Burgers, yes!
On any given day, 20% of Americans account for nearly half of U.S. diet-related greenhouse gas emiss
this thread has the same purpose as google news, to make Whites feel guilty for the state if the world when it is not our fault. the third world craetes most of the pollution and is responsible for most of the plastic in the ocean.
Good, fuck muh global warming.
This shit is retarded. You global warming fucks are going to be fucked over pretty bad over the next 25 year years. We are entering a grand solar minimum that correlates to the Dalton and Maunder Minimums.
The only thing you need to watch is solar irradiance. w/m^2, earths albedo, & cosmic rays. solar & earth magnetospheres.
If the atmosphere was $10,000, the amount of CO2 is $0.04. Yes CO2 can absorb and re-emit A PART of the infared spectrum, but that is dependent on solar output as well.
tldr; It's the sun dummies.
BTW, the whole "greenhouse effect" was based on Venus.
Venus has BROWN clouds. Earth has WHITE. This is a huge difference. It's why there is no greenhouse effect on Earth. If that could happen, it would have happened millions of years ago and we wouldn't exist.
sage for slide
Are (((they))) pushing to tax beef and push a fag soyboy diet?
Yes. Making non-jews eat insects is also part of their degradation of others.
They already changed trademark to "climate change" to be safe. They can flip flop any numbers of times if necessary. Solutions would be the same with any climate.
Methane is the actual important greenhouse gas which can fuck things up. The kikes never mention it though. Gassy faggots.
Pretty sure this what beef runt is about.
Pretty much.
Global warming is a hoax and bad science you stupid fucking kike.
I'd love to get into how eating meat is ethically, spiritually, and physically morally bankrupt in this thread but I'd be call a faggot.
You are a faggot
I had milk-fed veal tonight.
Are you mentally fucking slow? Also you can be assures that 20% consists mostly of black and brown people, being as they're by and far the fattest people in the country. Most of our immigrants come from Mexico. Mexico is an overall fatter country, and Mexicans are the fattest demographic in the US.
You have absolutely no comprehension whatsoever for how evolution works…
>Are (((they))) pushing to tax beef and push a fag soyboy diet?
It feels like just yesterday when beef jerky was half the price it is these days. Better times…
I don't even argue the environmental issue anymore, I argue the corporate issue. Leftie faggots agitate for further regulations here, chasing industry into the unregulated third world, producing a larger output of C02, stifling growth in small business and giving incentive to monopolization, and increasing the bottom line of corporations. I've begun to call lefties corporate shills. You can pretty much link their agitation for government overreach in all sectors of society to some sort of corporate growth, increase in the wealth gap etc. Turn their talking points right back on them in a way they can't argue against.
True. Even water is a bigger IR absorber/emitter than CO2 and we are dumping huge amounts in the atmosphere from hydrocarbon combustion.
True. They are shilling for a global revenue stream for unelected bureaufags. ( Carbon Tax ). I wonder how many carbon credits we would have to purchase for our mitochondria producing all the co2 we exhale. lel
Some may call you a faggot. I just think of you as one of those gays. Basically a titty free woman with a missing pussy.
Industrial farming kills more animals than you realize. Meat eaters are actually more humane. The meat from a single elk can last a long fucking time.
People should stop thinking about this food shit in terms of plants/animals. It's really about the quality and density of the macro & micro nutrients. We have depleted our soils so much, that, eating plants exclusively, is going to result in malnutrition.
Properly prepared animal meat (game or ethically farmed) is the winner.
It's even better, when you factor in anti-nutrients that plants produce, that most people either fail to remove/inactivate.
Imagine living through an ice age, on fucking plants. It's not a coincidence that farming appeared in the archaeological record at the exact time our current interglacial began.
SO what your saying is the great white north will become temperate and all the brown will toast near the equator? Fantastic!!
Veal, lamb, foreskins, it's all the same to you.
Please leave.