March for Our Lives livestream thread

So this cancer is today. Kikes have really riled up the useful idiots to beg for their own rights to be stripped from them.
Can't do an embed because its already up in another thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oy vey racists!

Las Vegas

What an especially dumb looking nigger. Here's hoping one of the nigs starts "bustin' a cap" around the protests.

There's a sticky

Sticky is for digging and exposing the people behind it, talking about the event itself would derail those efforts.

ben aflecs son? who dafug is this guy?

Is the March even worth it? Students cause harm to themselves anyway, every day.

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All these moderates thinking they're going to stop with "reasonable gun contol" are absolute idiots.

The youtube chat needs more Zig Forums. It's all a bunch of autistic teenage girls.

You'd save more lives by banning under 21 year olds from driving.

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Totally a 17 year old.

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we need to arm everyone with smartphones


And the joker

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Phosphorus fucking yidnigger

oy vey its anudda shoah



Holy shit, she just threw up on stage.

if dubs someone will die onstage



Hogg Dies


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So disgusting.

La vomita

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Oh yes

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Reminds me of 1984 when children wielded power to accuse adults of thought crimes.


The kids should be talking to each other, they are the ones shooting up the schools. bunch of retards.

Maybe a few guns would help their "revolution".


Spooky. They'll be dead or too fried from endless drugs, casual sex, and social shaming before they see their unarmed utopia on the horizon.

Filthy commie rats with their soy bodies think they stand a chance against middle America toppest of keks.

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Its on Saturday though. You couldn't have picked a more irrelevant place and day of the week than Saturday.

Its not a gun problem, its a nigger problem.

the political use of children is more disgusting than the shootings. this is some commie tier shit.

They won't need to. They'll force law enforcement to do it for them.
Better hope the economy holds up bc cops aren't doing that for free.

"Useful Idiots", The March

By tuesday this nonsense will be memory holed.


This should remind everyone of a key moment in American history.

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From an earlier interview:
David Hogg: “There is a lot of racial disparity in the way that this is covered. If this happened in a place of a lower socio-economic status or a place like a black community, no matter how well those people spoke, I don't think the media would cover it the same. … We have to use our white privilege now to make sure that all of the voices — all of the people that have died as a result of this and haven't been covered the same can now be heard. It's sad, but it's true.”



Hopefully this means he'll soon be eaten by his own comrades. I don't see why not. The oppression stack never fails to pound down the privileged.

when does the killing begin

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Gotta love the fact that you could insult every one of them


I don't think I have cringed this hard in a long time

Don't you see her tears? Why aren't you begging to have your guns confiscated yet?

she looks like a sithlord quitely looking over her horde of darkness

why wont she fucking speak?

She's cross eyed
A beaner
Enemy scum

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It can't speak

i wish i was there to throw a tomato


There's the Soros chants

the kikes trained her to respond to it

This nigger sheboon screaming is fucking nails on a chalkboard

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The whites there are having inner confusion over this , it's fucking funny. One of them is gonna snap I can feel it

Notice how many women there are.

Emma Gonzalez? She's more than just a beaner.

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No matter how many street-level Menshevik degenerates they flood your visible spectrum with, it is entrenched, jewish capital that wants your guns. Don't forget that or delude yourself that you are "in the club". Those with a monopoly on the means of counterfeit fear a genuine uprising.

Soros needs to switch up his chant-selection a bit, it's always so obvious. I wonder if this mob of soyboys, women and other assorted ZOGbots knows that they have been mobilized by the American Jewish oligarchs to throw America under its complete domination. I swear one of these days I will have to try to organize IRL, this is getting out of control

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This is quantum memetics at work my man , pleasure to have shitpost with you all
Gas them all this is fucking ridicule worthy

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Ahhh, user. I have bad news. They're telling the truth. That's not a Soros chant. Democracy really does look like that.

Was it determined to be a semite? It does look like one. Fucking disgusting

Her mother was a jew.

Every fucking time
Every single solitary god damned time
Nuke it. We're done here

Its a Soros chant, it being true doesn't change that. Its at all of the little marches he funds.

Who'd have thought.

I love division
I am not brother with any of those creatures up there

There's a surprising amount of pro-God talk here. One nig was quoting bible verses and this nig is talking about us being united under God. Don't see that at leftist rallies that much.


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Nigs are really into God, for better or worse.

A lot of them treat it like more food stamps. Keep asking God and eventually he'll give me what I want.

Poor chad

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Anyone find any counter protests? I only found a tiny one in Boston and I think it is over

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So much salt…

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Inb4 the voting age is too high

I just can't to stand to watch this shit for two minutes. It all feels so fake, staged and funded by the slimey kikes that it just makes my brain fired up. Normalfags are truly the NPCs of real life.

>we have seen the (((power))) of the media. It is their job to tell the (((truth)))!
I can't watch this shit anymore, its super obvious these people are just puppets of our Jewish overlords

That was the lowest energy abortion I've ever witnessed
I want a refund on the last two hours of my life. Or a pound of flesh (with salt to preserve it kek)

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bunch of kikes

Quoting MLK is another red-flag

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Martin Luther King's speech wasn't even intitally a huge event. It was just a quiet squeak in yet another autistic liberal rally in Washington.

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Did anyone just see that nigger on the Washington Post stream who said "ban assault weapons" fifty times? My biggest takeaway was what he said afterwards
Notice how he didn't say white. We're the enemy

They only talk about it because it's useful in the present moment. Come on, user. You oughta know this by now. Even Satan can quote Bible verses.

So nothing happened apart from autistic screeching?

Just celebrities and students giving gay speeches into their microphones to a mostly-female mass of Zogbots. I'm surprised the government hasn't completely capitulated