When have you realized that all Brazilian problems could be solved by simply putting back the imperial family back in power and returning us to being a constitutional monarchy with the 1824 constitution? The Emperor back then had the power to depose anyone that is a traitor to the nation or over morality issues and would fight with all of his power to ensure our culture and our traditional values while moralizing the elites towards our future. I mean even Japan made an anime homage to D. Pedro II
Monarchy Restoration is the Only Solution to Brazil
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Is there anyone currently in Brazill that is assured to righteously act as an emperor in that manner?
The only solution is to get rid of all the nonwhites.
Um yeah, I think Brazil is a lost cause. At least SA might have a chance to fight for its survival, "White" Brazilians will never.
Didn't the Bush family buy a ton of land in Brazil a while back?
monarchy didn't work out so well for britain
a dictatorship would work out better with the right dictator, but who would go about doing it?
You can't just change the system like that, tho. Also you are hoping the Emperor would be less corrupt than every other leader we had in the recent past, which sounds optimistic.
It would at least be easier to control some specific situations (like in Rio de Janeiro, or the ridiculous amount of corruption that we end up finding out) but if the Emperor did it, we would have no way to fight it.
IIRC the royal family lineage still exists but they had to sign away their power/claims.
Patagonia not Brazil right about the time they thought some one would blow the whistle on 911 and Mena Arkansas.
So, what the fuck are we supposed to do? Die?
We can't go to europe or america, and argentina is broke, Uruguay is becoming a degenerate hellhole.
Maybe chile but will they accept us?
Starting to see more and more threads like this. Especially on half. The OP is a kike. The Jews are getting tired of having elections.
What about their constitution?
almost 50% of them are white
The descendents of Dom Pedro II
We were actually the 4th GDP of the world when we had the biggest amount of niggers in the entire world. If anything it just shows how well the Monarchy went for Brazil
Literally the only power the Emperor has is to stop corruption and demoralization of society. If anything we got nothing to lose in the worst outcome
And how the hell are you going to find someone good as the Magnanimous Emperor Dom II? The ship has sailed, Brasil is far too mongrelised now.
Dom Pedro II was the best emperor of the World. But it wasn't the fact that he was a good monarch that the system worked, but the fact the system per se was efficient and good. The only attribute the emperor had was to stop degeneracy and immoralities within the elites and the government, Dom Pedro II was the best in his job, but even a half decent king would be profitable to our country, as nowadays there is no moral agent to stop corruption. Also racemixing means nothing.
That sounds good, but also sounds like you'd have to call it something different than a monarchy if that's all the power the king had.
And look how well that's working for Spain, Britain, Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
Those are still constitutional monarchies?
Solution by (((law))) and plotholes will never be enacted. Only by killing all the leftists and jews that own them, can Brazil be truly saved.
That includes jews.
Racemixing is one of the main sources of problems all over the world.
Solution by (((law))) and loopholes will never be enacted. Only by killing all the leftists and jews that own them, can Brazil be truly saved.
That includes jews.
Racemixing is one of the main sources of problems all over the world.
You know, we might just elect a guy on the level of Trump this 2018. Depending on if he's as good as he claims (and if Trump keeps acting retarded), might be even better than Trump.
In short, he's like a more polite Duterte.
Well he's doing a fad love sign with his hands. I like how you go, 'oh no, whatever can we do Brazil is fucked……………………………but there is this guy who does the love hands, the globalization unity thingy.' suspicious
Brazil is corrupt because hueniggers are corrupt. A hue Kang won't change that.
How about apartheid government? South African government used to be like that and it worked until it got shut down on 1994.
And who are you gonna segregate? They are all incapable of forming real societies. Laziness and corruption are natural habits for Latin people.
White people for the high rank careers and rest of them work at low rank except the niggers. I think military dictatorship will stabilise Brasil.
Monarchy isnt plausible in the modern age unless you are the arabs and have den billion dollars in oil money
In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card - the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.
The people, under our guidance, have annihilated the aristocracy, who were their one and only defense and foster- mother for the sake of their own advantage which is inseparably bound up with the well-being of the people. Nowadays, with the destruction of the aristocracy, the people have fallen into the grips of merciless money-grinding scoundrels who have laid a pitiless and cruel yoke upon the necks of the workers. We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all humanity) of our SOCIAL MASONRY. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the KILLING OUT OF THE GOYIM. Our power is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the worker because by all that this implies he is made the slave of our will, and he will not find in his own authorities either strength or energy to set against our will. Hunger creates the right of capital to rule the worker more surely than it was given to the aristocracy by the legal authority of kings.
