Grand Jury already in action!
Pay close attention to the DOJ response.
(pic related)
Grand Jury already in action!
Pay close attention to the DOJ response.
(pic related)
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Bump, the article is worth a read.
Nothing that comes out conservative treehouse is worth a read. It's literal zionist propaganda.
Nothing? Eat a sour placenta.
Interesting where the jewish mind always goes. Filtered.
Why do they look like Skaven.
Nothing they have ever pushed has ever amounted to anything of consequence.
Great, they're neocon zionists. Can we discuss facts or are you going to continue being an irrepressible faggot? Take your love for cock somewhere else.
If there's a grand jury empaneled, that's a big deal.
Yes. Which disqualifies them entirely. Or does it round these parts anymore? None of what you are linking has amounted to anything. None of it.(>facts can be disqualified)
Nice dubs. The ERJ going to Gitmo isn't an executive flight though.
Wish in one hand and shit in the other; well, you know the rest.
Alex is alpha male
The rest is shorter than what you said.
Because it's full of hysterical people who never bothered to read the whole of their own Constitution and believe the Bill of Rights are its only laws, assuming these people live in the USA.
The thumbnail made me think of OEDO-808.
why did trump give planned p half a billion dollars? srs question plz no ban me gay mods. pls say it is so more nigger fetuses can keep dying
white women account for like 2% of abortions. planned parenthood has been a pro-white organization since its inception, the fact that they've managed to garner total libtard support while carrying on the proud american tradition of depopulating negroes for medical research for almost a century is beyond incredible. whenever you hear about some horrible scandal involving aborted fetuses, remember that 95% were niggers and spics.
notice how most of the opposition is the same segment of christians that adopts 12 african niggers and chants that jesus was a refugee. cucks gonna cuck.
here's the actual statistics
Buckle up faggots, the ride is just beginning.
We need to increase minority access to abortions. Health care and family planning is a human right.
You know exactly why.
Did you faggots read the Omnibus bill?
Nobody read the fucking thing and Trump snuck in about a billion dollars of appropriations for shit you'd need to pull of prosecution of about eighteen thousand people or so. They're fucked and the money is released on Monday.
The mass arrests will likely begin tomorrow, however. Isn't it a big holiday for some religion or another?
Wake me when the second counsel is appointed by Sessions. Until then, the train is still in the station.
Your blackpills aside, you should get on three layers of Depends in preparation of what's to come.
It's likely if you're a shill that you are enjoying your very last hours of freedom, actually.
Oh, ye of too much faith in government.
Sure glad I didn't go to "unite the right"
Don't worry only the foreign-paid larpers who ran the event will be indicted. Most of the people who actually showed were FBI agents and other undercover law enforcement officials.
I'd be more worried if I was one of the people taking foreign cash for shill operations, a member of Antifa, or god forbid one of the judges or public officials who colluded with foreign entities like Fusion GPS.
If the arrests start, I swear I will make sure I have a cup of hot cocoa the whole fucking time.
What does the remaining majority 28.5% consist of then?
mixed race, asians, likely the bulk being half-breed niggers
Asians are not listed, but i don't think they would be much higher then whites on that graph.
Wonder why they even excluded them.
Might not be getting any abortions. It's not like contraception is hard, sluts are just lazy and stupid.
That seems highly unlikely. I have little doubt that Trump snuck things into the bill that will come to haunt his opponents, but mass arrests of the deep state?
If it happens, I will literally and unironically worship Trump until the day I die as a God-Emperor.
Have you come here to harvest foreskins Rabbi?
Once the AI algorithms are in full effect… say goodbye to knowing ANYTHING about THEM
At least embed the video so we can laugh at you
The most polarizing man on Earth.
Yea, I posted it in
At present, I thought that was Trump.
This entire investigation along with muh russia is a huge distraction. At most these faggots will get a slap on the wrist.
Jones has been irrelevant ever since he made a deal with the republican party and lowered himself to the level of Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. Clickbait, viral marketing, advertisements, talking points, paid stories & guests. His show is a mess.
The sign that is was the end was when he began giving other people their own shows under his kikewars label. Kike media doesn't even refer to him anymore (muh sandy hook).
These "heros" being trotted isn't working anymore on the younger gen. That has to worry the kikes a bit.
Can't have the goys figuring out who the (((globalists))) are on their own now can they?
You fucking retard. It's not percentages.
that is what asians are under, there are so few asian women having abortions that it just got folded in to the "other" category"
People like you make no sense.
If you could functionally increase access on behalf of minorities and not Whites, you would be at a point wherein you could simply remove the non-Whites and outlaw non-eugenic abortions.
Ah, the deceptiveness of statistics.
There are about 42 million Blacks, 52 million Hispanics, and about 200 million non-Hispanic Whites.
Those statistics are per 1,000 women aged 15-44.
