I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this yet.
Hotpocket Edit:
Introduced by
Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] (Introduced 02/26/2018)
Picture of the kike
I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this yet.
Hotpocket Edit:
Introduced by
Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] (Introduced 02/26/2018)
Picture of the kike
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus Christ, protest this bill going through, call your local Congress critter
Pick one.
shall not be infringed
"Assault weapon" is an arbitrary, nonsensical term. All weapons should be legal and unregulated.
Introduced by
Rep. Cicilline, David N. [D-RI-1] (Introduced 02/26/2018)
Gas this motherfucker
god i hate trump
( banned )(ironic shitposting is still shitposting)
This is what the jewtool looks like.
dead reps can't introduce jack shit to congress
t. the fucking fbi
Really makes me think.
tbh, I spent all my energies last year trying to get more politicians to follow Trump's anti esoteric immigration stance.
I'm sure someone in this thread will call anyways.
Just merge that piece of shit state with MA already
So, does this bill not do anything while pretending it does?
guess again
thanks, fbi-kun. Do you mind doing it first though?
How organic and natural
So he is a kike
by jewtool i thought you meant shabbos goy; but he's not just a kike, he's gay too
I thought he did have semitic features with the nigger nose and monkey lip but wasn't sure.
Underrated post.
Didn't see any legislation on that yet, TORpedo.
What are chances of this passing? Considering full scale assault on the guns that is going everywhere, like literally everywhere, i give it 20%.
what really tipped me off was how similar he looked to sheriff israel
i noticed kikes will often frown when posing in pictures as if to appear less jewish
Good catch
Looks like the bump stock ban is happening.
Their is a comment period of 90 days, we need to flood them like we did with the m855 ammo ban that we stopped.
Can anyone find the link? I can't seem to find it on the DOJ site or Federal registar, google only turns up the one from Dec 2017.
How long until someone shoots up a school with a nail gun?
>to make it a crime to knowingly import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess a semiautomatic assault weapon
Sorry judge, I didn't know. All the boxes were marked "Freedom Toys"
Sorry judge, my minigun is built into a defense platform, thus it's not a weapon that can be used for "assaulting" any obstacles.
Or acid attack, or bus attack, or improvised bomb. It's not the guns, it's the people. Ban assault races.
Of all the incidents in the last two years the perpetrators barely add up to 1 1/2 white people.
But it's raciss to point that out.
You need significant pressure on the end of a nail gun for it to fire. ie: pressed against a wall. If you're just holding it and pull the trigger, nothing will happen. You'd have to use your offhand to "disable" the safety. You'd be better off running up to people with it than trying to use it like a firearm, and at that point you might as well just use a blade or something else.
LOL! You seriously think that? The safety mech in any item is piss easy to circumvent should one be so inclined. Microwaves not working with the door open never stopped the Serbs from taking down stealth bombers in the 90s.
It's very simple to weld or J.B. Weld that safety in the back position.
I just said you need to use a second hand to get around the safety mechanism. I never said you couldn't fire it.
Which cucked nail guns are you using that need two fucking hands? because such a thing sure as shit wouldn't sell in freedomland.
Two hands if it's not against something because otherwise it wouldn't fire. You two are intentionally misunderstanding me and I'm dropping this conversation to not derail this thread any further.
couldn't you use tape?
There's nothing wrong with the term as originally used. It just describes a relatively short and light select fire rifle chambered for an intermediate cartridge. The Germans came up with it during WW2 when the StG-44 was developed, StG literally means 'assault rifle' (or even more literally 'storm rifle', in the sense of storming a building).
It's just kikes twisting definitions to suit their goals, as always.
Pic related for the full experience.
There won't be any legislature. It's going to be a regulation.
Why is this bad? Do you want Antifa and MS13 to have assault weapons?(>Why is (((gun control))) bad?)
enjoy your ban
Wouldn't requiring these laws to be applied to LEOs and Federal agencies kill the laws because they wouldn't want to be restricted like everyone else would be?
pick one
kek'd and saved. Thanks.
