blue eyed brethren, I wish them all luck.

That's crazy high. Swedes are what, 60% of the population?

Attached: swedestan.jpg (835x960, 165.16K)

Is accelerationism the only way for Gondor now? Is there a King Under the Mountain that can be invoked?

Certainly beats Kosher Jimmy and his Sweden "immigrants can be Swedes" Democrats

you're mixing the books


The King under the Mountain is a hope of dying peoples. Not once has it done anyone any good. Not the Brits, not the Byzantines, not the Natsoc remnants. Don't let your dreams be story motif memes.
Do not pray for salvation, but fashion it from blood and iron.


you missed /zundel/?

You missed the first post by a good margin there, Shekelstein.

I can’t rule everything, and not without support.

The King is the sovereign you support to push your image forward, not a savior. He is there merely to speak and organize the nation into something coherent, not dictate or act in self interest.

Exactly. When a king is beneath the mountain, or upon a misted island, or gone over seas with words of returning, the figurehead becomes an impossible saviour.
We've got one to much chagrin, however sarcastic it might be. "Dude just wait for Hitler"

The lefties may just have that global community they have been clamoring for. It won't be the one they wanted but it will be the one they need. Fear not, the earth pig is coming to wipe out the semite filth. kek

Attached: Orrible Cunt.gif (398x425 13.7 KB, 27.48K)

Voting isn't going to work. There are too many shitskin parasites and batikhäxa(crazy cat ladies.) The Swedish (((media))) is 100% judeo-Marxist propaganda.
The only thing that can save Sweden is civil war.

How does that happen if no one says anything?

Attached: Free Hugs.jpg (837x1000, 171.05K)

Cross-posting some graphics from the /sweg/ thread.

Attached: afs logo.png (1123x748 125.98 KB, 522.14K)

Trying to meme a boost here, but my ideas so far need work at best.

Attached: afs landscape.png (1280x960 97.72 KB, 1.05M)

Sounds like the Zig Forums party.

Attached: nationalist internationale.png (642x93, 9.64K)

I will bump because I want to visit Sweden
without dirty mudslimes and shitskins blowing the streets up.

At the first moment they feel the pressure lifts away, they will betray all the help received because racism.

Best help is lettting them enjoy their utopia.
Enjoy getting raped Sweden.


In all honesty I wouldn't live in Sweden, even if they paid me those big social handouts.
I lived in Czech Republic for a while and couldn't get over the fucking coldness of the winter there.
Now this country is cold as fuck and the sun is nowhere to be found for half of a year.
And now we've got shitskins that have never ever seen snow or even experienced temperatures under 15 living almost a stone throw to the polar circle with regular -30 temperature in winter.

Any civil war that would break out would end in a month due to shitskins freezing to death in their locked out cities while the natives go out huntin' into the Zone for shitskins and giggles.

Attached: d97a7d3c8200e04dbc52134cfaca7163a66f7e39e02e36dcc6bd795d32a9618e.jpg (357x379, 16.18K)

Why? So everyone else can think we have safety nets and cause all of europe to think like them until its too late?

We need to focus on those not yet lost. Sweden is harvesting its diseased crop, someone has to burn to show the rest of the normalfags why this is bad.

Attached: QohDoaO.jpg (640x640, 212.38K)

sorry swedebros.


The prospect of Sweden being saved has gone beyond the ballot box. It’s violence or turn to an Religion of Cuck™ic theocracy from here on out.

samefag'd yourself into oblivion, my dude

can't believe AfS have not been shut down yet, they are quite literally pol. Not only are they openly calling for deportation of non-swedes, but they are actually calling the controlled opposition (SD) for controlled opposition.

Noone believes a fully democratic solution is possible in Sweden, but there are certainly advantages to letting the non-cuckservatice, non-communist parties have even a single representative in congress, or whatever similar system they have in Swedistan.

