Brit/pol/ #2789: Kim-Joy Edition

Love her lads.
Simple as.

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Shit edition

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for ginnie

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cba tbh

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GCHQ is on the retreat lads

lel @ the filtergore

smell like poo tbh

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its not funny

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'ate nazbols me

Whats going on with >>>/lippe/?

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god I love pearl jam

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Will Zig Forums ever be fixed?

kek is that a joke?

krauts getting BTFO again

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lads mummy gretchen isn't even going to stop the evil leaf oil pipeline through the great lakes like she said she would

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At least i included links when i made one smh lad

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All the shit lassies do to make themselves look attractive only makes them look like shite smh. Lassies have no taste

Wonder if they have good personalities?

god I hate how they paint themselves up and dress like sluts. all of them would look 10x better in modest dress

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Shake my damn head, lads

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haven't bathed all month tbh, I reek

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blumpf is so boring now tbh

Sick of boomer Drumpf and boomer Nige. Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad has marked the beginning of a new era of e-celeb politics


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I don't get it, were they just unarmed before?

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>i will never choke her while she calls me a bad goy

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Order from left to right, based only on face
1st lass - forest dryad
2nd lass - goblin
3rd lass - elf
4th lass - pixie
5th lass - gnome
6th lass - village lass

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lasses today complain about men not committing to them but if all you are is a pair of giggly bums in yoga pants there is nothing to commit to. you have to have some level of subtlety to hide your lack of personality if you don't have a personality. also how they act boorish to mask their female vulnerability because of media brainwashing when their mothers and grandmothers earned their husbands by appearing vulnerable so the man could fulfill a need (part of male personality). modern lasses (maenads) are the perfect example of how bad the brainwashing is

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yeah its just bluster, he will suck the cock of the mexicans to get money for the isrealies


They do?

yeah emcel

last time I looked, you do it at every conceivable turn.

Where will we go, lads?

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behind the ears between the thighs beneath the balls and inside the penis walls thats where the butter is made

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I changed my mind tbh Im a white supremacist now, whites seem to be the only race that doesn't seem eager to race mix tbh, all other races see us as an upgrade

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You think lasses have two arses?

libby custer was 2qt

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each bum is connected into the butt and in the middle poo comes out

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Some of them look like they do tbh

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Kek. They do it pretty much constantly. Shamelessly invoking and exploiting guilt is the principle tactic of the yid. It's what comes from being a race of narcissistic females. They don't have any capacity to self-reflect.

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Are you sure you aren't romanticising a bit? If you had a wife as a working stiff in the 1850's she'd be a worn out burlap sack by 32.

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No lad. 'Bum' refers to the whole of the arse (both cheeks).

Choose wisely

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does anyone else take a shit on the toilet and become disgusting by the world while doing it, like my desire to do anything or be near anyone is very intense while shitting, I also imagine all the qt lasses dropping a long streak while I'm doing it and it makes me lose all sexual desire and make me hate them but then when I'm finished I'm back to normal

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All I know it my victorian ancestors where all horse faced and tired looking when they'd finally scraped enough together to get a family photo.

Marry the donkey, fuck the commie and kill the muslim


kill myself

did they have weak jaws?

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shag the indian lass kill malala and marry AOC

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No opt out clause suicide just means you shag all three in hell.

No, that's one thing none of my family has a problem with.

It's true, lad. No matter how much of a yank you want to be about it. Also, since when did yanks even use the word 'bum' to mean anything other than tramp? Is this another example of yanks stealing our language?

yeah its a reminder that you should read the neoplatonists and realize there is more to the world than materialism

shocking tbh

petersen is a leaf

Isn't Peterstien a leaf?

Marry spic,fuck Sarkar and the dogs can have the muslima for tea

This but AOC and baste Aryan switched.

I know, but they're the same bloody thing.

the gnome with the big tits?

marry are paki
kill the muzo

no of all the anglophonic countries aus is like the cool chad son who plays football and is popular at school, the US is like the edgy problem kid with daddy issues and leaf is the type A kid who wants to become an accountant when he grows up

Tbf the leafs have a large self contained vascular that the yanks haven't appropriated along with their own slang. I just see the other anglophone countries tied more closely to us than the yanks tbh.

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Smh still did not let a single unchristian thought enter my mind.


did you get a whiff

except for now those pics should show the US as a fat heroin addict who is in a walmart employee shirt, leaf should look the same, AUS should have loads of tattoos and be married to a gook

dentist assistant bends her fat arse over next to your face so you can see the bobbles on her manky leggings

i still would

Braaaps are Satans perfume lad

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Two clearly sculpted cheeks lid. Basically nude.