This actually happened in the early 80s.
Not long afterwards:
Do people just not understand how easy it is to take over all the government institutions in a city/county with just a few thousand dedicated followers and fake voters? The "Wild Wild Country" documentary details the exact process by which it already happened.
These people didn't just disappear when the commune was dissolved, they stayed faithful, they knew how to form corporations and all the details of political bullshit. They just learned that openly being a cult was bad branding.
Be cult leader
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't forget he also had his right-hand bitch poisoning every small-town white person who dared to stand up to the takeover. This youtube faggot with a very Teutonic name did a good piece on him, embed related. Sage because this isn't that good of a thread.
bumping because it is a pretty good thread to redpill people who don't believe it is possible for a cult to take over a local government and do shady shit.
Rajneesh group is living proof it happened. And more savy parties could do better elsewhere.
Learned about this group through Forensic Files, one of my favorite episodes. It's really crazy what these guys did.
If they did it, then other groups did similar stuff and got away with it and we never heard about it. Or they successfully discredited their critics and whistleblowers.
Bumping your own thread 1 post in because you (op) think it's a good thread. Of course you do faggot. Let your thread speak for itself. Negating your bump with a sage you bigger faggot
Checks out.
You also have other groups like the Branch Dividians that just wanted to be left alone and everyone knows what happened to them.
Just chill man, there is a smuggy thread up I'm sure there is room for this.
The crying lawyer was the worst. I quite liked Sheela. She was a bullshitter (you can't bullshit a bullshitter), but I liked her enthusiasm. The idiot AUS lackey retard fucking her kid and family up, up rooting them to fucking shithole India??? Her husband, at the time, must have been a real faggot to let that shit happen. Otherwise, I feel bad for the town folk, lol they got the last laugh anyway. Oh, and the hotel bombing that basically set everything off, I bet the cult members did that. What a documentary! But stupid title Wild Wild Country. How about "The Rajneeshees".
They couldn't even take over with a town of 40. LOL! But they almost did!
sages aren't downvotes you newfag. yeah I'm sure I should just let a newshill like yourself shit on my posts because your opinion is so valid
what is important to note about Sheela is that she is/was a psychopath. she'll smile while she lies at you and gaslight you to think you're crazy that you'd ever think anything she was doing was evil.
there are a LOT of people just like Sheela and they frequently rise to positions of power. And it is important for people to be able to spot them.
It is funny in part of the Documentary a federal agent goes to say "It was clear she was a…well she is a person who lacks empathy"
probably because calling someone a psycho like that might be defamation without 'proof' and actually getting that diagnosis for real has serious prohibitions on life oppportunities.
I especially like the part where they guy was accused of being a "conspiracy nut" for suggesting the cult had intentionally poisoned the community as revenge. Those cultists show just how stupid and sheep-like the average person is if you give them all the bread, sex, and circuses they want.
A better name would be "The cult that the ATF should have burned alive instead."
Ariana Huffington, ala the liberal website huffington post and big wheel of the Democratic party, was a member of that cult. So it checks out.
Oregonfag here, always heard about the Rajneeshes growing up but was surprised about how fucking crazy the whole thing was. It's a pretty good documentary but also sympathized the cult and plays up the anti white rural Christian idiot angle too much.
Why does this sound familiar?
The bomber was part of a Muslim extremest group not surprising but the show never goes into it.
Pretty interesting especially if you like /x/ style stuff.
I think there is another cult in Gresham called oculus anubi and one of the members was involved in a huge fraud scheme against the state. I haven't been able to find more beyond the fraud stuff tho.
good vid
Amazing how every cult story goes exactly the same, but people keep falling for them.
This guy's production quality is pretty top. His video with Internet Historian was my favorite anime crossover
What is going on at 5:11?
his videos are chill as fuck, there's one he made about how trolling is healthy for the mind. What's great is that he openly says he's a nobody he just calls shit as he sees it.
wow that shit's crazy, never really looked into this dude
lack of Internet mainly, im sure this shit died down some
Cults are the basic unit of human society. A single alpha, his whores, and his secondaries.
I feel like sandnigers are infecting time itself.
This is I agree a microcosm of what is occurring in the west today save for the fact that ultimately the Government sided with the natives rather than sponsor the invading group.
Everyone should watch Wild Wild Country to see peak Californian Boomer on display, they are totally without empathy, lack the ability of self reflection and to make matters worse they don’t seem to be ageing.
is a*
Oregon here, those faggots have a bad reputation but there are so many weirdos out here that they're outclassed. I'm by Ashland and that's one of the weirdest places in the USA, pound for pound in the world.
Honestly the rednecks didn't even fuck with those faggots until it became known that they were instituting a conspiracy to take over the whole area.
The guru was the guy they modeled that cult leader character on in The Simpsons.
Also weird, Fairfield, Iowa but it's not a failed colony at all, they're rich as Nazis.
kek we're everywhere
He's typical of the trick Guru, he knows a bunch of fancies for the mind and can probably lead a person into trancendental meditation which is very intense and stunning especially your first time, so he can probably induce a powerful program of hypnosis and psychic manipulation. Once you know these kinds of tricks and techniques they become hucksterish but they can powerfully enchant a normie.