By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.
False. The aristocracy has traditionally been the last line of defense against the Jew
because blood lines take longer to infiltrate then government institutions.
An Emperor has no reason to plunder his country: It's his and his family's anyway.
That encourages long term thinking over short-term gain like politicians that are in power for 5 years or so want.
When i think back to the emperors, i realize how much a family makes a difference and how much can be done in one single generation if all is ready. The moment more people like Dom Pedro II are raised is when truly we will be going forward.
Shame that few can see that, and even fewer ever take the mantle.
We should mobilize for him to modify the government system and institute himself as a new Emperor, with a whole system of laws preventing (((democracy))) and leftists and kikes from ever having rights or to gain positions of power. It can be done, and quickly, if enough mobilization is done.
This would work too, but only as a stepping stone. The apartheid must be ennacted as a means to prevent non-whites from getting any power or rights BUT also the genocide of shitskins must be ennacted quickly after that.
Letting niggers live was what ruined South Africa.
Nah, we will genocide you deformed kikes first. You are nothing.
Also, nowadays, we can enact a specific "no jews allowed in our lands" law, and reinforce the killing of jews.
That is why pushing for turning a good President into an Emperor for life, along with allowing only his family members to be able to succeed him, while forbidding ethnic groups like jews, niggers and also those in the wrong side of history such as leftists to have any power or rights, and enabling the population to kill those on sight without any punishment for those acts is the best way to ensure a better Brazil for the better brazillians, that are the only ones that matter.
I know!
We should give all the fucking power to a single person, so that he can kick out the previous administration and create his big inefficient corrupt state!
What Brazil needs is to unironically become full ancap, this way people with IQ scores lower than 85 will stop having a million babies.
Kill them first, or nothing will be solved. The country already has too many low I.Q subhumans spread in many regions.
A massacre (or mass killing by viruses, or whatever can be used) would do great.
Let japanese immigrate en masse. And open borders for some right-wing eastern europeans and White People around the world.
Close borders after the repopulation by Whites.
Look at the UK if you want to know how well that worked out for them.
Elitists don't give two shits about plebs and will sell you out to the NWO elites in a heartbeat.
Hitler was a man of the people, not someone born into elite status…
Why not make a Hitler-like monarch?
Because he has no right to rule.
If anything, Hueland would be the biggest Religion of Cuck™ic stronghold in the world right now. We don't need the royal family involved in restoring the country, because they would sell themselves out like the British did. It's like saying that all of the problems USA have would be solved keeping the British Empire there. It's counter-productive, silly and reeks of de-estabilzing what is left of the rotting republic created by the communists which rooted out the military government. Until there is a grassroots movement ready to make a Brazillian constitution akin to the American one, make the politics de-centralized and make every state more independent (Brazil alone is nearly as large as Europe) and give the power to the people, instead of (((elites))), we won't get anything done.
Now go back to suck jewish cock, OP.
Ha, good one.
Tell me how well that worked for the British.
This is how pathetic the monarchists are in Brazil. This fat neckbeard completely demolished their pro-zionist views so hard the movement keeps calling him on their livestreams to suck his cock. I'm not kidding.
As bad as this movement is, I'm more than willing to let the monarchists fight the republican conservatives to keep a narrative going and remove the left from political discourse. I'm still waiting for a more radical Bolsonaro to arrive and just say "gas the jews, racewar now, huezil for the huezillians". It's gonna be hilarious, the left is going to feed the fight and stop caring about itself and those two clowns would ally themselves everytime against the fabians, the communists and the socialists.
And for anyone wondering: there are ~50 political parties in Brazil, of which less than five are right-leaning (which means, half are center-right). Bolsonaro is the only true-right candidate so far with real chances of winning an election after the military government periods.
The military dictatorships lead to the most prosperous time during the entire span of 500 years in which Brazil has existed in one form or another.
There is no doubt in my mind that a nationalist right leaning military dictatorship with democratic elections for the city level and bellow (state and federal is controlled by the military alone) is the only hope for a better future in that country.
The only "people" that suffered during that time were the communist terrorists and other degenerates.
The democratization of the country only brought forth neo-liberal policies that raped the country which then caused a growth in the communist political movement as a counter, which has been making things even worse.
