Listen up goy, Snowden Documents expert here.
I bet the reason Israel is grey in BOUNDLESSINFORMANT is because the NSA spying on Israel is so sensitive and so compartmented and so Need-to-Know that it's not allowed to be exposed in the NSA's fancy dashboards projected on the NOC wall of the Cybership Enterprise bridge at Ft Meade.
I bet you NSA absolutely data rapes the shit out of the Kikes, just like they do to everyone. I bet you the NSA team spying on ZOG are so horrified by what they see, watching the hook nosed merchants scurrying into America's crevices, bragging among themselves about back stabbing the Goy, about their hatred of America and their blood lust to genocide all white Christian people, and I bet you that NSA team is so pissed off at Zion and red pilled that the only reason they aren't full Seig Heil is because revealing their Power Level to their (((Chain of Command))) would get them court martialed.
I bet NSA knows every treacherous plot, every saboteur, and every betrayal done by the Kikes, but they are powerless to stop it. Because who the fuck is NSA going to tell? The Pentagon brass are all foreskin eating Mohelim. The Congress bosses of the Pentagon are all literal Israeli dual-citizens or blackmailed into allegiance to Zion since their pizzagate rape tapes are stored under a Cineplex near the Gilot highway junction outside Tel Aviv,
and the President is always as good as a Mossad officer, because any Candidate who doesn't suck Kike cock is politically destroyed years before they might run for President.
Documents leaked by Snowden show the NSA hacks Israel's drones to steal a copy of their video feeds.
Right there Snowden revealed NSA had the #2 Israeli diplomat under Full Take surveillance.
Someday soon, the full Snowden Cache will be decrypted, and I bet we'll all see hundreds and thousands of files proving NSA spies on Israel so thoroughly, that it can only mean our Ekected Officials are guilty of treason for ignoring the SIGINT evidence proving that Israel is NOT an ally of America, but a PARASITE.
Attached: IMG_6171.JPG (310x163, 36.76K)