Further, supporting AfS and supporting the Afrikaner give equally good return of time-investments (ie, one does not comprise the other), simply because letting countries and cities go silently into the night accomplishes nothing. Whenever the jewish press are able to completely ignore a genocide that is to their advantage (Germanics-post-war, Brazil, Rhodesia, Yugoslavia, Myanmar, London, France, Yazidis, Detroit, etc, etc) they do. Better to make some noise, even if the hope for success in that particular geographic area is slim to none.

See supporting AfS as spitting on the jewish press.

Attached: 1521658110828.jpg (490x750, 58.36K)

All but 2 of those are morally justifiable and exist in any healthy society.


Those 16% are only those that are born outside of sweden. If you include 2nd generation immigrants Swedes are only 70% of the population. Add jews, gypsies etc and swedes are 65% of the population. That is not as bad as it sounds since a large part of these 35% are the offspring of north euro immigrants, mostly finns. Racially I would say that Sweden is approximatively 80% genetically european. The racial and demographic change goes much faster in Sweden than in USA and its picking up speed so I think the next ten to twenty years are going to be very exciting in a not so positive way.


Civil war will be accelerated by giving ourguys a voice and platform dumbass.

Accelerationism doesnt work if you don't spark the push back

Have a bump.
If you can donate, then do it. If whites don't start standing together, we will be divided and murdered piecemeal, history has shown us this many, many times. And never forget, YOU are the REAL minority on this world, less than 18% of the population, with all the white kindred combined.
If you can't afford to send money, then at least spread this website across all your social media (but I think you could scrape up 10 bucks, at least…hell, don't eat for 3 days, or something).

If whites can take back Sweden, they can take back anyplace. Let's get the snowball rolling, and frustrate the Jews to no end. Just imagine, almost 60 years of sneaking, undermining, and lying, wiped out in a few short elections…they'll be having fucking fits.

Attached: asgard-490x207.jpg (490x207, 24.91K)

Just want to add, though.
Has anyone checked out the legitimacy of the website?
It's a donorbox site, best to make sure the AfS is actually in charge of it.
Swedebros? Make a phone call.

Its not only about voting its about cutting the traitors shekels and monopoly. Nobody will resist if they think they have no hope and no chance to win.

This. It's the same reason Americans own guns. If you don't have an armed camp to defect to, you won't defect, you'll just knuckle under and accept the boot on your throat.

Swedes need to know they can rise up and somebody has their back, that their traitor-government doesn't have a lock on political power, and CAN be taken down.

Can't find any numbers, but looking at their contact information I found their official twitter which retweeted one of the AfS members directly linking to the site in OP.

Attached: afs.png (1598x745, 309.82K)

I think Sweden is more saveable than the UK. Yes they’re in a bad spot but they do have Nordfront doing great things

Why live?

Attached: Pepe Sad.jpg (500x486, 103.71K)

AFS shilling is reaching new levels. Now they're begging for shekels from anons. AFS haven't even done anything yet. They basically announced that they exist, and that's it.

What have YOU done yet?
Yea, I thought so.

This is actually starting to make me think its a Swedish government controlled OP designed to stop self defense patrols in no-go areas and non-political forms of defending from white genocide. Its not like they will ever be elected, and if they were, the army would throw a coup to enforce anti-discrimination laws, and thats if the EU doesnt block it - which they already said they would block any far right party elected by Europeans and install the #2 who wasnt far right instead.


were they just founded? they are late, the AfD had five years or so to prepare for national parlament and they still had not enough candidates to be represented properly.

I'm not really following your argument, activists going out protecting citizens and shit are going to stop doing that at a moments notice just because a new political party has been formed? I don't see the correlation at all.

I understand that the manifesto might not be available in English but they're not suggesting anything crazy regarding immigration that isn't already done by countries like Denmark and Norway among others.
What have you read about their policies that leads you to believe the army or even the EU would get involved?

I'm not going to throw any money their way but after reading through all of their shit I'm mostly in favor of what they claim to also be in favor of.