Every day the average brazilian is poorer, less safe and has worse prospects for the future. The population at large is of course to blame, but the levels of corruption are staggering and leeching the wealth and productivity of the country and population.
I really do not think there is any point in defending this monarchist remnant. They are nobody losers. A monarchy is only legitimate when someone comes into power by force. If this is the result of a military putsch, then so be it, but the monarchy then will headed by someone that has earned their position as head of state.
Parabéns, that's the most retarded post I've read this month.
To Brazil, a monarchy is useful and necessary for unison, long term stability, legitimacy and to moral/traditional values be given from above to the base, that's how you control monkeys. Other things are necessary too, these, from the base to the top. Since we would have an empire, states' independence level and government forms would be irrelevant. Your Religion of Cuck™ic bullshit does no sense at all, you were just using everything you could "think" to shill against Monarchy.
What are you? A mason, a militant protestant, a militant atheist, a literal jew, a lolbertarian? Why this unfunded fear of working monarchies? If there's a country in the world where a monarchy can bring out this country's full potential, this is Brazil.
Of course you regard that as "retarded", and proceed to throw in five different categories of retardism to try and attack people, that's how monarchists operate in Brazil. "If you disagree with me, you belong in one of these select groups".
Monarchies get deposed by violent lefties who shoot and maim their family members when they're too incompetent to flush the infiltrators out. The Portuguese royal family is sub-English tier, and look at how the UK is working right now. You can't connect the dots that's not my problem; if the monarchy movement gets less neocon reactionaries that suck Israel's cock 24/7 then maybe I might consider this time to be different. Until then, it is faded to fall like France, Russia and the UK, with a bunch of jews sneaking in and undermining it, or just plain destroying it themselves.
He was poking fun at folks calling him a homophobe. He actually seems like a decent halfway redpilled former military dude.
The full redpill option can't be achieved through elections. Pic related
Spotted the (((liberal)))
Can we leave the brazilian nips alive too? One of them writes Youjo Senki and another writes No Game No Life. Pleb tier shit but I am kinda curious how they end.
We make what rights he will have.
The law must be molded to our convenience only.
Case in point
We should never "let" someone be in power. We MUST push BY FORCE someone that will attend ONLY to our demands and put him and other representatives like him in power AND mass kill our enemies.
Legitimacy means nothing. Only power and OUR acceptance. We can make anything legitimate, by changing law to attend our will.
Even more reason to force our way through.
True (northern) nips are more White than asian.
Read Turner Diaries.
Either that or Peronism, family.
All the members of the royal house are cucks, from both branches of it. The most extreme of them are lolbergs.
None of them has the moral fiber of setting this country straight. Not that is has any hope, that is
Make a new Royal Family out of any leader that is against the kikes and leftists then.
The country must be rebuild to have only laws that are to our interests, as well as to be habitable only no White People, with no rights to anyone else, and also no rights to women.
We don't need to plan means to make a Royal State by following the current corrupt law. We kill our enemies, and then enact new laws that benefit only us.
The Integralist literally had state sponsored race mixing as one of their fucking political goals.
brazil is literally mongrel capital of the world and history why is it not a utopia as leftists predicted?
Fuck the monarchy. RWDS.
Nips are honorary whites, my city's plenty of them and they played a big role in its history. I'd kill for them and they'd kill for our remaining whites if the situation calls for it.
Except legitimacy means everything. It's the base for any ethic and needed by some ethics. Human law, in the other hand, is just a disposable, ephemeral, tool. It's not stable and long-lasting if it's not within a stable religion (we have Christianity, that's the base of our civilization, it created our civilization when the Romans fell, so any law established outside of it will fade away in a century or so).
Power is, indeed, legitimate by nature itself. But how long, in order to keep unison and neutralize enemies, will that (you call) power last? Monarchy and Theocracy are the most stable systems in human history. Monarchy is older than your phobia. A stable dynasty is power itself.
I believe a fascist or military regime under a Catholic Emperor is the most stable, long lasting and fail-proof thing we can pull in Brazil. Then the government type may cycle or adapt under the will of the Emperor and "independent" provinces may exist as ethno-states. We can have non-pardo-apologetic Integralism (it's malleable in its older non-core features) under the Monarchy; we can have Integralism working outside of the Legislative and Executive when they are not in power; we can restore Catholicism (to its uncucked version) and have Catholicism working outside of "politics" too. But the Monarchy would be important for its legitimacy and the union of our country. It's for a (needed) very long term plan. Restoring morality and its anchors should be one of our priorities.