Link to the bill on congress? It's in OP.
I don't think you've ever touched a nail gun in your life.
The fuck is wrong with you redditfags!
It’s okay. It’s for trump 4D chest
This gets introduced every year and every year it dies in committee. I'm not saying ignore it, but keep it in perspective.
Rossi Circuit Judge was forced out "Banned?" "Shall not be infringed" has been infringed quite a bit.
Arms; noun, arm as "a means (as a weapon) of offense or defense.
Weapon; noun, an instrument of attack or defense.
Where is my Missile? I filed my one way flight plan with the FAA, and put a tail number on it? Hot air balloons are allowed to crash land? WTF?
I hope somebody beats this faggot to death with a rock.
Ex-carpenter here, most pneumatic nailguns can have the safety mechanism held back with your finger, but it doesn't shoot nails very hard. With powder actuated nailguns you can lock a pair of visegrips on the barrel and hold it back to fire. Those redcapped bullets send nails flying like a motherfucker.
being a serb, this whole american gun thingie always seemed silly to me
since i was 10 years old i've had easy access to 30mm man portable mortars, land mines, aks, svd snipers, light machineguns (what you see as heavy machineguns in movies/games), and heavy machineguns (those require tripods and fire bullets bigger than your biggest finger)
not even to mention that every other man i've met has some actual combat experience (weird how unlike your army that is just welfare queens where 5% saw combat, almost no one has ptsd), and this is what most of the vets told me:
in the actual armed conflicts, small arms are as useful as helmets or boots
aka absolutely and utterly irrelevant, mere psychological factor to bait infantry to march out and obtain enemy artillery positions when it opens fire on them
no, absolutely not, i love guns, i just never understood this uniquely american hobbyist lifestyleist "warrior" mentality
nigger go back to drinking beer and eating diabetes while watching superhero tv, hope they napalm you with your own tax money just because of the annoyance you do on the internet
That wording is guarded by an threat should they infringe it. Guess what? They've in infringed the fuck out of it, and nobody did anything but cry.
So now they come for your shit and most of the sheep are going to roll over and accept it. I am ok with that. The fewer guns in the hands of 300 million people the better. That way when I or others like me simply take what is ours by right, its easier.
Whats funny, the fools in charge thinks this will empower them. They have no idea now. Such weak mewling fools, leading even weaker cowed faggots. Best to drop any pretense of this bullshit 'constitution' and accept the boons only predators deserve.
and just while im still here:
i hope someone blows up a WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL with napalm, with missile, with catapults, with high explosive, with gas based something, chemistry, with some incredibly illegal thing
no, i dont care, as i said i dont even live in usa, i just want to see the libshits over there, what will they attempt next?
i just want to see american libshit leftist reaction when the next massacre is carried out by blatantly illegal things anyway, wonder what will their thought process be
this peak sheltered, peak bubble life, i have this itch of watching what happens to someone when the bubble bursts, what is their next thing in their lives when they figure out that all the world ills
What most lefties tend to forget is how there are also school shootings that happened in European countries with ultra strict gun laws. Since they couldn't blame gunlaws because guns already were supposed to be unaccessible through law, they conveniently changed the topic and blamed videogames instead.
TL;DL, if a lefty blams gunlaws for school shootings ask them how there are still school shootings in European countries where guns are near impossible to get legaly. They 404 pretty quickly.
Disabling the safety of a nailgun isn't rocket science you know.
Merely introducing something like this should get him castrated. I'm dead serious.
This officially kicks off Civil War 2.0 from using the (((judicial system))) against us to armed conflict.
Well gentlemen, it's been an honor and a privilege shitposting with you.
Who are you even talking to?
And let me give you a rough idea of why this is and the psychological differences.
When you think of a police officer, the chances are, you think of a specific person - probably named Sergei. In the UK, it's the Uniform. Same goes for the USA.