Attached: 33cbe56c222e69b07cb746535a3740fd1b86f30250c6b6ff5ca345170e9e0934.jpg (489x960, 55.47K)

Give pacifists a peaceful (non viable) "option" and they will choose it. Leave them no choice and they will seek alternative routes. Violence breaks out when the people who already have a pre-formed revolutionary group decide that its time to say "we have no choice". They prepare long before they make the open declaration.

I really have a problem with not replying a full post in one post.
Oh and:
Then they wont stop white genocide and are irrelevant. IF they go beyond their mandate once elected, which they wont be because the media will run them through the traditional Swedish "Nazi" propaganda gauntlet
pic related

Attached: EU-Cracks-Down-On-Democratic-Countries-Vote-Autocratic-Communist-Government-Installed-EU-Now-North-Korea-Tier.PNG (1529x388, 93.09K)

Yes, I see understand this argument but at the same time people partaking in political activism of different types will not stop until they see the problem they're working against go away. You can hope the government will get fixed by replacing the current one and still work on other plans.

That's not an issue since they plan on leaving the EU anyway. It's not like the EU army is going to storm our parlament and take everyone hostage after killing the evil nazis.

I'm just going to shit out some bullet points I remember from reading it, I'm mostly focusing on anti immigration but they also support free speech and are anti censorship (which is very unusual for Sweden).

How can you leave the EU once elected if the EU blocks you from being elected… Cart before the horse bud. As for the people already partaking in political activism of different types as you said, this removes the foundation beneath them. No operations guys can survive without the auxiliary support from the population. They have to be prepared to see change, even if they arent all willing to directly go to the extreme.
It reminds me of pic related. Its a bit blurry but its a "white supremacist pyramid". The teacher was saying if they remove the foundation beneath it - the indifference, the "centrists" and moderate normies who just kinda hate being told they are nazis, then the actual far right crumbles like a house of cards for lack of support from the rest of the population. There is at least a grain of truth to that. The… white nationalist.. is like a fish and the population is his water. We need white people to not be hostile to us for us to operate effectively, and yet we must still be effective in our course of action.
So - a moderate do-nothing party is probably not the solution in Sweden, but an escalation of anger and outrage by the public with a sense of complete disregard by the government for their safety and desires. Thats when white genocide ends.

Attached: white-supremacy-class.PNG (1552x767, 1.2M)

Holy shit, this thread filled up with shillposts overnight. Fuck you kikes, Sweden will be saved from the niggers whether you like it or not.

Oh hush, you - dont give me a dream for my boner…

Attached: 1385801254440.png (500x444, 61.63K)

>Sweden Democrats





>Above all, though, Ekeroth said Jews should support the Sweden Democrats because “it is the best friend that Israel has got in Swedish politics, where is doesn’t have too many friends.”

Side note:


Good to see the confirmation that
groups are Zionist-controlled fronts.
The strategy, in a nutshell, as described in that last article:

Seen this style before, controlled opposition.
Picture related.
This is from the same group that's putting out all of the pictures where the eyes of Whites are crossed out and blinded by a rectangular banner with words on it.
Same meme also found in "Red Ice" thread.
Simple shekel-grab and dox of sympathizers.

Attached: red_ice.jpg (552x553 121.75 KB, 95.41K)

AFS already have a member in parliament, an important politician from Swedish Democrats joined them after a couple of days. It's only been two weeks and they might be getting into parliament already with serious support and already have people in place.

AFS is the former youth party of Swedish Democrats, they have been planning on this for many years and are very well prepared. They were forcefully removed from the main party due to being "too radical".

Its really ironic that nationalists all around the world are building better global communities then the left ever could…

Probably one of "our" general generation of 20's-30's. Facelessness is very much a cultural identifier of gen Y to Z. It may as well be part of fashwave aesthetics at this point.
Pigtails though, that's unique. That's someone's personal preference for sure.

Attached: ed1.png (550x400, 21.27K)

You got a problem with twintails?