For simplicity sake, let's just cut each population in half, and reduce that resultant figure by 10%, to give us a decent theoretical range.
That gives us:
For Blacks:
For Spics:
For Whites:
In other words…
If you think trading a million dead White babies, murdered at the hands of their own mothers, is worth it to achieve the death of about the same number of non-White babies, a process which only acts to keep the vermin issue under control, keep it from bubbling over and driving a White racial response to these degenerate mudfolk, you're fucking stupid.
Or Jewish.
This thread is nothing but Q-tier LARP designed as damage control after Trump threw his constituency under the bus for Israel.
We'll be at war in the Middle East within 6 months.
Cap this post.
it's abortions per thousand women, it's been adjusted for population already.
Yes, you mathematically illiterate simpleton, that's the per 1,000 figure, which I translated - right in fucking front of you - into total numbers.
The White population is massive compared to either the spic or nigger population, thus their elevated figures STILL only produce what you see above.
In conclusion, as previously stated, you're fucking stupid, or Jewish.
you know what? fuck you i'm not changing my mind because you're a little fucking asshole and you're rude.
At least I'm not stupid and/or Jewish.
At least people listen to me because I'm not a fucking cunt all the time.
Keep telling yourself that.
If you had any sort of integrity, the rudeness of my statement of truth would be irrelevant. But you don't.
That's why nobody actually listens to you.
Have a nice day.
You should have read this before showing off your Common Core math skills
have fun being a bitter, unlikable cunt who poisons good ideas by association for the rest of your life, sweetie.
omg seriously? I know we meme about sending their best…but wtf is this? You can't disavow facts based on math friendo, this is kind of how it works around here. How new are you? Let your boss know I'll write an imageboard primer so you don't stick out like a sore thumb. My price is six septillion doll hairs. Never forget faggot.
Sshhh you derailing faggots, the grand jury is working.
All hell is about to break loose by the end of this year. All of the big names and major powers involved will be getting checked and likely indictments will follow.
This won't happen but I wish it would.
He added diGenova to his legal team, who is a former U.S. attorney. I think that they're going to push Sessions to impanel a GJ on persons involved in the approval of, and subsequent lack of prosecution concerning, the deal to sell U.S. uranium, and Mueller will be caught up in that sweep. Once Mueller falls under criminal indictment, then he can no longer serve as special counsel. That way Trump removes Mueller without having to fire him (which would draw a lot of fire and could bring the dems and cucks to impeach him).
Maybe it will actually after all user , maybe it will
Then what is? What does this appointment mean?
The ratfuck to smear Trump as a Kremlin agent spun WAAAY^10 out of control.
It was way overboard in Novemeber '16. In December it was seditious. By February it was treason.
All hope of it succeeding has long since past and everyone not heavily involved or completely compromised is well of the fence.
Head have got to roll over this.
No matter the side you're on or off, you know that heads have got to roll on this one.
It would be nice.
It's a direct attack on the nation. It has to be met with severe punishment or it will continue to get worse.
Please be true ;_;
In which case the kikes activate every commie cell they have, expect violence if this isn't just shitposting.
I for one have dehumanized, I am looking for the bloodshed.
>PewDiePie is 100x more popular than (((their))) people
If you take out a small loan the bank owns you. If you take out a big enough one, you own the bank…
Hold up. The story I've heard is:
1. Clinton sent Mueller to Russia
2. Mueller's U was a small sample, not enough to build a bomb with.
3. The Uranium 1 deal was for land holdings and the uranium has not been mined or moved yet
4. Nothing about Boca Raton.
If anyone's heard otherwise, correct me.
like a crack dealer gives you?
They guy admittedly gave highly enriched weapons-grade uranium to Putin himself…
OK cupcake let us know when you're hip deep.
Commies can't do shit when they're alone.
Shilling to the max rn across just about every website.
Tanks in 30 mins
Fucking this. It's like defcon1 shilling right now. Half chan seems to have caught it worst atm, pol over there is so fucking rammed with slide threads.
All I want for Christmas is the names of the people who have been paying others to shill on the chans for years, and maybe even a list of employees. It's time for some revenge. Soon.
Shemitah is today!
So much this.
Same thing happened with wrestling 30 years ago. It used to be on TV, then the occasional Saturday Night's Main Event and Wrestlemania every year. Then McMahon went full kike with the PPVs and I quit watching as much. Only when RAW started up I got back into it, but now I'm too old to be spending my time watching the electric jew so much.
I hope Alex goes back to his roots. Maybe he'll end up like Jim Bakker selling overpriced prepper preacher shit.
They already tried that last November.
If it wasn't so serious I'd be laughing at the comic nature of these idiots, they just keep doubling down and thinking it will go away.
All I wanted to do was play video games.
There is massive shilling by >glowing ((fellow-former-trumpers)) pushing for taking up arms at fever pitch.
It would appear this bill is rustling some jimmies
Might as well post the rest of my fashwave