Small cans of BTFO, I find these to be extremely effective. Feel free to contribute any rares you don't see here.
Attached: 1161547410566.png (1385x679, 94.34K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:27
Attached: 90362424616984.JPG (1396x748
172.01 KB, 54.89K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:27
Attached: 23939664225307.JPG (750x656
46.88 KB, 28.29K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:28
Attached: 228591098519952.png (656x510
166.21 KB, 55.68K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:29
Attached: 241321299824673.png (887x552
80.49 KB, 50.16K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:29
puerile and obnoxious, perfect for this hellworld
March 24, 2018 - 01:30
Attached: 247533228410336.jpg (600x379
39.34 KB, 106.26K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:30
Attached: 256992300417114.jpg (662x458
88.69 KB, 137.61K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:31
Attached: 731.png (680x510
11.42 KB, 45.48K)
March 24, 2018 - 01:49
stay mad shitskins
March 24, 2018 - 02:00
Attached: tranny6.png (500x352
277.95 KB, 226.51K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:05
Attached: common filth.png (600x536
49.49 KB, 167.56K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:07
Daily reminder that most of these were made by the gay pedophile Cooper "Ghoul" Ward.
Attached: Ghoul's Tranny.jpg (1140x958, 515.25K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:08
Attached: it's ironic.png (908x539
71.7 KB, 19.42K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:09
Posting in a comfy bread
Attached: heartbreaking.png (480x354
8.15 KB, 62.37K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:10
Attached: what would you like.png (924x789
29.25 KB, 98.18K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:11
Attached: racism3.png (725x1000
117.65 KB, 32.16K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:12
Attached: lightbulb head.png (700x1050
38.03 KB, 382.92K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:14
Attached: Commietardism.jpg (720x810
63.75 KB, 48.81K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:15
Attached: kang truf.jpg (397x471
41.2 KB, 35.14K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:17
Attached: C8bafF2VwAAvMzu.jpg large.jpg (593x588
71.06 KB, 462.54K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:19
Attached: rape stats swede.png (720x591
62.15 KB, 67.65K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:19
Attached: jesus fake news.png (618x618
18.22 KB, 59.62K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:20
Attached: free speech.png (1058x2342
293.9 KB, 271.68K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:21
Attached: gibsmedat-germany.jpg (503x787
202.22 KB, 102.95K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:22
Attached: 2015 - 2016.jpg (600x506
14.98 KB, 52.49K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:23
Attached: gender war.jpg (992x779
67.46 KB, 241.23K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:24
Attached: atheist V blacks.png (1410x921
71.82 KB, 133.76K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:25
Attached: rebel musician.jpg (870x931
269.37 KB, 101.23K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:26
Attached: look this one isn't killing.png (1447x674
17.64 KB, 165.3K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:26
Attached: only israelis can do that.jpg (684x479
7.14 KB, 14.48K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:28
Attached: insults.png (480x267
32.53 KB, 41.5K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:28
Attached: 7ed052_5670256.jpg (1164x759
58.34 KB, 54.74K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:29
Attached: ancestors.png (866x575
32.98 KB, 68.79K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:29
Attached: nothing to do with islam.png (874x581
257.77 KB, 205.54K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:29
Attached: fear mongering.png (534x369
190.52 KB, 89.87K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:30
Attached: profound 'neutral'.png (600x457
161.25 KB, 186.41K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:30
Attached: le racist police maymay.jpg (600x418
341.47 KB, 44.03K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:30
Attached: Smuggies_f0a9a3_5914823.jpg (800x515
194.29 KB, 219.89K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:31
Attached: christian tolerance.png (788x656
86.54 KB, 17.62K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:31
Attached: just wait for hitler.png (889x594
12.66 KB, 33.55K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:31
I don't like how a lot of these criticize Religion of Cuck™ for being against things that Zig Forums is also against. I mean, it's okay to point out inconsistencies in liberals; but validating their insane beliefs on any level seems like a mistake. It just means that you'll be able to fight them over Muslim immigration, instead of attacking leftism at its core.
Attached: counter-signal 3.png (733x657
28.25 KB, 28.28K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:32
Attached: liberal sees gun.jpg (968x1998
26.82 KB, 188.16K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:32
Attached: science loving liberal.png (1417x846
31.24 KB, 27.84K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:32
Attached: communism_never_tried.jpg (600x536
64.46 KB, 48.68K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:33
Attached: anti gun celebrities.jpg (640x637
80.84 KB, 68.31K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:34
Attached: triggered communists.png (967x888
575.9 KB, 754.26K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:34
Attached: trans rights 1.jpg (768x525
25.81 KB, 660.94K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:35
Attached: the west babysitting.jpg (960x960
53.27 KB, 134.97K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:36
Attached: local_mosque_gay_pride.jpg (819x1024
1.17 MB, 128.82K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:36
Attached: pencelightning.png (1555x1238
173.08 KB, 325.13K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:37
That last one is fucking great, the "I'm your white teacher" one, perfect.