And for you, if you think you're going to unpardo our country beyond the South, you're as shallowly delusional as a jorge could be. It'd have no legitimacy, no one would follow that idea. Redpilling the rest of the country against race mixing and with racial realism and getting them a ruling legitimated elite would be a realist solution.
>the only true nips are a dead diluted ethnic branch
That's false. Twice. They were whiter than its neighbors, they had features similar that to Caucasoids, but they were still a branch of the Mongoloid race.
It was, back then, their proposed method for getting a homogeneous country and a true nation. It's bullshit based on our country size (and the huge downside of mongrelizing everybody) and it's a discardable "feature". We managed to hue into a Frankenstein Monster kind of nation anyway: a big, distinct, nation, with some, but real, blood bindings and somewhat common language containing many other semi-homogeneous nations inside of it. Brazil was born to be an Empire. Macro-homogeneity is not a requirement, and it's become something impossible to reach.
An Integral man and an Integral society don't need to be pardo. That was their retard thing and I hope it to be forgotten soon.
Force is above legitimacy. We can force any "legitimate" government and laws that we want, after we eliminate all oppositors. Genocide works. If there are no reclaimers in the opposition (being all dead), whatever we create will be legitimate, as it will be approved by us, the only brazillians still alive.
Catholicism must BE the politics, the Legislative and Executive. Non-converts and non practcioners must be killed on spot.
Religion of Cuck™ is spreading all over the world because of that. They don't let "legitimacy" or any law get in their way. Christianity, at least in Brazil, must do the same. And expand it to politics. Our "legitimacy" will be made by killing those that won't accept it.
Our morality can only be restored byr first killing the degenerates. Don't fall for the stupidity of "reeducating" them. Once a degenerate, there is no cure. Only by killing them and having new children we can fix the moral problem. And that includes women. Brazillian women are almost all turned into literal whores. Eliminating most of women and bringing conservative women from countries where they are more controlled (and White countries, of course) is a necessity. We CAN'T fix the moral problem in Brazil without KILLING all degenerates, including most women.
As for unparding, yes, it will work, again, by mass killings. Who will contest the legitimacy? The dead bodies? Their dead families? Legitimacy is build by killing those that oppose it.
White homogeneity can be achieved any time, anywhere, including Brazil. How? By genociding non-whites. Mass viruses spread, mass killings, mass forged accidents. Anything goes. Acting quick will eliminate most of non-whites before the rest can start complaining. And when they do, ignore and keep killing them.
Brazil's biggest mistake is trying to fix itself while being portrayed as 'legitimate" or "good guys so the media won't call us names". Fuck that. Don't be afraid to be known as pychos that are killing for racism. When we genocide the non-whites and their supporters (including mainstream media), WE will be the ones writing history, and we will portray ourselves as the good guys that we are, for our White kind, and heroes that eliminated the brown and black parasites.
Even though Japanese are the Whitest, straight up Mongoloid Mongols, as in, literally Mongolian, are among the best people on Earth. There's a lot to love about them. Apologies about going off-topic.
I do disagree with your desire for Theocracy though. The best government is a secular one, and secularism in the United States proves that.
My desire is for Monarchy, as it's better war and nation-oriented than a pure Theocracy - and the Church should be above politics anyway or it may corrupt itself (I'm not advocating for its abstention, not at all. That's the current problem we face here along with its own shameful socialist degeneration). Historically both are solid. Theocracy used to be the best choice when it came to agricultural empires; militarist monarchy when it came to war-oriented empires.
A Brazilian Monarchy must be Catholic, religious and morally bound to the Church, else, it's not a Brazilian Monarchy, it's something alien to us. Anyway, it'd be way more secular than this "secularist", atheistic, abomination of state we have now around here. Masons (and later socialists) forced a pseudo-neutrality and prohibited religion in the State to a pathological level, they brought protestantism where there was none, they sponsored Jewish communities to have political power, breaking one of our homogeneous characteristics. Catholics became underrepresented in politics even when Catholicism is the base to our culture and our society - or at least it used to be. That's when things started going badly wrong.
USA is a country with its own characteristics. Confederated democracy seems to have worked fine over there. Heavy liberal economics also used before SJWs (just wait) to work well, even in universities. That's some unique characteristics that shouldn't be simple mimicked in Brazil.
Monarchy, is traditionally a weak minded but Charismatic Face to put in front of a people.