I bet he fucked a lot of broads after hypnotizing them.
That's scary.
Read Osho, he is based as fuck. The person of this magnitude shows up once a century.
lul. please learn more about the man before you say anything.
It's STILL operating in Australia, Northern NSW.
And the crazy second in command bitch is operating two elderly nursing homes in Switzerland..
This shit is just about control.
Set up community independent of (their) oversight,programs, currency system.
Turn shit land in to an oasis of farm land and a safe community.
Gain funding for said community without needing their resources. Basically selling an idea and a service organically generated.
They realize your community cannot be acceptable or others may follow suit.
turn media against you.. empower a small group of old people who likely could have made a mint selling their homes and property to fight for shit hole. Most people only retired there because they were not well off enough to retire somewhere good.
Use force to bomb them…. "conservative white male did it"
Logical next step is protection which is a prerequisite for any society.
Shit goes south from there.
A group of sheer degenerates can form a functioning society based on a common idea.. flourish.. only to get completely fucking railroaded.
Imagine if a non degenerate society were created in the same manner.
He is Osho. He changed his name to Osho after the Oregon debacle. You know that, right?
Jesus how easily are your feelings hurt. Get over yourself cunt.
I know all his names. This documentary was more about commune and politics than about man himself.
Ok. What do you like about his teachings?
There's no bullshit. He's very clear and direct.
Read the Vedas or Gathas if you really need eastern aryan spirituality.
I don't want "spirituality", it's all poetry and word plays, i want truth.
Unbelievable that the Swiss allow a psychopath known for mass poisonings and bio-weapons to care for the elderly. You can tell that bitch is pure evil. No remorse, no concern for others.
it's strange, his lectures seem chill as fuck and make sense. being this was 40 years ago i never knew the shit the guy was into on the side. Guess I can't blame a man for trying to obtain power, doesn't make shit he says any less true like how society brainwashes kids to tell them what to love, because natural love brings rebellion. That shit helped me get redpilled.
Basally his videos are ASMR. i didn't find his shit off the wall just relaxing, doesn't make me want to suck his dick and buy him a rolex.
Why is it always the same?
TM is simply a program to achieve a certain state. Maybe this guy never even opened his third eye.
are you sure?
cause you are venerating a non white
you fucking cuck
Osho commented on every technique possible, he know about third eye. His private library was one of the largest in the world.
Interesting thread OP.
Just starting reading some books about this sort of thing from /pdfs/.
The Louise Samways book in that thread is a decent short read, going to get onto The Charisma Myth next.
Not to the same level, but there is another cult town not far from there, over the border.
So does anyone with the ability to stop for more than two seconds. I swear people are so secularized the most basic magical shit makes them think you are a god.
Hey, I'm changing the world too spreading ideas, I just don't need a harem of lolis and the mayor and police under my thumb. Give me some good deals at the grocery store and a decent price on premium unleaded and I'm happy.
That's kind of the point.
My theory is that hypersexual men are secretly gay and get off on "beating" other men in a soyboy, passive-aggressive faggoty way.
My theory is that hypersexual men turn gay because other hypersexual men are looking to get off and they just find each other for the sexual release.
I didn't say he was bullshit, but anything who knows the truth does not go about the world like how Osho did.
Call me a romantic. I'd probably just jerk off.
You are correct. There are two homosexualities, active/masculinized and passive/feminized, and they have different psychologies.
fucking lol
you just claimed some bullshit, and i just said you are wrong. calm down.
what he did? sitting in his room and meditating 24/7? giving speeches? what you know about him? stop giving in to the sensationalism of the journalists. search for yourself. there's no ready answers. you will shit on him but wouldn't bat an eye about crimes that all organized religions inflicted on humanity and still continue to do. and they seems to know how to go about the world, huh?
I'm not the person you were responding to. Check the IDs.
Looks like we got ourselves a true believer, boys.
Yep. They poisoned the town. LOL
And then american government poisoned Bhagwan with tallium.
I just admire the fact that he was the only enlightened master in the history to go against all religions. Most others would say something along the lines that there's hidden truth in all religions, they won't confront believers.
He probably poisoned himself. If the tapes of him asking the doctor for poison "painless death" then burying it int he ground for him to use on a Master Day, are true, then he probably succeed in poisoning himself to death in India. You say he was enlightened, maybe, but how enlightened was it to do the opposite of what everyone else was doing? Meh. I don't really care. I have family members who visited, worshiped, Sai Baba back in the day and they are still bat shit crazy.
From wiki
his body suffered from poisoning so maybe at some point he decided to cease the suffering. it's such a loss that he died so early.
Weren't most of his "followers" Americans/AUS/Europeans? If he was such a awesome guru why didn't the Indian people support him? Probably because they knew he was full of shit. But whatever, who cares. If you found some truth within his teachings then good for you. I am always supportive when finding other seekers. Good luck to you.
there's billion of indians, do you think they all should have supported him? he have indian followes and free intellectuals in india like him, but the religious majority, the masses is always less intelligent, less understanding. you will be surpised, but osho proposed forced sterilization of poor indians (street shitters). if you don't like osho's style, i can recommend to you echart tolle - he is western teacher, and saying the same truth but in other language.