March 24, 2018 - 02:38
Attached: recursive sam hyde weapon mods.png (1200x675
85.74 KB, 117.86K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:38
Attached: goverment repair kit.png (1200x1395
47.47 KB, 529.85K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:39
Attached: Hillary Autistic Screeching.png (612x432
1.82 MB, 192.91K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:40
Attached: go home jew.png (1498x1692
376.07 KB, 947.18K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:41
Attached: mudshark glasses.jpg (713x648
935.65 KB, 107.45K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:41
Attached: branco higher education.jpg (634x614
137.23 KB, 39.65K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:42
Attached: far left future.jpg (1024x576
128.93 KB, 128.04K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:44
Attached: if it aint broke break it.png (501x1140
107.03 KB, 402.19K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:45
Attached: grave desecration.jpg (1168x524
1.03 MB, 191.09K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:46
Attached: cargo cults - dawkins.webm (1280x720, 7.92M)
March 24, 2018 - 02:47
Attached: get a job tyrone.jpg (585x768
71.25 KB, 82.16K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:47
My quick lazy submission, I've definitely heard this argument.
Attached: 4d2.jpg_large.jpg (800x400, 133.48K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:47
Attached: man beats wife for deleting memes.jpg (889x374
55.14 KB, 284.79K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:48
Attached: 1488-comic 369 - Phenotype….png (574x385
66.54 KB, 36.38K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:49
Attached: merkel 'this is fine'.jpg (452x480
1.03 MB, 30.55K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:50
Attached: Lesley Stahl lying.jpg (1060x860
427.65 KB, 782.25K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:52
Attached: when your genetic line is dead.jpg (480x335
1.02 MB, 42.54K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:54
Attached: this triggers the jew.jpg (748x839
44.79 KB, 87.77K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:54
fuck, i made that third one! always good to see your memes alive.
March 24, 2018 - 02:57
Attached: after diversity.jpg (720x693
75.85 KB, 99.54K)
March 24, 2018 - 02:57
Attached: repetition of failure.gif (960x925
727.08 KB, 83.71K)
March 24, 2018 - 03:00
Here, I have a great one. 2nd pic is about the person I use in my videos.
Attached: WhatIuseforMyVideos.png (500x500
957.28 KB, 56.8K)
March 24, 2018 - 04:07
Hold up I got a even better one
Attached: Crazyismagic.png (1556x868, 439.29K)
March 24, 2018 - 04:23
Most of these are lame compared to the originals.
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (889x594, 17.25K)
March 24, 2018 - 04:28
Holy shit that's awesome.
Attached: 1501525692438.jpg (878x699, 148.95K)
March 24, 2018 - 08:58
< counter signaling memes
March 24, 2018 - 10:23
< cult of Christianity Genuinely, these kikes, everlastingly curse their Yahweh.
March 24, 2018 - 10:39
Christianity is a cult by definition.
March 24, 2018 - 10:56
Attached: southern.jpg (960x505, 90.44K)
March 24, 2018 - 11:03
Definitions designed by kikes…
March 24, 2018 - 11:15
whoever that is. memes are good.
March 24, 2018 - 12:41
According to the New Testament, yes. However, there is no historical evidence of that.
March 24, 2018 - 13:00
"source: a random screenshot that corroborates nothing I just said"
Attached: 1459742872026.jpeg (640x640, 44.17K)
March 24, 2018 - 13:09
Nice trips but then again Religion of Cuck™ and leftism are also compatible in surprisingly a lot of aspects. You can say that Muslims are redpilled due to their obsession with kikes but you also need to remember that they have always been pretty much Judaism 2.0. In fact the only common interest between a conservative/nationalist movement and an Religion of Cuck™ic one is the JQ. But history has shown that Muslims are just as jewy as actual jews, the slave trade being one example. The way most leftists view Religion of Cuck™ic "conservatism" as being similar to conservatism and right wing beliefs in general is also a false equivalence to make it seem as if they're standing against all religions equally, while they most certainly aren't.
March 24, 2018 - 13:09
Not even; Jesus himself called out the kikes for being the children of satan.
March 24, 2018 - 13:22