Manarchy has almost always lead to Major Wars that the electing politicians have determined before said Woman is elected.
Perhaps, it would be wise for Brazil to adopt Nationalist-Capitalism and Slowly but Safely climb the Ladder.
Secular atheism destroyed France, and secularism enabled the current destruction of America.
A White government must always be a Christian one, with Christianity being the law itself.
As for liberalism, it is bound to ruin the country, as companies overstep their positions and try to control society. And most (if not all) companies operate under leftist ideals. That is reason enough to never let companies be free.
Nationalism-Capitalism would be great. But with iron-fist enforced laws based on true Christianity, and a zero tolerance approach to every single aspect of society and economics.
I am sorry to dissapoint you but please consider that even after purging all the niggers from brazil they would still be a shithole:
I think you have enough fantasy to connect the dots
I know nothing about Brazil and I agree wholeheartedly
Brazil was founded by the Portuguese alone (except tiny places where the Dutch, etc colonized). Later Italian, German, Japanese, etc, came along. Of those only Italy is broke, but unlike the others Italy is a young country and before Italy was a country (made up of different peoples) the merchant republics were doing fine.
In what way?
What the fuck are you doing on Zig Forums? You belong on >>>Zig Forums where this kind of anti-White, anti-freedom-of-thought bullshit is welcome. We must always have freedom of religion - and in order to have that, we must have freedom from religion.
It's a glaring failure of multiculturalism. It's sad, really.
t. Southerner who would rather secede than fix this crap. Our real problem is freemasonry Jews by correlation obviously
This is by far the only solution for huezil.
That is why we won't get inspiration from them as they are now. Instead, we will look to the past and make things function the way they must, instead of hearing emotional freaks again.
Nothing with merchants is good.
When? Now.
France is becoming a caliphate, for it's people simply don't unite under religious belief, and instead let invaders from a highly religious race to enter it's lands and dominate them.
Secular Atheism brings only weakness.
America's biggest States are becoming bankrupt with only niggers and atheists working, making everything fail, while only the conservatives and religious maintain their communities operating without economical and social failure.
As for freedom, Christianity must always be above it. Freedom UNTIL it goes against Christianity. Then, the freedom stops there.
Brazil is Christian, and must make Christianity it's very law to ensure that the proper society and race (that is, White Race) rule the country.
No country must be atheist ever again.
Yes. As it is for all countries. A massive genocide of all non-whites in Brazil IS the only thing that can even enable a solution. Without killing the non-whites, nothing good will last.
A monarchy is incompatible with Fascism.
Fascism is the only way. All other ways are the highway to degeneracy.
Fascism demands FITNESS, while the decrepit and mentally addled are often monarchs. Pic related.
Reddit plz go. They were a tiny minority when you consider the entire scale of monarchs. And primogeniture hereditary monarchy wasn't the only system in monarchy.
I'm not even a monarchist but it's hardly incompatible with fascism nor is it a bad system on its own. Usually retard kings didn't last very long, unless it was an absolute monarchy, or a modern constitutional monarchy That is what the aristocracy was for, to keep the crown in line.
Brazil has not always been the hellhole it is today.
We BRs have suffered much in the hands of this rotten "republic". The great Monarchy of Dom Pedro II was the best thing we've ever had, and he was removed from power by a coup. From then on, the people were enslaved by elites who've set us back decades of technological and industrial advancement, peaking in the illicit presidency of the oppressive dictator known as Getúlio Vargas.
Make no mistake, fellow anons of different nations: The military regime that was installed between 1964 and 1985 was not a dictatorship, much less a coup. It was a much needed retaking of power and liberty from the wretched claws of corrupt republicans who've not only failed to serve the country, but also abused their power to sap its resources for their own financial gain. The military regime brought us many great things, from roads, to industries, to metallurgy, to better working conditions, and the biggest hydroelectric powerplants and docks in the Americas, greatly boosting our economy and safety by protecting our rights to bear arms and creating more jobs, all while hunting down the putrid communists who lurked in our lands like the rats they were.
The end of the military regime was not violent either. The government was instead given away freely and willingly by them due to increasing demand from the population to have the right to vote for their presidents. This proved to be a mistake, as from then on, every major political party that ever competed for, and took power, has been socialist ever since. Every single one of them.
