Trump taps John Bolton as National Security Advisor
Effective 4/9
RIP in peace this thread
Trump taps John Bolton as National Security Advisor
Effective 4/9
RIP in peace this thread
Knew he was coming in some capacity but replacing that scumbag McMaster is huge. Trump is gearing up for war.
Dude, replacing him with John Bolton is a million times worse. John Bolton is a Bill Kristol tier neocon.
Hopefully not with Iran, I'd cheer the Republic's death if this were the case. Christ the blackpill is starting to gnaw at me. Getting rid of McFagsters is great but John fucking Bolton?
Open Syria war and Iran war here we come.
Huge meaning we're going to war.
Well, there goes any hope I had for Trump. This is officially another neo-cohen administration.
Kikes were the loudest voices calling for McMaster's removal, it isn't a good thing.
Don't forget Best Korea. Bolton wrote an op-ed arguing for a first strike against them last month.
I wonder what the fuck this means.
He ignores them whenever he feels like it. There won't be any war with Syria or Iran if Trump doesn't want one, regardless of anything Bolton says.
Never said it was. Probably should have used a different word.
Thank god, McMaster was not friendly enough to the Jews. Baysed
Why would Trump appoint an Israel-firster like Bolton if he didn't want war with the enemies of the jews?
Pressuring NK instantly springs to mind. And you do know what an advisor is, right user?
Exactly. McMaster wasn't perfect, but he was not a full on Israel-firster. The people trying to get him removed were Breitbart and Bannon and their Zionist lackeys like Cernovich.
Lmao it’s okay to surround yourself with neocons if it’s Trump that’s doing it. I’m SURE this isn’t a prelude to another War for Israel(USER WAS BANNED FOR CROSSING THE LINE BETWEEN CRITICISM AND FAGGOTRY)
With this and the fucking omnibus, I'm off the trump train. I will now vote straight demon and pray for the quick destruction of the US.(Time to vote Democrat, fellow nazis!)
This. What Zig Forums doesn't realize and forgets is that McMaster was a pro-Religion of Cuck™ globalist. He was the one who kicked all the nationalists out of the NSA. McMaster was the swamp
this will unironically be the best outcome for both Whites in the US and the rest of the world
Pretty much. Europe is the only hope for the white race. America needs to be killed.(Flagrant d&c)
Nationalists like Ezra Cohen Watnick?
Another good day for g-d’s chosen!
To be replaced by Dina Powell aka Mrs. Goldman Sachs?
War with North Korea
War with Iran
War with Syria
War with Russia
56% neokike causes the third fucking world war and end of western civilization
Speaking off, Mike was the first to report it.
You mean Ivanka the convert's friend?
Yes goyim, you need pro-Israel globalists instead XD
Bolton is an anti-EU, anti-globalist to the extreme. He is also very loyal to Trump so he won't backstab him like McMaster did
Yup, McMaster was the one who put her in
Are you fucking kidding me? He is the biggest neocon in existence.
Thernovich is gonna ride this for all its worth, he's been after McMaster since Day 1
Shills This Week:
Shills Next Week:
Shills the Week After:
Jesus fuck.
Do you even know what Neoconservativism is you retard? The definition of being a Neocon is someone who wants to force Democracy on a country down the barrel of a gun.
Bolton is anti-EU because he doesn't want a relatively unified Europe. It has very little to do with the nature of the current EU apart from ready-made talking points.
West Europe could be saved if not for (((international pressure))) from America. They are still not too far gone. Most are still 90% European, which is what America was even at its whitest.
Feeling mildly concerned
Wasn't Bolton tight with the Bush clan, why would Trump want their sloppy seconds?
The shills are using the Jew tactic now to turn us against Trump. Its more and more evident
do you even understand (((why))) the US is hostile to Iran?
Bolton actually likes Trump and seems pretty loyal to him.
Why Bolton?
Bush's 3rd Term
That's some good bait there user.
Yes, for the same reason you cum gurgling shills assured us of the impending Drumpfwars in Venezuela, Syria, Russia, Best Korea, blah blah blah.
