Brit/pol/ #2790: Chad Lads Edition

Nigel Farage’s one-man band triumphantly marches on through the Tory heartlands

Grassroots Welsh Tories deliver deeply damaging blow to Prime Minister Theresa May

A woman accused of being a neo-Nazi terrorist claimed she only entered a Miss Hitler beauty pageant because she was pestered into it, a court has heard

McDonald's plastic straw petition: Call to ditch paper straws

Trump repeats unproven claims of GCHQ spying

US conservative says he would rather a child remain in an orphanage than be adopted by a gay couple

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for annexing Ireland

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xth for Red-Brown Alliance

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Can we change the 'Drinks Guinness' part tbh

Also found a bog in the middle of the woods. Felt like home

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Pretty silly considering Guinness was a staunch Unionist and supplied the British forces.

Isn't that the point though?


what a very conservative statement

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literally brave new world like lmao just make a society that isn't shitty

it's almost like humanity had faith structures for several thousand years that solved this problem but let's deconstruct all of them then get high on chemicals that have only been around for 0.01% of human history this is totally normal

>"gee we sure are sad a lot, maybe drugs will help?"

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Nah tbh, get rid of the system if it's gotten that bad.

It's infuriating that we've had to go through these steps when it feels like we've got the answer to our problems already, yet we just have to watch the train crash happen unable to do anything.

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We have had the Answer for centuries and yet you still have the defilers trying to do the devil's work.

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every single modern movement is

Why did anybody tell me Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad knocked out an antifa with one punch in Swindon?

pepe spotted

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God really is the most patient Father.

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the crux was in the 1960s when the free love movement emerged destroyed 19th century romanticism which was the only form of metaphysical beauty that survived the enlightenment

j e j

an irredeemable cretin even before I read the posts


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kek it's cuckchan irl

sometimes forget that that georgia and armenia once upon a time were great powerful states. that's adorable kek

the utter state

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are ye a bog trotter lad?

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looks like Popular Youtuber, Sargon of Akkad's death squad

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my orbital sides

tbh he’s one of those antifa nonces who took photos of himself in Syria 2 miles behind any fighting.

Absolute mental spastic.

wait wtf is that intended to be pissed in?

Love Edward Dutton tbh lads

Yeah it's a street urinal.


A bloke on YT who talks about all sorts, including intelligence and race. He's also a proper Mortimer

wow the absolute state
inb4 radfems want female street urinal

This is so fucking disgusting

The girl is so clearly being used but any criticism would just be met with "omg how could you be so mean to a little girl?!"

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fucking commies

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Good lads

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KEEEEEEEEEEK if only this had actually happened

I'm Welsh yeah

wtf I love ISIS now

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the grin on her dads face in the middle

scoobs, kurds, roma
all nomadic peoples are obnoxious

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should give up on suits and just go bare-chested tbh

He's not big lad fat though lad, it's not built on beer and bacon butties.

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who's this tbh

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fire from heaven is the only answer tbh

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keeeeeeek thanks for the pass, Obama


Do you think migrants actually self-identify as chilluns?

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FBI tracks down guy from Zig Forums and intimidates him. Free speech is over in USA

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Can't wait for forced memmies

30 years ago - pre his hair plug days - he ran as well
He's an expert at talking a lot and saying nothing
He'll go as far this time. Yesterday he said he had world leaders ringing him up and begging him to run. He helped precipitate Ukraine and threw his son onto the board of an energy company over there established in the wake of the "revolution"
Would laugh hard if Putin raped him with a russki rocket
God please make it happen

you should run for president lad

Lawless Britain: Shocking figures reveal there are now two killings a DAY on UK streets as number of homicides soars to highest level for TEN YEARS amid a rise in robberies, GBH and knife crime

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no we need a secessionary movement from the 'federal' government (i.e. the chesapeake/hudson bay city states)

i don't really go out anyway.

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a year of people trying to recreate 2016.


why are welshmen so violet?

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Essex and Cambridgeshire are getting hit hard.

It's a new lap record!

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Balkanisation would be the least worst option for America at this point

talking to feds without a lawyer

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yeah my tax dollars could actually be used to solve midwestern problems and not building some gay fucking wall for the texans or bombing shitskins or funding scoobydoo bullshit. we need to stop the filthy leaves from running oil lines through the great lakes but they just pay off the state governments


Utterly retarded saying a word, who is Jared? Codemonkey?

wew what a dumbshit, even when I got in trouble with the local PD I never said anything except yes sir no sir

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Been walking lately and aside from steep hills it surprised me how I could just keep walking despite being fat and out of shape. Based human body

I don't know how much longer I can do this

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fake news merchant!
France is looking spicy as well. Think the first civil war in Europe will start there tbh

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lmao trying to get him to be an informer
holy fuck the government is so disgusting

don't do anything silly lad go campig for a while and clear your head

any day now

Who designs these maps? Pawel or Patel?

look forward to all the middle class whites and 2nd time refugees pouring into our "country" when it does kick off properly


im gen-z and im ready to machinegun everyone in that image

you lads are lucky I hope we get one as well. I hope a second mexican american war breaks out. I am so sick of how arrogant brownskins are these days

Fuck that if France collapses they have plenty of land borders to cross.

Why were you banned lad?

have you lads been training alot for memi habbening? I have been doing martial arts almost everyday for a year now, boxing, judo, karate and arm lock chinese boxing tripping stuff. I hope that will make me last longer in the FEMA camps

I'm more angry at our own. I want our traitors pulled apart by horses the browns can just be repatriated or shot.