The image of Brazil you folks have today is not what it's always been. Brazil was once a very respected empire, recognized around the world for its culture and military power. Ever since 1985, our history books have been manipulated by communists who framed everything that came before them as evil and "undemocratic". Everything you know about Brazil today is a lie. For over 30 years, our people have been made into cattle, brainwashed by the communist menace, revisioning and erasing our history to suit their failed cause so they'll remain in power, when every single advancement we've ever witnessed in our nation stemmed from rightist regimes. The communists manipulated out people to think capitalism is hell and that the utopian revolution of the proletariat is the way. They indoctrinated them to think horrible people such as Che Guevara and Fidel Castro were "heroes of the people", while erasing the names of our true heroes who've fought in WWII from history, among many, MANY other lies fabricated by them. We were disarmed by the Estatuto do Desarmamento, leaving us to die at the hands of organized crime. They've removed our rights and destroyed our economy, all under the pretense of "preserving estate". Lies. All lies.
For the sake of all however, this will change. This year, everything will change. With the recent imprisonment of the disgusting COMMUNIST PIECE OF SHIT known as Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, at last the conservative right finds a way, and a change to compete.
Enter Jair Messias Bolsonaro (embed). A veteran of the military since 1979, he firmly believes in the ideals that have built modern civilization - family, justice and freedom. As the first, and so far only right-wing candidate we've ever had in an election since the 80's, he openly denounces corruption and vows to eradicate communism in our country. He defends the rights to bear arms, and the right for the police to kill armed criminals on the spot. He defends the human rights of law abiding citizens, and death penalty to those who kill innocents for their own criminal gain. He and his party heavily opposes cultural marxism and its influence in rotting our culture, and so wishes to remove the plague by its roots. Most importantly, he, like Trump, wishes to kick China out of our country and establish a deal with the US instead. Together, Brazil and the US can form a powerful alliance that will make the Americas the most powerful continent in the world.
Please send him your blessings and meme magic, anons. Jair Bolsonaro is Brazil's Donald Trump. He will bring us peace, he will bring us justice, perhaps even put the royal Orléans-Braganza family back in power and re-institute our once-glorious Monarcy. He will Make Brazil Great Again, because for us brazillians, it's either him, or even more leftist terror.
Make no mistake: All those who are against him are communists, through and through. Every single one of them. Trust me on this.
If you wish to know more about this man, consider investigating further here: youtube.com
As for my fellow brazillians, and others who know brazillian portuguese, I highly recommend this channel: youtube.com
Brazil Paralelo is a group dedicated solely to documenting the raw, unfiltered, and unbiased history of our nation, from the day of its discovery to the current communist nightmare we live in today.
This is a very important year for us, anons. I understand if you do not like us for what we are, or for your experiences with people from our country. All I want is to tell you why things are the way they are now, and that we finally have a chance to change all of this. I was fooled as a child, but no longer, for at last I see the light.
Leftism, never again.
t. disgruntled brazillian who's sick and fucking tired of communism
Brazil is too big.
Separatism is the answer.
The only other option would be some sort of caste system. An academic one is the most feasible. The ancient Chinese Empires used this method quite successfully.
Hey dummy. If Secularism is responsible for the present condition of France, why was Gaddafi's Secular Libya preventing the swarms of 'refugee' hordes from getting into Europe? That shouldn't be correct according to your assertion that Secularism is poison no matter where it goes. You don't even know what is going on in America (I'm from the fucking Bible Belt, I know first-hand) otherwise you would know that those "traditional conservative Christian communities" you so love are also the same faggots that throw billions of dollars at Israel and legislate against pro-White actions. You have no idea what you're talking about - I suggest you stop talking,
The last thing we need is highly educated idiots to shove their flavor of Marxism down our throats.
Yeah, you first need to control the education system, or value STEM first.
Pro-Israel Christians are so cucked. It's amazing. If you love Jews so much, why not move to Israel? Oh that's right, they hate Christians inside Israel but view them as useful golems outside Israel. Also, only Jews by birth mother can immigrate to Israel without great difficulty. That Britain, a very very christian country, would give up the holy land after WWI to the Jews or Arabs is the most cucked thing I can imagine.
Brits are amazingly even more cucked than Zio-'Murricans.
Another thing for non-brazillians: chances are that every single brazillian that you have met personally was one of the communists. They are the ones with money stolen from the public, capable of travelling around the world,
or paid by the communist government to travel disguised as tourists or students, to spread communism everywhere.
The typical annoying and repulsive brazillian that everybody knows is part of a minority of communists that travel all around the world for the sole purpose to spread communism, while boasting about their expenses.