It's been severely fetishized, and of these last few decades are seemingly exclusive to black communities. I can see why it would raise a red flag

SD is controlled opposition
They haven't made any noise in years despite the situation being worse then ever. They also purged anyone wanting change from the party.

Attached: sverige demokraterna judar.png (4766x3957, 4.52M)


Attached: oven gif.gif (518x509, 173.16K)

Thought so. Gave it away when they reached out to Trump supporters for help.


Joshua Moon, everybody.(Posting disinfo)

Attached: 1002935702353.PNG (1747x657 237.48 KB, 39.1K)

Fuck off Fag Anglin

You can't download a person

Attached: smug 392.png (500x313, 28.37K)

Stand still motherfucker

Attached: maxresdefault-2.jpg (1280x720, 223.9K)

waifus are better than people

Attached: keikaku taqiya.png (600x600, 158.65K)

Use the funds to give me a flamethrower, an MP7 and a place for early retirement so I can play video games for the rest of my life. Sandnigger problem will get fixed in a weekend.

Only a kike like you would say that.

I'm starting to like where this is going.

My GF likes Red Ice and Generation Identity. I've never paid any attention to either.

Why do you think we're supporting them?



Silly Jew.

Strange thing, it ranks 14th in HDI right now. You sure that table is correct user?

The HDI measurements are somewhat flawed in how they rank things, mainly because they didn't take into account the Inequality adjustments in regards to access to Health, Education and Income (This isn't lefty talk just bear with me).
In short the standard HDI took the average of everything in order to put a statistical number on how developed a country is. However statistical averages are very dependent on the extremes of both ends. A number of people who get the best of everything tend to skew the number upwards in developed countries who offer adequate education, healthcare and a minimum wage.
Adjusting for the inherent inequality in education, healthcare and income that the very rich enjoy (in short cutting the top 1% off the statistics) gives a proper picture on how the average john doe of a country compares to someone else.
The old HDI projections didn't take this into account and as such the elite of a country tended to push the average a few steps above its proper place.

You are talking about a country that doesn't acknowledge foreign criminality and who have been repeatedly caught fiddling with the books.

Duh, I put things in reverse

You are talking about a country that doesn't acknowledge foreign criminality and who have been repeatedly caught fiddling with the books.

The HDI measurements are somewhat flawed in how they rank things, mainly because they didn't take into account the Inequality adjustments in regards to access to Health, Education and Income (This isn't lefty talk just bear with me).

In short the standard HDI took the average of everything in order to put a statistical number on how developed a country is. However statistical averages are very dependent on the extremes of both ends. A number of people who get the best of everything tend to skew the number upwards in developed countries who offer adequate education, healthcare and a minimum wage.

Adjusting for the inherent inequality in education, healthcare and income that the very rich enjoy (in short cutting the top 1% off the statistics) gives a proper picture on how the average john doe of a country compares to someone else.

The old HDI projections didn't take this into account and as such the elite of a country tended to push the average a few steps above its proper place.

this makes no sense. What shekels and what dox? These are just similar pics. E-lab-or-8 m8.

Attached: 1521956219600.png (488x1483, 378.25K)

This makes me erect.

All it means is they'll get coopted by Zionists faster.


You're and idiot

I read that the Front National want the same thing, hope we'll make it

You're retarded. Twintails tsundere is one of the most basic modern japanese archetypes. You'd know that if you were actually from here.

Hasn't Sweden imported enough AIDS already?


You never heard of Pippi Longstocking (Pippi Långstrump). It is a popular kids show from Sweden. Look it up.

….. donation shekels and dox by signing up to donate, you dimwit. try and keep up, k hun?

What we should be working on is an Alternative for America, Sweden can sort its own shit out

Attached: 1465731816565.jpg (600x315, 44.97K)

I'll give them a couple dollary doos, as an amusement. I think they're fucked, but let's see what their last gasp is and maybe the slight-off chance they somehow save themselves and the west.