The idea of war and government is such a wholly abstract idea that here, there is no such pragmatism. Many of the people who protest and beg the police to work have never actually encountered the police or had to call them. I more often pity the poor bastards because I get the distinct impression from each that they are completely disillusioned and will, soon enough, be replaced with political hardliners and mercenaries.
In Serbia, there have been significant conflicts in living memory, alongside a governmental system which forced a surplus of arms.
In the USA, it's a hobby. But the issue you are overlooking is that heavy weapons are not the ideal to use within the USA against the population at large. They are expensive and if you keep bombing them, they will no longer pay for the bombs.
If americans don't react vigorously now with counter protests and actual shit that matters, you will be reduced to a constant string of single arrests for unlawful possession which the media demonizes as terrorism.
You must act as a whole now, and the whole must move to prevent any harm to each individual.
I'm pretty sure the guy who introduced this bill glows in the dark.
You know what to do to those types.
The idea that the government in your part of the world wont use 'heavy weapons' as you call them for some easily demonstrable wrong reason, and will instead tie its hands behind its back and let you go at it with your small arms is utterly insane tho.
Your government especially, is almost killing people for fun. While not quite at those levels, it is not only nearing them every day more and more, but not even tsar of Russia had the powers your federal government does.
In case it ever comes to that, I am fairly certain they will bombard whole cities from orbit.
Didnt they send in mechanized battalion of atf and fbi and so on against civilians at ruby ridge, waco and who even knows where else anyway?
Never understood this american limp wristed patriotism, 'ooh look at me i got a small arm im invincible' nah man you either hit the technical books and build a god damn fucking radar, jammer, real guns like artillery, you go all the fucking way, see what happens
Liberals would willingly sacrifice children to get what they want.
I'll bite. Pic related.
You dont need to police a dead population.
All American heavy industry is in China, you dont even have any factories over there. Robots can do whatever the fuck you do as a civilian. Your government needs only its military, and by military really I mean the NSA analysts who are actually running the things over there, not the charade and cirkus your politics are.
Your own highest ranked government warned you about your own military industrial complex shortly after the world war, nearly 100 years ago.
United States is not a.. national nation. There is no race there, no culture, not even a language of your own. Just a whole bunch of psychopaths lording over infinite sprawling brown hordes. If you are an American civilian, and the alphabet soup overlords decide the civilian population isnt needed anymore, it IS getting bombarded from orbit.
Because the U.S. doesn't require taxpayers for funding. Your post is just plainly incoherent like you didn't take your meds, or you took someone else's meds.
You git gud with tools.
You're funny.
Yeah, nah. It's an extremely tiny % of the people who are actually needed for the lightbulb to shine, very small number of engineers who make all the mechanization and tractors for food, all the electricity, all the machine parts and tools, manufacture, you name it.
Not even to mention that over half of your STEM phd's are foreign born.
America is not even ran by the "americans", whatever that term even means today.
i just going to leave this here.
Killdozers could serve as our “Hussite War Wagons” (The original had firing holes) if we find a way to make them without having to weld ourselves inside.
Congress needs to become afraid of supporting legislation like this.
I think it's hilariously obvious that they expect us to just hand over our second amendment rights without a fight whatsoever - I mean, I guess so far they've been proven right.
When they think people are sufficiently demoralized and tired of fighting it they'll just go after ammunition manufacturers. Very few people reload their ammunition.
Yeah, but many people feel more moonman than ever and wouldn't stop at even unwinnable fights now.
They don't even have time or energy to get away with the banning of semi automatic, magazine-fed rifles. Day of the Rope is within 5 years at most.
power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
the US is on a quest for total world domination, including it's citizens. Many of which are new citizens not invested in the history of founding of the US
Notice how his brow fuses with his nasal ridged and that his eyebrows curve into it, like a dog or cat. Every jew I have every seen always carries this trait.
True, but a dead population does not produce things of worth. A dead population does not create films, purchase items, or pay taxes. A dead population does not a nation make.
Do you not understand where food comes from? There's more goods than what comes out of China.