Fascism IS the only way to have a functional society.
But just only one bad monarch is enough to ruin the country, no matter how little time he spent governing.
A fascist, militaristic and highly religious government would be the best solution then. But keep in mind that Hilter was THE hero of WW II. Anyone that fought against Hitler was in the group of the villains. Brazil's military included. The jews' disinformation was strong even back then.
Also, capitalism must be kept in check, and NEVER be allowed to rise above the fascism, religion and thinking people's freedom, in order to avoid consumerism, which is another facet of the jews' schemes, that brainwashes people as much as communism does.
As for Bolsonaro, the major problem that he must face is the fact that there are 2 USA: the White American one, and the jew controlled one. He must be made to know the difference, and to ally ONLY with the White American one, and fight against the jews. NOTHING Good will come by allying with the jew. Kicking out China and replacing it with Israel (disguised as USA) will ruin Brazil even more.
And i personally would prefer that Bolsonaro himself became a fascist Emperor of Brazil, and don't give power to others. The Royal Family is fucked up. One of the "princesses" was dating a drug dealer and boasting about that, until she got caught, but was barely punished. The Royal Family is prone to corruption in Brazil. Remember that the current royalty spent more time learning communism than learning Brazil's glorious past.
No, it is not. Genocide of the niggers, jews, faggots and leftists is the answer, along with a fascist and permanent government that stops any of those groups from existing or having any rights.
And then, became communists. Not a chance. Fascism, with emphasis on Christianity, is the only functional solution.
Israel manipulate everything. That is why i talked about TRUE Christianity, that is, the one that presents the jews themselves as enemies of the people.
Those christian communities that you mentioned are the ones composed by the shitty baby boomers that still believe in diversity. They are subverted christians, made this way by the jew propaganda.
As for Gaddafi, he prevented mass immigration, and then France turned into a hippie socialist hellhole that cares more about fashion and looks than to maintain their country stable, and the results you can see right now: hordes of niggers, mass immigration nonetheless, faggot rights and rampant feminism, along with social programs that give money to immigrants while the law arrests patriots and conservative families.
All of that was possible because the french adopted secularism, with a "no religion" system. And without strong religious beliefs, they were conquered by jews still in the 60s, and now muslims in the present.
Secularism is shit. Always was, and always will be.
Academics was always corrupt, dating back to the end of Greece, were a think thank could run for government by sheer demagogue skills, talking bullshit that made people believe in him.
The true caste system that WORKS is the one that enables the KILLING of any caste that is not the desired one. That is, a system that allows people to kill leftists, jews, niggers, faggots, and women (those that are not submissive) at will.
That is because those are shitty christians that believe in the jews' lie of being "God's chosen people".
The true Christian is an ENEMY of the jews, as Jesus became at his final days alive. The whole "king of the jews" is nothing but a mockery made to incite rage into jews, as well as to mock him in his death.
Alignments and allegiances aside, Brazil's soldiers fought with courage and honor in the Italian theater. In the 40's, the largest nazi movement in the world outside of Germany itself was in Brazil, vehemently supported by Getúlio Vargas. He strived to be Brazil's Hitler/Mussolini. Making use of the heated conflict between communist revolutionaries and the army during the mid 1930's, Vargas blamed any and all intellectuals he deemed threats to his plan as communist sympathizers, throwing them all in prison where they were tortured to death. With a fake document detailing a ficticious communist uprising called the Cohen Plan, he declared martial law and closed our national congress and took power in 1937, effectively transforming his 6-year-running illicit provisional government into a full blown dictatorship.
Despite some of his contributions, many of his methods failed horribly. He impoverished the population, assassinated political opponents and even sought to put Brazil on the Axis side of the second world war when it broke out. Thankfully, our army told him to fuck off, and with the support of the population, we went to war against the germans. Now, I know Hitler was doing the right thing, but the Axis still lost. It was either side with the allies or get nuked by the US, lose all our economy and be torn apart ala Yugoslavia during the Cold War. We didn't exactly have a "South American Union" to help us rebuild after the war.
That said I hope this farse of a government ends this year with Bolsonaro's victory.
The thing is, what Vargas did IS what we must do now.
Kill ALL political opposition to our interests and kill all (((intelectuals))) that are communists or in league with the jews, as well as enact martial law to prevent any corrupt and other criminals to leave the country, while our military AND the population start mass killing them all.
There is no place for democracy (a completely failed system) anymore. We must raise a Brazil that is completely closed to communists, jews, muslims and any other group that is against The White Race.