*gangstalkers hired by the federal government
**extorting money out of him because he was indian
your stupid perp shit doesn't work on the redpilled faggot, north indians are based and certainly more based than I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass losers.
my bad, the story with drugs was before his poisoning. (i still didn't see entire documentary, 2 ep. left). that's interesting. so if not for sheela's stupid actions we wouldn't had more osho's wisdom?
Tolle is fine, but for me, doesn't go deep enough. I like Robert Monroe, Huxley, esoteric knowledge of the other realms. Stuff like that.
And Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda.
What wisdom do you seek? About what?
about transformation of the inner. all this esoteric stuff is pointless if it doesn't change you, it's basically spiritual fantasy.
Agreed. Are you speaking about metaphysics? How to use your mind in the nonphysical. What inner transformation do you speak of?
Also, have you seen the movie I Heart Huckabees?
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised and censoring any real criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus spending bill.
The omnibus is a massive backstab to Trump's base:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain strictly neutral on any political issue.
Cults can only exist because there are some good ideas within them, seriously go do some digging into the tenets of literally any cult, there are always some pearls of genuine wisdom or reasonable thought processes conducive towards self improvement or improvement of your surroundings. That and what said.
Cults exist because they are one of the several default states humans organize when left to their own devices or when they choose to leave behind one consensus reality for another.
people are lost and easy to manipulate.
You sound like you’re already in a cult user. Perhaps you are seeking power over your captors, and think this guy will give it to you. Not if you’re posting about it on this site.
Faggots are faggots, don’t put too much value into their behavior. They don’t deserve the attention.
The kid selling chocolate bars door to door for his hockey tournament has decent chocolate, and is for a good cause, but there is always (((someone))) getting a cut. In this case the cult leader gets young pussy (or boys, depending on their sexual preference). It's still exploitative.
I don't have to go down on the librarian so she'll show me where the cross-directories are. (As much as I might enjoy that.)
The Russian (((revolution))) came into being by 160 "devoted" (tricked) people (cultists).
And if it was so easy for people to see through manipulation, it would not work whatsoever.
Please move to /zenpol/
Zig Forums is compromised. It is controlled opposition and a honeypot.
Zig Forums is deliberately censoring criticism of Trump for signing the omnibus spending bill.
The omnibus means whites have no future in the United States. Trump was whites' last chance to save themselves, and this is the bill Donald Trump signed:
-No funding for any border wall–just 33 miles of fence.
-No money for wall prototypes. Only “operationally effective designs" already in use.
-Prohibits hiring of ICE field agents. Fewer than 100 support jobs allocated–not field agents.
-Reduces the current number of beds for detained illegals–about 40,761–by about 250. Fewer illegals can be detained.
-H-2B foreign worker visas increased by 100,000.
-Prohibits cutting federal funding from sanctuary cities. Remember that, per the courts, a president cannot cut this funding on his own.
-Massive $1.3 trillion omnibus gives 3.1 billion to Israel and billions to various middle eastern countries like funding for Afghani women police while leaving America's border unsecure.
-The military will not fund the wall or assist building it. Mattis's policy is to remain neutral on any political issue.
So you'll only draw a tenth of my sexual energy after a good pounding? How generous of you.
I watched this last week, and I felt like I was watching a documentary of the modern left. They use the exact same rhetoric, the exact same subversion of the democratic process, they use similar means of harassment etc. I don't this didn't originate with these people, but they are a clear-as-day example of how easily our voting processes are to undermine. They are a clear as day example of how easily our way of life can be usurped using our own liberties and freedoms. These days I tell people, you can't extent liberty to those who seek to destroy it. Liberty is only reserved for those who earn it. We need to defend it. Liberty is for us, not them.
Damn, I need to check my grammar before posting. Oh well, fuck it, it's Zig Forums, who gives a shit…
Horseshit. Cults exist because of Monarch-style brainwashing techniques that are scientifically proven to work. Engage emotions - break them down - build them back up based on stimuli of your choosing - enjoy your new slaves. The techniques have been around for millennia. See NXVIUM - no one is immune, and our permissive, "open-minded," post-modern culture only makes it easier.
My theory is that hypersexuality is the result of abnormal mental development (such as too much porn, being molested as a child etc.), through which process you lose sense of boundaries and natural attractions, and are hyper focused on pleasure over all things, and thus if your mental development involved a path which drives the over sexualization of things that could lean homosexual (cuckoldry for example), you'll probably find yourself developing a homosexual attraction as a means to attain pleasure. Maybe some men are just naturally attracted to men, but I've always thought most homosexuals are just highly sexually depraved (craving pleasure/orgasms like a crackhead craves drugs). I mean, you don't see normal people walking half naked in parades sticking their arms up each other's butts. You only see gay people doing that. There has to be a reason for it.