All of Trumps replacements over the last few weeks all point towards an aggressive stance:
Toensing/DiGenova for Dowd
Pompeo for Tillerson
Haspel as CIA head
Bolton for McMaster
>do you even understand (((why))) the US is hostile to Iran?
or why the US does anything.
Lets be honest Tillerson fucking sucked
A CIAnigger if there ever was one
McDipshit should have been gassed but Bolton as a replacement? Trump better be doing this as a signal to the GOP to turn over the wall funding or something.
Fucking Bolton.
He was also claiming the "deepstate" was trying to block Bolton.
Pompeo was a fucking state rep before Trump appointed him as acting CIA director.
But he was removed because he supported the Iran deal, and replaced with a hardline Israel-firster.
-Worked under Reagan & Bush.
-Has advocated a strike first policy with NK.
I wonder if that Reagan-loving aut-kike retard Ricky Vaugn is celebrating this?
Makes me think it's a possible setup to get a ball buster for the NK meeting, get the fuck out of the Iran deal and then fire him when his usefulness is up. A Mooch.
Who can know these things though?
Only positive in all of this is war is unpredictable.
Extremely high chance of escalation with Bolton.
So we can have a BASED jewish war with Iran?
Best case scenario is that he's another Mooch
Better doing stuff indoors than outdoors it seems all eyes are on him. Pump out stuff about Iraq and how he should not deal with US the same way.
It doesn't have to come to that.
I guess we know which path we're taking to Persia.
Nigger, there's no reason to oppose the Iran deal other than "muh greatest ally", and they made it very clear what they want to happen.
Punished Bolton? A man denied total war.
Breitbart is happy it seems.
this meme again?
that was money owed to Iranians after the US freezed assets
Tells you all you need to know. They've been trying to out him since day one.
You're reading too much Kikebart, user.
It's almost as if the most pro-Israel media outlet in the US isn't really interested in putting America First.
Fuck their assets. The Religion of Cuck™ic revolutionaries that took over Iran are fucking commies. Fuck commies and fuck and fuck muslims. Iran may hate Israel but that does not make Ahmed my friend.
You're ingesting to much arab spunk.
Source this please.
If you hate commies so much, why are you embracing Trotskyite foreign policy?
Oh but it will when they get false flagged.
Bannon went on for hours about how people call Breitbart, Kikebart and even boasting about it. "we love Israel!" & "I'm a christian zionist"
Imo if Iran gives up their nuclear program then Pissrael should too
Fuck commie mooslims. They won't see a fucking dime.
Oh no, not another air field! kek.
fireworks this weekend
Iran doesn't have nukes (probably a bad thing for them at this point)
A fact they should begin broadcasting more often when the US sets their sights on them.
What they do have is Russias backing.
So NK has chinas backing and Iran has Russias backing. Ya this will end well.
Should have voted for Hillary. At least we wouldn't be going to war with Iran & Russia within the next few years under her leadership. Trump is another neocon stooge(>Should have voted for Hillary)
I don't like Bolton but I didn't like McMaster either and I don't trust either of them.
So "globalist" was never a codeword for "jew", but for someone who isn't dedicated enough to Israel.
Imagine telling a normie that Hitler was a hero because he tried to stop people like Bannon long ago. Instant nutjob categorization.
Meant to post this.
ur stupid putin and trump are buddies
Instead she would have flooded the country with even more spics and went full out for your guns. At least thats been delayed by a few years.
That might be for the better. Maybe people will finally realize that we aren't going to vote out ZOG.
He can't do anything about it not if he surrounds himself with neocons and everyone in congress hates Russia
she would have died before her term was over probably
like he cares what congress wants
INB4 he gets fired in four days
In the long run, we probably would be getting the same shit no matter who won. They're both puppets of the same cabal of kikes.
Earlier this month, Jared Kushner hosted Haim Saban, Hillary's primary puppetmaster, to celebrate the slaughter of goyim at a Purim feast.
Hey mod, please clarify what language is too spicy because tons of normal posters got banned ITT for things that weren't bannable offenses in my opinion.
Anything RenTech doesn't like.