You don't know a damn thing about us, Serb. I don't expect you to like us after that bullshit NATO pulled but don't pretend you understand how things are over here. There's more to the US than what you see in media or on Zig Forums.
a potato gun/toy rocket is not a tow
fuck off you dumb faggot
You're acting like a shill.
You also don't get any benefit from being the tyrannical ruler of a wasteland or wilderness.
Bullshit. America is the #2 manufacturer in the world.
Feelings hurt because NSA also gets to spy on people? DOTR soon, CIA.
By all of the bomb satellites that totally exist? Or is it the US military that would bomb Washington DC before they'd bomb their own people?
Learn more about how shills operate, because you were arguing with one.
Because everyone who wants to work in STEM comes to American universities. America utterly dominates the whole world in science, these Asian countries that have caught up on manufacturing are not within an order of magnitude of the level of science the US produces.
True, this won't be going on much longer. People will be fed up and once casualties start happening over wrongful gun seizure, it'll start the fires.
pic related
Cuckservatives are truly most frustrating people on the planet. Most are not willingly cucks, they simply don't pay attention and refuse to believe how insane the world has gotten. They believe, despite direct contradiction with reality, the boomer CivNat rhetoric they were indoctrinated with since kids. They let Democrats go Hogg wild ;^) with gun control, and barely say a word except that we have to ban memestocks. It doesn't help that since the GOP are in power they think they have no reason to pander to their base and think they can skate to reelection. The recent gun control talk is troubling, but it is sideshow compared to the real problem. If immigration is not fixed, in the coming decades, Mexicans and other non-Americans will vote to nullify or flat out repeal the 2nd Amendment. After that all bets are off and the US will break up probably after some sort of civil war.
This board is literally the shitpost metropol if there is one in this world.
You do realize the government can just.. print those bills, right?
Name one thing China doesnt build cheaper, that you are making over there.
The algorithms are better than most civilian intellectuals, and those mechanized arms are better than most civilian/commercial labor.
Here's the thing: we both know your country is actually ran by shadowy alphabet soups. Who dont need you. And can bombard you from orbit. Not even to mention they already have multiple carriers, that have nuclear reactors, support 40.000 crew, their own kinetic point defense systems (vulcan auto cannons) and also missile systems, latest electronic warfare, radars, computers, missiles….
It's the current year. Civilian population is obsolete to the American government. Literally more trouble than worth. Being a subdued servile colony of the (((chosen people))), they can just replace goyim with machines when it comes to labor, they already did all the spying and medical testing and human experimentation and you name it.
gas yourself
Yeah that worked real fucking well for Venezuela you braindead dipshit.
Don't forget Weimar Germany printing bills like that too.
This has started recently though. And it fucking sucks. I think there is a new mod who is cockroach’s friend irl and barely knows anything about imgboards except going on cuckchan’s /b/ from time to time just to see some dicks.(>>>/polmeta)
You faggots need to swim better.
And learn where and how to shit on the waterslide.
Heemeyer wanted to make absolutely sure he didn't get stopped before he was done, but he very easily could've had a hatch on the Killdozer.
Is your brain rotten from too much cheap vodka or were you born this retarded?
I don’t expect you to know much about economics, being from a Warsaw Pact hellhole and all, but come on.
Killdozers are usually black though
This is a stupid thing ignore it
I know Satan…Fuckin kikes…Goddamn fuckin kikes.
a.) This bill has been only introduced. congress.gov
b.) They (Democrats) have tried to push this last year also.
c.) Pic Related
Yeah, like, it is well known that Serbian army is the most powerful and badass in the world. Funny how you’re talking about war technology when yours is still at WW1 tier, and be happy European countries(the good ones, who can nuke your whole country down with a small payload) are willing to sell you actual weapons. I could go on for a whole fucking book to describe how your army is equivalent to a dickgnat. And you with your middle school math and obvious absence of actual knowledge of war technology want to prove what ? Go fuck yourself and deal with your majorly gypsy blood running in your veins
What even is all this. Go to cuckchan if you want "my dad can beat up your dad" bullshit.