We must create a Brazil that is intolerant to all of the jews' products as well as their social engineering (faggots, feminists, etc), but with REAL intolerance, as in: brazillians destroying those products and killing those groups of degenerates without any internal punishment (on our own soil) for doing so.
Put Bolsonaro in power, but as a means to an end.
The goal must be a fascist government that allows ONLY White People (or maybe, japanese, as it is debatable) to exist is brazillian territory.
Fucking cuck. Giving them an (((inch))) before it's even needed.
Asians are horrible too. They are not the smartest. They do numbers well, great. Now let's look at creativity.
The same can be said about any leftist.
And i separated japanese from other asians, as the japanese are the only with redeemable aspects. Plus, they actively hate the jews while worshipping most of classical German traditions and art. Good enough to be kept alive.
The only solution for Brazil is CBRN
only if its Legimist or Integralist.
otherwise fool's errand, place is basically all third world, including the leaders.
that's one of the reasons why I want ChrReligion of Cuck™ to become real. repaint Zoroaster as an avatar of Christ and make peace with Shiites and Sufis, break the bonds of slavery that Christians owe to kikes.
nice, just wordfilter my shit fam. maybe it needs a new name to get pass that filter.
The only """solution""" for Brazil is total succession. Let some retards being left-wing, let some try be libertarians and AnCap, others cuckstian pro-Israel and the the mongrel LARPer as nobles.
Kill all leftists, liberals and kike-lovers. Keep Brazil's whole territory united as a fascist, anti-leftist country.
Never divide. Always kill the enemy.
Who's the THOT on 3rd picture? Why the hell isn't she making aryan babies instead of running for office?
Let's make our Ethno state, desu. Grab the most white ones, concentrate them in one territory without others niggers, make them breed a lot while teaching fascism to their children. Looking back to our history we conclude that the downgrade of the nation was given by isramutt revolting against the more pure Portuguese over lords. We need to reverse that shit.
I'm not sure what you mean by "isramutt" but boy, I'm gonna tell you something right now that'll blow your mind.
The population of Brazil has always been a mixed pot. Ever since the arrival the Portuguese, the nation grew steadily and without any single dominant race. Thanks to Emperor Dom João VI, escaping from Portugal to Brazil during the Napoleonic Wars, the state of Brazil became a full-fledged empire much like any other. He brought his royal library and riches with him, greatly contributing to the nation's growth. Even after Napoleon's defeat, João VI remained here for many more years because he absolutely loved the land and its people. However, thank to the the corrupt kiked courts of Portugal (at the time responsible for the ongoing economical crisis of their own country) who wished to remove him from power and exploit Brazil, he was forced to return, leaving his son Dom Pedro I to guide the newly forged empire he loved so much.
Under Pedro I's reign, the nation prospered in ways no other nation had. Despite being royal Portuguese blood, he loved Brazil as much as his own father, and strived to maintain its territory and population at peace. There were many struggles, and our people had their tensions, but when shit went south and the nation was in peril, they united. Natives, Africans, Portuguese and their descendants born in Brazil, despite their differences, always fought together as one people throughout its history. Such was the case when the Dutch and French invaded the northeastern lands to attempt colonization, and when the Uruguayans attacked our southern borders.
This, too, was the case when those same natives, Portuguese and Africans were fed up with the Portuguese minorities who, despite living in our country, were still loyal to their homeland in the old world, and were strongly in favor of its control over Brazil. The Portuguese loyalists often opposed any decision from our emperor Dom Pedro I to maintain our autonomy, and when the decision for independence from Portugal finally arrived, these kiked loyalists were promptly dealt with and expelled like the traitors they were. The war that followed against Portugal was tough, but our navy was successful in keeping them at bay and securing our sovereignty. We beat them back to the old world.
And this was all before Dom Pedro II was even born. His reign was even greater than his father's, if not one of the best monarchies the world has ever seen. Brazil would eventually prosper to be recognized even by the US and Britain in terms of military, cultural and economical power. That is, until the illicit (((republican))) coup of 1889 took place; the true tipping point that plunged us into chaos.
This is but a brief overview of part of our history. For all the struggles and achievements we've had, we did succeed and prosper.
tl;dr racemixing did not hinder Brazil's evolution and progress at all, at least until 1889.
Oh, and by the way, jews in Brazil were persecuted, expelled, arrested and even killed back then too.
he is a master fisher